First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

So terri, what did your hcg end up being? I saw that you were going in to check it, but did I miss a post afterward? I might have! Sorry if I did! I hope it won't take too long to go down for ya', so that you can get started again.:flower:

MrsL, I think the last I saw, you had some spotting and were about to start AF. How did that all end up? Where are you in your cycle now?

kfs, how annoying about that wedding! I would've been irate. Some people just have zero respect and consideration for others. Sorry it turned out like that. I hope you were able to enjoy some of the rest of your time in FL though.

Krissy, I'm several days late on this, but congrats on the 2 hatching blasts! Don't put too much thought into grading. I can't recall how mine were graded, but they put the best "looking" ones in 1st (no implantation for me at all), and then the next best went in 2nd (obviously chromosomal abnormalities, because that was a CP). The last one that went in was my golden nugget. :) So I'm thinking with embies, looks can be quite deceiving! :winkwink: I dont even know what he was graded at, but he implanted super early (BFP at 4dpt) and has been growing ahead of schedule ever since. So how was your appt today?? Are they doing anything to bring on O to get the cycle moving?? I know that is so frustrating! I did O during my off-cycles, but I can't recall how quickly.

beagle, sorry for all the in-law drama. Super cute U/S and hat pics! Thanks for sharing! I'm so glad that you found a good park to use for your BBQ! Sounds like fun. Can't wait to see the pics on FB. :)

Moni, your baby boy is just adorable! I love seeing his pics on FB too. He is one cutie!!

BabyW, I think your nanny did have a really good idea. Are you going with that then? I think your MIL will understand. Being prego is so unpredictable in how you'll feel day to day, and especially week to week. So it would make sense to me that you "changed your mind" and weren't feeling up to the trip. I plan things sometimes a week in advance, and then I find that I wish I hadn't because I'm super extra tired that day or something. Its just been so random for me. Btw, any bathtub suggestions for baby? I registered for the Summer Infant Whirlpool bath and I was really excited about it. But I just went and read the reviews, and they are mostly bad. :nope: So I need to change it, but could use some advice on something practical.

Jen, YAY for tomorrow!!! I can't wait!!! I will most likely be having a c-section too. I had surgery to remove a fibroid a few years back, and while it was on the outside of my uterus, my Dr did have to cut into the wall a bit to get it out. He said chances of anything bad happening are pretty low, so he's not pushing it on me, and is open to trying whatever I want. But i guess in my eyes, even if there is any chance at ALL, I'm not willing to take it. I've already gotten used to the idea, and honestly, I think it helps me feel more relaxed anyway. It will be scheduled, my parents can drive down a couple days before, I'll be more prepared, it will be quick, etc.

LadySosa, that's great that you've started the Lupron and you're getting this show on the road!! :thumbup: I'm so excited for you! I know this has been a long time coming, huh??

AFM, I had gone in for my glucose test last week, but turned out it was only a regular appt. My Dr should really just let the nurses give the info, because he really has no clue sometimes, LOL. They don't do that until 28 weeks, so I'm to go back next Mon. And then four days later is my 3D/4D us! I can't wait! :) :) :) In other news, I'm waking up in the middle of the night with a dull pain that seems to be right below my boobs, but right in the middle... almost like my sternum?? So then I go back to sleep, and when I wake in the morning, the whole area is NUMB. The numbness goes away after I've been up a few minutes, and then it just aches slightly, and really only if I push on it. I'm sure it's some sort of strain on my body from pregnancy, but does anyone have a clue what that would be??

Sorry you're having that pain, is it from how you're sleeping? Maybe the baby is leaning up against a nerve? As for the bath tub we loved It was super easy with the sling to use it for the newborn stage and as he grew we just used the tub itself. As soon as he was sitting up by himself we switched to a bath seat. We also got the rubber whale spout cover as dh has scars on his chin from falling as a kid and hitting the spout. We also got this stool

Let me know if you need anymore suggestions on baby stuff...we really paired down what we received to only what we needed and the only thing we didn't use last time was a swing and we kept it just in case. Everything else was returned to BBB which was great b/c we used the credit for diapers and clothes.
Krissy - agree with the other ladies. My doc mentioned maybe trying unmedicated, and I did a little research and I'm glad we're going with medicated. The timing is soo tricky so not having the medication to regulate everything is risky, in my opinion.
AF finished! I had my ultrasound yesterday to make sure I was down regulated, which I am, and estrogen was 27....start stims on Friday!! Flying by, it seems! I started getting butterflies yesterday :)
MrsL, I hope Stims fly by for you!!

I agree with Lady, Krissy. Time is so tricky!! It's easier to manipulate things with meds.

What a weird symptom Erin! I didn't get that one and I got everything! Lol! I've had a weird popping/clicking sound up high in my stomach between my boobs. It almost feels like air bubbles! I asked my OB and she said about 1/4 of her patients say that but nobody knows what it is. A little creepy! I thought the baby broke a bone the first time! I was so freaked out. It happens daily so nobody freak out if you get it the last 5 weeks!

I'm obviously not sleeping my last pregnant night. Heartburn and reflux is so bad this I know why...she's huge in there!!! I'm also nervous of course but I'm having a baby today! I got a little sad earlier when I realized I wouldn't be pregnant anymore and you all know I've hated my pregnancy! I had to look at myself in the mirror and say "knock it off and get it together!" This little one is getting all of her last twists and kicks in tonight at 2am! The dogs are super cuddly and even the cat joined us in bed. I'm going to miss them while I'm in the hospital. Especially Carl (my first dog) he has been so overly attached to me this last couple of weeks. I'm going to make sure I send blankets with the baby's scent on them everyday home with whoever is checking in with my animals. I hope they do ok. I don't know what I'm more nervous for...being cut open, breast feeding with painful boobs, or my dogs loving this baby! It will all be over soon. I'm crying again. Lol! I really need to get it together over here. Check in when I can! I bet I'll be bored stating at the hospital these extra days. Thank goodness for my ipad!!!
Good luck jen!!! Cant wait to see pics!! You and charli will do great!
Jen-I was going to post earlier this morning but I thought you might be sleeping. Little did I know, you are nervous and wide awake. I'm wishing you the absolute best, and I know everything will be fine. You'll have a baby in no time. I can't wait. Don't forget your charger! <3

Krissy-My vote is the same as the others. Go with the medicated cycle. More control over the situation and you will know that the conditions are perfect. I can't trust those OPKs.

LadySosa/MrsL-Woop woop! Time to get this party started! Finally.

ERose-My hcg was at 200 last Friday. I'm supposed to go back on the 19th of June. Well, I think it's the 19th. I better check my voicemail again. It's either the 12th or the 19th. As you can see, I'm not really that concerned about it.

In the meantime, I got my new leash and collar for Fun. We've been practicing loose leash walking. He's getting better at it, but I have to have my treat bag ready every time we go outside for consistency. I asked my hubs to wait outside for one minute while we practice waiting at the door with the door open and he couldn't wait one second to get inside so he walked around to the front of the house. When Fun did what he was supposed to and I was going to reward him by seeing hubs, he was no where to be found, and both of us were disappointed. I feel bad always talking about him but it's so frustrating. He said later, when I was ignoring him, 'I didn't know I was part of the exercise.' I said "It doesn't matter. I asked you to wait there for one second, and you couldn't do it, so I won't bother you again." :growlmad: Fun can jump on him, pee on his shoes and get in his face, and I don't care. He doesn't do that with me because I work with him and he knows the rules with me.
Terri - I love how you are with Fun. My dogs are not well trained. Well I say that but basically mean I didn't really train them. My oldest was trained to sit & wait by the dog for her leash & walk. But that was apartment living. Now they go nuts at the back door to be let out. On our last trip we did finally get my 3 legged dog trained to come when we call instead of running where he wants. But we basically say Treat treat treat! Mine cannot be off leash but if we are going somewhere I can let my 2 oldest run to the car...cannot with the tripawd. And he is FAST! But they are good dogs & ride well. And listen for the most part. We are very laid back with them.

Jen - I am also nervous about my dogs. They have never really been around babies & my youngest was jealous when we got a new kitten! So I hope they are okay. Let me know how yours do & any tips you have. Good luck today. Charli will be making her debut!
Best of luck today, Jen! <3 <3

AFM - We were leaning towards medicated, and after hearing the unanimous response here, it sealed the deal! Took my first BCP this AM. :D July 7th-ish, here I come! :cold:
Good morning ladies-
Agh Jen today's the big day! Sooo excited for you!! Wooohoo! Can't wait to see pics of Charli. I hope you can settle in and relax somewhat at the hospital with your iPad - watch some movies, read some mags. :)

Terri - good for you for training Fun. It takes a lot of patience! Our dog is not trained the best when we get home. But he's little so when he's excited and jumps on us his paws just reach our knees. But yes, he does always piddle on our shoes when he's excited! Haha.

Krissy - woohoo! You're getting close lady! You're only a couple weeks behind me - my transfer is set for June 25. Sorry, I probably missed this in the thread - are you transferring both or just one?

Mrs L- Oh boy, stimming is starting soon! I'm excited for you!

Kfs - so annoying about the wedding! I would be really irritated!

We just got back from Indianapolis and Ohio for Memorial day weekend. That was fun. Stayed with DH's brother and family in Indy - they have 4 kids, 10 and under! Oof! DH always says "does this make you get your fill of kids?" But as rambunctious as they are, it doesn't. I always leave from visiting them wanting kids even more! They are so sweet. We went to their soccer game and a little league game, and it's just so cute to see them playing. I can't wait to have that lifestyle.

The mid west is not terribly exciting, that's for sure, but we had a good time. DH took me around Columbus and showed me Ohio State's campus (that's where he went to college), and we went to a friend's wedding on Sunday. So it was a pretty busy weekend. Now back to reality!

Started Lupron last night - DH gave me the shot. I was like, "do you remember how to do this??" Haha. Like riding a bike.

Anyways, hope you ladies are all having a great week so far!
LadyS - We're just doing the one at a time since both embies were good growers and we already have one child :) What about you?
Krissy - we are just doing one as well. We have three embryos left - I think if this next one doesn't work we might go with the last two at the same time. I really wouldn't mind twins, but I don't want to tempt fate and possibly deal with complications with multiples, so I'm going with my doc's recommendation on this one. :)
Krissy and LadySosa, I updated your transfer dates on the front page! Just let me know if those change at all.

MrsL, I have you down for a fresh transfer... is that right? And if so, do you have an idea in your head of the transfer date?

Mrs W and Amy, keep us posted when you have some idea of your transfers. Thinking about you girls!

Terri, I'll hang tight until you get more info on your plan later on. :thumbup:

BabyW, thanks for the product suggestions, that's very helpful! As for the pain, you could be right, maybe baby or uterus is laying on a nerve when I lay a certain way or something... it did the same thing this morning!

Jen, I hope all is well so far today!! Can't wait for news!!

Hi to everyone!!!

So a new issue last night, and I'm hoping it doesn't happen again because it really freaked me out. Just before bed while vedging on the couch, I started to feel crampy but didn't think much of it since that happens now and then. But when I got into bed a bit later, it was getting worse, but it was isolated to a certain spot... it was very, very low and only on the left. As a few minutes went by, it spread to my lower left back, as well as my left thigh. It got SO uncomfortable and painful, and there wasn't a single position i could lay in to ease the pain. By this time, I was feeling less crampy, and more like a burning pain, and my left thigh just downright ached! I started worrying, so I focused on my breathing. I guess altogether it lasted about an hour. When it finally went away, I can't even explain my relief. During this time, I did feel little man moving mostly on my left side, so I'm wondering if maybe he was in some crazy awkward position or had a foot jammed into one of my nerves or something. If it happens again though, I'm gonna have to mention to my Dr.
Jen - Good luck today!!! I'm so excited for you!! Can't wait to see pics of your precious baby girl!! I'll be thinking of you!

Hi everyone!! I know I haven't been posting much lately but I have been reading and keeping up.

AFM - I finally started my first period (post D&C) Saturday. So I get to start my BCP with my next period. YAY!! I did find out that my RE does fresh transfers with PGS. I'm happy about that. So my estimate of a late July to early August transfer was pretty accurate. So I'm still here just waiting and waiting and waiting LOL.
This month is also the one year anniversary of when our infertility journey began. My first test was done this month. And when looking back, I never would have imagined all that has happened in the last year would happen. Crazy.
beagle/LadySosa-I HAVE to train this dog. I can't stand a bad dog, and since he's a pit bull, I think it's even MORE important to train him because everyone is afraid of him when they see him (only because he does look like a pit bull). They need to see his floppy ears and wagging tail, but you know how people are. So...I will practice and practice. He's so greedy for food I don't think it will take long. Like mother, like son. Hmm..maybe Fun and I should get matching ORIOLES hats. HA!!!HA!! j/k.

Erose-I'll update when I know something. Yikes..your pain sounds scary and I hope it's just your little guy moving around. Could you see anything happening near your stomach or you were in too much pain to look?

Amy-So how long did it take for AF to arrive? I'm hoping AF gets here sooner rather than later, but it's so nice not worrying.

LadySosa-Glad you had a nice weekend away. Kids are really fun, and the younger the better.

booger-Hope you're doing ok. We miss you!

Jen-<3 I hope you are getting some rest and looking at that little girl of yours. Check in when you can.
Terri - Food is def an incentive. My Tri kept peeing in the house. No idea why...I think laziness. So what I started to do was throw treats in to the yard. He had to sniff for the treat & that brought on the desire to pee. Then he was rewarded again after. Worked pretty well. He also is forced to pee before breakfast & dinner. So he knows when he pees, he can eat! Oh & people being afraid...some people are afraid of my dogs! Little 30 lb BEAGLES! Some people just aren't comfortable around dogs. Pits bother me sometimes but only if they don't seem to be controlled. I kept seeing a guy in my neighborhood with on leash the other not. I hate seeing any dog off leash. Makes me nervous for my dogs. Another neighbor would let her great dane run loose. I almost hit him one night! Outside of the trama of hitting the dog (for me & him) imagine the damage. A great dane could total a car. And I could just see someone blaming me even though I knew the dog ran loose often. Not like he just happened to get out.

But all this can also be said for people's kids. My husband said he was at the post office & a kid was just hitting the window over & over. He said he thought he was trying to see how hard he could before busting it. Then the kid just wandered outside.
Terri - After my first D&C it took exactly 30 days. This time it took 36 days. I think my body does a good job getting back on track since I was told it could take up to 8 weeks. If my AF didn't show up in 8 weeks then they wanted me to call and go in to see what's going on. But both times it appeared almost like a normal cycle.
ER - yes I am doing a fresh transfer! I start stims tomorrow night and have my checkup ultrasound Monday -- they estimated retrieval June 8-12th, depending how I stim (the 8th would be after 10 days of stim), then hopefully a 5 day transfer

My guess is that I will be on the earlier retrieval date since I have responded to meds in the past (just clomid, but low dose) ... so maybe transfer by the 12th? I feel like I am blindly guessing!
Everything went great. I am exhausted! Charli arrived at 4:16pm at 8lbs exactly 19 3/4 inches. I am so in love with her. She may have a little complication that we are waiting to hear more on in the am from the specialist. She may have a fistula which is worst case scenario and could require surgery. She's in the nicu tonight but I get to visit her anytime I want! DH has been able to formula feed just for tonight and she loves eating so shouldn't be a problem switching when we are ready. We wanted her to have bowels ASAP so Drs could see what's going on with her sooner rather than later.
My surgery was great. I had a great team of Drs and nurses. Loved my anesthesiologist and DH works with him lots so he took great care of me. I didn't puke at all and the spinal went smoothly. What a weird sensation! My tummy is sore but I've already been up and moving to see my little girl in the nicu via wheelchair.

Here she is!
Congrats Jen!

MrsL - yes you are in the world of guessing right now. Mine did not go as planned, but went fine. Lots of check up appts. Mine grew fine but for some reason just needed a boost at the end. Try not to get too hung up on dates. Remember the docs know what they are doing. I was a little stressed because I was at the end of the year & had planned to transfer before my vacation...then take my last 5 days of time off to relax before transfer. Well the timing worked out fine & then my hormones were not right so they switched me to FET. Bummed at first but you do what is best. If I had done a fresh it would have failed. Good luck.

I can't believe it...tomorrow I will be at the half way mark. Baby prep has been majorly delayed & I need to get back on it. I am trying to focus on the shower. I need to get some dates set...checking with my mom to see her schedule first & visiting my sister this weekend, so asking her as well..and my husband's aunt & uncle. Other than my those & my BFF, I am not concerned about anyone else's schedule.

My husband's schedule gets crazy in Aug becuase his store opens early I have to get most things done before Aug. I need to plan my hospital tour & birthing class soon also. Feels like I have no time but I know I do...I just need to go one step at a time. After the last ultrasound, I just can't believe he is really in there. Still no movements I can feel. Now I just can't wait to meet him! Oh also need to squeeze in a 4d ultrasound.
Congratulations Jen!!! She's absolutely adorable. Hope all is OK.

Erin - That sounds sort of similar to the pain I had. I had it for about 3 nights in a row but mine seemed to last for most of the night. It ended up being nothing and they said that it was most likely just the baby squirming around in there like you said. If it happens again, go in just to be sure. It'll make you feel better.

Hi everyone else! Will catch up more later. Love you ladies.

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