First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Jen and Moni, I want to add you guys to the list on the front page, and show that you got BFPs. Can you remind me about when you each had your transfers, and then when you got your BFP? Just an estimated timeframe will work. :)
My transfer was 9/15 (5day transfer 2 embryos) and I had my faint bfp 9/22! My beta was 9/24 at 81
Thanks Jen!

I'm going to put our successes underneath the Transfer section, in this format:

Our Successes :)
JCM - Fresh Transfer 9/15 - :bfp: on 9/22 on HPT (7dp5dt)
Erin, I am on my second one today and have to change them every other day until I get af.

Oh ok, this is different from what I was doing then. Are they estrogen patches, or something else? I started mine after AF, and after suppression, to start thickening my lining for my FET. I started with 1 patch, and had to change it every other day, and then I went up to 2 patches, then 3, then 4. It was a bit much! But my RE really likes them, and my estrogen level was perfect on them, so it turned out to be a good protocol for me.

They are patches, they told me t take them about a week before af is due to come, and change them every other day until af comes. Then I go in for cd2 baseline and start stimming that night but no more patches. So far I have had good lining each IUI cycle.

How is everyone? I am quarantined in the basement, can't touch the baby and he looks at me all sad like why can't I pick him up when he reaches for me. I have a fever and started antibiotics. Should I postpone my cycle?
They are patches, they told me t take them about a week before af is due to come, and change them every other day until af comes. Then I go in for cd2 baseline and start stimming that night but no more patches. So far I have had good lining each IUI cycle.

How is everyone? I am quarantined in the basement, can't touch the baby and he looks at me all sad like why can't I pick him up when he reaches for me. I have a fever and started antibiotics. Should I postpone my cycle?

Oh, I gotcha... I was thinking maybe you were going to be having a FET after AF comes, but you haven't even had a retrieval yet. Gotcha! (told you I'm having trouble keeping track of everyone, hehe!). Yea, during my fresh cycle, I didn't use the patches either, only STIMs during that cycle. It was only before my FET that they had me use the patches. Its common protocol for FET to take Estrogen the first half of the cycle, either in the form of IM injections, or the patch. I chose the patch. A few days after AF came, I started them, and then added progesterone to the protocol five days before my frozen embryos were put in.

Do you have an estimated timeframe for when your transfer will be? Please forgive me if you've already told me this, but its getting harder to remember for everybody, ha! I want to add you to the front page where I'm putting everyone's estimated dates so that we have an easier time remembering who's next in line, and where everyone is.:flower:
Oh, and BabyW, i'm so sorry you can't pick up your little one!! That must be so hard! FXd that you'll get better soon. I hate being sick, you poor thing. I doubt you have to postpone your cycle. I would think that the antibiotics will knock it out by the time you get AF. But maybe call your RE and let them know, and see if they have any other suggestions.
Thanks, kfs. I would just waive signature but it makes me so nervous with so many meds this time. My first option will be to choose a delivery date when my husband is home. If that can't happen, I will have it come here as long as the label does not said Freedom Fertility or Pharmacy. We get office supplies & things all the time, so basically when I get the box, I will have it in my office & no one will really think twice about it.

Terri - I have not spoken up about your situation, but I pretty much agree with everyone. Take a break if you need it, but I think your dr is totally wrong when it comes to the fresh vs FET. You have 2 frozen right? What if both were transferred & you ended up with twins? You may not want to do another IVF because you may be done with kids. You could end up with 1 & still decide no more kids. Me & my husband are undecided on more kids at this point. Obviously it will have a lot to do with if we get any frozen...but just having 1 child can make people change their minds on more. I think FET is the way to go & I think some drs think it has a higher success than fresh.

Booger - I read through that article. I have read that caffeine is a good thing in moderation to get the boys moving. And that if you drink now fine, but do not add alcohol. So many theories out there.

Babywhisperer - I would def mention your illness to the dr. You would hate to be compromised.

I think the bcp are givng me headaches...massive one today.
Beagle, I order from Freedom Pharmacy and the box is a plain cardboard box, non-descript. I waive the signature and it is left of my doorstep.

Terri, I want to smack your Dr. Who says that?? And pushing for a fresh cycle while their are frosties has me suspicious. Have you ever received a second opinion? This is such an emotional process and the lack of compassion or sensitivity is cruel.

Afm, thanks for the well wishes, fever and on antibiotics. I'm a head full of snot and hate staying at home. I can't even login from home today due to a tech issue. I hate not know what's going on at work while I just sit here. It would be different if I was laying on a beach somewhere. Dh made me take a hpt this morning since I have a fever and like I knew it would be, it was bfn. I expect af to be here anywhere from tomorrow to this weekend sometime. Then I get to join all you ladies being at-home chemists, mixing and changing needles, injecting, and counting down the days. I'm scared with all this stress and now being sick that they are signs to postpone. Would you ladies go fwd while having a bad cold and fever?
They are patches, they told me t take them about a week before af is due to come, and change them every other day until af comes. Then I go in for cd2 baseline and start stimming that night but no more patches. So far I have had good lining each IUI cycle.

How is everyone? I am quarantined in the basement, can't touch the baby and he looks at me all sad like why can't I pick him up when he reaches for me. I have a fever and started antibiotics. Should I postpone my cycle?

Oh, I gotcha... I was thinking maybe you were going to be having a FET after AF comes, but you haven't even had a retrieval yet. Gotcha! (told you I'm having trouble keeping track of everyone, hehe!). Yea, during my fresh cycle, I didn't use the patches either, only STIMs during that cycle. It was only before my FET that they had me use the patches. Its common protocol for FET to take Estrogen the first half of the cycle, either in the form of IM injections, or the patch. I chose the patch. A few days after AF came, I started them, and then added progesterone to the protocol five days before my frozen embryos were put in.

Do you have an estimated timeframe for when your transfer will be? Please forgive me if you've already told me this, but its getting harder to remember for everybody, ha! I want to add you to the front page where I'm putting everyone's estimated dates so that we have an easier time remembering who's next in line, and where everyone is.:flower:

This is good info, I am going to ask if I need patches for my lining while on the new meds. I will likely do a retrieval around Nov 6th and transfer 3-5days later, and test around the 20/22nd.
Beagle, I order from Freedom Pharmacy and the box is a plain cardboard box, non-descript. I waive the signature and it is left of my doorstep.

Terri, I want to smack your Dr. Who says that?? And pushing for a fresh cycle while their are frosties has me suspicious. Have you ever received a second opinion? This is such an emotional process and the lack of compassion or sensitivity is cruel.

Afm, thanks for the well wishes, fever and on antibiotics. I'm a head full of snot and hate staying at home. I can't even login from home today due to a tech issue. I hate not know what's going on at work while I just sit here. It would be different if I was laying on a beach somewhere. Dh made me take a hpt this morning since I have a fever and like I knew it would be, it was bfn. I expect af to be here anywhere from tomorrow to this weekend sometime. Then I get to join all you ladies being at-home chemists, mixing and changing needles, injecting, and counting down the days. I'm scared with all this stress and now being sick that they are signs to postpone. Would you ladies go fwd while having a bad cold and fever?

Ok, I thought you had more time before AF comes... If you're expecting it in the next couple days, and you're supposed to start stimming on cd2, then I would definitely call your RE about the fever. I'm really sorry you have to deal with this... as if IVF wasn't enough as it is! And now you have to worry about this fever. I really think you'll feel a lot better if you call your RE and tell them everything, and see what they say. Once you get a definitive answer, it will take a lot off your mind. And the less stressed out you are, the quicker you'll get better.
This is good info, I am going to ask if I need patches for my lining while on the new meds. I will likely do a retrieval around Nov 6th and transfer 3-5days later, and test around the 20/22nd.

While stimming, you won't need the patch. Your estrogen will skyrocket while stimming, and that will thicken your lining. :thumbup: And then the progesterone will maintain it. The reason they have us take estrogen during a frozen cycle, is because we're not on any other meds during that time (until adding the P), and the estrogen is just a way for them to have control over our levels and the lining.

Thanks for the dates! i'll add you to the front page. :)
Wow, so far, we have kfs, Amy, and BabyW having transfers within a few days of each other! :) How exciting. And you guys will be in the TWW together too. Once I get the rest of our names up there, we may have some others too... I know Brighteyez is coming up soon, maybe a week or two??

I was thinking my FET might be about a week after Amy's transfer, but I looked at a calendar and recounted. I'm still waiting for AF to come since I just O'd on Sun/Mon. So I have a bit before I even get started... Mine will be more like late November, I think.
Erin you will be in line with me maybe.

I think Brighteyez is 10/31...I just asked her a day or so ago. No idea about the transfer, though.
ERose-I guess busy season is over for you! hee hee.

Girls-Don't get mad at my doctor. He's right in a way because they want as many eggs as possible now while I'm on the good side of 40. Next month, I'm already on the downslide, so he's thinking that it might be best to save those now because they are one month younger than my eggs now, and a few months younger than the next set of eggs, SO if I do want to have a kid next year or the year after, I don't have to use 42 year old eggs, I can use 40 year old eggs. So..he does have a point, but like I said 'I just want one baby now and I can play the future kids game in the future.' I have to call the clinic and set up an appt. I did email him and the nurse and told them that something is up with having 13 embryos on transfer day and only two making it to the cryo state. And..if all the rest died, maybe I should have done a 3 day transfer to get those eggs back in my body instead of a 5 day transfer. I also told him that I want to see my body's data-blood tests, lining measurements, sizes of follies when trigger, etc..I want it all and I want to compare/contrast what happened between Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 and fix what we need to fix. We'll talk about it when I go to my appointment.

booger-I forgot you were at your MIL's house. HA!!HA!! Godspeed, my friend. Godspeed.

Amy-My MIL has always been a holy roller. It's nothing new and she knows the Bible back and forth. She's just so in your face with it and I don't like that. But..I'm on break from her until December so I'm on :cloud9:
HA, I know terri! The last couple of days, I finally just decided I really need a break from work before I get burned out. So i find myself looking away from my work emails and jumping back onto BnB a LOT this week!

Ok, so I understand why your Dr wants to get more eggs out of you now, because once they get them out of you and freeze them, they stay that age forever. So he's looking out for you by suggesting another ER, in case you want another child in the future. Getting the eggs now would increase your chances for later. So its not like they're completely dismissing the frosties you have now...just suggesting you try and get some more eggs first, because the sooner the better. Have you made a big deal out of having a 2nd child to him? If so, then I can def see why he's suggesting this. But if you haven't really shown much concern with a 2nd child, I'm surprised he's thinking that far ahead. But either way, you can think about it, and weigh the pros and cons, and think about whether YOU want some more frozen eggies or not.

btw, great questions you're asking them! I love it! You're being super proactive, and you're on top of it. I dont blame you for being concerned, and I too thought, hmm, I wonder if maybe they should've done a day3 transfer for terri, to save a few of them from dying, and then just freeze the ones that did make it to blast stage. I'll be curious to hear what his answers are. Because if you had a few that made it just to day3 or 4, they maybe could've saved those by going ahead and transferring them.
Erin you will be in line with me maybe.

I think Brighteyez is 10/31...I just asked her a day or so ago. No idea about the transfer, though.

Yay beagle, that would be great if we have the same timeline! It would be fun if we're at least close together. :thumbup:

So since you've talked to Brighteyez and her ER is 10/31, I'm gonna go ahead and put her transfer down for November 3-5, since we dont know yet if she'll have a day3 or day5 transfer.
Erin you will be in line with me maybe.

I think Brighteyez is 10/31...I just asked her a day or so ago. No idea about the transfer, though.

Yay beagle, that would be great if we have the same timeline! It would be fun if we're at least close together. :thumbup:

So since you've talked to Brighteyez and her ER is 10/31, I'm gonna go ahead and put her transfer down for November 3-5, since we dont know yet if she'll have a day3 or day5 transfer.

It is very exciting...we have had 2 success stories, but I think the majority of the group will be 1 - 2 months apart.

Terri - when is your appt? I understand what your dr is saying, but for me, I cannot even think about has taken me so long to hope for #1. But I do realize I have time to think about it & your time is running short. Which sucks because I can tell you are a lively person & just enjoy life...seems wrong that such a big part of our life is just ended so young. And all the doctros start calling us old fertility wise at 35...seems nuts.
Terri - I agree with Erin. I love that you are being so proactive and so on top of everything. Nobody will take as much time to study, compare and research everything for you as you will yourself. I think that's great.

Erin - thanks for taking the time to keep track of all the dates :)
Speaking of meds... Is it weird that I got two different prescriptions for progesterone (one for suppositories and the other lozenges) and two prescriptions for estrogen (one for tablets and one for patches). I thought you didn't have to take estrogen on a fresh transfer? I was also given a steroid. Anyone know what this is for?

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