First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hey Terri, I'm still here quietly stalking along and was hoping your scan would bring happy news. I'm so so sorry Hun. I also have often thought it would have been easier for me with no 2 if I hadn't had my loss and had just never got pregnant. Then again, a cousin recently lost her 4 weeks old baby and I knew I'd rather go through what I went through a million times than what happened to her. I guess I'm saying life is so unfair and can be so so hard. Time does make it easier though, I can promise that. Sending love and hugs. Nature is a funny thing lovely and miracles happen every day so never give up hope. Xxx
Terri this news is just awful. I'm so so sorry you have to go through this. You are in my prayers.
Hi girls, this is probably the longest I've been away from the forums. Got back from KY on Thurs, but still haven't had a chance to post until today.

terri, first off.... I am so devastated over your news. It makes me so mad. I dont understand why this has to be so hard. I can totally understand why you'd be feeling like you wish you'd never gotten prego to begin with. How unfair to drop it in your lap like that after all this work, only to have this happen. I am SO, SO sorry. I've been thinking about you and praying for you ever since I read your news. Since a lot of insurance will cover the fetal testing, do you think you'll go through with it? I'm not sure if you even care to know the reason, but do you think getting some answers would help at all??
Amy, I also wanted to say I'm SOO happy that you and DH are trying again with PGS. :thumbup: I was so pleased to read that. I know you are nervous about the test results... I was too when I was down to 3 embies and had them tested, so I completely understand that feeling. But I feel sure that you will have a perfectly normal, healthy embryo ready for transfer and success!

Hi to everyone! If I wasn't so far behind, I'd post replies to everyone, but I think it's been two weeks since my last post, so I better keep this short, ha! I did read everyone's posts though, to get caught up, so that I'd know how everyone is doing.

AFM, not really much to report... my trip to KY was so great... I had plenty of time to see my girlfriends, and still spend plenty of time with my family too. My little sis is due this month, so it was great to spend some time with her and get a bump pic together. :) I'm getting so large... or at least I feel like i am. I've always been super tiny, so its a bit of an adjustment for me. I've gained about 30lbs and I'm not even in my 3rd tri yet. All my doc says about it is that he's glad I'm gaining because I was so petite before. :wacko: When does the 3rd tri start?
Hi Erin! Third is 28 weeks and I saw your pics...where is this 30 pounds? Lol you look good. Really well proportioned so I'm sure that's why your dr is happy!
Happy Belated Mother's Day to all the mommies and mommies to be :)

I hope everyone had a good weekend. We didn't do much since my DH is out of town, just relaxed around the house. We are going to dinner tomorrow night with the rest of my family for a belated Mother's Day dinner. I also had jury duty today but my panel just got released :happydance: So happy that's over with and I didn't get stuck on a jury/trial lol.

Terri - You've been in my thoughts. I hope that you are doing ok. Check in when you feel up to it and let us know how you're doing. :hugs:
Terri - I've been thinking about you. I hope you're doing OK. :hugs:

Erin - Glad to hear that you had such a great trip. I'm sure 30 lbs feels like a lot but your doctor would absolutely tell you if it were a problem. Sounds like the weight was much needed for your babe. :) New bump pic, please.

Amy - Happy Belated Mother's Day to you, too. Have a great time at dinner tonight.

Hi everyone else! Nothing much to report here. Had a nice weekend hanging with my sister and with DHs fam. Glucose test tomorrow. Hope that I pass. :wacko:
terri, thinking about you Hun... <3

Jen, thanks, you are too sweet! I wasn't very happy with the pics on FB, but I knew my sisters would start tagging away, LOL! And I wanted to have a pic with my prego sis anyway. I guess some days I'm feeling chunkier than others. :winkwink: I'm waiting patiently for your little misses to make her debut. Can't wait to see her!!!

Amy, happy belated Mother's Day to you as well! Since I now know that you have a son... I dont think I knew that before! Is he excited that you'll be providing him with a baby bro or sis someday soon? :)

kfs, GL on the glucose test! I think I have that next Wed, and I'm sorta dreading it, ugh. Because of the near-fainting moments I've had, I'm afraid something could be up. It hasn't happened in a few weeks though, so who knows, maybe it was just normal pregnancy stuff. Let us know how it goes! Does your doc do the easier test (is that just a blood test??) before making you do the drink thing? Most people I know don't have to do the drink thing unless they fail the first test, but for some reason my doc was acting like he was going straight to the drinking test. :wacko: He might have it wrong though... Nine times out of ten, the nurses know more than he does about what's going to happen at each appt. :winkwink:

AFM, I decided I'm having some caffeine this morning, so I'm sitting here with a delicious Chai Spice Latte with a shot of vanilla, and I'm literally in heaven. Forgot how good these were. I'm a happy camper at the moment.
Hi everyone.
My nurse planned for me to have my procedure tomorrow, but I told her since I didn't hear from her yesterday I already scheduled some work stuff, so the procedure will be either Thursday or Friday. My dad got in late last night, so I'll give him the scoop tomorrow. I feel ok. It just wasn't meant to be/not in the cards, so even though it's terrible, crying about it isn't going to solve any problems, so I'm moving forward. If anyone asked me if I knew thee was anything going on inside my body, I wouldn't even know, which is a good thing. I stopped my progesterone and I feel back to normal. It's so bizarre.

Plus, my bday week and my hubs' bday weeks are coming, so it's time to celebrate OUR lives.

Erin - I think I have totally given up on avoiding caffeine all together. But I do watch myself. I try to limit it to 1 drink 3-4 times a week. I thought your pic was great too. Amazing how much you have gaine dbut it doesn't look like it. I feel like I am about to blow up some days. I am glad to be in the prego fat stage though. Yesterday a lady I don't work with often was here. She looked me up & down & had a funny look. I said yes I am having a baby. She said congrats...I didn't wnt to say anything because you never know. I said I appreciate that.

Terri - It just sucks how things turned out. No other word. I do hope you & your husband can find some peace & do what is right for you & makes you happy. Whether that is another IVF, adoption, or no kids. I am glad you have Fun. I had a beagle & basset years ago. We decided to get a 3rd dog. A few weeks after my basset got sick & ended up passing. I always said dog #3 was my angel. Because if he hadn't come along when he did, I would have never been up to getting another dog after mine passed. I see Fun as this for you. I know it's a bit different, but I hope you see what I mean.

We had a good mother's day. My mom came Sat & we went out shopping & out to eat. I took her to the used baby store & even though she yells at me about having too many clothes, it did not stop her from picking some more out. So now he has about 4 new things...all have crabs on them! Then I took her to breakfast the next day to a place we found a Galaga machine...the only video game my mom both likes & dominates. It was fun. She also made a face at me at "all the food" I ordered at breakfast. It came with the meal! I said. So funny.

Work has been hectic. A new guy started yesterday which I am very excited about. But with him coming & just other things happening it has been busy. Which makes the day go by faster. It's what I loved about the job in the beginning, so it makes me happy to stay busy. Still not super hungry this week. But I use the doppler & little man is still swimming around. I think I am just hitting a plateau. My nursery is pretty much done...just need a few decorations & we have an exciting plan for the wall which is currently blank. I will try to remember to take some pics tonight.

Vacation in the mountains next week for us. Not really a baby moon, but I guess you can call it that. Really it is just getting our usual time away in between the baby & my husband's new manager position.

Hope everyone is doing well!
beagle-All that excitement about your MOM gift and you're not going to tell us? What the freak? hee hee.
beagle-All that excitement about your MOM gift and you're not going to tell us? What the freak? hee hee.

Ha ha! I totally forgot. Because my husband went a different usual. I was hoping for like a keepsake. He got me a prenatal massage. Which is awesome & I didn't expect that. I will be holding on to that for a bit until I am much further along & really feel like I need it.
Go before you get too big and have to lay on your side. At least if it's a long one like 80 mins... I went last week and I'm just uncomfortable.

Big hugs Terri!!!

Well, dialation has begun! I'm 1cm and 75% effaced. I did some walking this last weekend (almost bought a puppy at the mall because I'm nuts) and thought my water broke on Sunday. Turns out I peed myself because I was so hydrated. The hospital staff must love me. Lol I go back every Tuesday now for internal checks (those are real fun) and if I'm 2cm by two weeks from today she will induce on the 27th. I have a feeling I'll be past 2cm by next week though and she'll come on her own. I plan to do lots of walking. I'd love for my body to do this whole thing on it's own instead of forcing. I guess inducing before week 39 increases chances of c section which I do not want. Soooooo now I wait some more. It's nice to know something is happening in there and also nice to have a set date so DH can plan his surgeries around it and my actual dr will be there...that is until little baby girl decides to screw up the plan and come at the worst time possible! We will see!
Go before you get too big and have to lay on your side. At least if it's a long one like 80 mins... I went last week and I'm just uncomfortable.

Big hugs Terri!!!

Well, dialation has begun! I'm 1cm and 75% effaced. I did some walking this last weekend (almost bought a puppy at the mall because I'm nuts) and thought my water broke on Sunday. Turns out I peed myself because I was so hydrated. The hospital staff must love me. Lol I go back every Tuesday now for internal checks (those are real fun) and if I'm 2cm by two weeks from today she will induce on the 27th. I have a feeling I'll be past 2cm by next week though and she'll come on her own. I plan to do lots of walking. I'd love for my body to do this whole thing on it's own instead of forcing. I guess inducing before week 39 increases chances of c section which I do not want. Soooooo now I wait some more. It's nice to know something is happening in there and also nice to have a set date so DH can plan his surgeries around it and my actual dr will be there...that is until little baby girl decides to screw up the plan and come at the worst time possible! We will see!

Hey Mama, bounce on that ball and get acupuncture...I had 2 treatments and my water broke 3 days before my edd. I was laying on the couch taking a nap and hear a pop that woke me up and water came out. I thought I peed myself...if you can stop what's coming out like you can when you stop stream of urine it's not your water...but don't be discouraged, you can stay 2cm for weeks...bounce on the ball! I will be stalking waiting for the news.

Terri I got back last night and tried to catch up and my heart just broke. It's just cruel to go through the hope and excitement. I agree with the others that if testing is covered by insurance it might give you closure to know more. Only you know what is the best for you, and we will support you no matter what. I am sending you a giant hug and a shoulder if you need it.

I missed you ladies. Vacay was awesome, while jack napped me and the hubs had nooners which was awesome as I am not huge yet! Everything was great except for flight home, terrible turbulence, people screamed as planes jolted down and sideways, I cried fearing the worst. I was very grateful when we landed, the whole plane clapped.
I feel out of breath a lot...mainly when I talk a lot...some times if I walk longer distances. Does that seem normal or should I be concerned?
Haha normal...your uterus takes up everything! I just started to breathe normal again when she dropped low this last trimester. I was always out of breath. That's why I always laughed when I saw pregnant people doing lots of workouts. How do they breathe???
I did acupuncture last week. Going again this next week and I'm moving the ball in front of the tv. I might try sex this week too. I'm just so huge!
beagle, I was getting out of breath a lot too, and yes, even just when talking! People at work would ask me, "Did you just RUN down the hall or something?" Haha. Its just been the last couple of weeks that I'm not feeling like that anymore. I still have the dang rhinitis too, and that drives me batty.

BabyW, so glad to hear from you! I'm happy that your trip went so well. :thumbup: You're making me want a vacation, hehe!! That return flight sure sounds scary though!! Glad you made it home safe.

Jen, yay for being dilated a little!! She's gonna be here any day now. :) I have a feeling yours will be arriving around the same time my new little niece will be arriving. My sis is SO ready, just like you... She said she has a hard time caring about anything else right now because she just wants to have that baby NOW, hahaha. She's really having a hard time getting comfortable in any position at all.

So terri, I hate to even ask this, because I know you don't want to go through this anymore and spend anymore money, etc. But I'm just curious... since your fertility benefits started over this year, has it crossed your mind at all to potentially try one more time just to exhaust all your fertility funds? Or did this last IVF max you out anyway? You sound like you've pretty much decided you are done, but I just thought I'd ask. This stuff is SOOO physically and emotionally exhausting, so I sure don't blame you if you're done. But I did wonder if you'd be interested in just using whatever fertility funds you have left.

Girls, I have GOT to get registered.... my girlfriend is having a shower for me at the beginning of July, so she's ready to get the invites ordered soon. So that got me thinking that I really need to get my registry done. I figured I'd register somewhere pretty standard like Babies R Us or Buy Buy Baby. And I'll probably register on Amazon Baby as well, for my out of state fam/friends who love the simplicity of Amazon. I started to look yesterday and got super overwhelmed. I almost wish I could have one of my friends who've had babies before to get on and register for me, haha! I don't want a bunch of things that I won't use/need just taking up space in our house. It's just SO much stuff!
Erin - Target, Amazon, & Walmart all have checklists which I found helpful when registering.

Thanks for letting me know about the out of breath thing...figured it was normal. My boss today thought I was stressed because of this closing we have. I said sorry I am out of breath...he told me to relax & breath. I said I am not stressed...just pregnant. Just a weird feeling since I am not super huge. I feel so out of shape which I am not in great shape. But I walk when I can. Like yesterday I walked the whole shopping center I work at running felt good to walk in the sun. Also about a week ago my husband went to see his dad & just dropped me off at the library. Well I got bored & it was early morning & not hot yet so I just walked to his dad's place. Not sure how far it was...maybe a mile. I make sure to have water when it is hot though.

That rhino thing has gone away a little for me. I bought some vics to use but never got around to it.

BabyW - glad your vacation was nice. I am so ready to go! Not actually prepared...just ready. Just this afternoon & one more day. But it will be hectic. We have a closing on Monday & I am trying to get it all ready for the girl covering me so it will be an easy deal.
beagle, I was getting out of breath a lot too, and yes, even just when talking! People at work would ask me, "Did you just RUN down the hall or something?" Haha. Its just been the last couple of weeks that I'm not feeling like that anymore. I still have the dang rhinitis too, and that drives me batty.

BabyW, so glad to hear from you! I'm happy that your trip went so well. :thumbup: You're making me want a vacation, hehe!! That return flight sure sounds scary though!! Glad you made it home safe.

Jen, yay for being dilated a little!! She's gonna be here any day now. :) I have a feeling yours will be arriving around the same time my new little niece will be arriving. My sis is SO ready, just like you... She said she has a hard time caring about anything else right now because she just wants to have that baby NOW, hahaha. She's really having a hard time getting comfortable in any position at all.

So terri, I hate to even ask this, because I know you don't want to go through this anymore and spend anymore money, etc. But I'm just curious... since your fertility benefits started over this year, has it crossed your mind at all to potentially try one more time just to exhaust all your fertility funds? Or did this last IVF max you out anyway? You sound like you've pretty much decided you are done, but I just thought I'd ask. This stuff is SOOO physically and emotionally exhausting, so I sure don't blame you if you're done. But I did wonder if you'd be interested in just using whatever fertility funds you have left.

Girls, I have GOT to get registered.... my girlfriend is having a shower for me at the beginning of July, so she's ready to get the invites ordered soon. So that got me thinking that I really need to get my registry done. I figured I'd register somewhere pretty standard like Babies R Us or Buy Buy Baby. And I'll probably register on Amazon Baby as well, for my out of state fam/friends who love the simplicity of Amazon. I started to look yesterday and got super overwhelmed. I almost wish I could have one of my friends who've had babies before to get on and register for me, haha! I don't want a bunch of things that I won't use/need just taking up space in our house. It's just SO much stuff! is also good. I just used Buy Buy Baby and Pottery Barn. If I had to do it all over again, I would do Amazon as well. And register for more than you me. Register for Medela bath products, they are so gentle and smell great...much better than J&J. Get more bottles than you need too b/c after a year they start to crack internally and develop bacteria in those cracks. If you want suggestions on anything just ask. And register for a lot of clothes....don't do too many 0-3mos as they don't wear much in the beginning. Jack wore onezies or sleep gowns with feet loose for easy changes. I have to go thru his stuff and see what will pass as unisex. Also register for an infant and toddler car seat. The toddler seats are dang expensive. PB Baby is having good sales if you want to register there too.

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