First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

OK girls, here's the playoff ticket scoop from me. I was able to get tickets to the first and second games of the series. My original email said one or the other, but when I got in the "virtual buying room" I clicked 'add another game' and it let me get tickets. So...I'm thinking of selling one set of tickets to my bestie. Her husband won a lottery to be able to get tickets, but by Saturday (his turn to go in the room), he will probably only be able to get scattered seats of one, and that's no fun. I felt so guilty being able to go to both games. We'll see if they want the tickets. Of course I would love to go to both, but I can share the wealth. She and her family are headed to Toronto tomorrow morning to see the Os final regular season games.

Fertility wise, I'm hoping the doctor doesn't increase my meds tomorrow or I may run out. Right now I have a Menopur supply for eight days and I think that should be fine. Maybe I should call the nurse. I know what she's going to say-it's hard to tell. I'm going to hope for the best and deal with it tomorrow night when she calls. Dull needle Ganirelix starts tomorrow.

Amy-Glad you got your chart up there. Woohoo!

brighteyez-I'm the positivity cheerleader only second to ERose.

beaglemom/booger-How are you doing today?
Intense cramping is back today...hoping it means lots of eggs in there. Just anxious for Saturday's scan.

So a question for you guys...any idea how long Ganirelix shelf life is? My RE had me get it back in May (I think) with my first IUI. I ended up never needing to use it. So it is under my sink in the bathroom (didn't say it needed refrigeration). So I am hoping I can use it with IVF. I would think it is still good. I think my follistim was something like 90 days if not opened.

Not being productive today. I have been clearing out an old office for a new guy. Exhausting. Also raining here. I have the heater on my feet & now not wanting to get up.
Beagle-my Ganirelix has a two year expiration on the box. I don't refrigerate it either. You should be fine.
Felcity and Floridasian, thanks for checking in, and thanks for the kind words! We sure do have a lot of stalkers for this thread, huh? Does that mean we are a loveable group of gals?:winkwink:

Thanks to everyone for all your kinds words, you girls are the best, really and truly.:flower:

beagle, hoping for a few good eggs for ya! The cramping is a good sign, as we all know when we are on those meds, hehe!

terri, awesome news about the tix! How sweet of you to offer some to your friends. :) Also, FXd you don't run out of meds.

Yay Amy, happy to see your chart! Some of us are chart stalkers, hehe. (especially Terri and me)

Jen, I was cracking up that you dreamed about me last night, LOL. I hope it was a good dream!! Thanks for your enthusiasm! You girls certainly do know how to add even MORE excitement to something thats already happy!:flower:

Hi to booger, Brighteyez, and Moni!!

I called my RE to see if I could get in earlier for a beta. Left a msg w/ the nurse. I heard back from her, but my phone had died, so she left a msg. I thought for sure it would be something like, “Well, we prefer waiting the full time, but since you tested already, I suppose we could get you in a day or two early.” But instead she said, “Hi Erin! Ohhh, I’m SO glad you tested early, OMG, you just made my whole day, really, I’m SO thrilled for you”. They’re usually at least a little cautious, and she’s never been the type to get people’s hopes up. But when I called her back, she said in her experience its almost always a good sign when people get pos HPTs a week after transfer, even if the line is light. She expects my beta to be low though, so she said not to be discouraged. As long as it doubles between tomorrow and Sunday, she said she'll be happy.
Hi Ladies!

This thread has been busy today with Erin's good news! See what a positive impact you have had around this place, Erin? I love that your nurse was so excited for you. Very sweet. I'm glad that they were willing to let you come in tomorrow for the beta. :happydance:

Terri - That's super exciting about the playoff games. And I think it's awesome you are letting your friend buy the tickets to the second game if you wants them. You're just too sweet. Ugh. I hope you don't have to buy any more meds either. It sounds like you were responding well so I'm hoping they don't see the need to increase either.

Beagle - I wish it was raining here! We've been having record highs. It was 95 degrees here yesterday which is simply ridiculous. But I thin it's supposed to start cooling off tomorrow with a chance of rain for the next week. We need it. Plus, I'm ready for fall. It is almost October. Oh yeah, that means that you should hopefully hear about your grant soon!

Jen - I love that your stepdaughter thought you saw a bug and that's why you screamed. :haha:

Brighteyez - Sorry about the temp drop but it wasn't much, so even though you think you're out, you just might not be quite yet. :winkwink:

Hello to all the stalkers out there! :haha:

How is everyone else doing?

I'm exhausted. And to be honest, I'm still quite crampy and bloated. I'm assuming that's normal. When my nurse calls tomorrow to give me an updated embryo report I might ask her if there is anything else I should be doing besides staying hydrated. I've been checking my weight and it's actually been going down, so that's good. I'm sure it will just take a few more days for my ovaries to quiet down. Other than that, not a lot going on, just anxious for tomorrow's report! :munch:
ERose-Your place is so awesome. I'm excited that you get to go in early. What was DH's response this morning? Was he running around in circles? hee hee.

booger-Yeah, bloating is to be expected, so I'm sure you're doing fine. Definitely stay hydrated though. It is a tiring process, so just take it easy if you can. Oh, we have to wait until tomorrow for the next update? *sigh* I can't wait!

beagle-Are you watching Derek Jeter? This game is so exciting so far!
Thanks Terri! No, DH refuses to commit to excitement until after the betas. He's still thinking about the CP back in Dec. I told him there's no point in being scared since it's out of our hands, and we should enjoy what we do get. Anyway, he must've felt like he was ruining it for me or something, because he called me at work today and started talking about how excited he is. And he made me dinner tonight and made comments about how I needed to eat extra veggies, lol. He's only doing that stuff for my benefit thought... I know he won't let himself feel it until the betas come back good.

Btw, CUTE picture!!! You two are totally adorbs. Know what I was thinking? Don't think I'm crazy, I just have a good imagination, lol. For some reason when I looked at that new pic, I could picture you wearing a super short, light blonde wig! I feel like you could totally rock that look, haha.
Booger, I felt just like you after my ER, for a few days. Bloated as heck, tired, just kinda beaten down, and I had some minor lower abdominal discomfort for a while. Some get it worse than others. I got 20 eggs like you, and it looked like your estrogen got super high like mine. On the day of my transfer (that first time), they could still see some fluid in my abdomen and my ovaries were still a bit angry, lol. It wasn't enough to get OHSS, so they didn't cancel my fresh transfer, but that fluid just made me uncomfy. So, what you're feeling is normal. You'll be back to your old self in no time! Each day gets better. :)
Terri - we cancelled cable a while we bought a baseball package...but the Baltimore games were blacked out. So I couldn't watch the whole game last night but we could go on & watch pieces at the end. It was the perfect last game in the Bronx for Jeter. We could not have asked for a better ending. Also my husband said your manager was Jeter's frst he had all 3 managers at the game last night. Jeter fiished it out the same way he has played for 20 years...always about the win...always about the fans...always a clutch player. My husband said he will not be playing short stop his last games in Boston. I am pretty bummed about that.

Oh & he wished you guys luck in the payoffs...because that is the kind of guy he is. It was great. But I am SO TIRED this morning after staying up late. I hate to break the good eating & get a breakfast combo with a coke.
One update for me...not enough follistim to take any I hope that was enough for me. I tink the total was about 350...not sure what to expect. My first IUI I took 450 & only 1 egg.
Good morning ladies,

How is everyone doing today?

Beagle - Wow, I would be freaking out. Did you contact your office?
Good morning ladies,

How is everyone doing today?

Beagle - Wow, I would be freaking out. Did you contact your office?

No this cycle is just timed IUI...trying to use up my old meds. Insurance is paying since timed, so I am not freaking out. It is basically something to do this cycle instead of wait my follistim would not have lasted until I started IVF.

I am getting a bit anxious to hear back on my IVF grant. Should know on least that's what the website says. With all the success around here, I am very anxious to start IVF in October!
Beagle - Great! It is hard waiting on approvals, I know it was for us but I am sure everything will be fine. God has his hands around all of our unique situations and it will be well, I am claiming it for all of us TTC and those have already conceived.
Good morning, ladies.

Beagle - Well, you've done all you can this cycle. Sorry you ran out of the Follistim but at least you used it all up and it didn't go to waste. We can't watch the baseball games either. A lot of times we listen to them on satellite radio but we didn't get to hear last night's game. I would have loved to have seen it though. Glad he ended his last game at Yankee Stadium on a high note. I know most people hate the Yankees but I just don't see how a person could love the game of baseball and not like Jeter.

Brighteyez - I'm doing well this morning. It's Friday so it's kind of hard to be in a bad mood. :winkwink: Looks like your temp took a little jump back up this morning. :thumbup:

Erin - Well, hopefully your husband can show his excitement today after your beta. :happydance: I think it's normal that he's apprehensive to get excited yet. It does seem like a lot of men are afraid to get emotionally invested in something until they know it's the real deal. Good luck today! (not that you need luck)

Hello to everyone else!!!

I am feeling better today so that's good. I still feel a little swollen and puffy in my abdomen area but my weight is back to normal - I'm pretty happy about that. I can't wait to start exercising again. Even though my weight is normal I just feel blobby.

Sitting here waiting for the call from my nurse......:shrug:
beagle-Sucky about not being able to watch the game last night. I feel asleep (what else is new), but I just watched the 9th inning highlights online, and I almost started crying. Yes, it was a perfect ending for Jeter, and I'm happy he went out on a good note. Sorry too about your Follistim running out, but some is better than none, I'd imagine.

brighteyez-Still no significant drop. fxfxfx. hee hee.

booger-We posted at the same time. I hope that all 11 fertilized embryos are still hanging around. That would be so cool. That gives you plenty for testing.

ERose-Oops. I forgot to say that I hope your blood is pumping properly today for your test! And funny about DH being super excited. He is too cute. Have a great weekend!

AFM-Another checkup today and it seems like I'm down to six follies. I'm not worried about it though because I'd rather have 6 good ones than 10 halfway failing follies. I'm ok with whatever happens. I have to return on Sunday morning. Other than that, not too much going on. :juggle:
Terri & Booger - I took a test this morning and it is a BFN. So AF will be here Sunday.
Here's the test!


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Hi ladies!

Brighteyez - Sorry for the BFN but I still say you're not out until AF shows. So, I'm going to keep sending good vibes your way that she stays away. :bunny:

Terri - Didn't the same thing happen last time around? Meaning that you had a certain amount of follicles and then less and then the number went back up? In any case, yes, it's more important to have good ones than a bunch of rotten ones. Sending good vibes your way too! :plane:

Erin - How did your beta go?? :flower:

How is everyone else?? Anyone have fun weekend plans?

Actually, I'm in a really good mood now so I'm sending everyone good vibes! (not that I ever send bad vibes) :dust:

I heard from my nurse just before lunchtime and we have good news. Phew! :thumbup:

She said we have 10 embryos left and that most of them were 8-celled. :happydance: She'll call back on Sunday. Keep growing strong little embies!!! :hugs2:

While I am happy, I also realize that a lot can happen between now and Sunday, so I'm trying not to be overly excited. It's just that this is closest we have ever gotten to success. I think it's important to celebrate the little victories along the way.
I was feeling so positive this morning, because my line was darker this morning. But my beta came back at 13. How the heck is a 13 even showing up on an HPT? Amazing how I can go from being elated to scared to death in a matter of moments.

The nurse said she did expect it to be low this soon, but she expected it to be at least 25-30. She said it doesnt necessarily mean anything yet though, as its too early to tell. She said the numbers sometimes rise very drastically after that first test, and this could go either way, and not to lose hope.
Erin - I think you will be fine...what matters is the doubling! I did all kinds of research after I got my first beta - which was 9dp5dt - and there were people even lower then you now who came back 9 months later with a healthy baby!! We'll all be stalking on Sunday for sure!

Booger - keep growing embies!!!

Brighteyes - sorry for BFN.

Terri - Keep growing follies!! I have 2 vials of menopur left if that would help...I know not much but let me know.

Hi to everyone else! I am headed out of town for the weekend - my sister is in Boston for the weekend for a fundraising 5k for pulmonary fibrosis. So we are going to stay at the inlaws and meet her for the day tomorrow (save on hotel cost). Might go buy some looser work pants if we have time...

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