First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

I LOOOOVE our Motorola monitor. Except that I do have to say about 2 years in the battery is GARBAGE. I can't make it through a long nap without the charger now. But it is getting quite old, so I don't blame the hardware on that too much, and I've never needed to use customer service.

We have a Citi Mini Jogger stroller... and it was decent. It's very very easy to fold up and open up, and it does the job. And it was decently priced, especially for how well it was rated (at least, how it was rated ~3 years ago) But we did have to have a part by the front wheel replaced because it locked up and wouldn't turn. And while it's manoeverable enough in a store, if you go out for walks on trails, it takes bumps pretty hard and I do wish it handled a bit better to steer around puddles or whatnot. All in all we're planning on going with a Bob's if we get another one in the future.
Good morning!
I'm doing ok. It's birthday week so we had a busy weekend with cookouts, dinners, casino, house party. hee hee. Tonight we chill and then start up with festivities again. My dad is still visiting. Not sure how long he's staying, but it's all good.

I bought some new accessories for Fun (leashes, collar), and we've been walking every day around the block for practice. Today I am giving him a bath since the weather is nice, and then we'll just hang out. He did pretty well with the party people except my friend has two young girls (2 and 4) and every time they saw him they would scream at the top of their lungs and run, and Fun was really confused/scared by their screaming. I told the 4 yo not to scream because it scares the dog.Then she said 'I was saying hi.' Her parents needed to tell them to stop screaming/carrying on. They were also dropping food they didn't want on the floor and begging other people for food. They are pretty bad/spoiled, but what can you do?

Hope you all had nice weekends. I'm starving and ready for lunch.
Still pregnant. I tried everything all weekend. My contractions are 5 mins apart and pretty uncomfortable but I'm not dialated enough. Booooo! The baby looks really great though. Everyone has nothing but positive to say about her. Drs, nurses, hospital's me that's the problem. I thought she wanted to come out early but I guess not! If it's this week I'd love it. I don't mind the big giant bump anymore or the hemroids. I just want the contractions to go one way or another. Dr prescribed me ambien to take to get a good sleep. That helped a ton! My body actually feels better. It's amazing what sleep can do.
I have the city select stroller. It seems really easy and simple. I paired it with the uppababy baby car seat. Can't wait to actually use it!
Thanks BabyW. I feel pretty good about it given how active we are and our neighborhood. It has great Amazon reviews. I'd just like the option to return it if something is defective. We were joking we'll take the dog for a spin in it to test it out. We live in a historic neighborhood with lots of bumpy sidewalks, so the shock absorption is huge. Our friends and neighbors have the BOB CE and love it. So, fingers crossed. I am going to test out my trunk this week, although it looks like it should be fine. I am planning on getting an umbrella stroller as well for travel etc.

You're lucky with the CL around you. Mine isn't that great. My parents live in Philly right by the Art Museum and theirs is awesome. I sent my dad out the other day to pick me up with a Boon high chair for $70. I was proud of that score =)

Terri, glad to hear Fun is doing well and you're keeping busy. Sounds like you have lots of fun planned.

Jen, I hope this week is your week!

I had a bridal shower and bachelorette party Saturday, where absolutely no one realized I was pregnant. I had to explain why I was not drinking 800 times. But then tonight at a meeting someone asked me if I was pregnant. So, I feel like I'm still in that odd stage.

DH had a bit of a scare yesterday and ended up in the ER. He's had MRSA a few times and his arm swelled up like crazy Saturday night. Turns out it is an infection, not MRSA, mixed with an allergic reaction. He's on 2 different antibiotics and had to get a shot in his rear. He was complaining about how it hurt. I told him I empathized but to cut out the whining =)

We've got the entire nursery empty now except for the crib. It looks a lot bigger than I thought it was. Still haven't gotten the glider in there =/ I really hope we can get it in there. Stupid old house with narrow doorways. DH plans to take the door off the hinges and the closet door off the hinges.

Feeling a little overwhelmed with how fast time seems to be flying by and how jam packed our calendar is in the next few months. It is nuts how our summers fill up so quickly.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Yikes SARS that is scary! Glad it's not MRSA- that is scary stuff. Are you telling ppl you're preggo yet or are you still being coy? I bet u are getting ready for your awesome vacay!

Jen- ugh sorry your baby girl isn't ready yet but glad she's looking good. Will they eventually induce you if you don't dilate enough?

Happy bday Terri! What day is it? I'm glad you are staying busy and having fun (and Fun! Ha). Some peoples kids, man! We always encounter kids at the park that want to pet Charlie. He is TERRIFIED of kids. Most of the time they are nice and ask to pet him (and I pick him him and hold him while they pet him, he's less scared that way) but sometimes they just chase him. Then he gets really scared. I think it's really important to teach kids good doggie etiquette. You never know when a stranger dog will snap.

Beagle- your vacay sounds so fun and relaxing! Enjoy the time away from work.

Hope everyone's having a good week so far!
Jen, hang in there it can be any day now. Rest as much as you can believe me. I may ask for ambien towards the end just to not get up to pee 5 times a night. She's been more active at night which is rough.

Sars I am so sorry about dh, that is scary. I hope he is on the mend. Those infections are no joke.

Terri I hope you're enjoying the bday week!
Terri - Happy Birthday! :cake: :happydance: :flower: You better be doing something fun today!!!!!!!!! How are you feeling otherwise? Hope you're doing OK. Ugh - your friend's kids DO sound a bit spoiled. Dropping food like that??? I would be furious if that were my kid. Plus like LadySosa said, it's so important to teach kids how to behave with dogs!

LadySosa - I'm sorry that work has been so stressful for you. Ugh. And you said there's not much that you can do about it, right? That must be so frustrating.

Beagle - Hope you're enjoying your vacation!

Babyw - What brand of white noise machine do you have? I definitely want to get one of those.

JCM - I'm sorry that you're still pregnant :) but happy that you're able to get some sleep at least. Keep on bouncing, girl!

Sars - Yikes. I'm sorry about your DH. I'm glad he's doing better though. I hope you can get that glider in there! I live in a house with small doorways, too, so I feel your pain.

Well, I passed my glucose test which I was relieved about. I cannot believe that I'm going to be 30 weeks on Thursday. The first part of my pregnancy dragged but time has been flying by lately. Heading to FL on Friday for a friend's wedding. Not looking forward to flying (not my favorite) but I'm happy to see friends. It's been a while since I've seen them.
Hi ladies! :flower:

Happy Birthday, Terri!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day. :cake::wine:

kfs - Hooray for passing your glucose test. That's a relief, I'm sure. Have fun in Florida. My DH hates flying so it's always a bit of a challenge for us when we have to go across the country (which we do on Thursday). Too bad you can't have a drink to unwind beforehand!! Hopefully, you can just sleep on the plane.

LadySosa - Are things any better this week at work? I hope so. And don't you start Lupron soon?? Not that Lupron is fun but it means your moving forward again.

sars - I'm glad your DH is on the mend. That's scary. Never fun when a loved one ends up in the ER. Sounds like you guys are getting closer and closer to having your nursery ready. I know what I want to do with ours but haven't actually done anything yet. DH is pretty sure he is going to make the crib so I'm hoping when we get back from our trip he'll get started. Good luck getting that glider in - we have an old home too so I feel you on the narrow doors. Buying furniture is always an adventure!

JCM - Sorry baby girl is being stubborn already but it's good that she is still checking out well - even if it's no fun for you. She must just be super comfortable in there. Good luck!! I hope things get moving for you soon.

Babywhisperer - You're like having our own personal product reviewer on here! I love it. It's very helpful. Although, I think it was Erin who said it a few days ago, looking at baby stuff is overwhelming. I agree. Everytime I go to look at stuff, my brain shuts down. Hehe - guess I'll have to start getting more serious about it soon.

Hello to everyone else!! I hope you're all doing well.

Nothing much to report here. We leave super early in the morning on Thursday to fly to KY. I think we'll have to leave the house at 4:00 am. Ugh. Not looking forward to that. Our 10-yr old neighbor is going to watch our dog. She does a great job but I feel extra guilty leaving her behind as this is the first time she'll be all alone since we had to have our other dog put down in January. I know she'll be fine - lots of squirrels in the back yard to entertain her. I just hope she doesn't dig in our garden while we're gone!
Hi ladies. Hope everyone is having a great day. Im jealous of everyone traveling. I love to travel. Im going to ask ny dr next week at my appt what restrictions, if any there is for taveling. We want to go to outer banks toward the end of summer buti will be around 8 months then.

Sars- glad your hubby got some antibiotics on board! Sorry he had to go to ER.

Terri- glad you are doing as well as you are! Is it your b day week or hubbys? ? Either way hope it was great!!

Kfs - yay for passing glucose tolerance test!!! I dread it:/

Jen- good luck getting your sweetie to make her grand entrance. Cant wait to see her pic!!

Booger- maybe try giving hubby a little benadryl for the flight. Turbulence makes me nervous. Since its a long flight he could get a good nap instead of worrying the whole time. Hope yall have a great trip!

AFM -nothing new really:) sweet girl seems to be doing great! No issues which im so thankful for!! I do have this nasty vericous vein in my right leg that came from nowhere! Maxi dresses it is:).
Yikes SARS that is scary! Glad it's not MRSA- that is scary stuff. Are you telling ppl you're preggo yet or are you still being coy? I bet u are getting ready for your awesome vacay!

Jen- ugh sorry your baby girl isn't ready yet but glad she's looking good. Will they eventually induce you if you don't dilate enough?

Happy bday Terri! What day is it? I'm glad you are staying busy and having fun (and Fun! Ha). Some peoples kids, man! We always encounter kids at the park that want to pet Charlie. He is TERRIFIED of kids. Most of the time they are nice and ask to pet him (and I pick him him and hold him while they pet him, he's less scared that way) but sometimes they just chase him. Then he gets really scared. I think it's really important to teach kids good doggie etiquette. You never know when a stranger dog will snap.

Beagle- your vacay sounds so fun and relaxing! Enjoy the time away from work.

Hope everyone's having a good week so far!

LadySosa: I'm definitely not hiding it. We put it on Facebook. It just isn't obvious unless I wear something tight. And I think it still looks questionable. The festivities Saturday were for the fiance of one my best male friends from college. The bride and I are good friends now but the couple met in grad school so we only have cross over friends of six people.

I agree about doggie etiquette. Fen is really good with kids but plenty of dogs aren't. You need to teach kids to be cautious around dogs and always ask before petting.
Sound machines we have and love:"

The first is in Jack's room and we use the white noise setting. It's super light so very easy to travel with. The second is in our room and dh has had it for years. I love it as it drowns out dh's snoring sometimes. It's heavier so it stays home.

I like to share my experience with products mostly b/c I do a lot of research before buying...I hate buying something and get disappointed and have to deal with customer service. It's a huge inconvenience and AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!

When it comes to shopping or registering I know it's overwhelming, but break it down into categories...the first things you'll need are clothes, blankets, car seat, stuff to bathe them, bottles, pumps, nursing things like a Boppy. I had a friend come with me to register and she was like "you need that, this, that over there, this is great, you won't need this right away but in 3mos..." I am glad I listened, she's very sensible and I used everything except for a swing.
Happy Birthday, Terri!!! Hope you're doing something special! Like drinking lots of drinks for me...

Yay for passing the glucose test kfs! One less thing to worry about! Woohoo!

I hate flying as well and I always take Benadryl. Works like a charm!

So scary about DH sars. Haha but chill on the whining DH. Glad it's not Mrsa though.

So after all of my hard work I'm still at 1cm today. Ugh! So frustrating. But my dr tried to stretch my cervix and OUCH!!! Worst cramps ever. Maybe that will do something to me this week. Or at least get me to 2cm by next Tuesday so I can be induced on the 28th. Her little feet aren't so little anymore and you can actually see them by my rib cage. It's a little creepy but cool at the same time. Come on, little's really nice outside of my body...
Oh BabyW, you are so much like DH. He lives on amazon and reads through every single review. I'm thankful for him cause I don't have the patience but he saves us a ton of money on returns that's for sure! I didn't get a monitor yet but I need one. Also a noise machine too. DH snores loudly and if it wakes me up it will surely wake the baby. I am obsessed with ambien. I take it every 3 nights. I get the best sleep. It makes me nauseous the next day though...take the good with the bad I suppose!
Hey all...busy busy here. Dad is still here; i'm feeling overwhelmed because I haven't had two seconds to myself. The holiday is coming up, but see a) Dad is still here. HA!!HA!!

Hubs' bday is the 16th, mine is the 19th (yesterday), and I still have plans for every day, appointments (why did I schedule appointments on my bday week), work. I think the holiday is just screwing everything up. Usually I have my bday week, a break and then the holiday week. #spoiledgirlproblems

Glad to hear everyone is doing ok. We make a product to test for MRSA, and it is no joke. Love, and hugs and kisses to all.
Hey all...busy busy here. Dad is still here; i'm feeling overwhelmed because I haven't had two seconds to myself. The holiday is coming up, but see a) Dad is still here. HA!!HA!!

Hubs' bday is the 16th, mine is the 19th (yesterday), and I still have plans for every day, appointments (why did I schedule appointments on my bday week), work. I think the holiday is just screwing everything up. Usually I have my bday week, a break and then the holiday week. #spoiledgirlproblems

Glad to hear everyone is doing ok. We make a product to test for MRSA, and it is no joke. Love, and hugs and kisses to all.

I hope you had a great bday!! I know what it's like to have a bday around a holiday, I am Thanksgiving becomes an afterthought. That being said, I hope you realize how special you are to us!!
Hey all...busy busy here. Dad is still here; i'm feeling overwhelmed because I haven't had two seconds to myself. The holiday is coming up, but see a) Dad is still here. HA!!HA!!

Hubs' bday is the 16th, mine is the 19th (yesterday), and I still have plans for every day, appointments (why did I schedule appointments on my bday week), work. I think the holiday is just screwing everything up. Usually I have my bday week, a break and then the holiday week. #spoiledgirlproblems

Glad to hear everyone is doing ok. We make a product to test for MRSA, and it is no joke. Love, and hugs and kisses to all.

Happy belated Terri and happy birthday to your husband as well! My husband was the 13th. May is a great month. Hope you get some time to breathe.

My husband has actually had MRSA three times. The first time he nearly lost his arm. The second two times he knew what was happening and got treated quickly. It is scary. We're relieved this was just an allergic reaction/infection.

Everyone is quiet this week.

Booger, I hope your trip home is awesome and the flight is smooth.

I can't believe it is almost Memorial Day. This year is flying by. Our summer is already almost booked and I'm feeling a tad overwhelmed. I made a before baby list that made me feel better for a moment and then overwhelmed again =)
Hey guys. Last day at our cabin. Leaving tomorrow. We have had a great time. We found a swing on clearance at a Target here & almost got a convertible car seat but held off. I have a carrier seat which will work for a little while. So I had to take the one I had on my registry off. I like this one better. It is graco & you can take the seat off to make a rocker & it swings both ways. So I feel like my belly popped a little this week. Tuesday is my next u/s & appt. So I feel like time is flying. Here is a question for you. I am so overwhelmed with the shower idea. My coworkers want to have one but I don't have a lot of family near by. I always wanted to do a bbq but now the timing seems off. A month a head puts us right in when my husband opens his store. Then the month before is Aug & HOT. So I am looking for opinions on a few things. One: how early can I do a shower? I was thinking June wouldn't be as hot maybe. The other is I really hate traditional showers. I wanted like a party everyone could come to even kids. And mainly it being a get together with food to celebrate the pregnancy. My coworker really wants to throw one at work & I am COMPLETE against this. I hate the idea. I would rather coworkers be able to come to the bbq. And as I said before my family is scattered so if I do a separate shower I will have a much smaller crowd. Also if I so a shower in Aug, what ideas do you have for staying cool & a good time of day to have it. I am just so lost here to the point I just want to say no shower period. There is a great park we can rent a space for a bbq. Plenty of space for kids to play & people to be spread out & mingle. Or if I toss the idea for an outdoor shower, what are some other gathering spaces I could use for indoor?
Hey guys. Last day at our cabin. Leaving tomorrow. We have had a great time. We found a swing on clearance at a Target here & almost got a convertible car seat but held off. I have a carrier seat which will work for a little while. So I had to take the one I had on my registry off. I like this one better. It is graco & you can take the seat off to make a rocker & it swings both ways. So I feel like my belly popped a little this week. Tuesday is my next u/s & appt. So I feel like time is flying. Here is a question for you. I am so overwhelmed with the shower idea. My coworkers want to have one but I don't have a lot of family near by. I always wanted to do a bbq but now the timing seems off. A month a head puts us right in when my husband opens his store. Then the month before is Aug & HOT. So I am looking for opinions on a few things. One: how early can I do a shower? I was thinking June wouldn't be as hot maybe. The other is I really hate traditional showers. I wanted like a party everyone could come to even kids. And mainly it being a get together with food to celebrate the pregnancy. My coworker really wants to throw one at work & I am COMPLETE against this. I hate the idea. I would rather coworkers be able to come to the bbq. And as I said before my family is scattered so if I do a separate shower I will have a much smaller crowd. Also if I so a shower in Aug, what ideas do you have for staying cool & a good time of day to have it. I am just so lost here to the point I just want to say no shower period. There is a great park we can rent a space for a bbq. Plenty of space for kids to play & people to be spread out & mingle. Or if I toss the idea for an outdoor shower, what are some other gathering spaces I could use for indoor?

There is no "rule" per se, but I would say that most if not all the showers I have been to were after they were 30 weeks. I had mine 4 weeks before I had Jack. The average has been 32-34 weeks prego for everyone I know. I was pretty over the whole shower thing since both sister-in-laws bailed on mine even with 2mos advance notice of when we were doing it. If it is not about them they don't extend themselves. I will say that where I am from you either have a friend host it for you at their home or they do it at a country club or restaurant. You will be happy you had the shower though trust me. It's a celebration and makes you feel good that others share in your excitement.
I want one but I want my family involved. I forgot to mention. I work at a bank & my coworkers plan to have it after hours at the bank. Ugh! I hate this idea. I do not want to celebrate at work & I would feel weird having family come there. So I am trying to find an alternate idea. I probably should talk to the coworker who wants to throw it. She would def help me out. I know traditional is not to throw your own. But I want it to be mine so I want it to fit me & my husband's idea & taste. We want simple, co-ed, & no games or cheezy stuff. Just mainly a get together & who cares if I get gifts. I really just want a celebration & just a fun time with everyone. I am trying to look up places now. I also do not go to church which I know a lot of people use churches. I just love the cook out idea but worried about the weather.
beagle, I'll be 34 weeks prego when my girlfriend has my shower (my family all lives out of state). She's doing it early to mid-July, and I'm due 8/21. It won't be a traditional shower with games and all that. She's doing it at a restaurant that I love for Sunday Brunch and mimosas. It will be pretty small... maybe 10 people. My closest family/friends are up in KY, so down here I only have my handful of friends and my in-laws. My coworkers are doing a separate shower/lunch on a weekday. I'm very close with them, and it will be nice to get out and go somewhere nice to eat and celebrate, so I don't mind that at all. If you decide you don't really want/need an actual shower, then technically a BBQ/party could be thrown at any time really. Glad you're enjoying your vacay! I've been enjoying your pics on FB. :)

Terri, happy belated bday to you and DH!! Sorry you're feeling overwhelmed with your dad there. I wish I had extra meds left to pass on to you, but when I went to look for my box, I couldn't find it... it was in the room we're using as our nursery, and DH just moved about 5 boxes into our attic. I bet that was one of them, and since its been so hot here, I wouldn't trust those meds now!

Jen, waiting patiently here!! I'll have to laugh if you end up having her on the same day as my sis... they finally told her the other day that they will be inducing her on May 23, one week before her due date. Btw, loved the belly pic on FB!

sars, how scary for your DH and the MRSA scare! I know that is nothing to mess around with, so it's good he at least knows to stay on top of it.

BabyW, thanks for the product suggestions. :) It does help sometimes to hear others' opinions since this is my first baby and I don't have a CLUE. I picked a bunch of stuff for my registry, but didn't really have the time to spend researching every single little thing. I'm glad you mentioned the Summer Infant monitor... that's the one I put on my registry, so at least I know someone who has used it before. :)

I was trying to respond to everyone, but I just got a 5pm meeting reminder, so I must run!! Hello to all of you lovelies! :flower:

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