First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Well these are a great group of folks. The IUI thread was great, but I was growing out of it the closer I got to IVF...& I could tell as you moved to IVF you really needed a great support system. I am glad you are fitting in nicely with us & feeling welcomed!
booger-If I test on Sunday, I would be 11d5t. That's plenty. HA!!HA!! I'm so sorry to hear about your upside down/weird angled uterus. When I did my first transfer the doctor said that I had a retroverted uterus. I had no idea! Apparently, it doesn't affect anything, thankfully, but it would have been nice to know earlier when I had all those scans and such. It is what it is. In your case, I would probably get the surgery (or whatever it is). You're spending a ton for IVF, so you want to have the best chances possible, so if you know going in that your chances aren't good, it wouldn't make you feel very positive, and that's not a good feeling. Every time I have at least felt positive, ya know? Talk it over with DH and see what your insurance says and go from there. Sorry you have to wait a little bit longer, but I think it'll be worth it.

beagle-I only had to take antibiotics the night before my transfer. It was a pill. I have never had the flu and I have never had the flu shot. Not sure what to tell you. I know myself and I wouldn't get it until I had to.

:wave: to everyone else...I just finished cooking, so I want to eat and then Game 3 of the ALCS is on. Go Os!!!
BabyW - So sorry about your wallet getting stolen! No fun at all. Must be so frustrating and added stress that you don't need. Keep your chin up!

And Booger - sorry you're going through this. The road never seems to be a smooth one, especially when you so badly want it to be easy! I feel ya. If I were you, I would likely go for the procedure.

AFM - getting ready for my laparoscopy (sp?) - it's coming up, this Thursday. I'm a little nervous, just because there is a slight chance of damaging other organs while they're in there, but the likelihood is minimal! So I'll stay positive! At least I get a couple days off work! =)

Hope everyone else is doing well!
Booger - *sigh*. I really feel for you lady. I'm so sorry that you now may possibly have to delay things further. I know it STINKS to have to wait longer and get the surgery but personally that's what I would do. I just think it would be better going into the transfer knowing that you have done all that you could do.

JCM - Looooooooooove the walking dead. The premiere was brutal but so good, right?

Babywhisper - Fellow New Yorker here. :) The cape was fantastic - thanks for asking. It rained on Saturday but cleared up later in the day and the weather was great the rest of the trip. The house we stayed in was amazing. Built in the 1800s - right on the beach. Seriously the perfect location. My friends and I go the cape every October - our annual friend's trip. There are around 20 of us who go, and the # keeps growing as people have more kids. Hopefully I'll add to the numbers next year. :)

Beagle - I say skip the shot if you have never gotten it. Like you said, some people get symptoms after having the shot so you don't want to accidentally make yourself sick.

LadySosa - Remind me again. Why are you getting the laparoscopy again?

Terri - How's it going? Any symptoms? Notice anything different?

Amy - Good plan to run up $15K worth of other medical services. :) I totally agree with you. Infertility should ALWAYS be covered under insurance. So completely unfair.

Speaking of, did you all see the news report about Facebook and Apple covering egg freezing? I assume the difference is that any woman can automatically have her eggs frozen even without proving "infertility", right?

Hi Brighteyez! eRose - Where have you been??

Question for people who were on BCPs. How long after stopping BCPs and having your period did you start your meds?
kfs1-I remember you mentioning your friend's trip last year. How fun..and yes! You will add to the number next year. And you'll get a break from holding the baby because all the other moms will want to hold him/her, and you can have some fun! I saw a mention of the egg freezing, but didn't read the article. I think that's great, however, is it a way for them to get more work out of people now, and hope they have moved on when they're ready to have children? hee hee. Had I known my eggs were truly THIS valuable, I probably would've considered it in my younger years. I knew they were valuable and winding down, but didn't understand the urgency until now.

I believe I started my meds 4 days after completing BCP. I had to go for a scan three days after bcp to make sure my lining and ovaries were where they were supposed to be, and day 4 started the shots to build them back up.

I notice I miss my coffee. hee hee. I had decaf with brunch on Sunday, and I have had two cups of decaf tea, but it's really not the same. The only thing I notice is that my temperature is making me happy. I'm afraid to have a crash in the next few days, but I'm just remembering that I'm PUPO and going on with my life. I went to the dentist yesterday and she asked about my health prior to doing the xray thing, but I didn't say anything. She said that once women are in their first trimester they avoid doing x-rays, but it's a super low dose. :juggle:
Booger - *sigh*. I really feel for you lady. I'm so sorry that you now may possibly have to delay things further. I know it STINKS to have to wait longer and get the surgery but personally that's what I would do. I just think it would be better going into the transfer knowing that you have done all that you could do.

JCM - Looooooooooove the walking dead. The premiere was brutal but so good, right?

Babywhisper - Fellow New Yorker here. :) The cape was fantastic - thanks for asking. It rained on Saturday but cleared up later in the day and the weather was great the rest of the trip. The house we stayed in was amazing. Built in the 1800s - right on the beach. Seriously the perfect location. My friends and I go the cape every October - our annual friend's trip. There are around 20 of us who go, and the # keeps growing as people have more kids. Hopefully I'll add to the numbers next year. :)

Beagle - I say skip the shot if you have never gotten it. Like you said, some people get symptoms after having the shot so you don't want to accidentally make yourself sick.

LadySosa - Remind me again. Why are you getting the laparoscopy again?

Terri - How's it going? Any symptoms? Notice anything different?

Amy - Good plan to run up $15K worth of other medical services. :) I totally agree with you. Infertility should ALWAYS be covered under insurance. So completely unfair.

Speaking of, did you all see the news report about Facebook and Apple covering egg freezing? I assume the difference is that any woman can automatically have her eggs frozen even without proving "infertility", right?

Hi Brighteyez! eRose - Where have you been??

Question for people who were on BCPs. How long after stopping BCPs and having your period did you start your meds?

Hello KFS1 - I am doing ok Friday is my last day for BCP and I have a head cold which is kicking my butt. Taking Emergen-C, tea with honey and Tylenol Cold in the mean time want to be well....shots are starting next week. Due to my fear of them I don't think I would be a good patient for hubby if I don't feel well on top off :haha:
Terri - keep your core temp warm so the little one can snuggle in & be comfortable!

I am still in limbo No more testing for me, though...just waiting it out I think.
Morning! Yesterday, I had written a long post with individual msgs, but when I tried to post it I was told I was on a "time out" - yes, that's what it said. Apparently I am not allowed to post a link to a website until I have posted 10 times. Anyway, I ended up losing what I wrote as I had a problem with my work computer ... not a great day for me with technology.

I'll try to recap!

booger - I'm soooo sorry that you have to delay! Totally stinks and so frustrating I'm sure.

babywhisperer - your coworkers sound just awful - I can't even imagine! I feel really lucky to work with all social workers and other mental health professionals. I definitely couldn't cut it in your field!

terri - fingers crossed!!

beagle - in terms of the flu shot, it's highly recommended for pregnant women. I got mine last month so that if I get pregnant right away I won't need to get it in the first trimester. But it really is what you are most comfortable with.

jen - In terms of the nausea, I got some ginger chews from Trader Joe's and they helped a lot when I was pregnant before. Also, and this was the link I was trying to post, there is a company called Earth Mama Angel Baby and they have a tea for nausea. I've never tried it, but I drink their Peaceful Mama Tea and I like it.

Sorry if I missed anyone! My attempted post from yesterday was more comprehensive I think. :)

I started Lupron last night!!!!! I gave myself the shot and was nervous but okay, until I went to take it out and felt like I was going to pass out. I started heading for the couch and my husband was following behind with the sharps container, worried I was going to pass out with the needle in my hand. Ha! But I was so PROUD of myself for doing the injection all by myself! And for those of you who have not started yet, I didn't really even feel the needle it was so tiny!

I think I have lost count ... how many of you are starting injections now too?
Morning! Yesterday, I had written a long post with individual msgs, but when I tried to post it I was told I was on a "time out" - yes, that's what it said. Apparently I am not allowed to post a link to a website until I have posted 10 times. Anyway, I ended up losing what I wrote as I had a problem with my work computer ... not a great day for me with technology.

I'll try to recap!

booger - I'm soooo sorry that you have to delay! Totally stinks and so frustrating I'm sure.

babywhisperer - your coworkers sound just awful - I can't even imagine! I feel really lucky to work with all social workers and other mental health professionals. I definitely couldn't cut it in your field!

terri - fingers crossed!!

beagle - in terms of the flu shot, it's highly recommended for pregnant women. I got mine last month so that if I get pregnant right away I won't need to get it in the first trimester. But it really is what you are most comfortable with.

jen - In terms of the nausea, I got some ginger chews from Trader Joe's and they helped a lot when I was pregnant before. Also, and this was the link I was trying to post, there is a company called Earth Mama Angel Baby and they have a tea for nausea. I've never tried it, but I drink their Peaceful Mama Tea and I like it.

Sorry if I missed anyone! My attempted post from yesterday was more comprehensive I think. :)

I started Lupron last night!!!!! I gave myself the shot and was nervous but okay, until I went to take it out and felt like I was going to pass out. I started heading for the couch and my husband was following behind with the sharps container, worried I was going to pass out with the needle in my hand. Ha! But I was so PROUD of myself for doing the injection all by myself! And for those of you who have not started yet, I didn't really even feel the needle it was so tiny!

I think I have lost count ... how many of you are starting injections now too?

Knitgirl - Awesome to know because I am terrified of needles. I start my shot tomorrow. The more I hear it's not painful the better I feel and a little less fearful I am. My husband has been telling me he has some techniques to help me through so between you ladies and his techniques I should be ok.
beagle-I have definitely been keeping my core warm. I am a sock wearer, so now that it's been getting cold, I've been wearing my socks-even at night. hee hee. During the workday, I always have my sweater on because no matter what the season, I'm always chilly at work. Of course, having no hair in wintertime doesn't help things, but I have hats too and am not ashamed to wear them!

knitgirl-Sorry for your computer issues. We feel the love. Glad your shot wasn't bad. The idea of it is much worse than the actual thing. How long are you on Lupron? Then what?
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

Thanks for all your support! It really means a lot and it's so helpful to bounce this stuff off of others who are going through the same thing - even if it's not the exact same process, y'all know the emotional aspect of all of this and that is the hardest part. :hugs:

knitgirl - Congrats on getting through the first shot. It truly is the worst one. You'll do great from here on out!

Beagle - I get a flu shot every year. It does not make you sick. It is not a 100% guarantee you won't get the flu, but if you do, it should lessen the severity of it. About 6 years ago, I missed getting one and I did get the flu and missed an entire week of work. I felt like poo. I'm not willing to risk that again.

Terri - Sorry about your O's. They are having a tough go right now. Your chart looks amazing, chica!!! I can barely handle the suspense until you test.

kfs - Glad you had such a wonderful trip! I stopped my BCPs on a Sunday and started stims on that Friday. I had monitoring on that Monday and Thursday to make sure I was properly suppressed.

LadySosa - Good luck with your lap tomorrow! I hope you have a smooth surgery and recovery. Check in with us when you feel up to it and let us know how it went.

babywhisperer - I'll be in CT for two weeks starting Sunday. DHs family is all in western CT. My brother is in upstate NY so we may try to make a trip up there as well. How are the fall colors??

Jen - Sorry you're an emotional mess right now. I'm a pretty emotional person, but always at the weirdest things. Things that should make me a mess don't but then some stupid commercial on TV can make me cry. I'm interested to see what pregnancy is going to do to me. I don't watch the Walking Dead but it seems to be pretty popular!

Brighteyez - Sorry you aren't feeling well. Just don't watch as DH is doing your injections and I bet you won't even feel a thing. You'll do great!

Well, I'm still not sure what to do. I e-mailed my nurse and here is what she said:

"I completely understand your dilemma and knowing what the best thing to do, can be so stressful. I believe your financial coordinator is looking into what cost are associated with the surgery and when we would be able to schedule.

As far as having a transfer after that…. You would need to have a period naturally after your hysterscope and then about 6 weeks after that, do another mock transfer and if okay, then plan for transfer. Would postpone a few months.

Dr. has left the decision up to you, we were able to do what we needed to do, but he’s just worried about cramping. Which you didn’t have much until he went in a few times and we could use a medication for that as well. But waiting a few months to make sure things are perfect is a good idea too."

Not super helpful! I realize they can't outright tell me what to do but I was hoping for a little more direction. I'm feeling about 50/50 right now. I still need to ask her about whether or not my funky lady bits will affect anything if I do get pregnant and how effective the reshaping procedure actually is. I'm guessing if my insurance will cover the procedure, I'll do it. If it's not covered, I may just go ahead with the transfer.

Waiting sucks but it's just a couple more months and that would make the due date better for DHs work schedule too. Ugh, ugh, ugh!

Three more days at work and then 2 weeks off! :happydance:
Good morning everyone! I've got a busy day ahead of me - whew! Lots of meetings today at work then Spanish class in the evening (I've been attending classes at a local college for the past year or so...gotta learn it so I can speak with the in-laws!). Then tomorrow its the lap.

Kfs - I'm having the lap to cauterize my left fallopian tube as I have the...I forget what its called....where the fluid pools.... Anyways! My right tube is stretched beyond where it should be, the doc says she'll see if she can repair it, and if she CAN, then there is a glimmer of hope that we could conceive naturally. But the chances of that are slim! Nonetheless I'll be anxiously waiting to hear what she has to say when I wake up tomorrow.

I did get my flu shot this year also. I've gotten one the past three years and I've successfully avoided the flu. That said, DH REFUSES to get a flu shot each year and he's never got the flu either. :) I secretly wish he gets the flu just so I can prove him wrong. Ha!

I'm glad to hear the shots are not too bad! That is one thing I am super nervous about when the time comes.

Question for you ladies: our clinic has some kind of financing thing where you can buy the transfers, etc. in bulk. You can get 2 FET for the price of like 1.5 or something like that. So it's a risk in that you may not need it if you conceive on the first try, but if you don't conceive on the first try, then you have another transfer paid for (at a discount). Does anyone else's clinic have something like that? If so, did anyone choose to go that route?
Good for you, Knitgirl!!! The shots get easier! I always iced the area first when I first started injecting myself. (I do heparin injections twice a day since the beginning of the year) it numbs it up a bit so there's less sting. Now when I do them I just swab the area clean, grab some skin and stab. Lol I've done it in front of family and friends before like it's nothing and the horror in their faces is priceless!

Kfs, I stopped bcp on a Monday, had a baseline on Thursday, and started injections on Friday. Friday is also when I got my "period" although it wasn't really a period. More like a small withdrawal bleed.

Lady, I didn't have that option. Just the flat fee of 10k for one round. Then we would pay per year to keep embryos frozen but I didn't have any left.

Soooooo, I've cured my sickness! All this no caffeine nonsense got me thinking. So, I tried a couple sips of coke before getting up this morning. Totally worked! My husband ordered the coke syrup from amazon and said to crush ice and put the syrup over it (1ounce) and to sip it. He said his mom used to do that whenever he felt sick. I've lost 6 pounds this week and if a little coca cola helps me keep food down then so be it! Whew!
Jen - glad you are feeling better.

I also always iced with the injections...when I didn't it would sting more & cause a bruise. That was for follistim. I have not started my IVF protocol yet...still waiting on my cycle to start...bleh! I was never able to let my husband do it...I needed the control of it...not sure how IVF meds will go.

Lady - my clinic offers several discounts. If you do PGS, the FETs are half price. You can also buy 2-3 rounds of IVF for a discount. The problem is if IVF #1 works, you lose out on the extra you paid. But it can really benefit the other way around. This is a full IVF cycle...not FET. So this benefits if your IVF fails & no frozens left over. We are opting for the 1 IVF & crossing our fingers. I have responded well to my meds for IUI, so I feel optimistic. I will be doing PGS, so I will have that discount if I need FET.

Booger - I am so sorry about the long delay. I completely understand how this is making you feel. I was the same with my grant issue. But your issue is different. As hard as it may be, I think the surgery & waiting is a good idea. But I would research some more. You do not want to do the FET & it fail & you wonder if it was because of not doing the surgery.

It is rainy & gross is boring...I have plenty to do but lacking the motivation. Also my banker left for a mini vacay & he left me all this nonsense with loose ends. I hate that. So I am emailing him just hoping he checks it.
Oh I totally forgot...

Erin - I know you are in the waiting game & not much to report, but just wanted to say hi & hope everything is moving along well for you...I hope you O soon & have a quick cycle so you can get the next FET going!
Hi ladies:flower: hope you all are having a wonderful day. My past couple weeks has been crazy busy but I have been checking in...glad everyone is progressing along. Terri I can't wait for you to test sunday:happydance:

As far as the flu shot... It's mandatory at my work or else I wouldn't get it.

Booger- I would ask if the Valium they will give you for the transfer would help the procedure to be easier.... For my iui'a it really depended on who did it. One lady said my uterus was tilted and she had a hard time but for my trial transfer the dr said it went right in with ease.... I kinda think it also depends on experience of the person performing the procedure. Sorry they aren't giving you better leadership in making a decision.

Afm- had follow up labs this am since I started stiming on Sunday my estradol level was >500. Nurse said they want to see it >100. So they reduced my meds gonal f and menopur which I'm starting tonight to only 75 (from 225)... Should I be worried?
Booger - check out this video. I think she is doing the same procedure as you for another reason. Make sure to look at the links in the description. She has several videos leading up to this one. From what I remember, she has a sort of a heart shape in there & the baby did not have the full uterus to grow...she had 2 miscarriages & then a sucessful pregnancy. This surgery is being done after baby # 1 was born so she can prepare for baby #2.
Hello all - I'm back in the US. I've read everything and will try to comment where I remember - but will prob not catch everyone!! So hi to everyone I may have missed.

FLu shot - highly recommended by my GP and OB especially for pregnancy. I got it for the first time after 10 years last year and had no issues. (I thnk they have improved the formula). I got it last week at my first OB appt - the shot they had was specifically for pregnant women - no mercury, and one other difference. Other than a very itchy arm - I have done fine with it.

For morning sicknss - glad you have found the solution. Another thing to potentially try is lemon drops (taste much better than the ginger.)

Babywhisperer - I'm in NY - where are you? I live in NYC and work in White Plains.

Booger - Is it possible for him to try another mock transfer? Now that he knows what to do, he might be able to do it without the cramping and bleeding?

KFS - I stopped BCP on a Friday, started meds on Tues night/wed morning and had a light period starting on the Tues.

Terri - loving the chart!!

Everyone getting ready to start the injections - they get easier and the time will fly by!! Getting excited!!

AFM - I go in tomorrow for the hrmony test - results in 2 weeks....
JKB-What did you start stimming with if not Gonal F and Menopur? I wouldn't be upset that they reduced it, I was just wondering why so far in between scans? When is your next one?Your estrogen level should really be watched. If it's jumping up and all you've done is stopped BCP, maybe something's going on in your body. I don't know all the details, but mine went up by like 100-200 a day maybe and then the closer I got to ovulations it was in the thousands. ASK them why yours is so high this early. You're paying them to explain things to you.
Beagle - Thanks for the video. She does have a different issue going on than me but it was helpful to hear more about the surgical procedure.

Moni - That is exactly what I am thinking and what my nurse said - now that they know how to do the transfer, there shouldn't be any cramping or spotting.

jkb - Terri nailed it - too much estrogen isn't a good thing. Ask them to explain what's going on - that's why it's so important for them to do all the monitoring, to make sure they can make adjustments as needed along the way.

I sent my nurse more questions related to my issue. The Dr. doesn't see anything wrong with my uterus that would cause problems with pregnancy - the issue is related to the angle where my cervix transitions into the uterus that makes getting the catheter into the uterus difficult. (Side note - Um, never though I'd be chatting online about my uterus, cervix, and catheters - thanks infertility!)

The Dr. and nurse think now that they know exactly what catheter they need to use that I shouldn't cramp (and they will give me medication for that anyway) and that there shouldn't be any bleeding. She also reiterated that while hysteroscopy should make the transfer easier, I might do the surgery and still not get pregnant with the transfer on the first try. Or that I may or may not get pregnant without the surgery. Now I'm leaning towards not doing the surgery first, especially if my insurance doesn't cover it.

Anyway, sorry to bug you guys with all this. It's just one more stressful step in the process but I will get there eventually.

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