First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi Amy! You probably have the estrogen for after the transfer. I had to take E pills after transfer for some reason. Although I am thrown off by your double prescription of both E and P! Maybe they wanted you to have options...?
Lozenges? Are you sure they are not vaginal inserts? Mine is called endometrin and it's in a foil wrapper, but it also has applicators that go with it? Hmmm. Your nurse will tell you what to use and what to do.
Terri - Yes one is called Endometrin and the other I looked up online, you let it desolve under your tongue.

Erin - I was also thinking they did that to give me options but dang what a waste of a couple hundred dollars lol

Any thought on the steroid?
I was thinking about beagle's comment about wishing we had a chart to keep up with where everyone is. On the testing thread I used to be on in the >35 forums, the girl who would start the thread for each month, would have everyone tell her their estimated test date, and put it on the very front page of the thread. She would update their status as each one tested... BFP or BFN. It has to be the original poster who edits it obviously, since they're the only one who can edit. So I could do something like that if everyone wants to send me their status. This is a little different than testing, since that only required one date, and with IVF we never know exact dates for IVF/FET. But I could throw something together with estimated timeframes, sorta like below... let me know if you girls want me to do that, I'm happy to. And if so, just send me your estimated timeframes, and I'll add it.

ERosePW: Next FET - Mid November
User2: IVF - Late November
User3: FET - Early December​

Brighteyes73 - IVF/w ICSI Early November
Erin you will be in line with me maybe.

I think Brighteyez is 10/31...I just asked her a day or so ago. No idea about the transfer, though.

You're right beagle my ER is 10/31 and Not sure of Transfer yet have to wait.
Terri - Yes one is called Endometrin and the other I looked up online, you let it desolve under your tongue.

Erin - I was also thinking they did that to give me options but dang what a waste of a couple hundred dollars lol

Any thought on the steroid?

I just went over my power point from the IVF class and the steroid and antibiotic is taken starting the day of retrieval. My practice said he steroid increases imantation rates. They make us take it for 4 days.
Oh yes Amy, I had the steroid too for both my fresh transfer and the frozen transfer. Just like BabyW, mine was for 4-5 days or something. My nurse told me it plumps up the lining even more, but from what i read on google, it also helps keep the immune system from rejecting the embies (so not sure if one or both are true, lol). Basically though, like BabyW said, it should aid implantation.

I think the antibiotic just prevents infection after the retrieval maybe? I've been given those each time as well. During my fresh transfer, it was the 5 days between ER and ET. But for a FET, they have DH and I take them for 10 days leading up to transfer just to prevent us from getting sick, so different reasons I think... They wanted DH to take them too, so that if he gets sick, he won't spread it to me, but he doesn't take them because he never gets sick. It's an unfamiliar concept to him. He thinks he's Super Man.

Brighteyez, thanks for confirming the dates for me. :) I added you to the front page. I just put Nov 3-5 as an estimate.
The front page looks good ERose. Easy to keep track.
I had to take an antibiotic the night before retrieval, and then e pills starting the night after retrieval until my negative beta.

Amy, I do know that for my first IVF, they gave me Lupron and and HCG trigger. The second time they only sent an HCG trigger, and I ended up using half and half. It is kind of a waste, but better to have everything you need now instead of scrambling to pay, and receive it the day before you need it.

I was thinking last night about why they don't do an ultrasound before transfer to measure your lining one final time. What happens to your body the three to five days between retrieval and transfer? All that bloodwork and stuff just stops once you trigger. That is probably the missing science in this whole process. Do I need to go back to college? Do they have this info on the khan academy? HA!HA!!
Amy - Same here. I was given a steroid and antibiotics as well.

Beagle - I checked the freedom fertility box and like babywhisperer said, mine was also a blank box.

Terri - I think that's totally weird that they don't do an ultrasound before transfer. I mean, all of that monitoring and then nothing? Whhhaat??

No more BCPs for me! Hoooorrrrrrah. Hopefully my stomach issues will stay away now.
Wow - this thread is moving fast!!!

jkb - Good luck with your retrieval today! Let us know how it went when you feel up to it.

kfs - Hooray for stopping the BCPs!! Only a couple more days now until the stimming starts.

Terri - Thanks for the well wishes for me being at the MILs. I need them. My patience is waning quickly. It is weird that they do all that monitoring to makes sure everything is fine up until retrieval and then they just stop. They must know that things are going to stay pretty much the same because I can't imagine they would just leave things to chance. At least that's what I hope.......

Erin - The front page does look nice. Thanks! It will certainly help as I can barely keep up with myself.

babywhisperer - I hope the antibiotics have kicked in and you are feeling better. Did you call your RE to make sure you can keep moving ahead this cycle? I think you'll be fine.

Amy - You and kfs are so close to each other in this process. That will be nice. Jen and I were stimming around the same time and it's reassuring to have someone else going through the same thing at the same time.

Moni - I do owe you for suggesting the second mock. Thanks so much. My nurse and RE loved the idea. I really hope it goes smoothly so we can keep moving towards that December FET.

Beagle - That's cool if you can get your meds delivered to your office and know one will be nosy. My office is small and full of nosy people. Packages come to the front desk and the receptionist signs for them - I don't think she would say anything but one of my good friends at the office would have seen it for sure and started prying right away. I can tell you one thing, going through this process has certainly changed my perspective as to what others may have gone through and I will certainly be less nosy in the future!

Hi to Brighteyez, LadySosa, and Jen!

Okay, so I don't want be just a whiny person on here so I'm going to get this off my chest and be done with it........ DH and I are currently visiting at his mother's house. As I mentioned before, she is a nice woman who would do anything for you, but that is part of the problem. She treats DH like he is still 5-yrs old. It drives me crazy. I know that my family has it's share of problems and isn't perfect, but this woman is never happy! I truly have no idea what satisfies her. There is no room for silliness either. Ugh. What a miserable way to live! I get that things haven't always been easy for her - raised two kids on her own after DHs father died when DH was three - but there has to be something she could do make her smile. I don't think it's healthy to be miserable all the time. The best quote I can think of to sum her up is the one Ferris Bueller says to describe Cameron: "Cameron is so tight that if you stuck a lump of coal up his ass, in two weeks you'd have a diamond!"

I know I sound like a horrible, ungrateful person. :nope: Sorry. I just needed to vent. At least she seems to like me - even if I don't let the ginger ale get flat before I give to DH when he has an upset stomach.........
Booger, that does sound rough.

I am having a tough time at work. I cannot stay focused. I think all the TTC stuff has make all the petty crap at work seem even less important. My banker just throws things at me out of nowhere, but I can never talk to him about what he needs to do because he is never mentally prepared. I hate for stuff to just be out there & nothing happening...but I am starting to think that is the only way to get thei attention. Plus I work with commercial customers who are a pain. He told me this morning one of our doctors who has a million entities is complaining about a statement fee that we waive if you have e - statements. But e - statements will not work for him. So my banker wants me to look up all his accounts. Really? I have no idea all the names. So he said to go through the tax return to look them up. How about Mr High & Mighty tell me the account numbers? Jeez...I wish my life was as hard as some of these doctors. They never give us what we need when we ask, but we have to jump through hoops for them...& they make so much money but complain about a $3 fee that we would gladly waive. He just needs to print his own statements. They need to get used to it because we are moving to a paperless world.

Ok...vent over...but still feel like my dad is going to be pretty shitty. Ready for my weekend off.
booger-It'll be ok. A few more days and you can go back home. Does your DH get annoyed with her too, or does he like her attention/attitude? At least my hubs is also irritated by his mother, but I'm like 'She's your mother, YOU go talk/listen to her. I'm tired.' Those are the times when I wish my mom was around, so I could call her and we could crack jokes. hee hee.

kfs1-So happy you're finished with BCP. They are such a pain.
terri, I've always wondered about the u/s thing too... they must have some reason though. Maybe from their experience, it really doesn't change much between stopping the STIMs and having the transfer..? Who knows! Ya know, something I was thinking about for you... Did you mention that your RE doesn't have you start your P until the day of transfer? Or did you mean to say the day of retrieval? Because if he isn't having you start until the day of transfer, that's something else you might want to ask. Most protocols start P five days before transfer, so basically in a fresh IVF cycle, the day of retrieval. If you're not getting P until the day he puts the embies in, it would seem to me that your lining wouldn't be receptive to them. It wouldn't be expecting embryos on the 1st day that your P starts to rise. In a normal cycle, when an embryo is 5 days old, our P has already been rising for 5 days, and the window of implantation starts somewhere around that 5th or 6th day of P. And its a really sensitive window from what I've read, ha! So, something to consider.

beagle, sorry for the lack of motivation. I totally get it... When I was about to start my IVF cycle, everything else seemed so petty to me, especially work issues. Hope your day gets better!

booger, ugh, sorry about the MIL issues! It's tough to be around someone who can never be happy or positive. And I would imagine it makes it even tougher when the person is treating your DH like a 5-yr old!

kfs, yay for no more BCP! Things are moving quicky, it seems!! Very exciting!

Good morning to everyone!
Oh booger, I can't stand my MIL...your comment about letting the ginger ale get flat before giving it DH cracked me up!

I actually had the ultrasound before the transfer. My lining was the same. Then, I didn't start my progesterone and estradiol pills vaginally until after the transfer. My lining was never an issue though. Plenty thick. Just those pesky cysts! All of your questions are good ones though Terri. Your RE is probably just trying to be proactive. I shouldn't have cursed at him in my mind. Lol

Hope everyone is having a great week! I can't believe it's almost the weekend again! We had a counseling session with DHs parents on went ok I guess. We haven't talked to them in over a year. His mother is nuts but I'm trying to keep an open mind. Please imagine me though, sicker than I've ever been trying to keep my vomit down anytime she spoke. I just wanted to smack her. Haha at least she has to acknowledge that I exist in these meetings! Win! We go back on Tuesday again. Sigh.

In other news, I can't seem to keep my pills down. I just throw them right up. I have to go into the office and get an IV for fluids. I'm hoping that will make me feel better sooner! I just get nervous because I can't eat anything but crackers and now no vitamins are getting to this baby! They said not to worry about missing pills for a bit though. I actually asked if I could just shove them up with my progesterone! Lol desperate times people!

The front page really helps me keep track of everyone now! Great idea!
Jen - you are nuts!

Also my boss is being a huge baby...the printer is not working for him & he complains to me & I am like I am not a tech...prints fine for me. Ugh...

I think I really HAVE to have a girl...too many men in my life! My husband, 2 bankers & another guy in my office. All have to be taken care of. But my husband is pretty good about most things...just needs constant reminding.
So Jen, you didnt start P until after your transfer either?? Ok, then there are clearly other clinics that do it like that! I'm surprised, because in all the research I've done, every website seems to state the importance of getting P at least 5 days prior to the transfer so that it mimicks the body's natural cycle. But you are a success story, so your lining was definitely already receptive, without a doubt! HA! They had me doing those darn PIO injections starting the night of my retrieval. Maybe sometimes our P starts rising on its own after a retrieval... i'm sure it probably does for some women, right? Oh well, its a mystery. BTW, I hope you feel better soon!!! I had to laugh at the comment about shoving the pills up w/ the P, haha!

But terri, still.... who knows... maybe that would be a good switch-up for you since your lining has been unreceptive two cycles now...? I just thought it might be something to think about and ask your Dr about. Especially when you do your FET, because we don't O or have a retrieval before a FET. So supplementing with P a few days before the transfer should be a definite (i would think!).
beagle, it sounds like your day isn't getting any better so far... :( So sorry. I hate days like that. I giggled at your comment about needing a girl! I look at my friend who has 2 boys already, and then of course her DH, and their dog is a boy too. She's like, omg, waaaay too much testosterone going on around here!

Well, I realized this morning that my silly self is STILL allowing my hopes to get up this cycle, ugh. :nope: At the beginning of the cycle, I didn't think much of it, and I was just looking ahead and getting pumped for my FET. But I woke up today and found myself thinking the SAME things I used to think about during the TWW before starting IVF.

I guess since DH and I have nothing to explain our issues, its hard not to get my hopes up a tad. There's nothing in particular that should prevent us from getting PG... all of our tests over the last year have come back good. I do O on my own, I have a good ovarian reserve, and DH's spermies are great. Ours is "unexplained infertility", and even that barely explains us since we did get PG last Dec in a fairly normal timeframe for someone my age.

Another reason I'm being stupid, is because this cycle has been great... I had strong O symptoms this cycle, and I dont usually get those unless I'm on meds. It must've been a really good O. Plus, I usually O a bit early, but I O'd much later this cycle, so my eggs had more time to mature. I also had excellent EWCM (back to talking about CM, I truly am desperate) for many days leading up to O. Then I had a nice temp rise, and another today. We had a good BD schedule (I guess we were deprived from abstaining after my FET!). And then of course, we BD 3 nights in a row when I got a pos OPK. This is all the stuff I was thinking about this morning when i realized... damn... sucked in again.:nope:
Well I think I forgot to mention I woke up at 2 & fell back asleep around 6 & woke up woke up when I was supposed to be leaving my I showered no hair wash & ran out. So my plan of making my lunch & a smoothie went out the door. Plus my husband cleaned the house yesterday so I couldn't find anything this morning. Also forgot to take out food for dinner...but I think we have some left overs. So I am tired. I was tired last night around 8. Could be the bcp, but probably the new health plan we are on. All I want in the world is fast food. It always makes me feel better when I am stressed...but I am keeping with the program. Eating a Nature Valley breakfast biscuit. I have yogurt & health snacks for the lunch break since I was late...would rather leave at 5 with no break than leave late. So it is just not a good day.

Erin - I really do not see the harm in being hopeful. I think at this point you are like me...hopeful, but realistic. Besides being positive could make your body more receptive. I am feeling a little crazy because I am on bcp, so I know nothing I feel means anything & I have to get out of the habit of checking myself every time I use the bathroom. But I do check for the break thru bleeding I was warned about.

Oh & my other stress reliever is shopping & since IVF is coming up, I am trying so hard to not just go out at lunch spending money. I usually don't spend a lot but all those small purchases start to add up.
Hello ladies,

How is everyone? I try to jump on and see what everyone is doing, but sometimes is hard due to work and IVF.

AFM - Went for bloodwork and ultrasound today 6 on left 4 on the right but they are too small to measure. I go back Saturday so now I am just waiting for the results of my bloodwork.
Wow - this thread is moving fast!!!

jkb - Good luck with your retrieval today! Let us know how it went when you feel up to it.

kfs - Hooray for stopping the BCPs!! Only a couple more days now until the stimming starts.

Terri - Thanks for the well wishes for me being at the MILs. I need them. My patience is waning quickly. It is weird that they do all that monitoring to makes sure everything is fine up until retrieval and then they just stop. They must know that things are going to stay pretty much the same because I can't imagine they would just leave things to chance. At least that's what I hope.......

Erin - The front page does look nice. Thanks! It will certainly help as I can barely keep up with myself.

babywhisperer - I hope the antibiotics have kicked in and you are feeling better. Did you call your RE to make sure you can keep moving ahead this cycle? I think you'll be fine.

Amy - You and kfs are so close to each other in this process. That will be nice. Jen and I were stimming around the same time and it's reassuring to have someone else going through the same thing at the same time.

Moni - I do owe you for suggesting the second mock. Thanks so much. My nurse and RE loved the idea. I really hope it goes smoothly so we can keep moving towards that December FET.

Beagle - That's cool if you can get your meds delivered to your office and know one will be nosy. My office is small and full of nosy people. Packages come to the front desk and the receptionist signs for them - I don't think she would say anything but one of my good friends at the office would have seen it for sure and started prying right away. I can tell you one thing, going through this process has certainly changed my perspective as to what others may have gone through and I will certainly be less nosy in the future!

Hi to Brighteyez, LadySosa, and Jen!

Okay, so I don't want be just a whiny person on here so I'm going to get this off my chest and be done with it........ DH and I are currently visiting at his mother's house. As I mentioned before, she is a nice woman who would do anything for you, but that is part of the problem. She treats DH like he is still 5-yrs old. It drives me crazy. I know that my family has it's share of problems and isn't perfect, but this woman is never happy! I truly have no idea what satisfies her. There is no room for silliness either. Ugh. What a miserable way to live! I get that things haven't always been easy for her - raised two kids on her own after DHs father died when DH was three - but there has to be something she could do make her smile. I don't think it's healthy to be miserable all the time. The best quote I can think of to sum her up is the one Ferris Bueller says to describe Cameron: "Cameron is so tight that if you stuck a lump of coal up his ass, in two weeks you'd have a diamond!"

I know I sound like a horrible, ungrateful person. :nope: Sorry. I just needed to vent. At least she seems to like me - even if I don't let the ginger ale get flat before I give to DH when he has an upset stomach.........

Thanks lady, feeling better but still sound like a chain smoking Fran Drescher. I just couldn't sit at home anymore, sick and in the dungeon away from the baby.

I know how you feel on the MIL front. I try to by sympathetic b/c I will likely be a MIL myself one day and seeing how I am the center of my son's world, I can see how it's tough to see someone else fill that role, however different it may be. Some people are not happy unless they are doing for others and even then it's not enough, it's like a control thing. Vent when you need to, Lord knows I have done my fair share. Try and think about it like this, your dh came from her and you love him dearly so she did that right. I try and tune out, but trust me when she told me not to have a bridal shower b/c it assumes people give you gifts (when she was married twice and had 2 showers) I told her while I respected her opinion, I would not break with tradition. I had my shower and she had food poisoning and didn't come. Hang in there, I know it can be hard.

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