First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi ladies!!

Sorry it's been so long since I checked in. We just got back from our visit with my family really late on Saturday night/Sunday morning and spent all day yesterday doing stuff around the house.

Jen - Little Charli is just the cutest thing ever! I'm sorry she'll have to have surgery, though. Congrats to you and DH!!!

Moni - Thanks for posting pics of you and your little one too. He is a cute little stinker. I hope you're all doing well.

Terri - I forgot to mention that I have a Follistim cartridge too. It's one of the 300 unit ones. I don't have it in the box anymore but I never punctured the cartridge. Just let me know if you want it and the Ganirelix.

kfs - Man, that is the worst when the doctor says the worst case scenario and then leaves the room!!! Good luck with your MRI on Wednesday. I'll be thinking of you.

LadySosa - Ugh - Lupron!!! But that means your moving along again. But it really is the worst. I hope the side effects don't get too much worse.

Babywhisperer - Stories like yours make me appreciate that we live so far from our family!! While most of the time, it sucks to not be closer, the upside is avoiding situations like yours.

Sars - Glad to hear you're still running. I'm on about the same schedule. Trying to squeeze in 2-3 runs a week and usually walks on the other days.

MrsL - Hooray for starting stims!!!

Hello to Beagle, Krissy, ERose, jkb, and Amy!!!! I'll try to do a better job of keeping up this week.

Our trip was nice. I'm glad to be back home, though!! Trips to visit my Mom are always so exhausting. I miss her though. It's harder and harder to be so far away as she gets older. I feel like I'm not pulling my weight a lot of the time (my sister lives next door to her). But it is what it is. I finally told my two brothers about being pregnant while we were in KY and then my Mom was immediately on the phone calling everyone else she's been dying to tell. It's cute she is so excited. The best part of telling everyone is having them guess what the gender is (we haven't told anyone other than my sister that we know it's a girl). :haha:

I have an appointment with my OB tomorrow. No ultrasound, just doppler to check for heartbeat and such. I will spill the beans at work after that - just want to make sure that everything is still okay in there.

Glad you had a nice trip. I know distance can make you feel guilty, but you need to do what's right for you and your family. I wish we could move, but dh is very entrenched in his law firm. We never see his family so that wouldn't matter, but I see my parents weekly and they are obsessed with Jack and very attached to me, it would be devastating. Yeah for telling people at all the unsolicited advice and comments will begin!
Oh I also meant to mention sorry for any u/s techs messing people up. My office has a nurse doing the u/s & then my dr comes to see me. I had to wait a long time last time just for the dr to be like Any issues? Nope. But I felt good at least having that option & attention even if I had to wait. Dr really should be more considerate of your feelings.
Had my day 3 stims ultrasound -- so far so good. Had 3 on the right ~ 9-10mm and two on the left about the same size. Looked like there were some more little ones but they didn't measure. Still spotting.....they said the lining looked thin, and that wasn't unexpected this early on during stims

So I continue the same dose and have a repeat ultrasound and blood work on wednesday (which will be after 5 stim days)

Don't think I've realized how quickly it was going.....I keep on thinking about work schedule and whatnot, and how I will work it all out....but it looks like it will be here before I know it, and it is what it is!
We are home and getting adjusted. I'm so tired but I love her so much! My dogs are being WONDERFUL. Usually they are jumping all over my lap so I was worried about my incision and them jumping on the baby but they are so calm and gentle. Oh, and if they bark, Charli isn't bothered by it at all. It's like she is already used to them and they understand she was inside me. So cool. I plan on playing catch up on here today. So far our routine is up all night and sleep all day. Lol I'm trying to reverse that. Oh, and my milk came in and DH and I are amazed by my boobs! Huge!!!!
MrsL-The waiting to start is definitely one of the longest parts. Once you get going it's just an added item to your routine and time flies by. Your numbers sound good so far.

Jen-Yay!! Glad you're home and the dogs are understanding. That is so cool.
We are home and getting adjusted. I'm so tired but I love her so much! My dogs are being WONDERFUL. Usually they are jumping all over my lap so I was worried about my incision and them jumping on the baby but they are so calm and gentle. Oh, and if they bark, Charli isn't bothered by it at all. It's like she is already used to them and they understand she was inside me. So cool. I plan on playing catch up on here today. So far our routine is up all night and sleep all day. Lol I'm trying to reverse that. Oh, and my milk came in and DH and I are amazed by my boobs! Huge!!!!

That's awesome. Babies hear dogs barking in utero so when they are born they are used to it. How's her latch so far?
Hey ladies!

Jen, Charli is just so adorable I could eat her up. I'm so sorry to hear about the surgery. But it is true babies are so very resilient.

Beagle: Sorry your family visit was so complicated. I hate when people won't nail down plans when you are coming in from out of town. I'm sure your nephew appreciated you made the trip!

Booger: Glad to hear that your trip went home went well. Good luck at the doctor!

Terri: Pregnancy brain won't stop me from sending you those meds right away!

KFS: Your doctor really stinks. I'm sorry for the scare and I truly hope that it ends up being no big deal.

BabyW: Sounds like you handled the in-law situation as well as you could. They have a sense of why it is important to pay attention to you and Jack came out relatively unscathed. My college puts us up in the swanky dorms with AC but Terri is right the mattress still sucks! They're actually tearing down my freshman year dorms. They were a total shit hole but it does make me nostalgic.

MrsL: The waiting to start is the worst part. Once you get moving along, things will fly by.

Hi to everyone else!

Today is my birthday and it's funny because I've always been big on birthday celebrations. Yet, I've been very relaxed this year. I'm working today. I usually take off and we do something fun. We're going to dinner to my favorite restaurant and that's about it. It is a rainy miserable day and I'm actually sick with a cold. I don't really care at all about the negatives because I am so thrilled to be pregnant this bday. That's the best gift I could ask for and I get to see the little one tomorrow at my 20 week U/S.

I just started calling day cares and so few of them offer part-time care. And many close at 5:30. Don't they get people work?
It must be raining all over!

Good luck with your scan sars. Mine was last week & it was so cool. Now I can't wait for the 4d scan.

I think most of my daycares are 6 pm. Not sure because I get off at 5.

My husband is takin ghis management team out to dinner because I think my appetite is starting to pick up. I will need to figure out dinner. Snacking now on these mini fruit trays I bought at Sams.
BabyW, she is latching great. I only had help two times from the nurse and then other than that I've been on my own. My boobs are so sore but when I look at her face the pain goes away! She cluster feeds at night so I've been up a lot during that time and sleep during the day. I'm all mixed up! Hopefully we will have a schedule down soon.
Hi ladies!

Happy birthday, Sars! Sorry you're battling a cold. That's no fun. But like you said, you got what you want for your birthday this year. :) My birthday is tomorrow. We're really not doing anything either (in fact, I keep forgetting!), I have Spanish class tomorrow evening. But it's the last class until Fall, so it'll be nice to have a couple months off.

Jen - glad to hear you are at home and glad to hear you are in love! How can you not, she is a doll! Congrats again!

I am totally feeling the Lupron. Last night I was feeling achey and super tired at like 6pm. And bloated. And a wee bit emotional and cranky with DH. I got this nasty coughing fit right when we went to bed and I couldn't stop coughing. It was awful. I started gagging and then my throat was so sore. I didn't get to sleep until like midnight, which is REALLY late for me (usually asleep by like 9:30 or 10, since I wake up by 5). So I slept in a little today and came in to work a little later than usual. I still feel yucky today and am practically falling asleep right now! Ugh I don't know how I'm going to drag my butt to barre class tonight...
Happy birthday Sars!! I'd take that birthday present any day as well, so enjoy it! Sorry you're feeling yucky, but a nice dinner will fix you right up. Pm is on the way when I get to my computer. I'm a fast typer so when on my phone it takes me a bit.

LadySosa-sorry you're having some bad side effects from the Lupron. It won't be too much longer.

Beagle-maybe your husband can bring you some food to go! That's better than a fruit tray.
Happy birthday Sars!! I'd take that birthday present any day as well, so enjoy it! Sorry you're feeling yucky, but a nice dinner will fix you right up. Pm is on the way when I get to my computer. I'm a fast typer so when on my phone it takes me a bit.

LadySosa-sorry you're having some bad side effects from the Lupron. It won't be too much longer.

Beagle-maybe your husband can bring you some food to go! That's better than a fruit tray.

I had ever intension on finding something at home but caved and texted him to bring some food home!
Hi ladies!

Happy birthday, Sars! Sorry you're battling a cold. That's no fun. But like you said, you got what you want for your birthday this year. :) My birthday is tomorrow. We're really not doing anything either (in fact, I keep forgetting!), I have Spanish class tomorrow evening. But it's the last class until Fall, so it'll be nice to have a couple months off.

Jen - glad to hear you are at home and glad to hear you are in love! How can you not, she is a doll! Congrats again!

I am totally feeling the Lupron. Last night I was feeling achey and super tired at like 6pm. And bloated. And a wee bit emotional and cranky with DH. I got this nasty coughing fit right when we went to bed and I couldn't stop coughing. It was awful. I started gagging and then my throat was so sore. I didn't get to sleep until like midnight, which is REALLY late for me (usually asleep by like 9:30 or 10, since I wake up by 5). So I slept in a little today and came in to work a little later than usual. I still feel yucky today and am practically falling asleep right now! Ugh I don't know how I'm going to drag my butt to barre class tonight...

I am so sorry about the Lupron, from everything I hear the side effects are awful I hope it goes fast for you. Feel better!

Sars happy bday mama!! No better gift than to be expecting. Enjoy it!!

Jen that is so awesome you have no idea. Nursing is the hardest part for so many including me. Jack was so lazy with his latch and too impatient, we struggled and I pumped and bottle fed a lot. Enjoy the bonding time!
Just had my ultrasound after 5 day of stims..... 10 on one side, 9 on the other.....waiting on e2 level. So far so good, she's thinking Monday retrieval. Today is the first day I have felt any heaviness, no bloating yet - sure that is coming!

Love reading everyone's updates. Hope Lupron goes quickly for you ladysosa - I had some serious hot flashes last week that are probably attributed to Lupron!

Happy hump day y'all!
Lady - :hugs: Hope the side effects lighten up for you or at least the time goes by quickly. How many days have you been on Lupron? I start tomorrow and I'm a bit nervous from all the bad stories I've heard.

Sars - Happy Birthday!! :cake: I loved every holiday and event while pregnant... it just made it all extra special. I have to say I barely remember my first birthday after DD was born, but she was just over a month old and I hadn't gotten the whole sleeping thing down yet lol.
Good morning ladies!

Mrs. L - you are getting close! You will def feel full soon, but then you'll have relief on Monday. That's a great count so far! And yes, I've heard hot flashes can be a symptom of Lupron too!

Krissy- I started Lupron a week ago today. Started feeling the effects on Sunday, which was about 4/5 days in. Lupron affects everyone differently, so you may not experience the same side effects. The thing I hate most is the fatigue. I have NO energy to work out after work, and last time I went through this I got really out of shape. And its right when you want to be IN shape; before pregnancy! Oh well. You gotta listen to your body for sure. Once you get on the estrogen, your hormones level out and you will feel better. I start estrogen on Friday I think, so not too much longer.

Hope everyone's having a great day so far!!
Just had my ultrasound after 5 day of stims..... 10 on one side, 9 on the other.....waiting on e2 level. So far so good, she's thinking Monday retrieval. Today is the first day I have felt any heaviness, no bloating yet - sure that is coming!

Love reading everyone's updates. Hope Lupron goes quickly for you ladysosa - I had some serious hot flashes last week that are probably attributed to Lupron!

Happy hump day y'all!

You are responding great!!!!
Good morning, ladies!!!:flower:

Happy Birthday, LadySosa! I hope you have a wonderful day despite the evil Lupron. :cake:

sars - Happy Belated Birthday to you as well!! Lots of June birthdays around here. (Mine is at the end of the month). I hope your cold clears up quickly. I hate summertime colds.

kfs - Good luck with your MRI today. I am keeping my fingers crossed for good results!

JCM - I am glad you guys are home and things are going so well. I swear, the whole sleep thing is one of my biggest fears with having a baby. I hope you guys get sorted out soon. That's great that nursing is going so well. I bet that's a relief!

MrsL - Hooray for all the growing follies!!! :thumbup: Monday isn't too far off. You will get more uncomfortable the closer you get to retrieval so just don't do anything crazy and you should be fine.

Beagle - Glad that DH brought you some real food home. :haha: For your invitations, I'm not sure the best course of action. I don't know if I would put anything since gifts aren't expected but if you think people are going to ask, then maybe just listing where you are registered would be fine?? :shrug:

Krissy - I had to take Lupron too leading up to my FET. It made me super cranky but I also think it made me lose weight since I felt like Superwoman when I ran (Lupron is on the International Olympic Committee’s list of doping drugs). But I don't think it ever bothered ERose too much so hopefully you'll fall into that category!!

Terri - I'll try to get my meds in the mail to you by tomorrow. I'll PM you and let you know when they are on their merry way!

Babywhisperer - Yes, the unsolicited advice is one of the reasons I've stayed hush hush for so long. But, I know most people have good intentions so I'll try not to roll my eyes too much. :winkwink:

Howdy to everyone else!!

I am in such a good mood today! I hope it can last. I went for a run this morning and it was just the perfect morning. Nice and cool, sun was shining beautifully on the mountains.....that sounds corny but it really was gorgeous out.

Anyway, Dr's appointment went well yesterday. Heartbeat was good (although I didn't get the actual number). He asked if I had any questions and of course my mind just went blank! The entire drive up I kept telling myself to ask about the FOUR tick bites I got while at my Mom's house. I am keeping an eye on them and not too worried since I'm pretty sure they were Lone Star ticks and those aren't known for carrying anything too scary. But of course, I forgot to ask him!! We go back in 4 weeks for the mid-pregnancy scan. Can't wait!

I spilled to beans at work. It was kind of fun because everyone was so excited. Several other women in the office who have had babies in the recent past have been able to bring their babies to work for awhile and everyone was like "You have to bring your baby to work when you come back - at least for a couple of months!" That was my plan anyway since I have my own office but it was nice to hear everyone else being so supportive of that too.
Thanks Booger!

That's so great that you spilled the beans at work. I bet it feels like a relief to tell everyone. So glad the Dr appointment went well! Can you call your doc and ask about the tick bites? Better safe than sorry!

I've never been to Montana but its one place I'd like to visit. It sounds amazing. You are a lucky lady to live there!
Good morning, ladies!!!:flower:

Happy Birthday, LadySosa! I hope you have a wonderful day despite the evil Lupron. :cake:

sars - Happy Belated Birthday to you as well!! Lots of June birthdays around here. (Mine is at the end of the month). I hope your cold clears up quickly. I hate summertime colds.

kfs - Good luck with your MRI today. I am keeping my fingers crossed for good results!

JCM - I am glad you guys are home and things are going so well. I swear, the whole sleep thing is one of my biggest fears with having a baby. I hope you guys get sorted out soon. That's great that nursing is going so well. I bet that's a relief!

MrsL - Hooray for all the growing follies!!! :thumbup: Monday isn't too far off. You will get more uncomfortable the closer you get to retrieval so just don't do anything crazy and you should be fine.

Beagle - Glad that DH brought you some real food home. :haha: For your invitations, I'm not sure the best course of action. I don't know if I would put anything since gifts aren't expected but if you think people are going to ask, then maybe just listing where you are registered would be fine?? :shrug:

Krissy - I had to take Lupron too leading up to my FET. It made me super cranky but I also think it made me lose weight since I felt like Superwoman when I ran (Lupron is on the International Olympic Committee’s list of doping drugs). But I don't think it ever bothered ERose too much so hopefully you'll fall into that category!!

Terri - I'll try to get my meds in the mail to you by tomorrow. I'll PM you and let you know when they are on their merry way!

Babywhisperer - Yes, the unsolicited advice is one of the reasons I've stayed hush hush for so long. But, I know most people have good intentions so I'll try not to roll my eyes too much. :winkwink:

Howdy to everyone else!!

I am in such a good mood today! I hope it can last. I went for a run this morning and it was just the perfect morning. Nice and cool, sun was shining beautifully on the mountains.....that sounds corny but it really was gorgeous out.

Anyway, Dr's appointment went well yesterday. Heartbeat was good (although I didn't get the actual number). He asked if I had any questions and of course my mind just went blank! The entire drive up I kept telling myself to ask about the FOUR tick bites I got while at my Mom's house. I am keeping an eye on them and not too worried since I'm pretty sure they were Lone Star ticks and those aren't known for carrying anything too scary. But of course, I forgot to ask him!! We go back in 4 weeks for the mid-pregnancy scan. Can't wait!

I spilled to beans at work. It was kind of fun because everyone was so excited. Several other women in the office who have had babies in the recent past have been able to bring their babies to work for awhile and everyone was like "You have to bring your baby to work when you come back - at least for a couple of months!" That was my plan anyway since I have my own office but it was nice to hear everyone else being so supportive of that too.

That's great you can bring your baby to work!! Hope you stay feeling good! As for the ticks, call the dr. As someone who had Lyme, you can never tell what ticks carry and this year is supposed to be the worst in a long time. This is the high point of the year for bites and will last asll Summer. Be careful.

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