First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

kfs - not sure if you do k-cups, but you can buy them in half caf. I basically alternated between regular & half caf every day until the regular was gone, then I alternated between half caf & defaf until the half caf was gone. There were a few rough days & even now I sometimes have to stop & get a coke on mornings where I sleep bad or wake up late but mostly I feel fine. Besides, even when pregnant, I do not plan to be zero caffeine...just almost none.
Good Morning, ladies! :flower:

I've been MIA a little over the last few days as we were traveling. I'm now on East Coast time like most of you. Still trying to adjust a little bit. We are visiting DHs family in CT.

A lot has been going on around here while I've been logged off!

Brighteyez - How did those first shots go? I hope they weren't too bad for you!

Beagle - Your exercise/diet plan sounds great. I almost always have to have some sort of plan in place or it's too easy for me to slack off. I use MyFitnessPal to track my food.

Erin - Good to hear from you! I am doing a December FET. So, not too much longer. I'm starting to get antsy now!

Terri - I feel like I'm a bit like you in regards to rolling with the punches. I said something to my nurse about being high maintenance because I e-mailed her twice one day and she just laughed. She said that I was nowhere near high maintenance as she has patients that call her 5-6 times everyday! There is no way I could do what our nurses do - they have to be the most patient and understanding people (well, should be but as we know from your mean nurse that they all aren't). While the BCP made me feel a bit grody in the past, it hasn't been bothering me too much this time around. Hopefully, that holds. I'm hopeful your beta surprises you today but if not, it sounds like you are maybe ready to move ahead with your FET. :hugs:

kfs - I agree with what Beagle said...... do what feels right for you. I ignored the no caffeine rule but I only have a cup of coffee in the morning so I didn't feel like that was a big deal. I did not drink alcohol during stims. Now that I'm waiting for the FET, I haven't been doing anything different other than not drinking as much alcohol - only a few drinks per week vs. my regular glass of wine or beer a night. Once I start getting closer to the transfer, I'll likely stop all alcohol again. You are so close now!!!! :happydance:

Jen - I'm still jealous of the taco festival you went to. That sounds like the best thing ever. I really miss New Mexican food. As you can imagine, the Mexican food situation in Montana is pretty grim. We usually make it at home to avoid the disappointment. Hww are you feeling??? :thumbup:

LadySosa - Glad the lap is done and that you are recovering well! :flower: During my stim phase, I stopped the BCPs, had a suppression check the next day and then again 3 days later. I started my stims after the second suppression check.

jkb - Hooray for trigger! Yes to the EWCM question. All the estrogen from stimming causes that. You'll feel better soon. I was worried about ovulating before retrieval too but I read where it's very, very rare so try not to be anxious about that. It's so hard for our brains to focus on anything else while all of this is going on. :flower:

babywhisperer - Sorry you are under the weather. Get well soon! :cry:

knitgirl - I have read where Lupron can make one feel crazy. There are lots of stories out there about it playing with the emotions. Sorry it's getting to you. I haven't had to use it yet but will soon in preparation for my FET. Here is a funny blog post I remember reading -

Amy - Hello! What's new with you? I can't remember where you are at right now - sorry!!

Moni - Hello! I hope you're feeling well. You said you're doing the genetic blood testing soon? When will you find out about that?

Phew - we are big group now!! It's nice to know we're not alone in all of this.

We have a plan moving forward and I'm excited again. :happydance: Thanks to you guys, I suggested the second mock transfer to my nurse and she thought it was a great idea. We are doing another mock transfer on November 14. We are moving ahead with the FET for December. So if the second mock goes well, then I should have my transfer on December 11. :flower:

In other news, I'm at my MILs house for the next week and half. We have only been here two days and I'm already going batty. She is a wonderful lady but when we come to visit, I'm reminded of why we have decided to live so far away from our families!!! I'm sure that will change once we have a little one, but for now, distance really does make the heart grow fonder.
So they say I'm ready to trigger tonight:winkwink:I have lots of follies so I'm hoping for 1great quality egg in there somewhere :thumbup:my retrieval is at 7:30 Thursday am.

Booger- thanks Hun! I talked with nurse about ovulating early and she said she has never had it happen in the 8years she's been there. I know I worry too much about the what ifs:blush: I just need to simmer down:haha:

Beagle- since my FET won't be until December/January I'm really wanting to lose a solid 10 lbs. over the past several months I have lost 12. But I'm hoping to enjoy the break between and work my bothy off. Literally :haha: being fit and ready can't hurt anything

Terri- I'm holding out hope for your beta today but if there is no change you are definitely in the right mind set thinking ahead to the next step. P.s.- all your post make me hungry:winkwink: I may need you to come cook for me!

Lady Sosa- one of my friends had bilateral blocked tubes. She did one ivf cycle, had 19 embies from it! And now has a beautiful baby girl. :flower:

Knit girl- the lupron made me sleep like crazy! I am not a napper at all so my hubby was like "what is wrong with you!"

Booger- hope the mock transfer goes easy peasy :kiss:
Glad to hear from you, Erin!

The job was not exactly what we thought. He was only there for today not a few days like originally thought. But still a good sign he was sent there at all. Market manager told him to look around & talk to folks & find out the deal. Short version, that manager sucks & everyone hates him. He actually was close to being fired so they took him from a big super center to this smaller one hoping he could handle it...obviously not. So he could still get demoted/fired & my husband has a shot. Either way, still psyched the market manager sent him there...shows how much he appreciates his input & trusts him.

This is a great vote of confidence for your dh. If they didn't think he could handle it they wouldn't have sent him. I bet it's a matter of time before he gets the position. As with anything it can be scary to get more responsibility, but after a few weeks it's like you've always done it. So happy for you both, I know how this will help you guys. What perfect timing!!!

Terri, don't look backwards, only forward. See what they say about why they think it didn't work and what can be done differently. Stay positive!

Erin, so happy you popped in. I love your positivity and determination. I hope you are relaxing and having a nice break from the meds.

I will post more later, working from home as this head cold has me knocked out.
So they say I'm ready to trigger tonight:winkwink:I have lots of follies so I'm hoping for 1great quality egg in there somewhere :thumbup:my retrieval is at 7:30 Thursday am.

Booger- thanks Hun! I talked with nurse about ovulating early and she said she has never had it happen in the 8years she's been there. I know I worry too much about the what ifs:blush: I just need to simmer down:haha:

Beagle- since my FET won't be until December/January I'm really wanting to lose a solid 10 lbs. over the past several months I have lost 12. But I'm hoping to enjoy the break between and work my bothy off. Literally :haha: being fit and ready can't hurt anything

Terri- I'm holding out hope for your beta today but if there is no change you are definitely in the right mind set thinking ahead to the next step. P.s.- all your post make me hungry:winkwink: I may need you to come cook for me!

Lady Sosa- one of my friends had bilateral blocked tubes. She did one ivf cycle, had 19 embies from it! And now has a beautiful baby girl. :flower:

Knit girl- the lupron made me sleep like crazy! I am not a napper at all so my hubby was like "what is wrong with you!"

Booger- hope the mock transfer goes easy peasy :kiss:

Yeah trigger time!!! So exciting. I hope the retrieval goes great!!
So I went in for my beta, and the phlebotomist was the one who can never draw my blood. she tried both arms, and then had to call someone else. This happens EVERY TIME she does it. The other lady said 'Oh, people ask all the time if they can have this person or that person.' She stuck me in one chance and it wasn't even a big deal. This is just another reason why I'm just like whatever. I left the office looking like Frankenstein with one piece of tape and two band-aids on my arms. Luckily it's a long sleeve shirt day. hee hee.

Now I'm sitting here at work and some random number calls me. I bet it's the doctor, but seriously, why would you call someone at work? I didn't answer, and i won't answer my work phone until tomorrow. I specifically wrote down my cell number on my paperwork this morning, but I don't think they look at that.

kfs1-Thank goodness for BnB so we can seem normal/unemotional at the RE's office.

booger-Glad you're safe on the east coast. My MIL is in town for the next day or so. Last night she said she would eat brussel sprouts if I cooked them. So I cooked them and didn't season them (she has some weird food issues). Then when they were on her plate, she was like "oh. I don't want brussel sprouts." I just removed them from her plate and put them on mine. She is too high maintenance for me. She liked her other food though. BUT, at dinner, she talked for at least 1/2 hour on all the miracles she's witnessed. She's a holy roller and that's fine but my hubs just ignores her, and I have to sit there listening. Plus, because she was talking so much about all these miracles she wasn't eating. Finally, I said I needed to get more water, and I left. Of course, I even stared hubs down like 'Tell your mom to chill with her miracle sightings,' and he just looked at me and kept watching football. JERK!! hee hee. I was glad to get out of the house this morning.

LadySosa-Sorry to hear about your other tube, but you are the perfect candidate for IVF.

brighteyez-Yoohoo..we're all waiting to hear how it went last night.

:wave: to everyone else.
Morning ladies!

terri, FXd that you get a surprise today. Not everyone gets BFPs at home before their beta, so i'm just gonna hold out hope for a little longer. I asked the nurse once when she was taking my blood, if they see women come in there thinking it didnt work, and then they get a positive beta, and she said she's seen it happen several times. For some reason they test negative at home (or maybe they just don't know how to squint as much as some of us, LOL) but their beta comes out positive and they get a nice little surprise.

jkb, yay for triggering tonight! How exciting! Can't wait to hear how Thurs goes!! Oh, and thanks for the support for my natural cycle, hehe! I agree, those are the best success stories, the little surprise BFPs!

booger, welcome to Eastern Standard Time. I know that feeling of jet lag. I have to travel to California for work now and then, and its always a bit of an adjustment, especially when I have a business dinner out there at 7pm, and it's really 10pm my time! Great news about the 2nd mock transfer! I bet it will go great this time since the Dr knows what to expect in there. I'm excited that you're having your transfer in Dec. :thumbup:

kfs, I do agree with you, I really don't think a little bit of alcohol affects the STIM meds. Its not like you'll be binge drinking and doing keg stands. :winkwink: So enjoy your parties, especially your DH's birthday!

BabyW, sorry about your head cold! And also for your breakout from the patches! I used the patches for my FET, and I didn't break out, although I thought for sure I would. The only issue I had was maybe being a tad emotional on a day or two. Those patches are GREAT for having a good E level though. My RE really likes them. They started to get on my nerves once i got up to 4 though! Do you have to go up that high as well?

beagle, I'll keep my FXd for your DH! I do recall you talking about his job a while back, so it would be exciting for him to get that promo. How's the BCP treating you so far?
Booger - so glad I will have a buddy in Dec...hopefully my timing will work out the way I want...can hardly wait for my appt on the 30th.

All this talk about the family reminds me how happy I am to live far away from the crazy inlaws.

Terri - not sure if this works, but I saw a vlog & the girl said drinking a lot of water before a blood draw helps.

I don't seem to have many effects from the bcp as it is right now. I don't recall having any side effects when I was on them previously. But I do think these have a different hormone level ??? not sure.

There is so much going on in this thread...hard to keep up...I wish we had a chart or something. So I think jkb is first on the list...then brighteyez...I think...
beagle-I know my veins are a problem, so I drink a ton of water, and use heat packs the morning of. The lady with the blonde hair just can't do it. The other women have no problems. She is just not good with my arms. I think the fact that they don't straighten scares her a little. Yeah, I'm a freak of nature.

booger-I forgot to say :wohoo: on the repeat mock transfer. I think you owe Moni for that idea. Boop boop! And December 11 is so soon. Yip yip! We might all be bump buddies. hee hee.

jkb-I also forgot to say 'yeah!' for triggering. How big are your follies now? Enjoy tomorrow off!
Thanks girls! On the left I had 4 around 20 and numerous small ones and on right 3 around 18 as well as many small ones there was like 9 that were around 14 ! just on the right? I have pcos so I knew I would have loads of follicles I'm just worried about they quality. Guess I'll know in a few days:coffee:
Thanks girls! On the left I had 4 around 20 and numerous small ones and on right 3 around 18 as well as many small ones there was like 9 that were around 14 ! just on the right? I have pcos so I knew I would have loads of follicles I'm just worried about they quality. Guess I'll know in a few days:coffee:

That sounds great. Even the 14s could be mature by the time of retrieval with the boost of the trigger & the extra day. Good luck.
Yeah jkb, those other follies may have mature eggs too. Are you getting excited? Nervous/scared? I'm excited for you!! This is it!
Erin, I am on my second one today and have to change them every other day until I get af.
Good Morning, ladies! :flower:

I've been MIA a little over the last few days as we were traveling. I'm now on East Coast time like most of you. Still trying to adjust a little bit. We are visiting DHs family in CT.

A lot has been going on around here while I've been logged off!

Brighteyez - How did those first shots go? I hope they weren't too bad for you!

Beagle - Your exercise/diet plan sounds great. I almost always have to have some sort of plan in place or it's too easy for me to slack off. I use MyFitnessPal to track my food.

Erin - Good to hear from you! I am doing a December FET. So, not too much longer. I'm starting to get antsy now!

Terri - I feel like I'm a bit like you in regards to rolling with the punches. I said something to my nurse about being high maintenance because I e-mailed her twice one day and she just laughed. She said that I was nowhere near high maintenance as she has patients that call her 5-6 times everyday! There is no way I could do what our nurses do - they have to be the most patient and understanding people (well, should be but as we know from your mean nurse that they all aren't). While the BCP made me feel a bit grody in the past, it hasn't been bothering me too much this time around. Hopefully, that holds. I'm hopeful your beta surprises you today but if not, it sounds like you are maybe ready to move ahead with your FET. :hugs:

kfs - I agree with what Beagle said...... do what feels right for you. I ignored the no caffeine rule but I only have a cup of coffee in the morning so I didn't feel like that was a big deal. I did not drink alcohol during stims. Now that I'm waiting for the FET, I haven't been doing anything different other than not drinking as much alcohol - only a few drinks per week vs. my regular glass of wine or beer a night. Once I start getting closer to the transfer, I'll likely stop all alcohol again. You are so close now!!!! :happydance:

Jen - I'm still jealous of the taco festival you went to. That sounds like the best thing ever. I really miss New Mexican food. As you can imagine, the Mexican food situation in Montana is pretty grim. We usually make it at home to avoid the disappointment. Hww are you feeling??? :thumbup:

LadySosa - Glad the lap is done and that you are recovering well! :flower: During my stim phase, I stopped the BCPs, had a suppression check the next day and then again 3 days later. I started my stims after the second suppression check.

jkb - Hooray for trigger! Yes to the EWCM question. All the estrogen from stimming causes that. You'll feel better soon. I was worried about ovulating before retrieval too but I read where it's very, very rare so try not to be anxious about that. It's so hard for our brains to focus on anything else while all of this is going on. :flower:

babywhisperer - Sorry you are under the weather. Get well soon! :cry:

knitgirl - I have read where Lupron can make one feel crazy. There are lots of stories out there about it playing with the emotions. Sorry it's getting to you. I haven't had to use it yet but will soon in preparation for my FET. Here is a funny blog post I remember reading -

Amy - Hello! What's new with you? I can't remember where you are at right now - sorry!!

Moni - Hello! I hope you're feeling well. You said you're doing the genetic blood testing soon? When will you find out about that?

Phew - we are big group now!! It's nice to know we're not alone in all of this.

We have a plan moving forward and I'm excited again. :happydance: Thanks to you guys, I suggested the second mock transfer to my nurse and she thought it was a great idea. We are doing another mock transfer on November 14. We are moving ahead with the FET for December. So if the second mock goes well, then I should have my transfer on December 11. :flower:

In other news, I'm at my MILs house for the next week and half. We have only been here two days and I'm already going batty. She is a wonderful lady but when we come to visit, I'm reminded of why we have decided to live so far away from our families!!! I'm sure that will change once we have a little one, but for now, distance really does make the heart grow fonder.

Booger - I did pretty good. We (me and Kids) geeked out which helped alot with the nerves. I tried to do it myself but it didn't work, so my 17year old gave it to me and he was wonderful.
I am so jealous of everyone doing their crazy do I sound? Not looking forward to the meds but just so ready to start! I feel a little behind everyone :) But I just keep thinking in 1 week is my class...then in less than a month I should be stimming. I feel like with every process I have to do it will make the time go by faster.
Oh totally forgot...we started our vlog videos last night. My husband is playing around with editing today. But we have decided not to share them on Youtube until I am pregnant & have told my mom. I don't want by some chance for them to come her way without knowing. Very slight chance, but still.
Erin, I am on my second one today and have to change them every other day until I get af.

Oh ok, this is different from what I was doing then. Are they estrogen patches, or something else? I started mine after AF, and after suppression, to start thickening my lining for my FET. I started with 1 patch, and had to change it every other day, and then I went up to 2 patches, then 3, then 4. It was a bit much! But my RE really likes them, and my estrogen level was perfect on them, so it turned out to be a good protocol for me.
jkb, your follies sound like they're doing great! They'll probably be able to get eggs out of the 14s too by that time. The good thing about IVF is that you dont have to rely on your body to release them! The Dr just goes in and gets them. :)

beagle, darn, I'd love to see your vlog! I bet the vids are so cute. :) That will be a fun project for you and your husband. I watched a couple of those right before my first IVF, and they are really fun.

brighteyez, I'm glad your 17-yr old did such a good job! That's good news. I was the total opposite. I couldn't relinquish control to my DH, ha! Well, until it was time for P shots... then I didn't have a choice because I couldn't see my behind very well.:wacko:

terri, there's nothing worse than getting a nurse who can't get the vein... man, that makes for a bad experience. Kinda funny how the others in your clinic find it just fine, and just that one lady can't. She should be so used to doing that since they do that SO often in those clinics. Have you gotten a call yet about your beta?
I got the call, but decided to let my husband listen to the message, so he can hear how it feels. Usually I am too excited and listen first and then just tell him the results, but I figure today I'll give him the opportunity. Plus, his mom is here, so he can just hang on to my phone and listen to it when we go to the show. I don't need my phone while I'm out.

Plus, now that I looked at my phone the office DID call me at work and on my cell. The blinking light on my work phone is still blinking. See you tomorrow, sucker! That's the blinking light.
Good idea letting hubby listen instead. Well keep us posted terri! And have a great time at the show tonight.

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