First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi ladies, quick check in, then I will update more later.... Dr retrieved 26. The nurse said she would try to call me in the am with the fertilization report.... Here's to waiting
Hi ladies, quick check in, then I will update more later.... Dr retrieved 26. The nurse said she would try to call me in the am with the fertilization report.... Here's to waiting

jkb, 26 is awesome!!! WOW! I have a feeling you're going to have a really good report for us in the morning. :thumbup: Hope you're feeling ok. Rest up. And we'll hear from ya' later!:flower:
Oh booger, I can't stand my MIL...your comment about letting the ginger ale get flat before giving it DH cracked me up!

I actually had the ultrasound before the transfer. My lining was the same. Then, I didn't start my progesterone and estradiol pills vaginally until after the transfer. My lining was never an issue though. Plenty thick. Just those pesky cysts! All of your questions are good ones though Terri. Your RE is probably just trying to be proactive. I shouldn't have cursed at him in my mind. Lol

Hope everyone is having a great week! I can't believe it's almost the weekend again! We had a counseling session with DHs parents on went ok I guess. We haven't talked to them in over a year. His mother is nuts but I'm trying to keep an open mind. Please imagine me though, sicker than I've ever been trying to keep my vomit down anytime she spoke. I just wanted to smack her. Haha at least she has to acknowledge that I exist in these meetings! Win! We go back on Tuesday again. Sigh.

In other news, I can't seem to keep my pills down. I just throw them right up. I have to go into the office and get an IV for fluids. I'm hoping that will make me feel better sooner! I just get nervous because I can't eat anything but crackers and now no vitamins are getting to this baby! They said not to worry about missing pills for a bit though. I actually asked if I could just shove them up with my progesterone! Lol desperate times people!

The front page really helps me keep track of everyone now! Great idea!

Sorry you're feeling bad, I hope it gets better soon...2nd tri should be better. Can you stomach a smoothie? If you can keep that down get a vitamin booster powder and mix it in. Those prego pops that Destination Maternity helped me...sour makes you create saliva and saliva settles the stomach.
Hello ladies,

How is everyone? I try to jump on and see what everyone is doing, but sometimes is hard due to work and IVF.

AFM - Went for bloodwork and ultrasound today 6 on left 4 on the right but they are too small to measure. I go back Saturday so now I am just waiting for the results of my bloodwork.

10 is a great #! Grow follies grow!
Hi ladies, quick check in, then I will update more later.... Dr retrieved 26. The nurse said she would try to call me in the am with the fertilization report.... Here's to waiting

Holy bananas that's amazing!! So happy for you! Fingers crossed they all fertilize!
AFM - Went for bloodwork and ultrasound today 6 on left 4 on the right but they are too small to measure. I go back Saturday so now I am just waiting for the results of my bloodwork.

Thanks for the update brighteyez! i'm sure those follies will grow nice and big and have some nice big eggs in them. :thumbup:
Hi brighteyez - YAY for 10 follies :)

jkb - WOW 26!! That's awesome!!! Can't wait to hear your next update!!

Erin - I'm glad you're excited about your natural cycle. It means you haven't given up hope. And you know what they say about positive thinking/energy/vibes etc. But don't you just hate every time someone tells you that lol. "Just be positive and it will happen" (while in my head I have tackled the person to the ground and am "positively" beating them with my purse) :haha:

I hear everyone on the MIL front!! I hear so many horror stories (my poor sister included) and I just feel for everyone!! That is why I am so happy sometimes that my in-laws live in another country hee hee :)
Thanks girls! I'm excited to find out about fertilization. I knew I would have a lot retrieved but I'm still very cautious of the quality because of my pcos. They said also that I did have OHSS which we were trying to avoid.
So on a sad note there was an incident that I was upset over earlier. During my retrieval the RN stuck herself with one of my needles. So afterwards when we were on the way home they called and had us come back so they could draw my blood for testing. I feel bad for her (know I'm very clean though) but, am really worried that my eggs may have been contaminated. I got different stories about what happened from 3 people. The dr just called and assured me that the eggs were not involved. She said a needle wasn't aspirating the follicles correctly and she passed it to the RN to get a new needle to use and that's when she stuck herself with the one the dr had handed back. The RN that it happened to told me that it was a new needle but that the tubing was attached and the supervisor that called to have me come back said while the RN was flushing the tubing she stuck herself. I don't know who to believe. It's stressing me out thinking they may have used eggs that could have been exposed to her blood. Guess it's out of my hands though.
Great reports Jkb and Brighteyez!! Jkb, there is nothing you can do about your nurse and I'm sure it didn't affect your eggs. What a great number. Drink lots of fluids now and rest up. OHSS is no joke from what I have read.

ERose, I'm hopeful for you too even without all the evidence presented. Hee hee. Your rise is a great one. I lied, I did take P after retrieval. I remember the first doctor saying, 'I'm going to remove some of this Endometrin' ha ha. Gross. It was all jammed up in there three times a day, I'm sure it was nasty.

Jen, can I ask why you are going to counseling with your MIL? You can tell me to myob, it's just interesting to me. If I had to do that with mine, I guess I'd be divorced because there is no way I plan on sitting in a room with her for an hour ever again.

Beagle-sorry you had a rough day. I just started reading gone girl. I'm excited to pick it up. I had to remake my butternut squash soup tonight because I didn't want it to be runny and now, I believe I have perfected the recipe. Mmm mmm. Talk to you all in the morning!
Hi everyone - sorry I haven't been on in a few days ... I have not been feeling great on the Lupron. I've started getting headaches towards the end of the day and for most of the day I'm either on the verge of sobbing or raging. It will all be worth it in the end, but this is not fun right now. I feel pretty crazy. I go in for my suppression check tomorrow, and got my period today. The nurse said that is a good indication of being surpressed. Yay! I'm hoping once I add in the other meds it will help balance me out emotionally. Anyone else go through this with lupron?

I'm behind on all the updates, but it sounds like there has been a lot going on! I'll try to be on here more so I can be part of the conversation. I really appreciate everyone on this and it feels really nice to have a group of women who know what this is like as a form of support and community. :flower:

For the front page, my transfer will be around the 11th or earlier. Thanks for setting that up!
Thanks girls! I'm excited to find out about fertilization. I knew I would have a lot retrieved but I'm still very cautious of the quality because of my pcos. They said also that I did have OHSS which we were trying to avoid.
So on a sad note there was an incident that I was upset over earlier. During my retrieval the RN stuck herself with one of my needles. So afterwards when we were on the way home they called and had us come back so they could draw my blood for testing. I feel bad for her (know I'm very clean though) but, am really worried that my eggs may have been contaminated. I got different stories about what happened from 3 people. The dr just called and assured me that the eggs were not involved. She said a needle wasn't aspirating the follicles correctly and she passed it to the RN to get a new needle to use and that's when she stuck herself with the one the dr had handed back. The RN that it happened to told me that it was a new needle but that the tubing was attached and the supervisor that called to have me come back said while the RN was flushing the tubing she stuck herself. I don't know who to believe. It's stressing me out thinking they may have used eggs that could have been exposed to her blood. Guess it's out of my hands though.

Jkb- I would have been really stressed too! That sounds really scary. I'm sorry that happened.
Jkb, awesome! Rest up! Drink lots of Gatorade! It helped me lots.

Erin I'm actually really hopeful you get a natural surprise. You sure deserve it!

Oh Terri, long story short she went around our parenting ideas (my husbands 4 kids) and decided to become best friends with the ex wife all of a sudden. We tried to explain to her that we are the parents and she was constantly overstepping. Over the last year she has had family dinners with my husbands ex and even invites her boyfriends over there too! In front of the kids, while bad mouthing us. She also told me she knows her son and he's still in love with his ex wife. I'm 100% positive she said it just to hurt me but come on really?! So after she said that I was like I'm done! My husband dislikes her more than I do actually! I'm supposed to be open to the idea of a possible relationship but honestly I really can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. DH wants her to stop communication with the crazy ex wife and rebuild from there. I don't think she will do it. In fact I think the only reasoning she goes to counseling is because my father in law is making her because he's sick of the crap she's doing. So basically in counseling we have to do reflective listening so DH spent two hours explaining everything that has happened over the last year and how it has affected him. All she has to do is basically summarize what his feelings are in front of me, her husband, the counseler and DH. She couldn't do it. Everything that came out of her mouth was argument or passive aggressive behavior. The counseler actually had to raise his voice at her multiple times! I was entertained, I won't lie. What a nut job! Plus she's very dishonest. I'm am sticking with it because I should do everything I can to be supportive of DH trying to fix at least his relationship but man I hope I barf on her next week! She's a nightmare and I never would have guessed it!

I am dying to see the movie but I'm afraid I'll fall asleep in the theatre. I better buy the book. I hear it's fantastic! I see why you are in counseling. She needs it! But of course, the people that need it are the ones that don't realize how they are hurting everyone else. I think it's great that you're being supportive of DH. Maybe there is nothing that you guys will be able to do about her actions, but you tried, and that's what counts. Sorry you're going through this. So far the book is really good. It's like reading the diary of the man (Ben Affleck) and the woman (not sure...I don't keep up with Hollywood or movies). I'm excited to get home so I can read some more.

I think AF is here for me today. Blah..whatever. It's always short for me, so no complaints.

knitgirl-Sorry the Lupron is doing a number on you and hope you can get back to normal when you start taking your other medicine. It won't be long now!
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

Jen - Wow! Your MIL situation is tough. I think it's great you are trying to work through it but she sounds pretty terrible. Sorry. :hugs:

jkb - :happydance::happydance: for your 26 eggs :happydance::happydance: Sorry that you had that scary experience with the nurse and the needle stick. Can't wait to hear your fertilization report.

knitgirl - Oh, that lupron sounds horrible. :hugs: Not too much longer, though. Hopefully it will empty from your system quickly.

Terri - Sorry for AF. Good things she doesn't stay long. Oh, I just love butternut squash soup. We grew a bunch in our garden a couple of years ago and it made the best soup. I now have a recipe for curried butternut squash soup that is my fave. Mmmmmmm. Perfect for this rainy, Fall weather going on up here in CT right now.

Beagle - Sorry for your bad day yesterday. I'm sure the lack of sleep played into it - hopefully, you got some nice rest last night.

Erin - I don't think that being hopeful is being silly! I think it's important to be hopeful. You just never really know what's going to happen and being hopeful and positive is so much more healthy than being negative. :thumbup:

babywhisperer - Thanks for the advice. I have thought that she is just trying to make up for the fact that we rarely see her. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to see your kids transition to new stages in their life. And I'm sure that a lot of it is just control issues - I would not want to work for her, that's for sure! Hope you're feeling better day by day!

brighteyez - Hooray for your 10 follies! :happydance:

Amy - While we aren't in another country, it certainly helps to be about 2000 miles away from our families (most of the time anyway). It does get hard, especially around the holidays, but most of the time, I'm glad that we aren't too close. I know that will change once we have a baby but until then, I guess I'll take advantage of the distance.

Hello to kfs and Moni!

Thanks for being so understanding on the the MIL front. I'm over it for now. She is starting to drive DH a little batty too, so that's somewhat comforting. It's interesting the relationships sons have with their mothers - my Mom babies my two brothers too, even though they are in their 40s - much more than she ever babied me or my sister. My sister and I have always been more independent. I'm thankful for that though. :winkwink:
Thanks girls! I'm excited to find out about fertilization. I knew I would have a lot retrieved but I'm still very cautious of the quality because of my pcos. They said also that I did have OHSS which we were trying to avoid.
So on a sad note there was an incident that I was upset over earlier. During my retrieval the RN stuck herself with one of my needles. So afterwards when we were on the way home they called and had us come back so they could draw my blood for testing. I feel bad for her (know I'm very clean though) but, am really worried that my eggs may have been contaminated. I got different stories about what happened from 3 people. The dr just called and assured me that the eggs were not involved. She said a needle wasn't aspirating the follicles correctly and she passed it to the RN to get a new needle to use and that's when she stuck herself with the one the dr had handed back. The RN that it happened to told me that it was a new needle but that the tubing was attached and the supervisor that called to have me come back said while the RN was flushing the tubing she stuck herself. I don't know who to believe. It's stressing me out thinking they may have used eggs that could have been exposed to her blood. Guess it's out of my hands though.

I am sure you are anxious about the whole process and this doesn't help, but I'm sure this happens when passing needles sometimes. I am confident nothing happened to your eggs, but if it makes you feel better I would request in writing what happened because of conflicting accounts of what occurred.

Beagle sorry for the rough day. Someone told me tomorrow mercury leaves retrograde which botches a lot of things....this explains a lot of stuff happening in my life and I'm not even into the whole astrology thing too much.

Erin I agree, nice rise come on natural bfp!

Booger - Ugh. I'm sorry about your MIL. Sounds absolutely miserable. Glad your DH is starting to get annoyed, too! He needs to share in your pain. :)

Beagle - I'm so sorry that work has been so stressful for you. I hope you're able to shake it off and enjoy the weekend. I often need to put work waaaaay out of my mind sometimes. Just a paycheck, right?

JCM - Both your morning sickness and your MIL sound awful. Ugh. I'm so sorry that you're having to deal with this. I AM happy that your DH is supportive of you, though, and has decided to try counseling as a last resort. I only hope your MIL wakes up before she loses her entire family!

Erin - No matter what we say, we're ALWAYS going to get our hopes up each cycle, right? And like you said, you were pregnant naturally before so there is of course that chance. But remember, you always have your plan to move forward so you'll be fine either way. :)

JKB & Brighteyez - Great news ladies! :)

Knitgirl - I'm not taking Lupron but I'm so sorry that you're not feeling well. Maybe talk to your doctor about it...?

Terri - Man, I'm still bumming for you this month. Seriously treat yourself to something fun this weekend. :hugs:

Happy Friday! I have my nephew's birthday party tomorrow and a friend's son's birthday party on Sunday - two and one-year olds. Woohoo - thrilling. :) Maybe some baby luck will rub off on me. DHs birthday is next weekend and I just spent waaaaaaaaaaaay too much on him cause I'm an idiot. (Supposed to be saving/eliminating debt.) :dohh:

FYI, I noticed the discussion around the timing of progesterone. According to my paperwork, I'm supposed to start crinone the day after my retrieval. Really looking forward to cottage cheese chunks again (sorry - TMI).
Ok so feeling better emotionally today...not really a better sleep last of my pups is itchy & keeping me awake...he is getting a bath this weekend for sure...poor thing. But my banker got breakfast so I broke my diet a little & we both seem to be feeling better...I think we may be in tune or something...because he has freak outs around the same time as me (yes "he"). I think men def have their own cycles. But I am feeling off physically. I have been so tred & today a bit of an upset stomach. I def think the bcp are making me tired...this happen to anyone else?

Jen - sorry about the MIL. All you can do is make an effort. This is not particular to your case, but in our life we have had to come to terms with how everyone else is. And we basically just write them off. We realized life is too short to spend it with people that make us feel bad. I know your husband loves his mom & desperately wishes things were different. It is hard to love someone so much & feel betrayed or discarded. I hope things can be worked out because a child losing out on a grandparent is a bad thing. Every child deserves all the love the world can give it.
jkb, i'm sorry you are so stressed about the needle thing. I highly doubt they contaminated your eggs. Although what do I know, since I wasn't there. But I can't imagine that they'd move forward with everything if they had. I feel like they'd have to own up to it, and do another retrieval free of charge if that were the case. Try not to stress about that, and enjoy the fact that they got so many! That's a great retrieval! I know you're remaining cautiously excited since you have PCOS, but I wonder if that will really even affect the quality...?

booger, I'm glad you're feeling better about the MIL thing. It's funny how seeing our DH getting slightly annoyed to, ends up being comforting for us, lol. But i'm the same way when my DH finally seems to see where I'm coming from. You'll get to jump on a plane and be back home to your privacy in no time! And yes, my brother is babied way more than me and my two sisters ever were, haha.

terri, sorry for AF... I'm glad its usually short though. Mine usually is too, which i'm grateful for. Have you scheduled your next Dr appt yet to discuss everything, or are you taking your time and regrouping first? Glad to hear that book is so good! I have it on my Amazon wishlist, so I'll either order it for myself, or just add it to my Xmas list.

knitgirl, i'm so sorry you're having such a hard time on the Lupron. :( I didn't have that experience, but I think stuff like that just doesn't affect me, oddly enough. I hope you'll feel better soon!!

Jen, sorry about your MIL issues as well! Seems to be quite the theme around here, huh? LOL. I think it's really great that you are trying though... going to counseling with her and stuff like that. That's an awesome wife and DIL! You'll have to let us know if it works, because i will be curious!

Hi to everyone else!!

AFM, today I'm feeling a little more realistic about this cycle, hehe. Funny how you can feel so different from one day to the next. Not that I have any reason to think negatively, so no harm in hoping for a little surprise. But mostly, I'll just look ahead toward my FET since thats more realistic. I go on Mon for my P labs, and then should start my lupron Tues morning. Then when AF comes, i schedule the hysteroscopy so that my RE can just rule out polyps, or anything else hindering implantation. As long as its clear, I'll be good to start my patches again.
kfs - yes, at the end of the day, just a paycheck. We are trying so hard to stop spending. At least I am in my head. But husband is already talking about Christmas. I have money aside for my neice & nephews, so I think only cash/gift cards this year to save me the hassel...not sure how I will be feeling going in to the holidays with IVF coming. But I really need to get my husband buckled down on a spending limit for us...thinking $50. We really do not need to sped anything...we buy whatever when we want to...Christmas is just that reason to go out & spend while thinking of each other. And I am not an expensive girl...don't really do jewelry & all that.

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