First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Nice pic and nice present!

BabyW-95?! hee hee. Yeah, I'd go stay with her.

I love the Grandmother but she's losing it and Jack can open doors in their house. Nothing is baby proofed, door to basement with hardwood stairs, sliding glass doors to pool, drawers with knives...I think my nanny came up with a good my MIL and explain that I am just not feeling up to the trip and standing around all day after a 5hr drive or sleeping in the dorm is not what I should be doing at this point. I will apologize for her taking off work and offer to keep Jack for the weekend if she prefers to work and come out with him all day on Sat, or offer to have him sleep there Fri and I can come pick him up late Sat which will allow me to get stuff done for the nursery, like light fixtures, paint samples...would that be a good compromise?
Also is a pic of my dad day gift for my husband. Had some yankee hats embroidered.

BW - I think Terri has a good thought for you to stay along with MIL. I can see both sides too but I am also an anxious person at times with my dogs...I know the feeling & sometimes you just can't shake it. I think I am also in a anti-family mood these days. My nephew is graduating this weekend in Baltimore. My mom has tagged along on our car ride with her 2 dogs. So 3 of us & 5 dogs. So now back & forth from York PA & Baltimore because of her. Plus nothing from my sister on specifics for this weekend as far as any other plans I need to prepare for. I hate being unprepared.

Love the pics and the hats!!!
I'm getting so confused..the 95yo grandmother works?! hee hee. I like the compromise. Hopefully she'll be ok with one of the options, even though they are both good for her.
Terri I think the "grandmother" is DH's grandmother. She stays with MIL...I think that is how I read it.

Thanks for the feedback on the hats. I was happy with them except how big the letters were on husband's hat...but still nice. I briefly considered getting matching shirts.

BW - I see your point totally. I think it is a good compromise. My FIL stays in a very nice assisted living place but he is not so clean. It drives me nuts. His room is a mess & he is paranoid about the nurses so he doesn't bathe regularly (his choice) or change his clothes. So I told my husband long ago to be looking out there with that stuff. Because I do not intend to let my baby visit over there with a man whose room is filthy & clothes not changed in days. All his choice! I feel bad saying it but we have to watch over our kids.
I'm getting so confused..the 95yo grandmother works?! hee hee. I like the compromise. Hopefully she'll be ok with one of the options, even though they are both good for her.

Oops I meant my MIL lives with her MIL, dh's grandmother and she is 95. My MIL is 60 and while not losing it, she's verrrrrrrrry laid back. Dh and his brothers were allowed to take motor bikes at 8yrs old to undeveloped land near them as kids. Motor bikes. Unsupervised. Nuff said.
Well... It seems I'm not getting this cycle completely off.
I'm back in for monitoring tomorrow to figure out what's going on.
I'm CD 22 with still very light OPKs.
I'm guessing it might just be an anovulatory cycle after being cleaned out for the ER... and maybe they'll just put me on meds to move things along... and hopefully those meds don't mean I need another down cycle before the transfer.

Baby - I've gotta agree with your DH on this one. I think it'd be a HUGE insult not to let them watch after it's already been offered. I COMPLETELY feel you on the discomfort, my MIL has a bunch of health issues (mental and physical) and I can't count the concerns I have with DD being there. Luckily for us we live several states away so there's really no opportunity to have a sleep over, but they have watched her for a few hours before. I think maybe going over there with him is a good way to compromise.
I like your compromise BabyW!!!

Hi everyone! So turns out this baby is in no hurry to come but is already measuring at 8 pounds 7 ounces today so we are doing a c section this Thursday. Figure if I wait for her to be ready, she will be even bigger and I could labor forever and just end up with a c section anyways. I'm excited and nervous but glad it's kind of planned so it's my dr and DH along with my family can be there. I can't believe how big this monster is! I was a little nervous about having a c section and I've been obsessing the last 39 weeks about vaginal delivery so I guess I'm a little thrown off by this sudden change but at least I won't be in labor really!
I like your compromise BabyW!!!

Hi everyone! So turns out this baby is in no hurry to come but is already measuring at 8 pounds 7 ounces today so we are doing a c section this Thursday. Figure if I wait for her to be ready, she will be even bigger and I could labor forever and just end up with a c section anyways. I'm excited and nervous but glad it's kind of planned so it's my dr and DH along with my family can be there. I can't believe how big this monster is! I was a little nervous about having a c section and I've been obsessing the last 39 weeks about vaginal delivery so I guess I'm a little thrown off by this sudden change but at least I won't be in labor really!

I am so excited for you. Just fyi, they always forecast the baby to be larger then they are...sometimes off by as much as a pound. With that said, you will skip any unforeseen obstacles this way and not go thru what I went thru. The recovery from a cs when you don't labor is much better than laboring, pushing only to be sectioned...that's what happened to me and it was BRUTAL. They can control so much this way and all will be fine. Get up and walk as soon as you can, it will help expel the gas trapped inside which can be painful...Gas-X and Colace will be your friend. I drank prune juice while in the hospital every chance I got and I swear it's what made my 1st bathroom experience totally tolerable vs. the nightmares I've heard about. I also ate very light with a lot of greens and easy to pass food my last week just in case. My neighbor had a scheduled cs for her 2nd and went in at 5:30am and the baby was out by 8:30. She said it wasn't bad at all and felt pretty good after 2 weeks. That's what I keep focusing on when I think about trying for a vbac. I will also say that staying in the hospital for a few days was great...I had 24hr help if I needed it, bathroom close, and the hospital bed was my best friend...I could lift my back, use rails to get up instead pf my stomach. I think I missed the hospital bed the most. I am so excited!!!! Another baby born means another bfp is waiting in the wings! You will do great, it will go smoothly, no curve balls, and when you hold that little peanut you will be so overcome with emotion everything you went thru will have all been worth it and then some. I can't wait to see pics!!!!
Krissy-I hope they can get things going too without you having to wait another cycle. fxfx. Let us know how it goes.

Jen-Thursday it is! I'm happy for you to finally see your Charli girl. And hopefully she's not really 8 lbs. Are you all set?? Are you nervous/excited? We're all cheering for you so I hope it goes smoothly and ends up being way easier than you expected.
I am so nervous! But excited too! My mom and DH will be in the room with me. I'm all packed and this time tomorrow I'll be checking in to have my little girl! I keep focusing on the fact that I don't have to labor so that's positive. I guess I'll be in the hospital 2-3 days instead of 1-2 so I'm bringing my ipad so I can check in. We have a dinner thing for DH work tonight and I keep joking saying my water will just break tonight. Haha! Just to ruin my cute shoes...DH moved his 2 surgeries to super early tomorrow am so all he has to do is round on his hospital patients the rest of the week/weekend so it's nice he will be around. My family will all switch off checking in with my dogs and staying with them. Recovery will be tough cause they are always laying on me! LOL my current situation is two dogs laying on top of each other in between my legs.
BabyW, should I be taking colace now? I currently have no problems in that department. In fact, the hemroid situation has died down a lot so I'm happy about it. Also, is it a good idea to bring the boppy to the hospital for breast feeding? I'm spending today doing last minute things. I'm caught up on all laundry and my house was cleaned yesterday so I think I'm in good shape!
Jen - very excited for you. I think being able to know when you go in is a major plus! You can get prepared & not feel crazy rushed. Good luck!
Woohoo Jen - congrats! So excited for you to meet Charli.

I start Lupron tonight ladies. Excited to get this show on the road. Sorry I've been so MIA - work is stressful as ever and just trying to make it through the days! At least going through round two will get my mind focused on something else!
I am so nervous! But excited too! My mom and DH will be in the room with me. I'm all packed and this time tomorrow I'll be checking in to have my little girl! I keep focusing on the fact that I don't have to labor so that's positive. I guess I'll be in the hospital 2-3 days instead of 1-2 so I'm bringing my ipad so I can check in. We have a dinner thing for DH work tonight and I keep joking saying my water will just break tonight. Haha! Just to ruin my cute shoes...DH moved his 2 surgeries to super early tomorrow am so all he has to do is round on his hospital patients the rest of the week/weekend so it's nice he will be around. My family will all switch off checking in with my dogs and staying with them. Recovery will be tough cause they are always laying on me! LOL my current situation is two dogs laying on top of each other in between my legs.
BabyW, should I be taking colace now? I currently have no problems in that department. In fact, the hemroid situation has died down a lot so I'm happy about it. Also, is it a good idea to bring the boppy to the hospital for breast feeding? I'm spending today doing last minute things. I'm caught up on all laundry and my house was cleaned yesterday so I think I'm in good shape!

It wouldn't hurt to take the Colace now in preparation. I didn't bring the boppy b/c I had like 10 pillows to use if needed. I packed way too much last time. I will only bring a towel (dark colored for obvi reasons), toiletries, phone charger, my own pillow from home b/c I am picky about that, dark pajamas with loose waistband and nightgown, robe for walking the halls, slippers take home outfit for baby, of course car seat all set up with straps adjusted for hospital has the pads, disposable underwear, diapers, formula, receiving blankets, hats...but having their own hats is cute. Last time Jack was in nothing but a diaper most of the time on my chest skin-on-skin. I was in such bad shape though I did a lot of sleeping the first 3 days and was monitored very closely for several reasons. I didn't need a magazine or anything. The hospital gift store also has that if you need. Don't be nervous, it is pretty fast and you will be skipping all the drama and craziness. The first shower is amazing, you'll feel a lot better afterwards. And the best part about a cs is the least amount of trauma for the baby, no getting stuck or flipping, and everything (down there) stays the same. No tears or stitches down there which I've had friends tear and have to be cut and it scares the crap out of me. And don't feel guilty if you want her to sleep in the nursery and not in your room, you will heal better and faster the more you sleep which will be better for when you go home.
good luck to you jcm!! very exciting!! hope all goes smoothly :)

ladysosa- glad to hear you are on the road with meds -- i am midway thru lupron now --- hope work isn't too crazy
Question for FET ladies. What do you guys think about natural vs. medicated FET cycles?
Basically, there's a good chance I'm completely down-regulated from the stim cycle, so it'll potentially be a very very long and/or anovulatory cycle. So - I can either wait it out and go with a natural cycle whenever the timing works out. Or I can go ahead and start up on BCP tomorrow, and work into a medicated FET. Are there any real cons to going medicated over natural? What have other ladies done?

:) And again I apologize for the repetition of this post across different threads :)
So terri, what did your hcg end up being? I saw that you were going in to check it, but did I miss a post afterward? I might have! Sorry if I did! I hope it won't take too long to go down for ya', so that you can get started again.:flower:

MrsL, I think the last I saw, you had some spotting and were about to start AF. How did that all end up? Where are you in your cycle now?

kfs, how annoying about that wedding! I would've been irate. Some people just have zero respect and consideration for others. Sorry it turned out like that. I hope you were able to enjoy some of the rest of your time in FL though.

Krissy, I'm several days late on this, but congrats on the 2 hatching blasts! Don't put too much thought into grading. I can't recall how mine were graded, but they put the best "looking" ones in 1st (no implantation for me at all), and then the next best went in 2nd (obviously chromosomal abnormalities, because that was a CP). The last one that went in was my golden nugget. :) So I'm thinking with embies, looks can be quite deceiving! :winkwink: I dont even know what he was graded at, but he implanted super early (BFP at 4dpt) and has been growing ahead of schedule ever since. So how was your appt today?? Are they doing anything to bring on O to get the cycle moving?? I know that is so frustrating! I did O during my off-cycles, but I can't recall how quickly.

beagle, sorry for all the in-law drama. Super cute U/S and hat pics! Thanks for sharing! I'm so glad that you found a good park to use for your BBQ! Sounds like fun. Can't wait to see the pics on FB. :)

Moni, your baby boy is just adorable! I love seeing his pics on FB too. He is one cutie!!

BabyW, I think your nanny did have a really good idea. Are you going with that then? I think your MIL will understand. Being prego is so unpredictable in how you'll feel day to day, and especially week to week. So it would make sense to me that you "changed your mind" and weren't feeling up to the trip. I plan things sometimes a week in advance, and then I find that I wish I hadn't because I'm super extra tired that day or something. Its just been so random for me. Btw, any bathtub suggestions for baby? I registered for the Summer Infant Whirlpool bath and I was really excited about it. But I just went and read the reviews, and they are mostly bad. :nope: So I need to change it, but could use some advice on something practical.

Jen, YAY for tomorrow!!! I can't wait!!! I will most likely be having a c-section too. I had surgery to remove a fibroid a few years back, and while it was on the outside of my uterus, my Dr did have to cut into the wall a bit to get it out. He said chances of anything bad happening are pretty low, so he's not pushing it on me, and is open to trying whatever I want. But i guess in my eyes, even if there is any chance at ALL, I'm not willing to take it. I've already gotten used to the idea, and honestly, I think it helps me feel more relaxed anyway. It will be scheduled, my parents can drive down a couple days before, I'll be more prepared, it will be quick, etc.

LadySosa, that's great that you've started the Lupron and you're getting this show on the road!! :thumbup: I'm so excited for you! I know this has been a long time coming, huh??

AFM, I had gone in for my glucose test last week, but turned out it was only a regular appt. My Dr should really just let the nurses give the info, because he really has no clue sometimes, LOL. They don't do that until 28 weeks, so I'm to go back next Mon. And then four days later is my 3D/4D us! I can't wait! :) :) :) In other news, I'm waking up in the middle of the night with a dull pain that seems to be right below my boobs, but right in the middle... almost like my sternum?? So then I go back to sleep, and when I wake in the morning, the whole area is NUMB. The numbness goes away after I've been up a few minutes, and then it just aches slightly, and really only if I push on it. I'm sure it's some sort of strain on my body from pregnancy, but does anyone have a clue what that would be??
Question for FET ladies. What do you guys think about natural vs. medicated FET cycles?
Basically, there's a good chance I'm completely down-regulated from the stim cycle, so it'll potentially be a very very long and/or anovulatory cycle. So - I can either wait it out and go with a natural cycle whenever the timing works out. Or I can go ahead and start up on BCP tomorrow, and work into a medicated FET. Are there any real cons to going medicated over natural? What have other ladies done?

:) And again I apologize for the repetition of this post across different threads :)

Oops, I think we cross-posted, as I'm just now seeing this one! Hmm, its hard for me to say since I did all medicated cycles, but I did read about the natural cycles, because I wondered for a while if I should try it that way. What I took away from my research was just that medicated cycles are more controlled, so easier to plan, and easier to manipulate hormone levels if necessary. If I had been one of those women who O'd on the exact same day every month, and always the perfect day (I was an early ovulater), I would've tried a natural FET. But since I O a little early, I decided not to try a natural FET. If natural is something that's important to you, and you have the patience to wait, it sounds like your RE likes the idea of it, and I say go for it. If you don't really care either way though, and if you're super ready to get this show on the road, I say do medicated since you can start straight away. It just depends on how important natural is to you.
JCM - Congrats on the official date!! DD was a c-sec too (although it was planned all along). She ended up being 8 lbs 13 oz so I'm glad that's the route we went lol. FWIW, I'd say you could probably start up the colace the sooner the better (I had NO problems with hemorrhoids or constipation before the c-sec, but it was AWFUL afterwards), and I'd definitely bring the boppy... although I ended up not using mine in the hospital. It's just good to have in case, so if you're having BF problems, you have some options to try.
Krissy I had not heard of natural FET cycles, but I agree with Erin. Medicated is so much more regulated & predictable. It made me feel right on track. If I had to use opks & things like that, it would drive me crazy. I know the idea of bcp & waiting sucks, but in the end you just have to do what's best for you & the better outcome. My medicated FET cycle was very relaxing & almost no stress.

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