First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Freaking Os. :cry:
They sent out a notice today saying that the presale for World Series tickets starts on Thursday. Guess they will not be offering me tickets to the Royals/whoever game. HA!!HA!! I can't believe we got SWEPT. It sucks.

booger-Now that the doctor knows what to do would they be willing to try it again for mock purposes and see how it goes? Would you be willing to do that? That would put me more at ease, and they would probably feel better too. This, of course, would be at their expense. I agree that if they do this, and it's successful, I would continue on, and not get the surgery. Yay!! I'm glad this is working out for you.
Sorry about the Os, Terri. :cry:

Tonight's entertainment is at my poor dog's expense. He has to wear the cone of shame. He has a bum elbow that needed some stitches and he won't stop licking them. He now has to don the cone of shame.


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So I started lupron20units on October 1st stopped BCP on the 4th. Started gonal f 225 on the 12th, as well as reducing my lupron to only 5units that day. Then today the nurses called with my estradol level from this am and instructed me to reduce gonal f to 75 and to only take menopur at 75 as well. I go back Friday am for labs and ultrasound as well as Monday and they are expecting me to be ready to trigger on Monday night.

Does that make my level any better? Or should I still be cautious? I'm scarred its gonna get canceled:wacko:
JKB-What are you going to do? Calm down. If it gets cancelled, it needs to get cancelled because your body isn't ready. I have to say that I'm surprised with your clinic's protocol. I have never heard of being off BCP and then not stimming for a week. After BCP your body starts over again making an egg and all that good stuff. A lot can happen in a week (as you can see).

I guess just keep doing what they say and see what's on the ultrasound on Friday. They'll let you know what's up. Did you call and ask about why your estrogen is so high?

booger-Your dog is SOOOOO cute. I love his sad face. I've had several foster dogs with cones and they forget it's even there. hee hee. They do make me laugh though.

AFM-Drop of doom. I don't feel physically bad. I feel the same as yesterday, so who knows. At this point I'm wishing I didn't have a temping addiction. I'll just be reading today.
Terri, your temp was just upsetwith baseball. It will beback up tomorrow!
LadySosa - Good luck with the lap!!!

JCM - I'm glad that your sickness is cured. Hope it stays away.

Booger - Your dog is TOO cute. :) Poor thing. That's great news then! I agree with you - if the Dr. thinks he can do the transfer without cramping, then I say go for it. Especially if your insurance won't cover the hysteroscopy. Also, maybe they'd be willing to do another mock transfer like Terri said just to be sure...?

JKB11 - I have no idea about your levels - just want to say that I hope you're able to move forward!

Terri - Once again, not worried about that drop. I agree with Moni! Hang in there lady.

Nothing new here. Patiently waiting for my next appt. on Monday. :coffee:
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

Terri - I agree with Moni and kfs that your temp drop is nothing to sweat. I'm going to tell you that but I know that you're sweating it because that's what we do. But, it doesn't necessarily mean anything. Keep your chin up!

kfs - Holding pattern for you - sorry, I'm terrible keeping track of things - when did you say you stop the BCPs, next week? I think I'm leaning toards trying to do another mock, see how it goes and then move ahead with the transfer. I e-mailed my nurse to see what she thought about that. My nurse did mention the day of my appointment that if my Dr. really thought that he couldn't do the transfer safely, he wouldn't do it. She said that he would tell me to do the surgery first if he truly though it was needed right away. Just one more bump in the road but I'll get over it.

jkb - I doubt you'll have to cancel - that's why they do all the monitoring, so they can adjust when necessary. They just don't want you stimming to fast or you eggs won't mature properly. And I know it's not ideal, but it's better to cancel, if necessary, than to get to retrieval and not have any good eggs. Just listen to your doctor and you'll be fine - it's so hard when you're in the middle of all this and your emotions are running high. We get it. If you trust your doctor then trust what he is doing. :hugs:

My dog is Buddy is 13 years old. He has always had a sad face - he really knows how to work your emotions, let me tell you. He is such a stinker. Our other dog is 10. It's hard watching them get older but they are still such a joy.
I love dogs with cones!!!! I may have to get one for my little 8 pound dog because he's (this is gross) eating the hair off of himself! We thought it was an allergy thing but even after switching food for months he's still doing it. He's starting to look like a little hairless dog! I think he's gonna look cute. Lol my parents always had rescue golden retrievers when I was young. Most of them had to get cones.

Terri, I have honestly felt normal from after the transfer til last week. With some mild cramping a handle of days and my boobs hurt once. I have a good feeling this is it. I was so mad that I didn't have the pregnancy symptoms...and now I got em! Hide your thermometer. Lol I'm glad I never temped. I couldn't handle it.
BabyW - So sorry about your wallet getting stolen! No fun at all. Must be so frustrating and added stress that you don't need. Keep your chin up!

And Booger - sorry you're going through this. The road never seems to be a smooth one, especially when you so badly want it to be easy! I feel ya. If I were you, I would likely go for the procedure.

AFM - getting ready for my laparoscopy (sp?) - it's coming up, this Thursday. I'm a little nervous, just because there is a slight chance of damaging other organs while they're in there, but the likelihood is minimal! So I'll stay positive! At least I get a couple days off work! =)

Hope everyone else is doing well!

Thinking of you today good luck!
Hello ladies...I am glad I did not test anymore...I am officially CD 1!!! I felt it when I woke up this morning & it just hit a few hours ago. So I put in a call to the nurse & waiting to hear back. I do not know if I will have to do a scan, but glad I started today so I can do a scan tomorrow if needed. I am just so excited now. I have to ask her if I can do the bcp longer so retrieval is in Dec. I do not see why not. I also just need to know where to go from here. I have plenty of time, but just ready to get on it for everything. I had to buy tampons & was tempted to take a pic of the box...the LAST box I will need for almost a year! No negativity...this is going to be IT! Also the other awesome thing...since I will be going on bcp, no worries about I took some ibprofen for the first time in MONTHS...good bye horrible cramps! I am just so excited...can you tell? :D I told my husband at lunch are you ready? IVF, here we come! I just hope the nurse doesn't tell me something to burst my bubble...but I do not see anything that could mess me up at this point.
Hey Ladies! Icky day in NYC, it was 75 and pouring as I came into work. Markets are very volatile so things are hectic, but good.

KFS, never been to the Cape, but my cousins go and love it. I'm on LI and work in NYC, so we tend to head out east to the Northfork in the Summer. Your trip sounds like a fun time and a great thing to look forward to every year.

Teiir, crossing fingers and toes for you. I say prayers at night hoping all of you get that BFP!

Brighteyez, I hate needles too. The menopur scares me, but I've done the Gonal F and it's a breeze. I am not psyched about the intramuscular shots for trigger and PIO.

Knitgirl, I think with each shot it's one less that I have to do. I get to feel like a human pin cushion!

Booger, I think the Fall colors upstate are better as the nights are colder. We have some changing but nowhere near peak. I'm sorry the nurse isn't helping you lean one way or another. What does your gut say?

Beagle, sorry you're in limbo. When is the next full moon...I know it sounds new-agey but I get thrown off my the moon sometimes, like week early or week late.

Jcm, you found icing before the shot helped? I might need to try that when it's time. I was also going to tell you leave a can of coke open and wait for it to get flat, it helps settle the stomach. I hope this keeps working!

Moni, I live on LI and work in midtown. I used to live in the city, but my husband was never a fan, so when we got engaged I sold my apt and moved back out to LI. How are you feeling?

Afm, same old sitch. I start the estrogen patch on Sat and wait for AF. Dh is asking when I can test since we bd'd 1 and 2 days before ovu and on the day so he thinks we might have a miracle....if only! The work shenanigans have ebbed so I am happier. I'm having one of my best months this year so my mgr is supporting me more. I think he sees how hard I work compared to the 60yr olds who basically work just to stay busy and not be home with their wives. They come in late, go for lunch, haircut, Dr appts, make social calls, plan alumni trips, do board meeting prep for whatever boards they are on...the work to bs ratio is 1:3 and sometimes as bad as 1:4. The sense of entitlement is absurd. Management leaves a lot to be desired too. We had layoffs yesterday and we lost a guy on our desk. I felt awful, he was so nice. I am still nervous about starting this. Should I postpone for a less stressful time, or do more acupuncture? I feel like this is so final, if it doesn't work it is our last shot.
Jkb, were you still doing lupron from the 4th to the 12th? I'm confused on the protocol too but Terri is right, if they cancel, your body is probably not ready yet. Frustrating yes. My doc changed up my meds on a day to day basis so maybe your doc has a plan! Anytime I was confused or had concerns I called my nurse. Sometimes at 10pm. Call them if it will put your mind at ease and help be stress free.
BabyW, sticking with acupuncture saved my life! And quite possibly my marriage. Lol I was so stressed. Lots of stuff was going on with our family, exes and kids, in laws being assholes...etc. I needed that calm downtime. Menopur isn't so bad. I had all of the same meds with ivf that I had with iui though. Minus the clomid. I just had a lot more quantity wise with ivf. I actually wish I would have done acupuncture the last two years while trying to get pregnant. Raising someone else's kids really took a toll on me. This is why I'm not a teacher and I don't run a day care. Lol my husband said "whatever is going to make you chill out, do it." My first idea was to always be drinking piña coladas buuuuuut that wasn't a good idea. It's definitely scary gearing up for it all but once you're in it, have a schedule, have the meds in front of you it's not so bad. It went by rather quickly (the stimming). The bcps I was on for 40 days to shrink cysts sucked the most. What does DH say? Wait or go forward?
Hello ladies...I am glad I did not test anymore...I am officially CD 1!!! I felt it when I woke up this morning & it just hit a few hours ago. So I put in a call to the nurse & waiting to hear back. I do not know if I will have to do a scan, but glad I started today so I can do a scan tomorrow if needed. I am just so excited now. I have to ask her if I can do the bcp longer so retrieval is in Dec. I do not see why not. I also just need to know where to go from here. I have plenty of time, but just ready to get on it for everything. I had to buy tampons & was tempted to take a pic of the box...the LAST box I will need for almost a year! No negativity...this is going to be IT! Also the other awesome thing...since I will be going on bcp, no worries about I took some ibprofen for the first time in MONTHS...good bye horrible cramps! I am just so excited...can you tell? :D I told my husband at lunch are you ready? IVF, here we come! I just hope the nurse doesn't tell me something to burst my bubble...but I do not see anything that could mess me up at this point.

Got a call back. I have a consult with my dr & my IVF class on Oct 30...of course same day as a meeting I have in the same area. So now I have an email out to my manager requesting I leave the meeting early. I do not expect any push back. But I will be faced with the car pool question from some people I work with. Maybe I will just say my husband is off & we plan to spend the evening up there after the meeting. Hmmm...but then how to explain leaving early.

I should get my bcp today & start them tomorrow. Nurse said no issue in taking them longer to do a Dec retrieval. She said they also shut down in Dec for a bit, so my timing is great for early Dec. So if I tried another cycle, I wouldn't be able to because clinic is closed.

Also they work similar to Booger where I am in a group who start stimming at the same time. Man I just feel so excited right now.

Babywhisperer - I think you are doing the right thing moving forward, you just need to find something to relax you. The accupuncture is a good plan. Maybe add in some down time at home...I know hard with the little one. My husband bought me a meditation I burn incense & lay in the dark or a hot bath.
BabyW, sticking with acupuncture saved my life! And quite possibly my marriage. Lol I was so stressed. Lots of stuff was going on with our family, exes and kids, in laws being assholes...etc. I needed that calm downtime. Menopur isn't so bad. I had all of the same meds with ivf that I had with iui though. Minus the clomid. I just had a lot more quantity wise with ivf. I actually wish I would have done acupuncture the last two years while trying to get pregnant. Raising someone else's kids really took a toll on me. This is why I'm not a teacher and I don't run a day care. Lol my husband said "whatever is going to make you chill out, do it." My first idea was to always be drinking piña coladas buuuuuut that wasn't a good idea. It's definitely scary gearing up for it all but once you're in it, have a schedule, have the meds in front of you it's not so bad. It went by rather quickly (the stimming). The bcps I was on for 40 days to shrink cysts sucked the most. What does DH say? Wait or go forward?

Acupuncture really is a lifesaver. I'm going today at 4:15...I may try to go twice a week before I start monitoring. Dh wants to do this asap, he wants Jack and his sibling to be close in age. Jack is 10mos tomorrow, wow did that go fast. We have in-laws stress too, basically an evil aunt and uncle being controlling. I told Dh who has ants in his pants all the time, that starting Saturday I want low stress, and no crazy social calendar. He wants stuff to do day and night all weekend. I need downtime more than he does, my schedule is crazier. Work is the only stress that I really have no choice but to deal with, so from 7:30am-5pm thats all the bs I can handle. Did you have to mix menopur? Were you on progesterone shots? Were they intramuscular?
Hello ladies...I am glad I did not test anymore...I am officially CD 1!!! I felt it when I woke up this morning & it just hit a few hours ago. So I put in a call to the nurse & waiting to hear back. I do not know if I will have to do a scan, but glad I started today so I can do a scan tomorrow if needed. I am just so excited now. I have to ask her if I can do the bcp longer so retrieval is in Dec. I do not see why not. I also just need to know where to go from here. I have plenty of time, but just ready to get on it for everything. I had to buy tampons & was tempted to take a pic of the box...the LAST box I will need for almost a year! No negativity...this is going to be IT! Also the other awesome thing...since I will be going on bcp, no worries about I took some ibprofen for the first time in MONTHS...good bye horrible cramps! I am just so excited...can you tell? :D I told my husband at lunch are you ready? IVF, here we come! I just hope the nurse doesn't tell me something to burst my bubble...but I do not see anything that could mess me up at this point.

Got a call back. I have a consult with my dr & my IVF class on Oct 30...of course same day as a meeting I have in the same area. So now I have an email out to my manager requesting I leave the meeting early. I do not expect any push back. But I will be faced with the car pool question from some people I work with. Maybe I will just say my husband is off & we plan to spend the evening up there after the meeting. Hmmm...but then how to explain leaving early.

I should get my bcp today & start them tomorrow. Nurse said no issue in taking them longer to do a Dec retrieval. She said they also shut down in Dec for a bit, so my timing is great for early Dec. So if I tried another cycle, I wouldn't be able to because clinic is closed.

Also they work similar to Booger where I am in a group who start stimming at the same time. Man I just feel so excited right now.

Babywhisperer - I think you are doing the right thing moving forward, you just need to find something to relax you. The accupuncture is a good plan. Maybe add in some down time at home...I know hard with the little one. My husband bought me a meditation I burn incense & lay in the dark or a hot bath.

You had me at lay in the dark and hot bath....sounds divine.
jkb-Sorry if I was rude when I said to calm down, but you really should try not stress out about stuff. If you are concerned or confused, definitely call your nurse/doctor and ask. They know why they have you doing what you're doing. I was having a moment this morning.

Jen-Thanks for the tips on feeling completely normal. Reading these boards (and others) can seriously drive you insane. I don't know how people can symptom spot for years. I may feel a twinge or something, but in my case, it's 100% nothing. hee hee.

babyw-Thanks! Sorry your coworker got laid off. I'm glad it wasn't you, and I'm sure they just had to pick someone, but its' unfortunate that it's one of the nice guys and not any of the jerk guys or old guys.

beagle-Yay for CD1!!!! Get ready!! hee hee. I hope the nurse doesn't bring down your mood either. You do sound REALLY happy.
Hi ladies!

Does anyone else get super sleepy in the afternoon? I feel as if I could lie down on my office floor and take a nap right now. This has been happening quite a bit lately.:coffee:

Beagle - Hooray for CD1 and getting your IVF cycle moving along. It really is exciting, isn't it? While we were all hoping it would happen for you without IVF, you have been waiting a long time for this so I'm happy that you are finally moving along. :happydance:

Babywhisperer - Exercise always seems to help me when I start getting stressed out. Maybe a run or walk in the evenings would help in addition to the acupuncture? Everyone seems to have their thing when it comes to relaxation. Hopefully your DH can keep the social calendar to a minimum until you get through all this. :flower:

Jen - I think golden retrievers should just come with cones. They are so goofy that it's just a given that they are going to need them at some point. I'd love to have a rescue golden retriever or some mix thereof for our next dog. They are just the best. I'm sorry your dog keeps chewing his fur. Wonder why he's so anxious? Buddy licks and licks the front of his legs so much normally (not related to the elbow or cone) that they are permanently stained red from his tongue. :haha:

How is everyone else out there?? The weekend is getting closer. Can't wait.
No worries Terri. I'm just trying to figure all the in and outs of ivf. I have struggled with infertility for so long, I would pretty much catch my clinic with a mishap at sometime in each cycle but with ivf I feel like I have no idea what is going on.... Everyone has different instructions. For me this is it. It has been such a long hard battle I refuse to keep putting my life on hold or taking crazy meds. If we don't have a successful pregnancy with this then I'm just moving on with my life and enjoying what God has blessed me with. I don't want to waste me time/finances for no reason tho or because of someones careless mistake at the clinic.

Someone asked, sorry I don't remember who... But they have me taking lupron all the way thru. Since the 1st. It overlapped a few days with BCP. They did have me reduce lupron from 20 down to 5 once I started stiming. Hope they know what's best, because at this point I'm totally trusting them. I was under the impression that the reason for continuing the lupron was to keep me from ovulating on my own.
Baby whisperer- sorry work is stressful now but I say DO NOT put it on hold. I did this a lot in the past and I regret it. Also there's a saying "if you wanna get pregnant, just get behind on your bills or have your momma tell you not to do it":winkwink: meaning you will get preggo when the time is the worst. But somehow it will work out.

Beagle- yay for cd1:happydance: glad that wait period is over with for you
Terri- hang in there:hugs:think positive. Have everything crossed for you:kiss:

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