First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

kfs - I think this is why my clinic doesn't give updates after the initial fertilization - I didn't learn until the transfer that I only had the 1 left and as they said,it was "behind" schedule. Doc gave us a 20% chance of it working - but he was a fighter and hung on!! I ha pretty much resolved the fact that it wasn't going to work nd we were deciding if we were going to try again right away, wait a bit to save more money or just move onto adoption. I didn't even take HPTs because I didn't want to see the negative.

Also, I had my transfer on a Friday so took that day off of work but then had the weekend. I spent Sat walking around a bit but not too much. You should be more than fine to work.

Good luck to all the transfers this week!!! We'll have many PUPOs soon.

Booger, Beagle and Terri - glad things are starting up for you all!!

Brighteyes - Yay!! When is your test date?
Moni - I didn't realize that you didn't get fertilization reports! Wow. Well, at least you could remain mostly positive up until that day, right? And look - your little bean was such a fighter! :)

Hey girls - any reason why I shouldn't have sushi today, the day before my transfer?
Man oh man, do you know how much I love all of you girls???? You're so supportive and I sincerely thank all of you for your messages. I truly feel SOOOO much better because of all of you. No more negativity here, I promise!!!

Amy/Babywhisperer - Any reports?

Amy - That sounds like a TON of progesterone and estrogen to me but I have no experience. Maybe ask your RE about it...?

Knit/Brighteyez - Hope you're both feeling happy and rested.

Terri - I LOVE having you in my corner. Thanks again for your message. I totally agree that her negativity can be a bit much. And again, congrats on starting up again this week. Can't wait to hear about reports. Hope you're having a great time with your Dad.

Booger - Thanks to you for your sweet message. I think I'm still hormonal cause it brought a tear to my eye. Happy that you're starting to feel better. Stomach bugs are the worst.

JCM - How's the nausea?

Beagle - Glad things are moving along. That would be so amazing if you were able to get the grant! Fingers crossed.

I'm glad you are being more positive, attitude is everything. I truly feel that positive visualization works wonders and the good energy is what we all need right now.

I got nothing, no news yet. I'll be back to post you. Dh texted at 8am to ask the same thing. They make calls from 10-1pm. I'm trying to stay busy and not think about things.
Kfs, totally no problem going to work the next day. I felt like nothin ever happened! The day of, I just watched movies and ate a lot.

My nausea gets better every day that passes! I guess my mom was always sick through 14 weeks so I have her to thank for this! Also, be prepared to take lots of naps! I'm in bed by 8:30 every night and up at 7. Then I take two naps during the day. Exhausted! I haven't had to buy maternity pants yet. I plan on wearing my yoga pants for as long as possible. My weight stays the same but I have a little bump already. Different than the bloating so that's exciting!
kfs1-Glad you're feeling better. And you know, I'm not saying don't come on here and b*^*(& hee hee. That's allowed, you just can't let those little negativity germs enter your head. Although it has to be hard with your debbie downer of a doctor. Oh and my place said no lifting over 25 lbs, and no marathon running after transfer, but everything else should be ok.

beagle-Wooohoo on the discount meds and on the grant decision coming up. Sorry to hear about your lesbian friends (it seems weird to type that, but you know what I mean). It's so heartbreaking and to put it all out there in cyberspace has to be super devastating. My heart goes out to them.

booger-Glad you're feeling better today. I just do what I do...and that's care for everyone and get on their side. Why not? hee hee. So, my mom passed away a few years ago, and my dad has turned into an 18 yo boy. That's neither here nor there, really except that he spends all afternoon/night on the phone sharing all he knows (he's really smart) with women all over the country. It's pretty annoying, but he's happy and I don't want to hear about it. Anyway...every night he's like ''s time for an daughter is going to cook..wish me luck.' Well, after three days of being fed properly with delicious food and dessert that he can't resist, I told him that he needs to tell his lady friends that when he is in Bmore, he has nothing to worry about when it comes to food. Last night he finally agreed. I'm also making another skillet of cornbread tonight. HA!!HA!! Last night we had ribs, the night before, steak and sweet potatoes, tonight, boring chicken caesar salad and tomorrow we're going out for veteran's day. I'm taking a shot called DelEstrogen, and then I have progestorne in oil shots.

My mind is obviously not functioning because I can't keep more than two responses in my head. More later...
jcm - we have a couch in my building, so hopefully I can snooze up there if needed. You are lucky to be a stay at home wife/mom. I wish I could just wear yoga pants all the time. But I have a feeling once pregnant, I will be headed to maternity clothes quickly.

terri - glad you are having a good time with your dad. It is great that he is happy. I am sure your mom passing was really hard on you guys. Your food sounds amazing.

Erin - I know you are out there somewhere...hope things are progressing well for you.
Terri I'm sorry to hear about your Mom. You are an amazing cheerleader for us and we all appreciate it. I hope you enjoy your Dad's visit, the food sounds amazing!!! Why would he ever want to leave!

Afm, I missed the call. All the nurse said was I will be having a day 5 transfer. NOTHING ELSE! Not one syllable more. Nothing about how many or their grades. How cruel. I have called them back and hope they return my call soon, I'm dying!!!
terripeachy and beaglemom I'm sorry I wasn't clear, I think I was typing late at night, Beaglemom you were correct - what I was trying to say and also correct about German Measles being common in SA, we have to be alot more careful than you would have to be with viruses like German Measles. This is why I don't understand why there are anti-vaxers in SA, I understand USA - whole different debate, anyway. I was considering not vaccinating but that would have been a mistake, tho not if it's so uncommon - I think you've made a fine decision :)

kfs1 holding fingers, toes, thumbs, everything else I can think of - grow embies grow!!!

brighteyes I was thinking today I don't know what is worse, waiting to hear if your embies are going to make it til transfer day or waiting to test, whatever it's just far too much waiting, poor us lol. loads of baby dust to ya!

Amy1976 Good question, they've only given me 2 types of progesterone - one tablet and one suppositry (woo that's gonna be fun - not) but yours is a bit hectic but if it's going to help I think it's worth it *sending hugs*

AFM - So over these injections, only three more, including my trigger. Egg retrieval is definitely set for Friday, I had a scan this morning, my RE is happy with sizes, ect...but there's not alot to work with. He was hoping for 10-15 but it looks like I only have 8 and only 5 are a good size, we are hoping it will improve this is why we are doing the retrieval on Friday instead of Thursday.

Hubs will be out of town for 3 days which is not commonplace, he is going to a small town called George for work which is about 5hrs drive away but will be back on Thursday eve so I guess it's just me and my 2 cats and 2 pups.

Beaglemom I guess your name is beaglemom because you have a beagle? We took the dogs for a walk yesterday, there was a lady with 3 beagles, we almost got a beagle but ended up with a basset hound instead but she said they are just as naughty and stubborn and bassets, are yours also impossible?
babywhisperer - we were recently told at work to turn the sound off on our cell phones. It was a general statement for all the assistants. But in my office my bankers have theirs on & I do not have a song for a ring I do not plan to turn off unless she is here. I hate missing calls from nurses because you have to leave a message to get a call back.

Leens - I actually have 3 beagles. I also had a basset mix who passed away...his name was Schroeder. My other dogs are Lucy, Red Baron (RB), & Linus Van Pelt (Van). I told my husband when he got a beagle the condition was I got to name it after Charlie all dogs after were the same. My beagles are amazing...I love them so much. I think the 1st 2 years are tough...they are the baby toddler years. Once those are over, I feel like they are pretty well behaved. They can be barkers outside & they could never be completely free off leash. But they listen pretty well at dog parks. I am not very strict on my dogs. They are on beds & furniture. I do have to doggy proof the house. But mainly just food & trash has to be out of reach. Otherwise they are at home all day with a doggy door & no issues. They can be jealous & bratty toward each other at times.
Yes, I am lucky I get to wear yoga pants but I actually think I'm going to get a job. I really miss having something to go to everyday. I always had friends in the workplace and at home I just have my stepkids all day and they don't really have good conversation. Lol although they have a lot of good gossip for me every week!
I would love to help my husband during his clinic days but I think we might kill each other if I did that! He wants me to finish school and get my PhD in Psychology which is a great idea but I just think I want to be in charge of something and go to work everyday like right now. Might feel different when the baby is here though so I'm not making any crazy moves just yet! My mom was praying for triplets because she wants to stay home with my kids. Haha she's nuts! I have a great life, wonderful husband, and awesome friends. I do love that I get to do my grocery shopping on a Tuesday morning and I get the store alllll to myself. I happen to love grocery shopping. Lol I have girlfriends that stay at home with their kids too and it's fun to meet with them but I guess I just miss getting dressed up for work and having to be somewhere? Kind of silly but I've worked my whole life until I got married and I was going to school at the same time so I was always busy and moving. Now I have lots of time! I should learn how to cook once I can look at uncooked chicken without gagging!

Oh yeah, I forgot to say...I only got one update on my eggs. Two if you count the retrieval day. They told me how many they got, then the next morning how many fertilized and didn't open those incubators for 5 days until the transfer morning. That's when I found out all 5 were still alive and only one was in great shape with the second best slightly behind. So that's when we transferred 2 and the next day they called and said the other 3 were no good for freezing. I'm amazed I can remember all of that. I was talking to a friend that went through this a year ago and when I was asking crazy obsessive questions she didn't know what to say because she couldn't remember. I was like how do you not know? This is my whole life right now and I'll never forget! I'm starting to forget...
I can understand needing to feel like going to work every day. I have worked almost constantly since I was 16. My job is frustrating me right now. I never thought I would be this way, but I am seriously thinking about being a stay at home mom. But my husband would have to get promoted. So he would be stressed a lot. Not sure which is a better solution. Him stressed & I take care of the house so he comes home to a stressfree house or us both working & running around trying to spend time with our child. If I did stay at home, my child would be in daycare for a day or 2 during the week as a break for me & also socialization for them.
Kfs1 - Good luck tomorrow!! I'll be thinking of you.

Booger76 - Good luck tonight with the Lupron!!

AFM - I got the update that I had 10 eggs fertilized normally. So I'm not sure how many weren't mature or just didn't fertilize, just that 10 was the final number. I was a little bummed at first thinking that 6 was a large number (almost half) to not be mature or not fertilize normally (because we did ICSI) but she said that it was a good number and that they were very pleased. So that lifted my spirits. So I will for sure be doing a 5 day transfer which is Thursday (and my hubby's birthday). I didn't ask anymore questions though. I don't know why, it's like I get stuck on the information they give me and don't think about any other questions until I get off the phone lol. I will probably e-mail tomorrow and ask if all the eggies are still holding on (if they can give me that kind of info).

Lots of action this week. So excited for everyone!!
Kfs1 - I was told not to eat sushi (which I love) because of the risk of salmonella poisoning when eating raw foods. So it's up to you but I doubt you want to get salmonella poisoning the day before your transfer :)
Kfs1 - Good luck tomorrow!! I'll be thinking of you.

Booger76 - Good luck tonight with the Lupron!!

AFM - I got the update that I had 10 eggs fertilized normally. So I'm not sure how many weren't mature or just didn't fertilize, just that 10 was the final number. I was a little bummed at first thinking that 6 was a large number (almost half) to not be mature or not fertilize normally (because we did ICSI) but she said that it was a good number and that they were very pleased. So that lifted my spirits. So I will for sure be doing a 5 day transfer which is Thursday (and my hubby's birthday). I didn't ask anymore questions though. I don't know why, it's like I get stuck on the information they give me and don't think about any other questions until I get off the phone lol. I will probably e-mail tomorrow and ask if all the eggies are still holding on (if they can give me that kind of info).

Lots of action this week. So excited for everyone!!

Congrats on a great report!!! 10 is an amazing number of embies! It looks like you and I are a day a part. I also am going for a day 5 on Wed. My nurse wouldn't give me any info since the lab is like Fort Knox and they don't say much. I called my Dr and even he wasn't much help. He wouldn't say how many were still left or how they were looking. All he said was that the lab thinks they are doing well enough to push for a day 5. There is no guarantee if they make it to Wed which I know. He also said if we want to transfer just 1 then to push for a day 5 and hope they were still looking good. He didn't sound very enthused. I wonder if this is the MO. To manage expectations. Under promise and over deliver. I said if it looked like there were 2 that looked good and 1 wouldn't make it to freezing we might transfer 2. The idea of having nothing left over scares the crap out of me since I don't think we can do this again. The cost is obtrusive.

So I am stressed now. Dh starts a major trial at 2pm and I have to be at the Dr by 1:45. I don't know that he can duck out to talk. Will I know Wed morning what we have and how they look or will I have to wait until I get there?
Babywhisperer - I almost think not knowing anything and having to show up at the transfer with no information is worse than knowing ahead of time (good or bad news). I don't know what I'll do if my clinic does it the same way. Beg my coordinator to find out more information for me I guess lol.
Babywhisperer - I almost think not knowing anything and having to show up at the transfer with no information is worse than knowing ahead of time (good or bad news). I don't know what I'll do if my clinic does it the same way. Beg my coordinator to find out more information for me I guess lol.

It is not helpful in my sitch. I have to be there practically at the same time dh starts his trial. I hope they can let me know ahead of time what we have. It's bad enough I'm going by myself, but making a game time decision solo is nerve wracking.
babywhisperer - hopfully everything will work out. I don't think they would push to day 5 if they didn't think it was the best plan for you. Sorry you have to go alone.

Amy - 10 is def a great number.

I am still dealing with my meds situation. I had to call Freedom to cancel my order to free up my coverage. So I am waiting for that to clear so Walgreens can work my order. No matter what, I knew I was not using Freedom...they have twice been out bid. So apparently my max is $5000 for meds. Not sure how that works with co pays & insurance price or whatever. But I have used $3000. So I should be able to use it on some of my prescription. The lady on the phone was really nice & was nervous for me. I said no worries we would check again tomorrow to see if it was cleared off. I have a little less than 2 I have some time. But I am anxious to just get my meds already.
Hi everyone!

I did it again - let days pass between reading all the posts. Sooooo much happens in a few days!

Congrats for all the ERs and eggs and embies! Congrats for starting meds and stopping BC and moving ahead with the process! Congrats on the transfers and upcoming transfers!

So many topics discussed over the last few days from delicious food to stress to constipation ... :)

I can say that i have been constipated since before my ER but it seems to be worse after the ER. And it can also be a side effect from the progesterone as well ... I am on the Crinone gel and an estrogen patch that I change every other day. It's nice to be done with shots!

In terms of pain from the ER, I finally feel like my ovaries are back to normal. I know that for me it was helpful to check in with my nursing team if I was concerned. I gained 5 pounds in a day and was concerned, but then it subsided. I think the pain is from the ovaries and also the puncturing of the vaginal wall - some people may even need a stitch. Be gentle with yourselves!

This whole process has been so stressful. Hearing that I had a ton of eggs but then only some fertilized and then some stopped developing, etc. In some ways the day by day is helpful in that it's harder to get ahead of myself, but in other ways, it's tough. I felt like I was constantly in limbo waiting to hear when my transfer would be. I had a day 5 transfer on Sunday and it went really well. We transferred one and they said it was a XBAB which they say is good. We got a pic of it and of course I started googling other day 5 blasts today ... bad idea. I need to just try to relax!

For those of you who are having a hard time with your REs and how they are providing info to you, or not providing info at all, I'm so sorry!! How stressful!! That stress is the last thing we need right now.

I was so surprised with how quickly the transfer took place - I didn't even have to lie down for a few mins after ... I just got up and left. And I barely felt anything - a tiny twinge once the catheter was in. The speculum was prob the most uncomfortable part. I did have the pre and post acupuncture, so am hoping that helped.

I hope everyone is doing well this evening and taking good care of themselves! :hugs:
Hi girls, sorry I've been MIA again. Lots going on here. I stayed caught up for a few days, but didn't get time to post, and then got completely behind, so just now did a quick catch-up. SO much has gone on, so it's impossible for me to address everything, but I have to say WOW, how exciting all the transfers in the last few days and over the next few days!! I updated everyone's dates on the front page. Congrats to all of you who are PUPO, and GL to all who have transfers this week! :flower:

Leens, I got your name on the front page, but couldn't recall if you were doing a fresh transfer during your IVF cycle, or if you are freezing all and doing a FET later. Let me know... and also if you have an estimated timeframe, I can put that on there too. :)

beagle, things seem to be moving fast for you! I'm sure everything will work out with the meds, but sure sounds like a process, huh? I'm excited that you'll be hearing about your grant soon too.

For those who aren't getting much info from your clinics, I'm surprised. I'm way too curious to function like that, but that's just me. But if you feel like you want to know, you should def push them for answers. They are YOUR embryos. You're entitled to whatever info you want. BabyW, especially in your situation with DH possibly not being reachable during that time... I feel like the more informed you are in advance, the more relaxed you'll feel. My clinic doesn't do daily reports, but they gave a fertilization report the day after ER, a day3 report letting me know how they were all doing, and then of course, the final report was the morning of my transfer.

terri, hey lady! I know I've said this before, but I am so sorry about your mother. I know you miss her every day. Your dad sounds like a hoot!

Hi to everyone else! Happy to hear things are going great with Jen and Moni, wuhu!! Max is a super cute and manly name for a boy. :) Jen, have you started thinking about names??

AFM, got AF last Thurs, so called about hysteroscopy, thinking I could get in today. But first available time my RE had is this coming Thurs. I'm a tad frustrated since it's pushing me back another 3 days (I was already frustrated from having a 35-day cycle, urg!). Seems like I just keep getting pushed back, and I was hoping to do my FET asap since I will be traveling for Xmas. As it looks now, I'm thinking early Dec. I know that isn't that close to Xmas, but since we have the office beta 12 days AFTER transfer, I will be pushing it closer to my travel date than I would've liked. Oh well... its ok!! I'm remaining calm and feeling very optimistic. I filled out the paperwork for PGS, so they will thaw the 4 embies that I have left the day before my transfer, and they'll know the results on the morning of my transfer. So I wont know until that morning how many are viable or how many are going in. But its a better option than thawing and re-freezing again, since they are already frozen now. They're planning for 2 right now, and if so, we'll put both in. If we have a 3rd, it will have to be re-frozen, but I dont think my RE expects us to have 3 out of 4 viable. I'll be devastated if none of the 4 are viable! But at the same time, at least we'll know. If none are viable, then at least I'm not going through 2 more FETs not knowing. And we'll use the leftover insurance money towards another full IVF cycle. BUT, hoping not to go there! Feeling REALLY good about this!!!:thumbup:
Quick update- my transfer will probably be Dec. 9. The nurse and I forgot about my endometrial scratch. My coworker reminded me and I asked the nurse. Phew! The nurse said she was so focused on approval that she forgot about the scratch. I'm still ok with early December. Yeah!

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