First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

beaglemom-I think you'll be ok. Glad you're moving forward. woohoo!!

kfs1-That's a good report. Don't get nervous. The doctors know what they are doing. As you know, I kind of wish I did a 3 day, in hindsight, because supposedly, the embies are more at home inside rather than out, but whatever happens, the doctors know what will be best for you and your embies.

Leens-You're in good shape. Thursday or Friday isn't that far away. What do you mean someone was asked to leave the house? Why?

BabyW-The odds are that out of all eggs retrieved, usually about 50 or 60% fertilize. It's just the way it goes, but you still have a good number, ICSI or not. Remain positive!

Amy-Awesome that they got 16 eggs. Do you hear back from them tomorrow? So excited for you.

booger-Sorry you caught a yucky bug.

AFM-I can't remember what I shared last, but my nurse said that I can stop taking pills on Wed., first u/s on Friday and I think I will start taking my shots them. I'm glad to be back on the train looking forward.

:wave: to everyone else.
Hi girls, sorry I have been MIA. I have worked 14 hrs a day for the last several days. I'm all caught up now on my reading and just wanted to say congrats to all you ladies with recent retrievals! All the reports are good! Now you are a step closer in the journey!!!

Terri congrats for being back on track!!
Leens - we have decided to move forward without the vaccine. In the US, the chances of contracting rubella are really low.

Terri - I think in the case of leens cousin she means the son had rubella while she was pregnant. It can cause birth defects & be fatal to a fetus. So she was told to move out away from the son while she was pregnant. She didn't & her child was born handicapped. But leens is in South Africa where the disease is more likely. So the dangers of not being immune are more serious.

I hope I got that straight.
beaglemom-I think you'll be ok. Glad you're moving forward. woohoo!!

kfs1-That's a good report. Don't get nervous. The doctors know what they are doing. As you know, I kind of wish I did a 3 day, in hindsight, because supposedly, the embies are more at home inside rather than out, but whatever happens, the doctors know what will be best for you and your embies.

Leens-You're in good shape. Thursday or Friday isn't that far away. What do you mean someone was asked to leave the house? Why?

BabyW-The odds are that out of all eggs retrieved, usually about 50 or 60% fertilize. It's just the way it goes, but you still have a good number, ICSI or not. Remain positive!

Amy-Awesome that they got 16 eggs. Do you hear back from them tomorrow? So excited for you.

booger-Sorry you caught a yucky bug.

AFM-I can't remember what I shared last, but my nurse said that I can stop taking pills on Wed., first u/s on Friday and I think I will start taking my shots them. I'm glad to be back on the train looking forward.

:wave: to everyone else.

Yeah to no more pills and getting started!
Terri - so awesome that you have your first ultrasound on Friday. Happy things are finally moving forward.

Brighteyez and knit - good luck today!!

Baby whisperer and Amy - any news?

How's everyone else doing?

Day 5 transfer on Tuesday for me. 7 still going but she's already counting 2 out. Out of the remaining 5, 1 is grade one and 4 are grade two. She said we could end up with just a few or even none. Not what I wanted to hear but I'd rather have her give it to me straight I guess. :( I'm feeling depressed but my husband is remaining positive for me
Have I told you this week that I absolutely hate your doctor. What a :witch: I am remaining positive.
Terri - I know. She's blunt but I'd rather have her be honest than sugarcoat things. I'm so sorry for being so negative lately. I feel like I'm such a downer. I did a little more research and her decision to wait is pretty common. Since she's transferring 2 and only 1 stands out as better quality, she wants to wait to see how they develop so she can pick the strongest. If we end up with none (which would suck of course), they most likely wouldn't have resulted in pregnancy anyway. So I feel a tinge better. Anyway, I'll zip it now. Love all you ladies.
Hello ladies,

Hope everyone is well!

I have completed transfer. 2 embryos were transferred successfully. A picture is attached. Now the wait begins. Thanks for all the love and support! So I am sitting here chilling.
Booger76 - I'm sorry you got a stomach bug. That is the worst. I hope you get better real soon.

Knitgirl - I hope all went well today!!

Beaglemom - I agree with everyone else. I mean really, what are the chances? Very, very unlikely right? I've never known anyone (not even a friend of a friend of a friend lol) that has gotten the measles. I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm glad you decided to proceed.

Terri - YAY for starting back up this week :) So excited for you!! I'm supposed to hear from the nurse this morning with an update (although it's already 11:30 am here). I'll post as soon as I hear something.

Kfs1 - How are you feeling? If your Dr. is saying that there is a possibility that there could be zero eggs left by transfer day, why aren't they doing a 3 day transfer instead? I think in every situation like that on this thread, they've done the 3 day instead. Are you ok with her decision, even though it's obviously stressing you out and getting you down?

Brighteyez73 - Congratulations on a successful transfer of 2. I hope they snuggle in beautifully. Did you have any embies left over?

AFM - Well I spoke to soon about feeling like myself and not getting bloated LOL. I was fine all the way up until I took that trigger, and then the bloating came lol. That trigger shot really did a number on my stomach. You can actually see the one side where the shot was injected is more extended than the other and is still red in that area. The procedure definitely made it worse. But I'm back to feeling pretty good today. Only a little bloating left. I also think all the liquids I'm drinking and the constipation is not helping the situation any lol.

Also, to the girls that have been around a while, remember me bringing up that fact that I was given two forms of progesterone and two forms of estrogen? We were kind of thinking they were just giving me options? Well I found out that I'm actually to take all of it!! So not only am I using the Endometrin inserts 3 times a day, but I also use the lozenges 3 times a day. Then I have an oral estrogen pill that I take 3 times a day along with a patch that I wear at all times (switching every three days). Talk about over kill right? And then it worries me a little that they don't check my blood again before the transfer (we've also discussed this) so what if both these levels are sky high?
Booger76 - I'm sorry you got a stomach bug. That is the worst. I hope you get better real soon.

Knitgirl - I hope all went well today!!

Beaglemom - I agree with everyone else. I mean really, what are the chances? Very, very unlikely right? I've never known anyone (not even a friend of a friend of a friend lol) that has gotten the measles. I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm glad you decided to proceed.

Terri - YAY for starting back up this week :) So excited for you!! I'm supposed to hear from the nurse this morning with an update (although it's already 11:30 am here). I'll post as soon as I hear something.

Kfs1 - How are you feeling? If your Dr. is saying that there is a possibility that there could be zero eggs left by transfer day, why aren't they doing a 3 day transfer instead? I think in every situation like that on this thread, they've done the 3 day instead. Are you ok with her decision, even though it's obviously stressing you out and getting you down?

Brighteyez73 - Congratulations on a successful transfer of 2. I hope they snuggle in beautifully. Did you have any embies left over?

AFM - Well I spoke to soon about feeling like myself and not getting bloated LOL. I was fine all the way up until I took that trigger, and then the bloating came lol. That trigger shot really did a number on my stomach. You can actually see the one side where the shot was injected is more extended than the other and is still red in that area. The procedure definitely made it worse. But I'm back to feeling pretty good today. Only a little bloating left. I also think all the liquids I'm drinking and the constipation is not helping the situation any lol.

Also, to the girls that have been around a while, remember me bringing up that fact that I was given two forms of progesterone and two forms of estrogen? We were kind of thinking they were just giving me options? Well I found out that I'm actually to take all of it!! So not only am I using the Endometrin inserts 3 times a day, but I also use the lozenges 3 times a day. Then I have an oral estrogen pill that I take 3 times a day along with a patch that I wear at all times (switching every three days). Talk about over kill right? And then it worries me a little that they don't check my blood again before the transfer (we've also discussed this) so what if both these levels are sky high?

Yes I have 5 embies left.
Hi ladies!

Brighteyez - Congrats on the transfer of your two embryos!! :happydance: And congrats on having 5 to freeze. That's excellent!

Amy - First, congrats on your awesome retrieval! :thumbup: 16 eggs is stupendous. Have you gotten your fertilization report yet today? Wow - that is a lot of estrogen and what a pain to have to do all three, three times a day! I'm sure your doctor has his/her reasons but that seems kind of annoying. Maybe it's to keep you distracted. :winkwink:

knitgirl - I hope your transfer went well today! :thumbup:

terri - I'm so glad that you have a plan to move forward!!! How awesome and exciting is that. What shots are you starting with - Lupron? Do you have a tentative date for transfer yet? :shrug:

kfs - I'm with you - I'd rather my doctor be blunt rather than sugarcoat things. Again, I don't think they think about how things are going to come across or sound sometimes when they say them. I'm sure if she really didn't think that you would have embryos to transfer on Day 5, she wouldn't have you wait. It's really hard not to be stressed out during all of this so don't feel bad for being that way. I found the wait from retrieval to Day 5/6 to be just awful so I completely understand. Sometimes I think it's easiest to to jump to the worst case scenario so that if it did happen for some reason, we're already somewhat prepared for it. Hang in there - we are here for you! :hugs:

Leens - Glad you are progressing nicely! :flower:

Beagle - Oh man - sorry about the Rubella thing! I'd like to think I'd be patient enough to just get the vaccination and wait but I'd probably just move ahead too. :blush:

babywhisperer - I'm so glad to hear that your retrieval went well. I hope you are feeling better today! :thumbup:

Hello to everyone else!! Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

As for me, I'm mostly recovered from my bout with the stomach bug. Ugh. I had forgotten how miserable it makes you feel. I guess it's been going around. I felt so bad that at one point I remember lying in bed seriously rethinking our decision to have kids because I felt like that at that point there was no way I could care for another human being feeling the way that I did. Now, I know that I could (and would!) but it made me ponder there for a few minutes.

I helped DH with raking leaves this morning as I simply couldn't take another day of lying in bed. My body hurt from lying down so much! I don't know how lazy people do it. Now it's raining and I think it might be time for a nap.:haha:
Terri - I know. She's blunt but I'd rather have her be honest than sugarcoat things. I'm so sorry for being so negative lately. I feel like I'm such a downer. I did a little more research and her decision to wait is pretty common. Since she's transferring 2 and only 1 stands out as better quality, she wants to wait to see how they develop so she can pick the strongest. If we end up with none (which would suck of course), they most likely wouldn't have resulted in pregnancy anyway. So I feel a tinge better. Anyway, I'll zip it now. Love all you ladies.

Don't get down yet girl. All it takes is one. Can you ask if your be better off doing a 3 day vs waiting and losing some? My sister-in-laws sister had 2 good embie and is now 15 weeks prego. Stay positive and have faith.

Any I'm sorry you're bloated. Colace and prune juice helped me get back to normal. It takes the pressure off the ovaries. Why so much progesterone? Would injections be better than lozenges and suppositories?

Brighteyez I am so happy the transfer went well. What a great pic!!!

Afm I haven't heard from the nurse again so I guess I will tomorrow. I feel a lot better and took a long walk which has my lower back sore but I needed to get outside.

How are you feeling booger?

Erin hope you're well!
Wanted to jump on real quick and say keeping thinking positive kfs. Your situation so far is exactly like mine. I ended up with a 5 day transfer. All the way up until the hour I was wondering if I'd even have to go in. I actually remember calling them and saying "someone's gonna call me if I have nothing to transfer right? Because I don't want to show up and start breaking your equipment after you tell me I have nothing. Keeping everything crossed for you, girl! One of my embryos that we transferred was a little behind growth wise (grade wise) and I like to think that's the one that stuck! Lots of good thoughts for you!!!

Amy, I was on tons of random crap and I thought it was so much but he kept adjusting and adjusting after bloodwork so you'll be ok! I'm still on most of it!

Awesome about starting up this week Terri!

Hi to everyone else!!
kfs1-I know you would rather "hear it straight" than not at all, but there is a lot to positive thinking and if your doctor can't be positive for you and think things will be successful, why should you? And with that said, you SHOULD feel positive, and you NEED to feel positive for this to be a success. I'm not mad at you for being upset or depressed, or however you're feeling, and I KNOW that we all go through this emotional roller coaster every freaking month, and it's tiring and frustrating and exhausting but you can't be in a funk right now. I'm just really surprised at how much of a downer your doctor is. My doctor, even though he may be a grouch, is not giving up on me, and he KNOWS that I can get pregnant (not sure how, honestly. :wacko: and he is helping me. If your doctor knew that everything was going to fail, why is she accepting your $10k, or whatever? Is she just trying to get one over on you?

Knowing what a big mouth I am, I would call her and be like 'Listen, if this is going to fail, do I even need to come in for a transfer? Tell me now or tell me never. You're really depressing me lady and I don't feel confident at all. Do you say these things to all your patients? Perhaps I should move on to someone else. And where do I sign up for my refund?'

And again..I'm still remaining positive for you. Hopefully today you hear great things and all will be ok tomorrow when you go in for your transfer. Huge :hugs:, kisses, squeezes, whatever you need. I'm totally on your side, and all will be well. <3


:wave: to everyone else. I had to write a lot to kfs1, so I forgot where everyone else is. I'll be back in a few. My dad is still in town, and I like that he's here.
Good morning ladies...

kfs - I totally agree with everyone else...stay positive. Our 2 success stories on this thread transferred whatever they had. Moni transferred her only embryo & if I remember correctly, it was not even a strong one (in science terms that is, obviously he was strong & held on). But she had reason to think it was going to fail. Her situation was not perfect. And Jen transferred the 2 she had & again another success. Positive thinking can def go a long way. Good luck on your transfer. Be sure to keep the core warm & cozy so the little one can snuggle in. Try to relax & enjoy yourself. Think about baby things & just put all your energy in to thinking this is going to work!

We have so much going on around here...I can hardly keep up...good luck to those who have transferred. Stay comfortable for the next few days until your beta. For those of you waiting on a transfer, I wish your little one luck & I hope they stay strong & ready for you.

I watch a same sex couple on youtube. Their fresh transfer (transferred 1) ended up in a chemical & we just found out the first FET (transferred 2) was not successful. I am really just feeling for them right now. They usually do daily vlogs but are taking a break. The only reason we know the FET failed is because they did a draw my life video & added that in. This has put me in a weird mood which I hope to quickly get out of. I could thinking of the negatives & truly try to take my own advice on being positive. I just wish that this process was not so hard for us. I think about all of us all the time. I think about our failures & I think about our successes. And I think about how long we have been going at this. All I want is for this to be easy & stress free. But I know that will never be. So all we can do is be hopeful...& supportive.

So not much new with me. Called & left a message with the nurse to send my prescription to Walgreens so I can get a price. I didn't get a call back but I called Walgreens & they got the prescription. So now just waiting for them to call me back. Mock transfer is on Wednesday. I think I am just ready to be doing something. Oh & my grant should be decisioned on the 15th. So I have some new hope on that one. I don't know if I told you guys but I did qualify for 5% off my follistim through a program Walgreens has. So that has made me start thinking that maybe my income bracket is low enough to be considered for the grant. Plus all the money already spent & the fact we have no children. So I will be crossing my fingers on that one. What a relief if we could get something there.
Man oh man, do you know how much I love all of you girls???? You're so supportive and I sincerely thank all of you for your messages. I truly feel SOOOO much better because of all of you. No more negativity here, I promise!!!

Amy/Babywhisperer - Any reports?

Amy - That sounds like a TON of progesterone and estrogen to me but I have no experience. Maybe ask your RE about it...?

Knit/Brighteyez - Hope you're both feeling happy and rested.

Terri - I LOVE having you in my corner. Thanks again for your message. I totally agree that her negativity can be a bit much. And again, congrats on starting up again this week. Can't wait to hear about reports. Hope you're having a great time with your Dad.

Booger - Thanks to you for your sweet message. I think I'm still hormonal cause it brought a tear to my eye. Happy that you're starting to feel better. Stomach bugs are the worst.

JCM - How's the nausea?

Beagle - Glad things are moving along. That would be so amazing if you were able to get the grant! Fingers crossed.
Forgot to ask another question: I plan on working from home the day after the transfer just to make sure I'm feeling good. I should be fine to head into work on Thursday, right? I work in an office so no heavy lifting or anything.
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

kfs - I'm glad you're feeling better and more positive! It's not always easy but that's why we're all here - for support. To give and receive. I think you'll be fine to return to work on Thursday. My clinic has recently revised all their advice for after transfer. It used to be that they wanted you to rest afterwards - even going so far as to have you lie down for an hour or so after transfer then go home and take it easy for a day or two. Now, based on research showing that there is no benefit to taking it easy, they have you get up and go on about your business. Nothing crazy strenuous but no need to lie around for a couple of days. Studies are now showing that getting up and moving around, like taking a 30-min walk, can be beneficial - keeps the blood moving. Do what you're most comfortable with, though. But I think office work would be more than okay. :thumbup:

terri - I love the way you've always got everyone's back. It's important to have someone there to pull us up out of our funks when we get into them. I'm glad you are having a nice visit with your Dad. I tried to get my Mom to come out here for Christmas this year but she said no - maybe next year - hopefully DH and I will have something that will make her want to be out here even more by Christmas next year. :winkwink:

Beagle - I had forgotten that you should hear about your grant soon! :happydance: I'm glad you got a partial discount on your Follistim. Every little bit helps.

JCM - Hope you're feeling better day by day!!

Babywhisperer - Any updates? Waiting on those updates is the worst, I swear. I hope you get a good report today!

Hello to everyone else!! I don't think we have any transfers scheduled for today do we? Tomorrow and Wednesday are big days though!

Well, I start Lupron tonight and I'm not looking forward to it. I'm not dreading the shots, more anxious that it's going to turn me into a madwoman. I sure hope not. My BCPs haven't been terrible this go around which I'm hoping is a good sign. My last day of taking them is Friday. :yipee:
kfs - I have not been any info on rest after transfer (actually forgot to ask at my class). But I heard the same as booger...bed rest for long periods is not necessarily good. I, however, have some PTO left for the year so I plan to use the rest starting with the day of transfer. But that is more for relaxation. The end of year can be stressful at work & I really don't want to be around these guys while I am waiting on a beta. Plus it is a good time to do any Christmas shopping I need. Since my vacation & sick is all in one bundle of personal time off, I always save a week for December in case I get sick during the year.

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