First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Terri - I am so sorry. Still praying for your BFP on Tuesday, I really hope you don't give up.

How is everyone else doing?

AFM - I start the shots today so I am getting really nervous and excited.
Terri - I am so sorry. Still praying for your BFP on Tuesday, I really hope you don't give up.

How is everyone else doing?

AFM - I start the shots today so I am getting really nervous and excited.

That is very exciting...I am sure you have already said, but when do they think retrieval will be?

I will probably be on here on day today back & forth...not feeling work today.
Beagle - Good for you for making an exercise plan! Definitely a great move for sure.

Brighteyez - I'm so excited for you! What meds are you starting with again?

Hi everyone else!

RE appt this morning. Stopping BCPs Wednesday and starting stims on Sunday evening. 3 Bravelle/2 Menopur to start. Then I have bloods on Tuesday and bloods/ultrasound on Wednesday. Come on, come on, come on, I'm ready!

I know this has been discussed but again, what are everyone's thoughts on alcohol/caffeine during stims?
Good morning everyone ...

Terri - I'm so sorry!! Yes, thinking positive for a BFP tomorrow.

Did anyone else start to feel kind of crazy on Lupron? Today is day 7 and starting day 5, I have been really anxious and on the verge of tears much of the time. I had acupuncture on Sunday which helped a lot.
Terri - I am so sorry. Still praying for your BFP on Tuesday, I really hope you don't give up.

How is everyone else doing?

AFM - I start the shots today so I am getting really nervous and excited.

That is very exciting...I am sure you have already said, but when do they think retrieval will be?

I will probably be on here on day today back & forth...not feeling work today.

Retrieval is going to be 10/31.
Beagle - Good for you for making an exercise plan! Definitely a great move for sure.

Brighteyez - I'm so excited for you! What meds are you starting with again?

Hi everyone else!

RE appt this morning. Stopping BCPs Wednesday and starting stims on Sunday evening. 3 Bravelle/2 Menopur to start. Then I have bloods on Tuesday and bloods/ultrasound on Wednesday. Come on, come on, come on, I'm ready!

I know this has been discussed but again, what are everyone's thoughts on alcohol/caffeine during stims?

Thank you, I am think I am ready. So my nurse said my estradiol was 8.7 and I will start 150iu of Gonal F and 75iu of Menopur between 6-9pm.
Brighteyez...totally forgot...HALLOWEEN!

kfs...I have not gone to my meds class no instructions from my dr on things to avoid. But I have quit caffeine almost all together. Only drink it when I drink beverages when I eat out. My tea at home is half caf & at work I drink decaf. But that was something I decided to do a while back. I knew I wanted to avoid it during pregnancy so I weened myself off months ago. But I have read 1 cup a day cannot hurt even during pregnancy. Alcohol - I do not drink too much. So if told not to drink, it would not be a big deal. Even if not told, just from my lifestyle, I probably wouldn't drink anyways. Not calling any of you out there who enjoy some wine or beer alcoholics, we just don't drink a lot.
My RE said no alcohol during the process - he would prefer me to act as if I am already pregnant. But I don't drink anyway, so that was easy. :)
Hi all!

Terri - I'm so sorry about the negative. :( That must be discouraging. Hang in there chica! And - I'm waiting till Jan if it makes you feel any better! My hubby and I are planning to load up our Flexible Spending Accounts and use that towards the cost. That's what beaglemom was mentioning. It won't cover the whole thing, but it will help (I can do $2500 and he can do $2500). We can use the whole amount as of Jan 1 and then pay it back over the course of the year. The best part is, if we leave our employer(s), we don't have to pay the remaining balance! One little known rule of the FSA. =) But waiting is tough. Longest 2.5 months of my life.

AFM - the lap went well, I am finally feeling back to normal today. The entire experience took like 4 hours (poor hubby waited patiently in the waiting room the entire time). The anesthesia made me feel weird and nauseous, so I was on anti-nausea medication, which made me super drowsy. I have three little tiny incisions on my belly. Today I just feel like I did an intense ab workout yesterday and am sore from that! So everything's back to normal now - normal diet, back to work, etc. Unfortunately the other fallopian tube was confirmed as non-functional, so now I have NO functioning fallopian tubes - so will definitely proceed with IVF.

Question for you guys: our $$ is due at initial suppression check. How long from the time that you start hormone medications does it take to get to the initial suppression check? I'm getting so antsy!
LadySosa - sorry to hear about your fallopian tubes! but glad you are feeling a bit better from the surgery. I'm not sure what protocol you will be on, but I am on Lupron for 10 days and then have my suppression check.
Thanks all...LadySosa, I think we will be boosting up our HSA this coming year too. I used to contribute towards my FSA, but it sucked and I stopped doing it. Now we have an HSA and it seems to be better. Who knows, but I can use the tax savings.

kfs1-I drank coffee and alcohol (if I felt like it) during stims. didn't work for me! *secret jab against myself* I figured that my eggs are not out AND these will be my last drinks, so why not. It's your call really. I did miss my morning coffee during the transfer TWW though.

brighteyez-Tonight will be a breeze!
Kfs, I was on strict no alcohol no caffeine the entire cycle. Basically I had to act like I was already pregnant. I figured I may as well get used to it. I had my last drink the day before I stopped bcps. It was a horrible margarita. Lol I don't miss it at all!
Terri - I really hope you are not blaming yourself for drinking some alcohol or caffeine. Do not even put that in your head. But you bring up a good point I read once...

When it comes to our habits, basically do what you feel is right. And if you think for any reason you would blame yourself for doing something if the result is bad, just avoid it. I don't think we can do much to mess up these cycles...sometimes life just sucks. But you never need to blame yourself & if avoiding something in your TWW makes you feel better about what you are doing, then just avoid it. I hope I am making my point clearly...I may be sounding a bt contradictory. I hope not.

I have a great update to my life today. Not sure who is keeping up but I know I mentioned this on one of my threads. My husband is a shift manager at Walmart (this is the guy below the store manager). He plans to sign up for a neighborhood market...this is basically a Walmart grocery store. I think he should sign up for a store manager of a super center...more money & I know he can do it. But he is nervous about being able to do it & the stress. Well things happened & he did not get the neighborhood market he signed up for...a store manager signed up so basically she got it because she is higher than him. So anyways...there is a smaller super center near by a crappy manager. My husband is in really good with the market manager...basically told him next neighborhood market is his. Anyways...out of nowhere market manager calls my husband's store manager & sends my husband to this crappy store to run it for a few days. Says it looks horrible & that manager is out sick. His store manager told him the last time he (the storemanager) was sent to a store to run it, they ended up promoting him to that store. So there is a slim chance they will push my husband in to this store. He is nervous, but I told him he can do it...& the market manager specifically chose him to go there which says a lot. I really hope this is where it is much more money so my IVF debt will go away quite fast not to mention my anxiety over the cost of day care. I told him this is a sign...IVF right around the corner & maybe a better promotion than what he was thinking. The good thing is he has a few days to work there & feel it out to determine if he would like it. This would be such a big deal for us. And if he got this, technically I could quit working & stay home. But not sure that is something I want...but def been thinking about it.

I also think once I am pregnant my husband's provider gene will kick in. I just have this feeling once a baby comes he will wish he aimed higher to provide more & do more for the baby. My husband is a great man...he does everything he possibly can for me. I know with a child, he will do even more to make sure that child has a better life than we did growing up. That's what a good parent does...make things better for the next generation.

So I just feel like life plays itself out the way it was meant to.
Hi girls! First, Terri.... so sorry this cycle didn't work out again, I'm so upset about that. It makes me angry that this has to be so hard. Just know I'm thinking about you, as I know how it feels, and for me, this has been, hands down, the most difficult journey ever. BUT, I'm cheering you on to do a FET lady! I have a lot of confidence in FET, and I'm sure I'm just biased because my FET was the one that worked (while sadly it did not stick around, it did work!). Maybe you're like me, in that your lining just wasn't receptive to the embryos in a fresh cycle. I feel like FET is the answer for us both. Just a gut feeling... And if I can still be optimistic after a failed fresh cycle and a CP, that's saying something! Its hard not to get discouraged, but I dont doubt for a single second that one of my last 4 embies is gonna work, and I have a STRONG feeling that your frosties will work for you too. My FET was considerably cheaper than my full IVF cycle too... so... get to work lady!!:winkwink:

Sorry I've been MIA, ladies. So much going on at work, so not much time to play when I'm here. I have been getting on at home to stay caught up with everyone, I just haven't been staying on long enough to post. This thread is also moving much faster since we've grown w/ our new friends joining us! :flower: Anyway, just thought I'd take some time now to update.

beagle, i'm excited you've started your BCP! Things are moving along for you, and i'm really excited at how close you're getting. Hard to believe we're here, when not even a year ago, we were talking about light topics, like the texture of our CM and just using Preseed, ha! Sometimes I glance at some of those threads and just think to myself, wow, how innocent I still was during all of that!

LadySosa, sorry about the tubes, hun! But since you've already got your IVF plan in place, i'm sure that's not quite as disappointing as it would've been. i'm glad your lap went well and that you're feeling just about back to yourself already. :)

brighteyez, WUHU!!! Its time, yay! Girl, I was the type of person who had a HUGE fear of needles before i started all this stuff. As it turned out, the subcutaneous shots are NOT bad at all. I got the hang of it so quickly. You'll find that the anxiety leading up to it is worse than the shots themselves, and after your 1st time, you won't even have the anxiety anymore. :) You've gotten some good tips from the other girls, so just 1 thing from me... If your menopur is the kind that you mix w/the powder before injecting, my recommendation is to mix that 1st and set it aside for a minute before injecting. That solution stings going in sometimes (but just a teensy), and I found that after the solution mixes w/ the powder and sits for a moment, it didn't sting at all. But that was my experience, I know everyone has different experiences. GL hun!!

knitgirl, so did you do Lupron day21 protocol? Or are you the one doing the Lupron overlapping BCP? If it's the Lupron Day21 protocol, that is the one I did (and I still use the Lupron before my FETs too). I don't recall feeling crappy on the Lupron at all. BUT, they say in the first 5 days of taking the Lupron, it actually sorta stimulates a little before it starts suppressing, so maybe that's where your yucky feelings are coming from. Since you're already a week in, I'd think you'd start to feel better any day now, as the suppression should've started. Although, were you the type of girl who felt crappy on BCP too (if you ever took it before)? BCP suppresses in the same way. I know I never felt crappy back in the day when i took BCP to prevent pregnancy. It just never affected me that way, so the Lupron didn't affect me like that either. Let us know how you're feeling.

booger, I see you picked up your BCP. How long before your FET then? I was thinking you were waiting until Jan, but now I have myself all confused since you picked up the BCP. :wacko: This group has gotten larger, so I'm having a little more difficulty keeping up!

kfs, you're starting soon too, wuhu!!! So excited for you! :happydance: As for alcohol/caffeine during stims, I don't drink a lot of caffeine anyway, but my RE recommends staying away from it in general when having fertility issues. As for alcohol, mine just said to "limit" consumption, and when I told them I only have a couple drinks a week, they didn't feel it was a problem. Every RE has different opinions, but my RE didn't feel like I drank enough for it to affect the meds at all. So i had beers on football Sunday, and I went to maybe 1 happy hour where i had 2 glasses of wine. They got 20 eggs out of me, and 18 were mature and all fertilized, so it didn't affect that at all. After my ER, for the 5 days leading up to ET, I didn't drink any alcohol at all, as I just didn't want to thin my blood for a healthy lining. But i doubt a couple drinks would've hurt if I had. During the TWW, I avoided all of it obviously.

jkb, sounds like you've got lots of follies, so FXd that they grow grow grow, and you get bunches of eggs! What's your status now??

Moni and Jen, so glad everything is going good for you girls!! :flower:

Hello to Amy and BabyW! Hope you guys are well too! When does everything for start for you two? I may have missed a couple of posts...

AFM, I'm in my natural cycle to take a break after the CP. I got a pos OPK Sat night and Sun morning, so probably O'd today. DH and I have been making sure we BD plenty. No harm in trying naturally. Seems weird given that I'm doing IVF, but no reason to think we have NO chance. We've been PG on our own before (with a low dose of Clomid only), and I do O on my own, and actually did NOT ovulate early this cycle, so my eggs had a good amount of time to mature, and DH's spermies have always been good. So I figured, hey why not! Hehe. I don't hold out much hope obviously, but no reason not to try! Anyway, since I O'd late, I won't be starting the Lupron this week. I'll go in about a week for my P labs, and then start the Lupron the next morning. Then when AF comes about a week after that, I'll schedule my hysteroscopy, and as long as that's clear, begin the E patches again to get ready for my next FET. Still haven't decided about PGS. We might just have 3 put in and go for it.
Hi ERose!! So good to hear from you on the boards! Remember when IUI HAD to be it and then IVF HAD to be it and now FET HAS to be it? HA!!HA!! It just makes me laugh. Your comment to beagle talking about Preseed and whatever else made me laugh. Those were the days...*sigh* I'm feeling fine and I will definitely talk to the nice nurse tomorrow if she's the one who calls me. I really hope the rude nurse doesn't call or i'm going to be mad. I think my doctor even called me last time and left a message too. So whoever calls when I can talk to someone, I will talk to them. I think I'm such an easy patient because I'm like 'Ok..what next.' They don't have to hear me crying or yelling. I'm just like 'Just get me prego..I don't know why it didn't work..let's move forward from here.'

beagle-No, I'm not really blaming myself, but every now and again I play the what if game. Although, that game is so unfair because I have known MANY people in my lifetime who were just terrible to their bodies all throughout their pregnancies and their kids were just fine (for the most part). So..when I did drink a beer during stims or coffee this week, I feel justified. Whatever is going to happen is going to happen. I'm not changing my life dramatically until I have to, so I have one more month of drinks (if I even drink at all) and coffee.

BCP girls-I must have no nerves in my body because nothing makes me feel wonky. I have a rock gut (rot gut?), and I'm never hyper emotional/in pain/nothing. I feel normal pretty much 23:50 hours a day. hee hee. #blessed! hee hee. My bestie and I just started saying 'hashtag blessed!' We're stupid.

Have a good night. Cooking pork chops/sweet potatoes for MIL in a few minutes. I went out for lunch so I'm not even hungry. I can take mine for lunch tomorrow, unless hubs wants two pork chops. I still have one serving of general tsp's chicken as well.

/diary entry. Sorry! HA!!HA!!
beagle-I forgot to say that I hope your husband gets the job. It's meant to be.'s better that he start now and get used to it, so it's not a big deal when you have your baby. :) :friends:
Hi all!

Terri - I'm so sorry about the negative. :( That must be discouraging. Hang in there chica! And - I'm waiting till Jan if it makes you feel any better! My hubby and I are planning to load up our Flexible Spending Accounts and use that towards the cost. That's what beaglemom was mentioning. It won't cover the whole thing, but it will help (I can do $2500 and he can do $2500). We can use the whole amount as of Jan 1 and then pay it back over the course of the year. The best part is, if we leave our employer(s), we don't have to pay the remaining balance! One little known rule of the FSA. =) But waiting is tough. Longest 2.5 months of my life.

AFM - the lap went well, I am finally feeling back to normal today. The entire experience took like 4 hours (poor hubby waited patiently in the waiting room the entire time). The anesthesia made me feel weird and nauseous, so I was on anti-nausea medication, which made me super drowsy. I have three little tiny incisions on my belly. Today I just feel like I did an intense ab workout yesterday and am sore from that! So everything's back to normal now - normal diet, back to work, etc. Unfortunately the other fallopian tube was confirmed as non-functional, so now I have NO functioning fallopian tubes - so will definitely proceed with IVF.

Question for you guys: our $$ is due at initial suppression check. How long from the time that you start hormone medications does it take to get to the initial suppression check? I'm getting so antsy!

I'm happy the lap went well. Take it easy and save energy to heal.

Terri I'm the financially conservative one too. I am straight commission and while some months are great I have to plan for months I don't do as well or have days planned off like for a vacation or the retrieval.

Sorry so short. I have a full blown head cold. Golf outing was fun but it was chilly. Taking NyQuil and heading to bed. On second estrogen patch and man did I break out. Like 9th grade all over again!

So excited for ladies starting to stim. I think af should be here in the next few days. Heading to bed hope I don't snore since I'm so stuffy!!!
Glad to hear from you, Erin!

The job was not exactly what we thought. He was only there for today not a few days like originally thought. But still a good sign he was sent there at all. Market manager told him to look around & talk to folks & find out the deal. Short version, that manager sucks & everyone hates him. He actually was close to being fired so they took him from a big super center to this smaller one hoping he could handle it...obviously not. So he could still get demoted/fired & my husband has a shot. Either way, still psyched the market manager sent him there...shows how much he appreciates his input & trusts him.
Beagle-yay for possible opportunity for hubby! I know It's so great for him to have you encouraging and telling him he can do it!

Erin-so happy to hear from you! I have everything crossed (except my legs:haha:) that you and hubby get that surprise bfp this month! Those reports are my favorite to hear! One good thing is when we have been through fertility treatments and unfortunately losses, our bodies are primed for pregnacy. It not unusual for it to happen.:dust::dust::dust:

Afm- had ultrasound and labs this am. RN thinks I will be ready to trigger tomorrow but has me repeating ultrasound in the am. So hopefully retrieval will be Thursday. I'm so bloated. And terrified I'm going to ovulate a good egg on my own and miss it because we are not bd ing. Did y'all have TONS of ewcm the day prior to retrieval?
Terri - Thinking of you today. Hope you get a surprise BFP! Oh, and I totally agree with you about being an "easy patient." Personally, I think I vent my frustrations to you guys and then cry/wallow a bit before I even talk to my RE. So by that point, I'm like, "OK. Whatever. What's next?" Man, I hope the doctor or the nice nurse calls you today. How are things going with your mother-in-law?

LadySosa - I'm sorry for your lap results but I'm happy that the procedure is over and that you're feeling OK. Also, it's great that you're mentally prepared to move onto IVF! I hope things move fast for you.

Beagle - I hope things work our for your husband. Sounds like a great opportunity. And you're right, they wouldn't have sent him to that store if they didn't have confidence in him. Sounds like a good sign to me!

Errriiinnn - Missed you!!! Absolutely no harm in trying naturally! Like you said, you were pregnant naturally once before. I hope you're truly enjoying this little mini-break. Personally, I think breaks are the BEST medicine for our sanity. :)

Brighteyez - So, how did your first injection go????

JKB - Woohoo. Sounds like you're almost there! Good luck today.

Hi Booger, Amy, and Babywhisperer!!

Thanks so much for the advice everyone. I'm going to try to wean myself off of caffeine over the next week or two because when I was pregnant for those few weeks before my miscarriage, it was TOUGH to adjust for sure. Luckily, it's only coffee in the morning. I don't drink soda or anything else that's caffeinated. As far as alcohol goes, I only really asked because I have a few parties coming up, including my DH's birthday, so I know that the opportunity may arise. I think I'll just play it by ear and if I do have a drink, I'll just limit myself. In all honestly, I personally don't think it really matters but I of course don't want to go overboard. :)

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