First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Good afternoon, ladies!

These stories of the primping husbands are cracking me up. My husband cuts his own hair - just shaves it with clippers. I have to beg him to wear something other than Carharrt pants when we go out......I wish sometimes that he cared a little bit more about what he looked like - he has had the same bottle of cologne since we met 10 yrs ago.

knitgirl - So glad those shots are getting easier! :happydance: I felt a bit like a junkie towards the end of my stims; I had to take shots twice a day and I would just wait and wait in anticipation of the those evening shots. :huh:

babywhisperer - I really wish I could get into yoga as I am pretty much the most inflexible person ever. I just hate the meditative side of it. :haha: I'm doing Insanity right now and Thursdays are a recovery day where you basically just stretch. It's so painful! I'm in awe of those who can do yoga!

Beagle - Glad the cat was only playing tricks on you! :cat:

Jen - How cool that you have a video! You always have the cutest stories.

I went to my local pharmacy at lunch to pick up a refill of my birth control. I decided to get a flu shot while I was there. The form I had to fill out for the flu shot asked if there was a chance you could become pregnant within the next 3 months so I checked yes. I chuckled at the irony of being there to get birth control yet checking that I could be pregnant in 3 months. :shrug:
Jen/babyw-I don't know if you REALLY love a man who primps. I'm speedy gonzalez, and he's slow poking all the time. I guess when we move to a bigger house one day, we can get the bathroom with two sinks. For now, we have to share.

Jen-So glad you and your mom could experience the heartbeat together. How cute. Did you cry?

booger-Where are you going to visit family. Wave to us if you're coming east!

beagle-Glad they had your medicine and you started your BCP today. Woohoo!! Things are moving. Thank goodness your cat didn't escape. Phew! Did you ask about the trigger after transfer? I tested mine out the first time, but I took 10k units of hcg, so of course, it showed up. This time I did half Lupron and half hcg, and didn't test it out. I'm sure a line would've been faint. Mine tested out in two days the first time using those stupid Wondfos. I hate those things. Wait..maybe I tested it out during IUI. I can't really remember now, but it left my body fast!

knitgirl-I'll send you the directions to Ffoe in your chart in a second. I have sent MANY, many people the directions so I have it saved. It's easy.

Moni-Thanks for the :ninja: love. I'm going to keep temping for the remaining couple mornings. I dream of finally putting my chart on Ffoe, and I don't want it to have a lot of gaps/spaces. I'm a nut, huh? I may even be like Smiles, a woman on another board) who temped all throughout her pregnancy. Can you imagine?

jkb-I was trying to time my retrieval around the baseball games and it never works out. Well, for me, it kind of worked out, but just keep your schedule open just in case. And you'll want to rest the day of retrieval and probably the day afterwards. Once you take your trigger shot, you will get bigger follies. How small are they now? You might make it for Monday or Tuesday trigger. fxfx Did they give you a different dosage this afternoon.

Have a good weekend everyone! I don't have much planned but sitting around being lazy. MIL is coming Monday night so I have to go grocery shopping. boooo...she has a very particular diet, so I will not be making anything fancy for her. Sweet potatoes and pork chops, most likely. Or a bland shepherd's pie, but I don't want to eat that for days after she leaves, so I think the first dinner will be it.
Soundsgood babywhisper. We are headed to Kingstonthis weekend for some Apple picking. We a will be looking to move out of the city next year, but prob only toRiverdale so it works withboth of our commutes.

Terri, I can totally see you charting the entire time...
I don't have any info on my meds yet. I will get all of that at my appt. I am really hoping to use follistim again...only because I used it for IUI & seemed to respond well. I am sure the other stuff would work just as well but I also have the cartridge holder & extra needles already for follistim.

I hope the next couple of weeks fly by. My work friend has yet to ask me about carpooling to our meeting on the 30th. But when she does I will just say something came up & I can't stay at the meeting the whole time so I cannot car pool. My manager has not responded to my email about having to leave early, but I am sure it got lost in all the other emails. I will remind her Tues if I don't hear back. But she has never given me a hard time, so I don't see any issues. My husband still has to clear his day though with his manager.

So interesting story I think I forgot to tell you guys. My husband has been traveling with his market manager. Somehow they started talking & he told him all about our IVF. So then the market guy says we went through all that as well. But it was in guy talk, so no specifics. So my husband's manager at the store level knows nothing. So I said well if the store manager gives you a hard time about time off, just call the market guy. He will be on your side for sure.

Oh & the nurse told me I could bleed while on bcp. I have seen other women on youtube with this issue. I hope I don't but oh well if I do.

Oh & no charge for my bcp...FINALLY something my insurance fully covered! But I have been lucky with meds for all of this.
So I got the call back from the nurse, my estradol level is at 1442. Uterine lining 11.5. I go back in Monday am for repeats and I'm keeping my meds the same over the weekend. And all my follicles were <10 today so they didn't measure them but I have more than 20 so hope some will mature and give me a sweet baby!
jkb-How small are your follicles? Like 10-12mm, or like 5-6mm? I think the reduction in Gonal F and Menopur did what it was supposed to do. They usually grow about 1mm a day, and i'm not sure of the rate once you trigger, but it definitely boosts everything a little more.
She just said there was no need to measure because they were less than 10....

jkb-How small are your follicles? Like 10-12mm, or like 5-6mm? I think the reduction in Gonal F and Menopur did what it was supposed to do. They usually grow about 1mm a day, and i'm not sure of the rate once you trigger, but it definitely boosts everything a little more.
BFN for this old girl. I'm so over this. I do have frosties, so I will find out how much it costs out of pocket for me to use them, and we'll try that route. Many say that the frozen is the way to go. At this point, I guess it's worth a shot. Two fresh cycles surely didn't work. If it's too expensive, we're going to have to wait until January when my prescription insurance kicks back in. We went into debt paying out of pocket and I can't stand owing money and getting charged interest, so I have to pare back on the fun. I guess now I'm happy the Os aren't going to the World Series because yes, I would be all up in the stands! HA!!HA!! Sweatshirts and hats for everyone!!
She just said there was no need to measure because they were less than 10....

jkb-How small are your follicles? Like 10-12mm, or like 5-6mm? I think the reduction in Gonal F and Menopur did what it was supposed to do. They usually grow about 1mm a day, and i'm not sure of the rate once you trigger, but it definitely boosts everything a little more.

Slow and steady wins the race. Sounds like you have a nice bunch brewing in there!

Terri please say it ain't so! I'm so sorry but totally get the financial anxiety with this. At Cornell FET is about 5k. Can you do a garage sale or have some nice things to sell to consignment? I have considered selling my expensive bags and lightly worn designer clothes and shoes to help offset the cost since the only thing covered by insurance are the meds. Lord knows the shoes don't fit anymore since I was pregnant.

How's the bcp going Beagle? I have had breakthrough bleeding while on it but it's really light.

Afm, full blown head cold. I started the estrogen patch yesterday and all my meds came except for Gonal F. I have a pen leftover from IUI but not enough so it should be coming this week. They are working with my insurance to get an override since I have a letter that it is a covered medicine. I had no idea any of the meds would be covered by our insurance, let alone all of them. I was so happy when I heard that. The rest isn't covered, so every u/s and bw, the procedure itself will all be out of pocket. I'm so annoyed though, I haven't been sick in over a year and the week I will be starting my meds I get a friggin head cold. Of course dh thinks it's a bfp sign. We tried the old fashioned way this month, a sort of Hail Mary pass!

NY is chilly today. This golf outing I have for work tomorrow is in Westchester. I am playing it by ear though. Being on an open golf course in 50 degree weather may not be wise with a head cold. I'm nervous to disappoint my customer that I invited though. Hmmmm
Terri - I am sorry about the negative. Hopefully the blood test will still reveal a positive. I think at my office FET runs about $3,000.
I think it is too early to tell on the bcp. I am on my 4th day of still some bleeding from that.

Everything I pay is out of pocket except some copays on my meds. I was just sitting here googling the multiple cycle programs. Makes me nervous to go all in with no backup. But I keep saying I am still young, no issues found except a low count, & previously responded well to meds. So I feel like I have a good shot with one round of IVF. But there are no guarantys in life. I am just trying to stay in a fully positive mode going in to all this.
I think it is too early to tell on the bcp. I am on my 4th day of still some bleeding from that.

Everything I pay is out of pocket except some copays on my meds. I was just sitting here googling the multiple cycle programs. Makes me nervous to go all in with no backup. But I keep saying I am still young, no issues found except a low count, & previously responded well to meds. So I feel like I have a good shot with one round of IVF. But there are no guarantys in life. I am just trying to stay in a fully positive mode going in to all this.

Google can be the devil. You are an individual not a statistic. Remember those stats include some serious issues so don't rely on them. You have so much that's on your side, age being a biggie. I have Hashimoto's and am going to be 39 (still no clue how that happened) and my AMH is under 1.0. Yet I got a bfp on my first IUI. Dh has 4% morphology too. Count and motility are awesome. I have a feeling my eggs are the reason we are not getting prego. I just pray I respond well and we get some back up embryos. You have such a great chance at success I would say focus on relaxing and keeping your diet clean. Stress and diet are things we can control and contribute to our chances. What's going on with the grant?
I will ask about the refund policy at the dr just in case I get the grant, but I think we have basically moved on from that. We don't feel like our chances are good at getting it anyways. But we will see. The decision date is Nov 15. I should not have started any fertility meds at that point, I don't think.
This blows Terri. Are you 2 weeks after the transfer tomorrow? I'm really praying you have a surprise blood test tomorrow.
Also, were you on progesterone?

Hi to everyone else! I'm going to the taco festival today. I'm the designated driver! Had a purse party yesterday at my house and I am exhausted! I'm not on here as much as I used to be but know that I am stalking!!!

Oh yes Terri I totally cried. I'm a giant hormone.
Terri I'm so sorry! I am so heart broken for you. This cycle went so well, I kept thinking how this was it for you. I totally get how you would feel totally over it too, what you have to put your body through is exhausting. I really hope you try a frozen cycle. Keep your spirits up. We are here for you if you need us :hugs:
Thanks ladies.

Jen-You are too cute. I wish I was going to taco festival. My favorite foods are tacos and pizza, and my favorite drink is a dirty Stoli Martini. I'm going out this week just to get one. hee hee. Tuesday is almost two weeks. My transfer was on Wednesday, so close enough. Yes, I am on progesterone since the day of the transfer.

babyW-I don't have a lot of spare junk around my house, so a yard sale wouldn't work. I can afford to do another cycle, I just HATE spending the money. I'm the saver in the family and hubs is the spender. Trying to get him to slow his spending is the issue. He thinks my $$ just falls out of the sky, but he doesn't realize how hard I have worked to have it. So...we'll be ok, I just hate putting it on my credit card. Although..I could justify getting prego as an emergency! hee hee.
:nope: Terri, I'm so sorry. Praying that come Tuesday you have a bfp. We are here for you. Feel free to vent as need.
Good morning everyone...

Terri - I really hope your negative turns in to a positive by tomorrow. But if not, maybe you will have a better shot with FET. Do you have a health savings account option at work? May be something to look in to for 2015. But it depends on how it works. I can do a max of $2500. It is deducted from each paycheck through the year. But at the 1st of the year, the full amount is available to me. So I could use all of it in January & as the year goes by I am paying it all back.

I am not sure if it is the bcp or what, but I have felt a little off the past couple of days. Yesterday I felt fine. But then all of a sudden when my husband got home at 6, I was completely exhausted. Like I could have just climbed in bed right then if I was not so hungry. Then I took vitamins before bed & my chest hurt a little. But I just figured that was because I didn't drink enough water with them. I woke up in the middle of the night feeling uncomfortable. And then now I am at work just feeling off a bit. Like I don't know if I need to eat or drink or what...I just feel off.

My husband & I made a calendar for our excercise/diet plan. I want to try to lose weight before I start the IVF Meds. So for each day I have an activity. Once a week we each have a dinner cheat, lunch cheat, & free day on excercise. I also have 2 days a week where we eat small meals like a bowl of cereal or a sandwich. The other days is a regular meal but smaller portions. And then we are supposed to eat light for breakfast & lunch every day. I hope it works. My husband lost 15 lbs just by not eating all the crap he eats. But I don't eat that bad anyways, so off course I lost nothing. So for him to keep losing & me to lose anything, we have to work out.

I hope everyone else is doing well.
Terri - I'm so sorry to read about your negative. :hugs: Hopefully, your FET won't be too expensive and you can move ahead before January. Even if it doesn't seem like it, and I know how hard it is to wait, January isn't that far away. Thinking of you! :hugs:

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