First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi ladies!

Quick check-in here. I'm actually feeling pretty good. I'll write more when we are not in the car but things went smoothly. I'm a little crampy and tired but nothing unbearable (at least not yet). We got 20 eggs! I can't believe it. Now we just have to hope for good fertilization. :)

I feel so much positive energy around here right now and I love it.
That is an amazing retrieval!

I am having some cramping today so I guess the femara is kicking in. Follistim starts tomorrow.
Booger-Awesome!! I hope they ALL fertilize. can be yucky. hee hee. We have to leave some room for error.

beaglemom-Woop woop. it's time!

Jen-Did you tell your girlfriend, or you were only happy to share her news? If you told her, that's great. We are all SO happy for you.

ERose-I couldn't remember who asked me about retrieval date, so I probably posted on all the other forums but this one. The estimated date is 09/30-10/03. That's ten-thirteen days. I'm hoping for the 30th, but if I have to go longer so be it. Then transfer 5 days later, so I'm thinking 10/04 will be transfer day. That works out perfectly. I have to admit girls...I'm going to get playoff tickets for the Os! The games are on 10/02 and 10/03. I just hope, hope, hope I'm at the right place in this cycle for it to be a fun game for me. After spending all my $ on medicine, I went on a binge. BUT...the Os haven't been the division champs for 17 years, and I can't wait another 17. I also wanted opening day tickets since I haven't been the last two years because they are outrageous, so now I'll get opening day tix too. I live in the moment, and the moment is now!
Booger-Awesome!! I hope they ALL fertilize. can be yucky. hee hee. We have to leave some room for error.

beaglemom-Woop woop. it's time!

Jen-Did you tell your girlfriend, or you were only happy to share her news? If you told her, that's great. We are all SO happy for you.

ERose-I couldn't remember who asked me about retrieval date, so I probably posted on all the other forums but this one. The estimated date is 09/30-10/03. That's ten-thirteen days. I'm hoping for the 30th, but if I have to go longer so be it. Then transfer 5 days later, so I'm thinking 10/04 will be transfer day. That works out perfectly. I have to admit girls...I'm going to get playoff tickets for the Os! The games are on 10/02 and 10/03. I just hope, hope, hope I'm at the right place in this cycle for it to be a fun game for me. After spending all my $ on medicine, I went on a binge. BUT...the Os haven't been the division champs for 17 years, and I can't wait another 17. I also wanted opening day tickets since I haven't been the last two years because they are outrageous, so now I'll get opening day tix too. I live in the moment, and the moment is now!

Terri that is awesome..but I hate your Os!!! I think the Yankees are out...really upsets me with it being Jeter's last year. He deserved one more time in the playoffs. But I love watching him...even with 5 games left, he is still so psyched to be playing the game. Baseball is losing a good one this year. Then we get to start next season off with A-Rod. Do NOT even get me started on that pile of crap!!!

***my husband says I have too much anger & emotion when watching baseball & I really should have been a football fan*** :D

Maybe with your dates lining up with the playoffs, your baby needs a baseball name ??? We are actually thinking a baseball name...but no spoilers til I am prego!
Great retrieval Booger!!

Erin - getting excited for you!!

Great news, Booger! Wow! Drink some Gatorade!

Erin, me exactly. On and off for a couple of days. Not as bad and unbearable as AF cramps but about halfway. They would come for a couple of mins and then go. Then it kept spacing out an hour to 3 hours before I'd get anymore. Then they just stopped. So I tested last Thursday (8dpo) and that's when I saw my faint trigger positive. So then I tested Friday and it was totally negative not even a hint. 12dpo was yesterday and my line was pretty dark. I bet if I'd tested Sunday it would have been there but super faint. So I'm glad I waited til yesterday! It was nice to see the dark immediate line. My boobs were sore like you said from progesterone but as of yesterday, they got about 5 times worse. I have to tuck them into my sports bra a certain way and I still get tears in my eyes when they move! I think they grew more than a cup size overnight!
Yes Terri I told her. She doesn't get to have an appt until 8 weeks! Not even a blood test! Isn't that crazy?
Hi ladies! I am tired this morning. :coffee:

Jen - Congrats, again! I'm so happy for you. I can only imagine how excited your parents must be. I think that's the thing I'm most excited about if I ever get pregnant - telling my Mom. I think she might just pass out as I'm pretty sure she thinks we'll never have kids. I have been putting electrolyte tabs in my water to be on the safe side. I don't think my chances of OHSS are very high, at least not for severe, since we aren't doing a transfer until later. Kind of glad about that now!

Moni - Your scan was beautiful! I love seeing the little nugget in there. I bet hearing that is one of the most beautiful sounds in the world. When do you get released to your OB/GYN?

Beagle - It is depressing that Jeter is going to go out during a year in which they aren't in the playoffs. I heard yesterday that the last time they went two years in a row missing the playoffs was 92-93. Wow! They really need to get some younger players. :haha: And I agree about A-Rod. He's the worst.

Erin - One more day until test day! Hang in there. These waits have got to be killer so I feel anxious for you myself. Your chart is looking beautiful though, so I hope that's a good sign.

Terri - How exciting about the playoff tickets! I'm jealous. That sounds like fun. I love going to baseball games. That is one of the serious downsides to living where we do, the closest city to go see professional sports is Seattle so we never get to go. I don't blame you for going - sometimes we just need to do things we want to do and not worry about it. Glad things are going well this cycle too. I hope things keep looking up around here.

kfs - Glad you got the insurance thing straightened out. Your new IVF coverage sounds amazing. I'm so jealous of you ladies that have it. It really doesn't seem fair that they can't figure out a way to make it apply everywhere. I think I read that when Massachusetts decided to cover it they figured the cost per person across the state was something like $3/year. I'd gladly pay that to help out others in my same situation.

Hi Amy and Brighteyez! Hope you guys are doing well!

I'm actually feeling pretty good today. Tired but otherwise okay. Still tender in ovaries and a little bloated but I guess that is to be expected. They prescribed me some Tylenol 3 so I took two on the way home yesterday, which allowed me to sleep the whole way home. I took two more when I went to bed last night as I could tell the others were waning.

The retrieval itself seemed to go pretty smoothly. The nurse came in and explained everything, I signed some paperwork and then she put the IV in my hand. She numbed the area with some lidocaine first which was awesome. I didn't even feel the needle go in when she put in the actual IV. The anesthesiologist then came in and asked me a few questions then we were off! They made me use the bathroom first, then took me to the OR where I pretty much feel asleep right away. I'm not sure if I told them I was ready to party. :haha: Next thing I knew, I was in recovery and DH was coming in to sit with me. I felt crampy and little dizzy but otherwise fine. They took my vitals about three different times, let me drink some juice and eat crackers, and then I was off to get dressed back into my normal clothes. The whole process from the time we got there until we left was only 2 hours! Crazy.

Anyway, hoping for a good report today. I'm nervous!
Good morning ladies,

How is everyone doing today?

Booger - I am doing well just waiting for af. I am glad you are doing well.
booger, that is a fantastic retrieval! Looking forward to hearing how many fertilized today! This is such a waiting game, huh? Hehe. I'm sure you'll get a bunch of viable embryos from 20 eggs. Keep us posted. I'm glad they gave you the Tyl III. At least it has codeine in it. The worst time I had was trying to get comfortable when I went to bed. I still had quite a bit of fluid in my abdomen, and there was literally no comfortable position to lay in. I ended up having to take one of my pain pills as well. I felt better when I woke up though, and even better by the next night.

Jen, thanks for the details! This wait is killing me. I'm TERRIFIED of testing, but won't be able to hold out. Interestingly, my bbs are double sore today... they were only slightly sore up until this morning, and now they are much more. Mostly on the sides... the outside of each boob.

terri, ok, glad to know your estimated timeframe for retrieval! I guess if I'd been good about checking into the Oldies thread, I'd know that. I should really pop in there. Have fun at your game!! I love going to live games, no matter what the sport.

beagle, FXd that this femara/follistim combo gives your DH a couple/few eggs to shoot for!! I'm holding out hope for you this cycle for sure. It's certainly not impossible, and way stranger things have happened. :thumbup:

Hi Brighteyez, are you still waiting on AF? Oh yes, you're expecting it sometime this weekend, right? so excited for you to be on your way!! (although I'm secretly hoping for a BFP for you this cycle, hehe!)

Hi Amy! Haven't heard from ya in a couple days. Where are you in your cycle?

Moni, hope you're feeling good!

AFM, as stated above, super terrified about testing, but just anxious, and need to get it started tomorrow. Bbs doubled in soreness today, and temperature went up. Oh, and I've had a little bit of extra appetite too. Just snacking more throughout my day, and eating more at dinner. Still feeling optimistic (despite being terrified).
Erin - I am so excited for you to test...I just know this is it. Also I think the soreness is a good sign. I know it could also be the P you are taking...but Jen had the same thing ;)

Booger - never say IF you get pregnant...alwasy WHEN you get pregnant :) Positive vibes.

So I don't recall if I told you guys, but I had a lot of cramping/pinching on both sides. I don't recall feeling this when I was on femara...only after I started the follistim. So sex last night was a bit uncomfortable & at times painful. Don't know if you know what I am saying, but there have been times when things seem to move the wrong way & I get poked wrong & it is painful...usually repositioning works. But last night it was like every we had to switch positions all together. I don't remember this except my extreme O first month on clomid & of course the trigger makes me feel bloated. Still having the cramping hopefully the femara is taking care of business! So now last dose tonight & start adding the follistim. I am excited for my follicle check on Saturday.

Thanks, Erin for the positive thoughts (& everyone else). I know I still have a shot this cycle, but it is nice not having to worry about the money & abstaining for IUI. We plan to go every other night. That will put us at BD same night as trigger. If we can, I may make that night 1 of 3 in a row (smep). We will see how it goes.
booger-Glad you're feeling great! Now we just wait for the call with the fertilization number. Did they tell you when they would call? Are you back at work today? I bet it's nice being home. I'm excited about going to the game. The stadium is just going to be so pumped up. I told hubs that even if we get bad seats, I'm getting as many bad seats as I can get. We have option to get Home Game 1 or 2, and Home Game 3 if there are still tickets available. So, I'm going to try to get all that I can.

brighteyez-I'm with ERose, your chart looks really good and you may not even need to spend a dime, so be thankful for that.

beaglemom-Sorry your BD last night was so painful. Take a break tonight and maybe everything will be ok tomorrow. True, A-Rod is a jerk. I feel bad for Derek Jeter having a losing season his last year, but he is an amazing player and stand up guy. He has nothing to complain about in his career.

ERose-Whatever you are feeling, I feel it for you. I guess the word is anxious. Like, nervous excitement but scared too. You're testing tomorrow morning, right? So no matter what, you know we all are with you! :hugs:

Jen-Oh cool that you shared with your girlfriend! That is crazy that she doesn't have appointments. I guess we pay for all this extra care, but it's nice.

AFM-My doctor did my u/s this morning and he's not the most pleasant in the mornings. He said that he thought I was really fun (I am, was my response!), and then he said 'I'm just going to do a quick check, not look at all your follies.' I was like 'ok.' So, he went really fast, and I couldn't see how big they were, but I think he clicked about 7 times. From my brief glance at the screen, it looked like they were about 10mm, but I'm really not sure. My lining is thickening (it was t 5.1). They will call me this afternoon regarding my meds.
Hi ladies!

Just got the call - out of the 20 they got, 15 were mature and 11 fertilized. Not the worst report, I suppose. I will get another update on Friday.
Shut up! That is a great report!! Did they say, prior to going through all this, whether they prefer to transfer at 3 or 5 days? I hope that they do a 5 day so you can go in on Sunday and get back home in time for work on Monday. fxfxfx :dust: So excited!!!
I was actually a little nervous if I were to get pregnant on my off cycle. I really wanted the extra monitoring, but wasn't sure if my RE would take me if I got prego on my own...& I had heard you don't get in to a gyno until like 8 weeks...and they go with a pee test...not blood.
Great report, Booger! You guys should be so excited & happy!
Not supposed to be online today (too much work to do) but wanted to check on Jen's beta...I guess I'll have to check back later.

My last appointment with the RE is next Tuesday and my first appointment with the reg OB is on 10/7!
Congrats Booger! Those numbers sound great to me!
I checked my messages and my Estrogen has reached 476. That means that I'm to keep my meds the same for the next few nights and go back on Friday morning. I am also to start taking my Ganirelix on Friday morning. Last time I had 4 days of Ganirelix, so that would put me at taking my last one on the 29th and maybe retrieval on the 30th. Hmmm...that works out well.

Just wanted to jot that number I'm worried that my E is going to skyrocket to the thousands like ERose's the first time. *zoinks* Maybe the Ganirelix will keep it steady. We'll see..
Yay Booger - great numbers - you'll hve plenty to freeze as well!!
Terri, don't worry about your E. It HAS to get pretty high, I think, in order to produce all those eggs that we make during IVF. I think it's just the norm. I doubt yours will go above 3k like mine did... I've heard its usually just crazy, crazy high responders that happens to, and if you remember correctly I was a little bit TOO high of a responder, as they had to dial back my meds twice during stims! But it never hurts to ask them, if it'll give you peace of mind. I feel like you're doing great though! SO excited about your ER and ET!!!!

booger, great results, yay!!! :thumbup: Keep us posted as you hear more.

beagle, I think the urine VS blood at an OB's office depends on each OB, as well as patient... my OB skipped the urine test back in Dec when I got PG, because they knew I was concerned about my faint lines at home. My sister's OB started w/ a urine test on her, and it came back neg in his office, but she had gotten 2 pos tests at home, so he did a blood draw right then and there for her, which came back pos. But you don't have to worry about that anyway since you're already with an RE! They'll still keep ya'. I'm excited about your SMEP plan this cycle, and I know that combo of meds works great for you, so I have my FXd.:thumbup:

Moni, you'll be graduating soon, hehe. That's what my clinic calls it... after so many weeks and a few scans, when they release you to your OB, they consider you having graduated. :) YAY!!!

Waiting patiently for Jen's beta!

Hi to everyone else!

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