First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Ha ha Terri...perfect! And not like they are in a baby daddy situation. So not offending them personally. It was like they were offended for me. Or they thought I didn't know what I was saying.
MrsL - I'm sorry that your IUI didn't work out, especially with your period coming late and everything. We're all here for you as you start with the IVF process. :hug:

LadySosa - Wow. It sounds like you're keeping busy. You're doing it right though - keep busy with fun stuff and trips. :) I am very jealous of your beach condo. Sounds absolutely amazing.

Babyw - Thanks for the registry tips. Have fun on your trip!

Beagle - Ugh. People are so annoying. Tell them to mind their own business. :)
MrsL, don't get discouraged. I too had 3 failed IUI's and success on the 1st round for TTC Jack. It was maddening, why didn't it work this time? Well the 1st round of IVF worked for us and after 3 iui's we didn't skip a month, we went right into it and I have to say it was not bad at all. I hate needles and it was very easy and felt like side effects were manageable. I will cross my fingers it works the first time, but donm't lose hope.
Mrs. L - I know I haven't said much on this thread lately but I have been reading along and I'm so sorry your IUI didn't work. I skipped right over the IUI process but I'm sure a failed IUI is just as heartbreaking as a failed IVF cycle. We're here for you as you start the IVF process.

LadySosa - YAY for AF arriving!!! Only in IVF would her arrival make anybody happy lol. I'm sure you are so glad to finally be on your way again.

BabyWhisperer - Have a great time on your trip!!

Beaglemom - What supplements did you take or do you recommend? I like the term baby daddy lol. I think it's funny. And that's just weird for someone else to care what you call your husband.

Terri - I'm still thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed for Friday.

AFM - I'm still spotting from the D&C. Last time I bled like a regular period after and then it pretty much stopped. This time I had a lot more bleeding and I'm still spotting after almost 3 weeks. I really hope this doesn't throw off my cycle getting back to normal.

Also, My husband is leaving Saturday for a whole week. It's going to be so weird to have him gone that long. He owns a working ranch in Mexico and he flies down once a month to check on things so I'm used to him going away. But he usually leaves on a Friday and comes back Sunday or Monday, he's never been gone for a whole week before.
Amy - I know I took omega 3, vit D, a multi, prenatal. But not sure what else. There is a girl on Youtube I follow who is young...she lost her tubes. She had a failed IVF with no embryos left. She went to a new dr & he put her on all kinds of things to help with egg quality. Def worth researching & discussing with your dr. Especially since you will be out of commision for a bit...enough time to work on it. Maybe your cycle is wonky this time because the baby was further along.

I am having a busy day at work which is kind of nice because it has been dead for a while...and busy makes the day go by faster.
Good morning ladies,
Amy - I meant to say that I like your new pic. So cute. :)

Still plenty of tension at work. Today a coworker told me that my boss has been talking bad about me to her and actually CRIED because I was "mad at her" and that I'm "trying to take her job". Also asking for my coworkers opinion on me. So childish and manipulative. I just don't get it.
:wohoo: WE HAVE 2 BLASTS! :wohoo:
"Absolutely beautiful" blasts - according to the director of embryology at our clinic.
When we had only two eggs fertilize, I was completely prepared for (and expecting the worst) but both of those little embies must have been spectactular! They said they hit blast stage fast too - they could of had another 36 hrs to grow if they needed it but the two of them are little powerhouses.
:cloud9: I am just over the moon relieved right now. :cloud9:

LOL, now for the hard part of waiting for next month and praying that one of them sticks.
congrats krissy!!!

thank you everyone for your support, it really means a lot to have a little internet crew supporting each other.

Just got off the phone w the nurse.... Start Lupron the 15th. I see them the 14th for a trial transfer, blood work, and to go over the schedule. Started bcp yesterday too.
Congrats Krissy!

Lady - I can not deal with that kind of BS. Just let me do my job already! Cry because someone is mad at you? Wow.
Krissy!! That's so great. I told you not to worry. Everything is going to be great.

Lady-I guess you work at a daycare? Ugh the drama. I hope things get better soon. What a toxic environment.

Amy-sorry your hubs is going away. Hopefully you'll find something to keep you preoccupied all week. I like your new picture too. :)
Good morning ladies,
Amy - I meant to say that I like your new pic. So cute. :)

Still plenty of tension at work. Today a coworker told me that my boss has been talking bad about me to her and actually CRIED because I was "mad at her" and that I'm "trying to take her job". Also asking for my coworkers opinion on me. So childish and manipulative. I just don't get it.

That is not only childish and manipulative, but unprofessional. I would go to HR and let them know what's going on. Asking for others opinions is the start of nothing good, trust me. If she is making a hostile work environment chances are you are not the first to have this issue. I would go on the record before she does. Trying to get people on her side is high school and has no place in the workplace. If she feels that threatened she will not stop there.
Krissy B - Congratulations on your two beautiful blasts. I'm very happy for you!

LadySosa - I completely agree with BabyWhisperer. That is SO unprofessional of your boss to speak about you to other employees. I definitely think you should report her . I hope there is someone you can report her to since you already work in HR and she is your boss. If it were me, I'd confront her (in a calm, professional manner of course hee hee). I'd let her know, I knew she was talking about me and that I think it's very unprofessional and childish especially with her being in a position of authority. How are you supposed to trust her ever again? But that's just me and the way I handle things. I definitely never advise people to handle things that way though because I know other people it has back fired on. But I can't stand passive aggressiveness and it would literally eat at me until the air was cleared.

Mrs. L - Yeah for getting things started! That was quick!! lol
Thanks ladies. I've just never been in a situation like this before with all the drama. I am in a tough spot - I am solo HR in my small company. She is the director of operations and has been here forever. There is nobody to report it to. Furthermore I don't want to get my coworker in trouble, she is already having her own issues with our boss. I really feel like I am in the twilight zone.

Anyhoo. Krissy - WAHOO! So happy for you lady. That is excellent news. :) :) Congrats!

Afm, I got my schedule finally today. I start BCP on Friday, Lupron again on May 24 (we will be in Ohio that weekend, ugh), then transfer set for June 22. Woohoo! It's a long ways off, but that's ok, I'm still just happy to have a date set. :)
Krissy- yay!!! What great news! So happy for you:)

Lady- june 22nd will be here before you know it!!! So happy things are rolling for you. As far as the sounds like you are in a bad position because of her however, last october my manager was finally fired for the same reasons. Sounds like shes intimidated by you. I foresee her doing herself in. People that are passive aggresive like that always do. Hold your head high girl, and keep doing a good job.

Mrs.l- sorry the IUI didnt work out. I too had 3 failed iuis but success with first ivf. Everything crossed for ya!

Amy- sorry your still having spotting. Hope your cycle starts on time for you. Hope hubbys time away goes by fast for you. Can you plan some fun outings with friends? That usually helps pass the time.
MrsL - I actually had 6 IUIs. 3 with my OB & 3 with my RE. My OB could only do timed with opks & clomid. I was fully medicated with my RE. But it just didn't work. For me, I had to do the IUIs to get myself in a mental state of being able to do IVF. I knew I could not just jump in to it. But after IUI 1 with the RE failed I started my research & slowly became more comfortable with IVF. By the time it came around I was READY! I am glad you found us. Even though we have more pregos than cycle buddies right now (which is a good thing) we have a ton of advice & experience.

Lady - glad you can get started. And I think just stay the course at work. You sound like me. You can't understand childish behavior because it is so beneath you. I would like to say the good always wins in the end but we all know that's not the case. Do you job & watch your back. If it gets too stressful, look in to other options. You do not want to work in hostility while pregnant.

Terri - Friday is almost here...hope that baby is holding on for you!

Nothing new with me. I have lost my appetite this week which feels so strange. My boss tries to be nice & offer me food. I just wish he wouldn't. There is no way to know how I will feel at any moment, so I would just rather not get offered. Makes me feel bad to always turn him down.

I am excited for the weekend. My mom is coming. She will get to see the nursery. I bought her some edible arrangements. But then this morning I saw a clip of Willie Nelson on the Daily Show so I am going out at lunch to see if I can find his book to buy her. I may just get her the audio CD on Amazon. I never know what to buy my mom so I love when ideas pop up. I think my favorite person in the world to buy for is her...especially when I find something good. I also bought a card for my sister which I don't always do. But I want her to know how much it means for my child to have an aunt & how I have treasured my moments as an aunt to her kids. We aren't very sentimental with each other.

I hope everyone has a good mother's day. Whether you are celebrating your mom, your self, your pregnancy, or the fur babies. I feel like it is a day to celebrate women all over. We are strong & capable & the force that brings life in to this world. Women (not just mothers) sacrifice every day to make the people in our life happy. Our husbands, our kids, our family, our home, our pets.
Well said, Beagle! Happy mom's day to all. That's really sweet of you to recognize your sis for being an aunt. I am sure she will really appreciate it. :) Sorry you lost your appetite. I am sure it is tough to choke something down when you don't want to!

Jkb - thank you for the encouragement. :) That makes me feel better! My boss is always talking about retiring in 5 years. I wish she would just go ahead and do it now!

Terri - Friday is almost here! How are you feeling today?

Babyw- today's the day! Have a wonderful trip!

How's everyone doing today?
My dad changed his plans, so he's coming on Monday or Tuesday.

We are planning to go to VA to visit my MIL for the day on Sunday. We'll go to church with her cook lunch, and skedaddle. She is so high maintenance with her diet, it's ridiculous. But, the good news is that we're not going out to eat this year. We're just going to cook something that hopefully she can eat and call it a day. She pretty much eats dry nuts, bland chicken and gluten free crackers. How can you make an appetizing lunch for someone who eats three things? HA!!HA!!

I feel fine. I wore a cute outfit to work today so I'm feeling good. Whatever happens tomorrow happens. There is nothing I can do to make anything better or worse. Hopefully we'll know something more definitive tomorrow. It's tricky being in limbo.
I second Beagle that was very well said! My MIL sent me a very sweet mom-to-be Mother's Day card. It's funny because I hadn't really thought of myself this Mother's Day. It is also crazy to think it will be my last without my own child. I truly hope that's the case for all of you ladies.

Amy: So good to hear from you. I'm really excited you two have decided to move forward again! And it is great you have answers about what happened. I didn't realize you and DH were both already parents. You're already pros. We paid for everything out of pocket as well. My husband said something to me that really put it into perspective, "What is $15,000 when you're sitting at your kid's high school graduation?" I know the finances make a stressful thing so much more so but I have to believe it is all worth it in the end.

Krissy: What awesome overachievers you've got! Are you going to put both back in?

MrsL: I'm so sorry your IUI didn't work out. That must've been such a tease that you were late. We went straight to IVF because our issue was a fertilization one. I have to say it was a lot easier than I anticipated. It really isn't that bad.

BabyW: Hope you guys got off smoothly this morning and you're sitting on the beach somewhere with a frozen virgin cocktail while DH chases Jack.

LadySosa: Your boss is being so incredibly unprofessional but you're in a tricky spot being the only HR resource. I agree with Terri, do you work in a day care? That is so childish to go to another coworker like that, putting both of you in a bad position. But more importantly, WAHOOO for finally being able to get started again. :happy dance: You're still going to just transfer one right because you're young?

Jen: Any baby yet?

KFS: Thanks for asking about the transition. We're still in the throes of it and the folks who are being laid off are here until May 27. I'm trying to focus on just doing my job the best I can. I did get the good news my job won't be changing as drastically as first thought. I'm currently watching a webinar on our new electronic time card system, which is so counterintuitive I'm longing for my paper time sheet.

Terri: I hope you are hanging in there. I have been praying for good news about your little babe tomorrow.

This week has just been flying by. It's funny how the first 8 weeks of pregnancy were so slow and now I feel like it is going to be September before I know it. I attached two bump photos for you JKB. The bump is kind of phantom. I certainly can see it when I look at my stomach but in clothes it is only noticeable in certain ones. The most noticeable are these workout pants. It was funny last night at my run club my friend could not stop staring at my stomach, grinning and going, "There's really a baby in there!"


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Oh SARS you are so cute and tiny!!! Love the pics!!

BabyW, have so much fun on your trip!

Lady, yay!!!! For a schedule! I'll be counting down the days with you in hopes this baby comes during all of your injecting madness. Oh and so lame about your work situation. I laughed about you working at a day care (funny Terri).

Terri I will be stalking tomorrow. I'm praying everything is nice and normal and boring for you in there. A super nice chill baby just haaaangin out. Glad your dad is still coming out!

Congrats on the great embryo report Krissy!

Sorry the iui was a negative Mrs L. Hopefully your ivf schedule goes quickly. I was glad I did an iui before ivf. Kind of prepped me a little.

Amy, DH was gone a week back in March. All I did was sit around eating ice cream and watching law and order. Lol make lots of plans and it will go quickly!

AFM: no baby. Contractions every single day and no dilation. on Tuesday I had some bleeding and a lot of leaking so my dr office sent me to labor and delivery to see if my waters were leaking. All they do is swab you real quick and see if the test is positive for amniotic fluid right? Well, the stupid nurse swabbed my urethra. My urethra! I screamed when she did it. Then she said wow there's a lot of liquid on this swab, I bet your water is broken. Ummm wrong! That was urine you idiot! I currently scream every single time I pee. I hate hate hate that nurse. So now I have a UTI and blood with urination because my urethra is traumatized! It looked a little better this morning (bleeding wise) but I'm pretty sure the bleeding before that dumb woman hurt me was me losing my plug. It's just hard to know now because all night Tuesday and all day yesterday I was having lots of different stuff leaking. Ouch!!!! So today I'm going to lay in my pool and ask the baby nicely to either cool it with these tricky contractions or come out already so I can have a margarita. I really thought she was coming on cinco de mayo so I could have one. I thought, what a nice baby. Wrong!!! Maybe I'll have DH make me a virgin drink..I realized today I've have a nonstop headache for 9 months (because Tylenol blows) and I survived it. Small victories ladies!!!
Sars - you ARE tiny and cute! Of course you are tiny and fit, you are a runner. :) Yay for the itty bump!

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