First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Question: when did y'all have spotting during IVF? I am on my sixth day of Lupron (and many more days of BCP) - and started spotting. I stop the BC on Friday, and was told to expect a period I am assuming this is all normal. Just irritated from already needing to wear liners!!
Babyw - Thanks for the sound machine recommendations. I'll definitely pick one up for the baby's room as our house is so small - you can hear everything. My husband snores, too, but I usually just use a sound app on our iPad. :)

JCM - Is it safe to take Benadryl or something like that while pregnant? I'd totally love to just knock myself out for a few hours.

Mrs. L - I don't remember spotting but I'm sure it's normal, especially if AF will be arriving soon.

Sars - I also cannot believe that it's almost Memorial Day. Time has been flying by lately and I feel the same way about the summer being booked. It's going to be craziness right up until I have this baby. I better get my butt moving with some of the stuff that I want to do around the house. At least the nursery's set up though...

Terri - Like I said on the other thread, I hope you can plan something nice for yourself soon. Get out with some girlfriends or get out on that motorcycle and take a quick trick somewhere. I think you really deserve some R&R.

Booger - Have a great trip! We have to leave our house at 4 in the morning tomorrow, too, so I feel your pain. :)

JKB - I know some people who travel right up until they go into labor (not getting on a plane of course) so you might be OK. I guess your doctor would know best though. :)

eRose - Just saying hi!

Beagle - I think if you want to plan your own version of a shower, then you can have it whenever you want! :) I mean, people are going to want to celebrate with you so I personally don't think it matters if it's a bit earlier than usual. I hear you about the work shower though. They typically throw parties in a conference room here which are completely awkward (think of the movie Office Space) but some close friends of mine are planning a lunch out instead (similar to what eRose said). And as far as my family shower, I'm lucky because my DHs family and a lot of my family do live around here so only my mom and a few other family members have to make the trip up. It must be hard not having family around to help you plan. I think you and your DH should just do what you want. :)
beagle-I agree with the others. Do what you want. Tell your coworker you're not interested in having a work shower, but you are going to host a BBQ, and she can help coordinate the coworkers around that if she likes. Then you can have your family over and whatever coworkers you want to invite. If people want to give you gifts at work, they are free to do so, and it doesn't have to be a "shower" unless they are cheap and will only give a gift if there is a party. If that's the case, you don't need a gift from them, anyway.

booger/kfs1-Have fun on your vacations!

MrsL-I can't help you with spotting. I didn't have any, but if it's normally time for AF, that may be why you're having spotting.

AFM-I go in for my first bloodwork tomorrow to see what my hcg levels are doing. I'm kind of dreading going into the facility, BUT, I can go early since I'm only getting bloodwork. I'll be in and out, hopefully. Enjoy your weekend ladies.
The grades are (finally) in! I've got two Hatching Blastocytes (HB) BBB grade waiting in the freezer for me to ovulate (come ON opks!)!
I'm pretty happy - I think the hatching part is awesome, even if I might have preferred a few A's thrown in on the grading. Can't wait for June!!!!!!!

Terri - Best of luck tomorrow. I bet it won't be as bad as you're expecting and each step is a step closer to having this all behind you and you can focus on the future :)
You'll laugh at the visual...dh's firm threw him a baby shower at his office, organized by his sec''s was 99% women, there was a cake, card signed by all the secy's, partners and close friends at the firm, gifts, and a gift card to BBB. He said while it was so thoughtful he felt so awkward walking into a conference room full of women, cake and baby gifts. My firm didn't do a thing...perfect example of the dog-eat-dog culture one cares. Beagle it's your shower do what you want, but weather can be a tricky one.
The grades are (finally) in! I've got two Hatching Blastocytes (HB) BBB grade waiting in the freezer for me to ovulate (come ON opks!)!
I'm pretty happy - I think the hatching part is awesome, even if I might have preferred a few A's thrown in on the grading. Can't wait for June!!!!!!!

Terri - Best of luck tomorrow. I bet it won't be as bad as you're expecting and each step is a step closer to having this all behind you and you can focus on the future :)

That's awesome!!! Don't focus too much on the grading. Our RE was so strict they almost never give out As, Hatching is perfect! They implant better!!
Kfs, I take Benadryl all the time! It's on my safe list!
Yeh I don't like attention, so a cookout is perfect...everyone can do their thing & some focus can be on my husband. I think we will rent a space at one of the parks we have nearby. Now to figure out the time. I think it is too late to plan for a June maybe mid July. Either early in the day around 11 or later around 4 because of the heat. I will see about using some fans & also I had planned to make small grab bags for kids with a ball, bubbles, & a water gun maybe to stay occupied & cool. I really appreciate the thought for the work shower, but sometimes it feels more for them than me. And I love nothing more than hitting the road at I do not want to stick around after hours for a party.

So all the relaxation of my vacation quickly vanished yesterday which was full of stress. My dog who has some history of complicated medical issues started shaking. Luckily our vet was late hours yesterday so we took him there...but our original plan was to head to the vet school in Raleigh in case it was another major issue. Luckily it seems to only be a back injury. They gave him a shot of meds & more to take over the next few days. He was still shaking while he slept last night & I slept horribly. Those who may not know shaking is usually a sign of pain. But after some more meds this morning he is finally walking around slowly & sleeping with no shaking. I was so sick & my stomach in knots.

Issue husband called his dad to let him know of an appt today. Only to find out my loser of a SIL asked him for money. So little back FIL is in assisted living after a stroke. He gets VA retirement, disability, & SS. He sold his house for a small amount of money so now he may last for about 3 years on his savings if no major medical problems arise. And if we can't get more govt help, we pick up the bill then. SIL...left her kids a few years ago with her husband to be with another woman. I have no issue with her life style, just her abandonment of her kids. So last Christmas the husband passed away. Keep in mind she has been working seasonally if that, claims wrist injuries, autism, bipolar...she is a drama queen. So now apparently she is in a custody battle with the in laws. My personal opinion, she has no business keeping those kids. She is selfish. She also lived in my FIL house & racked up $1000 in electric bills she never paid. She never comes to visit (less than 2 hrs away), calls when she needs something, & doesn't even bother to mail a care package at the very LEAST. My husband takes my FIL law, takes him to appts, & deals with any other daily issues that come up. She also claimed a while back we went on vacation in left him in the facility with no water. His place feeds him & brings him snacks. EVEN IF we had not stocked up his bottled water, he had access to water & food. Anything we buy him as far as food is strictly an added luxury. He is provided anything he needs. I have so many issues with her it makes me CRAZY. my husband is at his appt now & is going by the bank after. My other SIL takes her side & even after my husband explains he needs the money to py his expenses each month...he has no extra & living off the savings...she still responds well it is for a good cause. So my husband responds I think keeping a roof over dad's head is a good cause. Like seriously, the girl can't go to a bank or get a credit card? He is sending just $500. If your kids really mattered you could find a way to do that yourself. I told my husband to explain to my FIL no lawyer works a case for $500. More will be needed. This is only the beginning. My SIL thinks we live a life of luxury. We do well for ourselves, but not like we don't have debt & more importantly, we worked for every single thing we have. I never got any hand outs from anyone. The most we had was my mom giving us used furniture when we moved in together. She had the same opportunities as my husband. He started out at his job almost 20 years ago making $6/hr.

Anyways...hopefully we can get in a better mood later tonight...I am thinking a movie or something. Oh & side note...a while back people here were talking about Gone Girl. That is what my husband & I chose as our audio book for the trip. So we finished it yesterday & the movie last night. Not going to say anything in case someone hasn't seen only response...WOW! Such a good book & movie. We also have been working on watching all the Star Wars movies.

Hope everyone has a good holiday weekend. I am hoping to get my pool cleared up & swim!
So, "off cycle" question for FET gals.

Was your off cycle longer than usual and/or anovulatory? And did you get any mid-cycle spotting? I'm on CD 18 with still pretty light OPKs...and for a few days now I noticed that there may have been some brown on TP, but it was very faint. Today it's been much more noticeable (although still not more than on TP). Wondering if I should check with the RE or if this is pretty much the norm.
Krissy-when I had my FET I didn't temp or anything so I have no idea if I was ovulating or not. I never have any spotting, so I can't help you there. Are you taking meds now or this is a completely natural cycle? Sorry I can't remember.

Beagle-your sister is just a nightmare. There's no changing her, but I totally feel your frustration and I feel bad for your dad. Your hubs is doing his best with what he has and that's all your fil can ask for.

In happier news, I love a morning or late afternoon bbq. I think it's perfect!
My other SIL plans to come down to "help" the SIL with things next month. After all this crap with the money & their attitudes, I am just done. I told my husband there is a good chance I am skipping town when she is here. Can't stand the thought of her regurgitating the whole woe is me for the SIL. Also I found out that this all started because the in laws who were keeping the kids started making trouble for my SIL in getting the kids every weekend. So for almost 6 months since the husband died, my SIL has not even tried to keep the kids full time. She had no issue with someone else raising her kids until visitation was disturbed. And I doubt any child support order is in place. So imagine how great this makes me & my husband feel...a couple who have struggled for years to even have see someone who decides to be a parent when it's convenient. Ugh.

Krissy I never had an off cycle. I stopped my meds after the retrieval. Then when AF started (on time if you count retrieval as O date) I called the office & they started me on meds again for the FET.

We went to a park today & it is almost totally in the shade. So I think that is where we will have it. So we need to work towards that soon. I think mid July. I do not want to wait long because I want to be prepared & have time to buy the things I don't receive at the shower. I will be about 28 weeks. And I want to determine my mom & sister's schedules to be sure they can come.
Terri - It's a completely natural cycle. No meds whatsoever except for prenatals and baby aspirin to prep for the FET. Our FET will be a natural cycle too, so I'll only take Estrace and Progesterone after implantation (and a trigger too).

CD20 and OPKs still very light... CD20 is the latest I've ever O'ed (although I understand it's relatively arbitrary when O occurs). The extra wait is killlliiing me.
So I still have about 30 pages to catch up on...but here are some pics of Oliver Max! Again there are more on facebook - feel free to look me up...

I am amazed at how little free time I have - Oliver really only likes to sleep being held - so tough to get on the computer. He is in MILs arms at the moment! But he is so precious that I don't mind - just miss all of you. Hope things are going well, and I'll continue to try to check in hopefully more often!


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Babywhisperer - That was nice of your husband's firm to throw him a baby shower even though I can only imagine how awkward it must have been. :)

Krissy - Congrats on the great report!

Beagle - Sounds like you have a plan for your shower. I'm sure it'll be great.

Hi everyone else!

So, I survived the flights. :) I was actually fine by the time I got to the airport but I felt sick the entire night before so I didn't really get any sleep. FL was fun - some parts better than others. The wedding was for a good friend of ours and they had it at a beach house so they had to do a lot of prep work before hand (which I totally get as I had a similar wedding). So, we ended up helping them out a bit on Friday and then during the day on Saturday before the wedding. And I was happy to do it but we just didn't have as much vacation time as I thought. The thing that made me mad, though, was his Uncle. He was sort of in charge of everything, like a wedding planner almost. So, we're on our way to the wedding and he calls as asks us if we can pick up more pineapple and cranberry juice. Now mind you, the house is 20 minutes away from our hotel and the stores are even further away. But he says they don't think they have enough and that they'd hold the ceremony until we got there. So, we hustle to the store and I have to shell out $100 (which is whatever but the flights/hotel/rental car for this trip were SOO expensive). We get there and the ceremony is ending. So, basically, we flew all the way down there and missed the ceremony. I was SOOO pissed but it wasn't my friend's fault so what can you do?? Anyway, the reception was great and we were able to get some beach time on Sunday so I was happy with that.
Moni, Oliver Max is a beautiful baby!! Congrats mama and enjoy this time b/c it goes super fast.

Beagle, your SIL and my BIL should meet. We found out my BIL asked his younger brother (by 7yrs) for 3mos rent in advance as he was moving into his apt that has been vacant since he moved to Ca, but asked for it in April when the younger brother was moving in June...the excuse was he needed the cash. He has a trust fund and no job. The kicker was his trip to Miami for no reason at all was all over know b/c he needed a vacation from his tough life of major responsibility. So I hear you on the SIL frustration part, especially with respect to her children. I try and keep a distance from people I am not on the same page with anymore, but for family sake I will make the effort, just as long as it's not often. You don't need a steady diet of the bs and I would tell dh to keep things like that to himself, all it does is deepen the divide and cause you aggravation. For the most part dh keeps the bs about his BIL to one does anything about it so it will never change. My family would never tolerate that behavior...grow up, take responsibility and get a job.

Kfs, I am glad you had a nice time, but asking you to get juice is traveled far as it is...couldn't they have asked someone else???

I need your advice ladies...dh has his college reunion this weekend. He didn't want me to go initially for selfish reasons...not wanting to have to worry about me and how I was feeling all weekend so he could enjoy himself and have a good time with people he only sees every 5yrs. I was hurt and said it was not an appropriate thing to go to solo and his reasons were purely selfish. Then I started getting further along and realized we were staying in his old dorm, on a mattress the thickness of a Saltine and it would likely be a lot of standing and walking, not to mention a 4-5hr drive. He graduated magna cum laude and loves his college so much he jumps at the chance to visit there. Last time I was prego we went up there so he could judge a mock court trial by college students. I was 31 weeks but we didn't walk or stand much. Dh asked his Mom to watch Jack at their house out east which made me unhappy...I want Jack at his own house for less disruption, his toys are here, his room, everything he knows. I feel bad asking her to come here and leave her husband home to do us this favor. Also their home is not baby-proofed, they have a pool that is fenced but can get access from sliding glass doors from the living room where there is no fence. They live w/ dh's Grandmother who is losing it and what if she leaves that door open? Jack already tries to put his foot into the pool and can fall gives me great anxiety but dh assures me his mom raised 4 kids and will be fine. You can't turn your head for a second with Jack and I don't think my MIL has spent enough time with Jack this year to know that. She saw him on Easter and 1 other time this year. I want to stay home now and told dh I am having serious anxiety about this, thinking he's be happy getting what he wants I was surprised when he said that his Mom would be upset as she's looking forward to this weekend with Jack, how would it look if I bailed and stayed home to her, she took off from work this weekend to do this and she's raised 4 boys blah blah blah...that was a long time ago and Jack is a fast kid. I truly fear of something happening or him having a hard time sleeping in a house he doesn't know, their property is infested with ticks and I had a terrible bout of Lyme, but my MIL and dh will think I am being an uptight cuckoo Mom. I have an appt tomorrow w/ the OB and hope he says not to go and stay home and off my feet. Grrrrrrrr what do I do????
BabyW-Would you want to go to the grandmother's house with Jack? Maybe that way you can keep your eye on him, but also grandma can spend time with him. Since my dad is now a grandfather and would do ANYTHING for those babies, I am going to look at it from his side, and I know he would be upset if my sister planned to take them to see him and then changed their mind last minute. Because your MIL hasn't seen Jack in a while, I'm sure she wants to see him.

And as far as going to college goes, let your hubs have his fun with his college buddies. You do NOT want to sleep on that dorm bed and shower in a communal shower. I did that last year and I wasn't even prego and I was sore/half disgusted. HA!!HA!! Hope you can find a resolution.

kfs1-I wrote to you in the oldies thread.
BW - I don't have any issue with my husband bringing up this stuff with me. We are on the same page. I handle my FIL money so no way not to be involved. Some days I want to hand it over but considering all he does for me these days, it wouldn't be fair. Now SIL wants to go eat dinner when she visits & invite my FIL. I told my husband she needs to pick him up. We are working & everything is scattered. We are a good 20-30 min from home...then 20-30 min back to town where all the food is & then add in my FIL who is on another side of town. No one seems to realize how hard dealing with him can be. Not trying to say he shouldn't come...but it is a huge ordeal for us. She should do it & see how it is. He is in a wheelchair. Also when we said we had to pick up the tab when his money ran out she just starts rambling about why do VAs have to pay. SHUT UP already. You are helping no one & we have been dealing with all this for years. I mentioned I was skipping out on her visit & he seemed upset. Said he doesn't want her to come either so I said tell her to stay away. Who cares anymore how THEY feel? They don't consider our feelings.

As far as your trip, if it is causing you that much anxiety, I say take the cuckoo bullet. Better than feeling awful all weekend plus the physical issues with the trip.

U/S this morning. I will try to send a pic when I have time. Catching up at work after vacation.
Thanks ladies, struggling with this one. One friend said to have faith all will be ok. With my son I can't be like that. There are no do overs if something happens. She said I was a control freak, but I have ample reason to feel uneasy. A 95yr old woman with dementia walking around leaving doors to pools and basements open is a disaster waiting to happen, and my MIL is not very protective, she's a "free-range Mom". One friend said to stay home, let my MIL have the baby and let dh have his free weekend...but I think my MIL will be annoyed that she took off from work if I stayed home. Would it be rude of me to ask her to watch him at our house since his room, toys, gear, sing set, food are all there?
Also is a pic of my dad day gift for my husband. Had some yankee hats embroidered.

BW - I think Terri has a good thought for you to stay along with MIL. I can see both sides too but I am also an anxious person at times with my dogs...I know the feeling & sometimes you just can't shake it. I think I am also in a anti-family mood these days. My nephew is graduating this weekend in Baltimore. My mom has tagged along on our car ride with her 2 dogs. So 3 of us & 5 dogs. So now back & forth from York PA & Baltimore because of her. Plus nothing from my sister on specifics for this weekend as far as any other plans I need to prepare for. I hate being unprepared.


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