First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Jen-OMGoodness!! She is just the cutest little thing. And that hat with the bow is making me so happy. I'm so happy for you and congrats, Mom! Love her (I keep scrolling back because she's so yummy).

MrsL4-No sense trying to plan because it never works out on the day you think it will. Just don't make any big plans. You'll be fine. I had retrieval the day of the Orioles playoff game and when I found out the date, I actually cried. hee hee. I'm not even a big baby, but I just wanted to go to the game SO badly. Luckily, my husband and his friend went, and I just watched it on tv and it was fine.

kfs1-Hey chica! Glad you can help Erose ease her worries.
Jen - Oh my goodness - she is beautiful! Congratulations!! And I hope the complications get resolved quickly and easily.
Oh Jen she is precious!! I love the hat and the bow! She is so adorable! I am so happy for you, and glad all went well. I hope those complications are nothing serious and everything gets resolved soon. Take care of yourself! Can't wait to see more pics!
Jen she's beautiful! Hope all is well as the name sure everything is okay. Glad u able to visit it often!! Hopefully she will be out if the nicu asap
No I know not to get too set on dates, Erose just asked when I thought transfer date.... I think just to put it on the front page.... So I was blindly guessing

Start stims tonight!
Jen - Congratulations!!! She is so beautiful!! I'm so happy for you guys!!

How/Why do they think there is an issue?
Congrats Jen! She's absolutely beautiful. I love the name too. Glad to hear you are feeling well. I hope any complications are resolved quickly so you can focus on just cuddling and loving her.

Hi to everyone! I've been following along, just super busy. I worked Saturday and Monday and DH's family was visiting from Cleveland so every spare minute was spent with them. Then I had jury duty Wednesday (I didn't get picked but it lasted all day). Wednesday also happened to be the last day for all of my coworkers who were laid off. We're now trying to adjust to a new kind of normal.

LadySosa: Yay for starting lupron =) How is that new beach house of yours?

Mrs. L: Congrats on getting started!

Terri: I need to get you to come help me train Fen. He's very food motivated until you get him outside. Then it is sensory overload. Our trainer recommends training in three levels, with a walk being the highest level. He knows what to do but loses his shit when he sees a squirrel. I'm scheduling some private lessons to try to get that and his mailman barking under control before the baby arrives. He seems to be a tad scared of the stroller, so I'm cruelly hoping that keeps him in line on walks.

BabyW: What did you decide about this weekend?

Erin: Those pains sound so weird and no bueno!

Beagle, hard to believe we are halfway there, huh? I'm still feeling really good.

I think I popped in the last week so I look more pregnant , not fat. I'm still running and going to gym class twice a week and walking a lot. My ankles/feet are starting to swell. Not thrilled about that! I drink a ton of water so I'm trying to limit sodium, keep my feet up. I've been sleeping pretty well too, just not getting enough with work and life so busy. I feel like October is going to be here in the blink of an eye.
sars-I'll keep you posted on Fun's training. I think you just have to start out with a lot of treats so they remain focused on you. I'm stingy so our first couple times out he would still get distracted, but yesterday, I bombarded him with cut up hotdogs. Even if he thought about looking at me, I was clicking and giving him treats. This morning I didn't have hot dogs so I was giving him fewer treats and he was still looking at me. I felt bad when he would look and I didn't have anything to offer. hee hee. You may have to relocate if you have a lot of squirrels and work your way back to the house. I have a pretty large parking pad, so we just walked up and down. We haven't gone back out into the neighborhood though because there are too many distractions. Maybe tomorrow morning early we can venture back out into the neighborhood to test his progress/focus. Glad to hear you're doing well. :)
Terri - you can also try veggies. My dogs loved them & I didn't feel like I was adding too many "treat" calories.

Sars - I have been told by another beagle owner that the baby can get used to the barking while in the womb. Mine are not too bad...bark at the doorbell & if they see a squirrel or cat outside. Mostly they are pretty good especially for beagles.
sars-I'll keep you posted on Fun's training. I think you just have to start out with a lot of treats so they remain focused on you. I'm stingy so our first couple times out he would still get distracted, but yesterday, I bombarded him with cut up hotdogs. Even if he thought about looking at me, I was clicking and giving him treats. This morning I didn't have hot dogs so I was giving him fewer treats and he was still looking at me. I felt bad when he would look and I didn't have anything to offer. hee hee. You may have to relocate if you have a lot of squirrels and work your way back to the house. I have a pretty large parking pad, so we just walked up and down. We haven't gone back out into the neighborhood though because there are too many distractions. Maybe tomorrow morning early we can venture back out into the neighborhood to test his progress/focus. Glad to hear you're doing well. :)

Beagle: The barking drives me nuts too!

Terri: We use freeze dried liver, which he loves, but once he gets over stimulated he will take the treat and actually spit it out. If we stay in our backyard or alleyway he totally complies. That's why I'm a bit stumped. I also think he is getting the stop, sit portion way better than the loose leash.
I have a beagle/corgi mix and a dachshund. The dachshund barks at EVERYTHING... which usually sets off the beagle mix, and then it's just total chaos.
My DD was fine with the barking as an infant, she wouldn't even flinch. But as she's been getting older, she is less and less tolerant of it and tends to (semi-playfully) scream when they bark now. And she's an increasingly light sleeper, so we try to the dogs away from windows at night lol.
My dogs are pretty good in the house...just the doorbell. Outside is different so we try to quiet them after a bit because of our neighbors. My oldest starts it. She is the leader so the next one starts howling & he doesn't even know why. And his howl is horrible! It was awesome being in the mountains where they could just bark freely. And we had some beagle neighbors.
Jen- congrats momma!! What a sweet little cutie pie!! Glad you're doing well too!

Moni- loving your pics of oliver. He looks so sweet and cuddly!!

Mrs L and lady- cant wait for yall to be in you tww and krissy!! Its coming soon!!

At work so keeping it short. My sweet girl is doing good and kicking like crazy! I love it! Had a crazy day yesterday with a burst pipe and soaked room in our jome then my tire on my suv burst! Punctured by a monkey wrench of all things??? Anyhow today is better!!
Ok so I talked to the pediatric surgeon this morning. She has a mild case of vestibular fistula. Her anus is too close to her vagina basically. They are separated but her anus needs to be moved back. So she will have surgery when she's 4 months old and until then I need to dilate her rectum every morning. I learned how to do it today and she doesn't really mind so that's good! I guess things could be worse symptom wise but her case is mild. 90% chance of having a normal life after surgery. Everything was a little scary for a bit but I think everything will be ok. Breastfeeding is going well today but I'm so tired. I'll jump on after I get an hour of sleep and I can think straight instead of rambling but she is out of nicu and with me now!
Jen congrats Mama. She is beautiful. Enjoy e dry minute and try and get as much rest as you can. Don't stress about the issue, babies do very well with those procedures and it will be ok.

I am getting excited to follow all the new cycles happening soon!!

I'm still catching up on reading. I decided to allow my MIL to take Jack for 24hrs. She was supposed to be here around 9:30 and she's aware of Jack's nap schedule but decided to get a late start and got her car washed. She showed up at noon and Jack was out cold on my chest. I swear no one in that family considers anyone else when they do things. He's it was nice of her to offer to come and get Jack but she disturbed his nap and he didn't go back down until late afternoon. She only gave him 3 bottles and never used sunscreen so basically the note I wrote and put on top of his swimsuit and sunscreen was never read. I clearly outlined his schedule and bottles. He played in the pool without his sun hat or sunscreen. I'm annoyed as hell. She looked at me like I had no basis for telling her my son's schedule or that he's so fair and burns easily including his scalp or that the pool was a concern of mine. She just was like "uh huh". Well she hasn't spent any real time with Jack since he was 9mos old and my FIL told me when I showed up yesterday afternoon. That he has a new found respect for how much we do bc Jack is non stop and you need to be on top of him. Yes! That's what I tried to tell everyone. Watching a grandson is not like watching your own child, each child is different and my MIL isn't in her 20s anymore. It's been a long time since she had to watch a toddler. She never watched him after he started walking and I knew she had no clue how active he was. I was very relieved to have him back here yesterday afternoon, as were my parents. My MIL told my Mom how Jack wants to step right into the deep end and my Mom looked at her and said I think Susan wrote all of that in her note to you. The attitude of what do I know compared to her since she raised 4 boys is aggravating. If she knew everything why wasn't any sunscreen used??? So 1 day was enough for me to loosen my grip a little, I was much better about it when I knew he was asleep for the night. And 1 day was enough for my in-laws to see he is a handful and exhausting. They have nothing baby proofed which made it more challenging as well. I felt bad taking him from them as they looked sad but they know where we live. They haven't been here since his 1yr Bday in Dec.

I used my 24hrs of freedom to get a light fixture, paint samples all for the nursery, go Bday gift shopping for friends and neighbors kids parties and as Jack naps I'm doing laundry and about to clean the house. Dh should be home in 4-5hrs. I'm so glad I stayed home. The dorms had no a/c and it was sweltering. He said he sweat profusely both nights and can't wait to come home. My parents helped me a lot this weekend as I've been tired. Baby girl is measuring small compared to Jack at this stage and she's still breech so it's very uncomfortable. I have a tentative cs date of July 22/23. I'm hoping next weekend to paint the nursery, have an electrician come and do both fixtures and have all furniture in place. Only thing I will. EDD for the roomis a rug. I have chosen a light green for the walls, narrowing it down to which color hopefully today bc Sherwin Williams is having a 40% off sale on Friday FYI.

How was everyone's weekend? I can't wait for Jack to see DH when he comes home. He is going to be so excited.
MrsL - How's stimming going? Hope not too bad so far.

Sars - My ankles/feet have started to swell a bit, too. I'm sure it has to do with the weather warming up. They're fine after a good night's sleep but get progressively worse throughout the day.

Jen - Congratulations again. She is ABSOLUTELY adorable. I hope you were able to get a little bit of sleep!

Babyw - I'm happy you were able to get some things done, even if your MIL made you a bit nervous watching Jack.

Hi everyone else! I had such a busy weekend so I'm feeling pooped today. I don't think I filled you in on my appt last week. The good news is that baby is measuring right on schedule at 3 lbs, 14 oz and things were generally looking good. (new pic in siggy) But they were of course running late like they always are so it was yet another rushed appointment. The doctor comes in and he's looking at the monitor with the technician and speaking in greek basically like they always do. Then says that he wants me to get an MRI because of the position of my placenta and mumbles something about placenta accreta and then leaves before I can say anything. So, I said to the technician, I'm sorry - what exactly is this MRI for? Is it to determine whether or not I'll need a c-section (which you always do with placenta previa) and what is placenta accreta? Her eyes bugged out of her head and she said "Don't worry about placenta accreta yet. Let's see what the MRI says first and then we'll tackle it from there."

So, of course I look it up and it's HORRIBLE. It's when the placenta grows into your uterus and the main course of treatment is a hysterectomy! Anyway, I had my DH call the doctor with a bunch of questions the next day (I was at an all-day shoot for work) and the doctor said not to worry and that he doesn't think that's what's happening but that they just have to be 100% sure. I am just so pissed about the utter lack of communication and information. I'm going to say something at my next appointment for sure. My MRI is on Wednesday so wish me luck!
babyW-Well now you can go another year without MIL seeing Jack. Check it off the list and don't worry any more about it. I'm glad the FIL realized that he is a handful, and SO happy you didn't go to the dorms. If I remember correctly, for my reunion weekend, they put us in the newest dorms and I believe they were air conditioned. I can't really remember, but at least it was new. If I had to stay in one of the older dormitories, I wouldn't have gone. But the mattress was the same saltine cracker thickness. hee hee.

Jen-Charli is just so beautiful and I hope that if she does have to go through surgery, it's easy and she has a quick recovery.

kfs1-I noticed your new picture. Adorbs. hee hee. I hope you don't have that placenta accreta either. How come you always get the least sympathetic doctors?! Hopefully he was just mumbling and that's not really the case. your placenta previa gone now? I guess I don't really understand either, but make them answer your questions. A few more months now and you can get a new doctor for your next baby.

AFM-I met up with someone from the >35 boards. We just had dessert at a local place in the city. I love meeting internet strangers/friends. hee hee. It's a nice change of pace. She just found out she's with child, so it was really great getting to meet her and her DW over ice cream/sherbet.

On another board I'm on, one of the ladies is ready to start trying for #2. That stings a bit, but whatever. Hopefully she won't have any troubles and it will be smooth sailing. The good news is that almost everyone on that board has had their babies so it's kind of dying down. I wouldn't mind dropping off, but I do like the women on there so I stick around. Nothing else going on around here. :juggle:

Hi to everyone else! Oh..I'll be sending my address to those with meds, so be on the lookout for a PM. I want to do it so those with pregnancy brain can get it sent sooner rather than later. hee hee.
MrsL - How's stimming going? Hope not too bad so far.

Sars - My ankles/feet have started to swell a bit, too. I'm sure it has to do with the weather warming up. They're fine after a good night's sleep but get progressively worse throughout the day.

Jen - Congratulations again. She is ABSOLUTELY adorable. I hope you were able to get a little bit of sleep!

Babyw - I'm happy you were able to get some things done, even if your MIL made you a bit nervous watching Jack.

Hi everyone else! I had such a busy weekend so I'm feeling pooped today. I don't think I filled you in on my appt last week. The good news is that baby is measuring right on schedule at 3 lbs, 14 oz and things were generally looking good. (new pic in siggy) But they were of course running late like they always are so it was yet another rushed appointment. The doctor comes in and he's looking at the monitor with the technician and speaking in greek basically like they always do. Then says that he wants me to get an MRI because of the position of my placenta and mumbles something about placenta accreta and then leaves before I can say anything. So, I said to the technician, I'm sorry - what exactly is this MRI for? Is it to determine whether or not I'll need a c-section (which you always do with placenta previa) and what is placenta accreta? Her eyes bugged out of her head and she said "Don't worry about placenta accreta yet. Let's see what the MRI says first and then we'll tackle it from there."

So, of course I look it up and it's HORRIBLE. It's when the placenta grows into your uterus and the main course of treatment is a hysterectomy! Anyway, I had my DH call the doctor with a bunch of questions the next day (I was at an all-day shoot for work) and the doctor said not to worry and that he doesn't think that's what's happening but that they just have to be 100% sure. I am just so pissed about the utter lack of communication and information. I'm going to say something at my next appointment for sure. My MRI is on Wednesday so wish me luck!

Don't stress yet hun, they can treat that without a radical hysterectomy if that's indeed the issue. I would get a second opinion if that's what they say is the issue and only course of treatment. I can empathize a lot with the lack of communication. The technician and radiologist said baby was measuring small, I should be seen weekly, maybe hooked up to fhr monitor, and meanwhile my ob said just to track growth curve and if she's gaining weight at the appropriate rate there is nothing to worry about. So radiologist got us all upset and ob was not concerned. Grrrr
Good morning ladies!

I hope everyone had a good weekend.

BabyW - sorry you have to deal with an inconsiderate MIL. That must be so frustrating!

Kfs - not cool of your doc. I would be annoyed too. Def say something when you go in on Wed! I hope its nothing at all. I love your new pic. :)

Jen - Charli is just so precious. Sorry you're having to deal with these complications, but I agree that babies seem to heal from surgeries so fast, she'll be ok. When I was a teenager I used to babysit for a baby who had his colon removed. It was funny since I had had my colon removed too, so I felt a sense of connection with the lil guy, like, "hey man, I know what you're going through!" But I know as the years have gone by I am 100% normal, and I had the surgery at 16, his system probably normalized just after a couple years.

Terri - you're brave for meeting internet people in person! I think I'd be a little nervous! Hehe.

Afm, we had a pretty fun weekend. Watched the Blackhawks beat the Ducks on Friday (woohoo!) in the NHL playoffs. Went out for a little date night after. Then Sat we just gardened and ran errands. Yesterday we went to the Mariner's game with some friends. Weekends are never long enough. Sigh.

Our condo is still in the pre-closing stage. It is taking FOREVER! Close date is June 11. So it's coming eventually, it just sucks in the meantime cause we can't really spend any money! Next weekend we're throwing a graduation party for my cousin with all my aunts and uncles, so we'll be busy with that next weekend, then the following weekend hopefully we'll have the keys and can spend our first weekend there. Fingers crossed!

Still on the Lupron. Last night I started to feel the effects - just feeling tired and sluggish and a wee bit nauseous. It didn't help that we had a couple botched injections over the weekend. Friday DH hit a vein or something and caused some bruising/bleeding. Then last night I pinched the skin and just got so nervous (since Friday was painful) I let go of the skin pinch before he actually plunged the needle in. So the needle didn't pierce the skin in the first stab. Ugh! It was really painful. Oh well, not too much longer. I'm just over it already!!
kfs - sorry to hear about this & hopefully nothing serious. Your dr sounds annoying & should be more considerate.

Jen - I hope baby Charli is ok. Sounds like a simple procedure, but I know it probably makes you worry anyways.

Terri - funny you met someone from the forums. I had a dream last night all of us met up somewhere. It was weird like most of my dreams these days.

My weekend was EXHAUSTING to say the least. We did some shopping in Lancaster waiting for an update from my sister on the evening plans. I found some more decor that goes with my monster bedding which is awesome. It has all been discontinued, but by some luck we have gotten most of the pieces I want on clearance by looking around. My mom calls around 4 saying they are leaving for dinner & where am I. I am so upset because I am an hour away & have been asking for info for a WEEK. So we got ready & said we would be at the graduation at 6 (starts at 7). I was upset I missed dinner. We get there & message my mom & she says they are on their way & to find my nephew. He comes out & talks to us for a min & we then continue to wait. I had to give the ticket lady my cell phone as collateral because I had to pee so bad & no ticket to get in. My husband & I are nervous they will lock the doors at 7 (did that at both our graduations). Everyone gets there at 7:15!!! Then they try to rush US! So we get in & everything is fine. Ends up they ate Indian food & it was like a course meal that took forever then went to the wrong graduation. So I have not eatten pretty much all day. Had breakfast & then ice cream later. So I am starving. We pick up some food & meet at my sisters for about an hour. Ugh...such a rough night.

We had hidden a gift at my husband's uncles for fathers day. While we are gone we find out my aunt gave him the gift!!! So he didn't open it with my FIL like we planned & we didn't even get to see him open it. We were so disappointed. Also there are stairs there so my dog ended up shaking again because he is not fully healed from his sore back. So I was full of anxiety most of the morning around 2 am until around 10 when he finally started to get the meds to kick in. He is doing fine now.

Oh & what had me up at 2 am? My leg started to cramp so bad. I was almost crying with pain. I woke up my husband & ended up walking up & down the stairs until it went away. Got back in bed & my dog was shaking so I got him meds. Then I am settled & my other leg did it. So painful. Then it finally stopped & I could sleep. So Sunday I was anxious & couldn't eat, sleepy, & just plain exhausted. I snacked on the road & finally ate dinner around 4 or 5. Mainy I drank Pepsi I was so thirty. I know a very unhealthy weekend for me. But I feel better today...just tired still.

My husband and I basically ended the weekend with being happy we had each other despite the rest of our whole family apparently completely oblivious to the world & other's feelings.

So speaking of being respectful, I am trying to get my baby bbq invites together. I am trying to find good wording to say gifts are optional but we do have a registery. I don't want the inclusion of a registry to indicate a "shower" because I want it to be coed & family themed to include kids...not the typical shower. I was thinking of saying gifts appreciated but not expected...or to say the couples is registered at _____ or just bring a pack of diapers. I don't know. Any thoughts or suggestions? The rest of the invite is very casual.
Hi ladies!!

Sorry it's been so long since I checked in. We just got back from our visit with my family really late on Saturday night/Sunday morning and spent all day yesterday doing stuff around the house.

Jen - Little Charli is just the cutest thing ever! I'm sorry she'll have to have surgery, though. Congrats to you and DH!!!

Moni - Thanks for posting pics of you and your little one too. He is a cute little stinker. I hope you're all doing well.

Terri - I forgot to mention that I have a Follistim cartridge too. It's one of the 300 unit ones. I don't have it in the box anymore but I never punctured the cartridge. Just let me know if you want it and the Ganirelix.

kfs - Man, that is the worst when the doctor says the worst case scenario and then leaves the room!!! Good luck with your MRI on Wednesday. I'll be thinking of you.

LadySosa - Ugh - Lupron!!! But that means your moving along again. But it really is the worst. I hope the side effects don't get too much worse.

Babywhisperer - Stories like yours make me appreciate that we live so far from our family!! While most of the time, it sucks to not be closer, the upside is avoiding situations like yours.

Sars - Glad to hear you're still running. I'm on about the same schedule. Trying to squeeze in 2-3 runs a week and usually walks on the other days.

MrsL - Hooray for starting stims!!!

Hello to Beagle, Krissy, ERose, jkb, and Amy!!!! I'll try to do a better job of keeping up this week.

Our trip was nice. I'm glad to be back home, though!! Trips to visit my Mom are always so exhausting. I miss her though. It's harder and harder to be so far away as she gets older. I feel like I'm not pulling my weight a lot of the time (my sister lives next door to her). But it is what it is. I finally told my two brothers about being pregnant while we were in KY and then my Mom was immediately on the phone calling everyone else she's been dying to tell. It's cute she is so excited. The best part of telling everyone is having them guess what the gender is (we haven't told anyone other than my sister that we know it's a girl). :haha:

I have an appointment with my OB tomorrow. No ultrasound, just doppler to check for heartbeat and such. I will spill the beans at work after that - just want to make sure that everything is still okay in there.

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