First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Erin I just you remember a LONG time back when we were talking about me having 3 eggs during IUI & what I would do if all fertilized & split & we sort of had an auction type thing going on on the thread? So basically 5 women could have one of my babies. Well we did a vlog about all the baby crap we bought being a stroller. And my husband said with our luck, we would have twins. And I said uh, no...we are only having one baby & if that egg splits I know a lot of women on my women who I can give a baby to. I don't know why that popped in my head. I think because of all this talk abotu why can't it be easy. If I felt like I could emotionally & physically handle it, I would totally go octomom & start handing out babies on this thread! it should be so in Dumbo when the storks come. I feel like when we finally have a baby, we totally can be those moms that say to ungrateful you know how hard & expensive it was for us to bring you in to this world!

I love Dumbo. I sing Baby Mine to Jack all the time. As far as the Octomom thing how many did that Dr actually transfer I forgot? I'm wishing they wanted to transfer the other blast on Wed. I always have dreams about winning the lottery and never get to the point where I spend anything on myself. I spend it on my family and friends. I wish I could help those that truly needed and deserved it. I'm feeling pretty bad for my good friend who just broke up with her bf/fiancé again. They have been off and on for 6yrs but I think it's over for good and she's so scared she's wasted her baby years with him. I wish I knew what to say. She's lamenting the time trying to make the relationship work and how starting over with someone new means being so much further away from having a family. I feel terrible for what she's going through. I wish dh had single great guys we could introduce her to.
I have a single friend who wants a guy. We don't have a lot of friends anyways...we spend most of our time with each other. I feel bad for her, but not sure what to do. Plus setting people up makes me nervous. How old is your friend? You never know what can happen. My friend met a guy & was married within a year then pregnant within 3 months. Also the world is changing. She could always be a single IUIs...if having a baby is extremely important to her. Sometimes life fold out the way it is supposed to not necessarily the way we plan.

Have fun on your date! I think me & husband will have a day out tomorrow. I am going to try to be thrifty & buy some pants that fit at the thrift store. It got cold today & I realized I may not survive winter wearing skirts.
I have a single friend who wants a guy. We don't have a lot of friends anyways...we spend most of our time with each other. I feel bad for her, but not sure what to do. Plus setting people up makes me nervous. How old is your friend? You never know what can happen. My friend met a guy & was married within a year then pregnant within 3 months. Also the world is changing. She could always be a single IUIs...if having a baby is extremely important to her. Sometimes life fold out the way it is supposed to not necessarily the way we plan.

Have fun on your date! I think me & husband will have a day out tomorrow. I am going to try to be thrifty & buy some pants that fit at the thrift store. It got cold today & I realized I may not survive winter wearing skirts.

She's 38 and really has the worst luck with guys. She met what seemed to be an awesome guy, orthopedic surgeon, funny, charming while she was broken up with her ex. His cell phone would buzz non stop. She decided one night to look at it and he has 5 FB profiles, seeing 3 other women, and it got worse from there. She ignores red flags. I told her she can be a single Mom. Why wait for a guy!

It got cold down by you too? Going to be in 30s/40s for a week. Date night was fun. Dh bought me flowers. He said Ive been doing a lot for our family and he appreciates it. We had dinner and was back home to relieve my parents of babysitting duty by 8:15. Seriously we were out for 90min. Swinging Friday night!

Sleep well ladies. Snuggle in tight embies. Praying for all of us.
booger-Hope the mock transfer was perfect this time and you're ready to go come next month!

Leens-6 eggs is not bad, and knowing that 4 are mature is even better. Did your DH have to give his sample at the hospital, or were you able to carry it with you from home? I'm patiently waiting for the report!

BabyW-Glad you had a great date night and flowers are so nice. My hubs got my charger for me last night. hee hee. That was his "nice" thing to do. He's not very good at thinking of things to do for me on his own.

My nurse called me and said that my meds got bounced back to Freedom from this other place that I called (they all suck!), and she knew that I had to pay out of pocket, so she had 1/3 vials of the del-estrogen and 1/1 vial of of PIO that she was going to give me. I left her a message saying that $300 was peanuts at this point, so she could give it to someone else. Why do I have to be so Type A and prompt about handling my business? hee hee. I would've loved free medicine, but I don't need it, so I hope someone else gets pregnant using it.

Hope everyone else is having a wonderful day. :flower:
Erin- I hate that you had such a bad experience with the procedure. Please don't feel bad for needing the time to grieve. We have ALL been there. All of our journeys have been such a roller coaster ride. On top of that, Physicians are prescribing meds that are taking our hormones from one extreme to the next. Sending hugs to you! Hope you can take a day for yourself and do something relaxing.

Leens- hang in there! I know we say it a lot on here but it's true, it only takes one! Honestly, quality over quantity! BTW your post made me laugh histerically- the thought of the vag suppository shooting out with sneezing!
booger-Hope the mock transfer was perfect this time and you're ready to go come next month!

Leens-6 eggs is not bad, and knowing that 4 are mature is even better. Did your DH have to give his sample at the hospital, or were you able to carry it with you from home? I'm patiently waiting for the report!

BabyW-Glad you had a great date night and flowers are so nice. My hubs got my charger for me last night. hee hee. That was his "nice" thing to do. He's not very good at thinking of things to do for me on his own.

My nurse called me and said that my meds got bounced back to Freedom from this other place that I called (they all suck!), and she knew that I had to pay out of pocket, so she had 1/3 vials of the del-estrogen and 1/1 vial of of PIO that she was going to give me. I left her a message saying that $300 was peanuts at this point, so she could give it to someone else. Why do I have to be so Type A and prompt about handling my business? hee hee. I would've loved free medicine, but I don't need it, so I hope someone else gets pregnant using it.

Hope everyone else is having a wonderful day. :flower:

Sorry your meds got messed up. And that was very selfless of you to refuse the free meds. Paying it forward is great, I just wish more people did that.

As far as being type A I'm more like an A-/B+. I can get into clean and organize fits, but the way I'm more type A is the research I do. My husband jokes it takes me months to buy a vaccum cleaner bc I research very thoroughly which is best for our needs. Then I get a coupon from BBB and order it online and have it shipped for free. I refuse to pay retail and always wait for a sale while dh is pretty impulsive and will just buy what he wants when he wants it. What can I say I like to get a deal! Dh gets embarrassed to shop with me bc I always try to negotiate. He just pays list for big things like a TV while I haggle and saved $300 for my TV and got the employee discount on the HD cable we needed. He was mortified.

How's everyone doing?

Going to acupuncture a little later. For now I'm playing Christmas music on the seasonal music channel on TV and feeling better than last night. I just couldn't get warm until I jacked up the heat and got under a wool blanket with a fleece vest on. Dh came home and was like woah it's very warm in here. I made him feel my hands and they were cold. Probably my thyroid but I had my level checked and it was great. The progesterone has me all messed up. Feeling some dull cramps here and there, waves of fatigue, and everything else that comes with it. I think the IM shots deliver a more intense dose than the Endometrin suppositories. I'm a weepy mess. I read about Diem Brown passing away and couldn't control myself. I just cried. She was so young and an incredible fighter. She never got to marry or have a child. So tragic it breaks my heart. Damn you cancer. It puts things into perspective for sure. I am blessed no matter what happens.
Good morning, ladies!

As usual, it's been busy around here.

Babywhisperer - Your date night sounds wonderful, even if it was only 90 min long. DH and I were in bed at 8 pm the other night. We just laughed as we crawled into bed about how old we already were. Glad you're warming up. I hate that feeling when you can't get warm. Looks like winter is settling in everywhere now. It's 4 degrees out here right now and DH went to sit in his tree stand! He is crazy.

terri - I agree with babywhisperer - what a nice thing you did with not taking the meds. I hope that good karma pays off come transfer time.:haha:

Beagle - Have fun on your outing with DH today! I hope that you don't get saddled with too much more work with one of the other assistants leaving. Sounds pretty similar to what happens at my office - one person leaves and they just dump all the work on everyone else. Sigh.

Moni - That sucks about the pasta/marinara thing. Maybe it will go away? Ugh. That sounds horrible. Pasta is one of my favorite things too and so easy to fix. I'm hoping it doesn't last the rest of the pregnancy for you.

Leens - Congrats on your retrieval!:happydance: I hope you're feeling better today. Try not to sweat the number of embryos things - as everyone said, it only takes one. Hang in there - we're here for you. Will you be doing a five day transfer?

Erin - Glad you're feeling better. I think trusting what your doctor says about the fibrous tissue issue is a good decision. I think she would tell you otherwise!

kfs - Hope you found something fun to do today!

Jen - Sorry that things aren't improving on the inlaw front. That sucks. Did your DH have any luck hunting??

LadySosa - Things have changed with my schedule now so I might not be that far behind you now for transfer!

knitgirl - Sorry about your friends. I agree with Terri - they probably just have no idea how to relate or how emotionally and physically demanding IVF can be. Or maybe they just aren't sure whether talking to you about is helpful or upsetting to you. I know that when I had friends in the past dealing with infertility I had NO IDEA what to say so I just didn't say anything at all. I doubt they are being hurtful on purpose.:hugs:

brighteyez - How are you doing??

Hello to jkb!

I wish I had better news to report. My mock transfer yesterday, while smoother than the first one, still wasn't as smooth as my doctor would like. I could feel what he was doing and despite having taken an injection to help prevent cramping, I still had some. So, my clinic is double-checking to make sure my insurance will cover a hysteroscopy and we tentatively scheduled it for Dec. 4th. Then I'll have to wait about 6 weeks, have another mock and then we can do a real transfer. So I'm thinking it's going to be February now. While it's a bummer, it is what it is. My nurse and doctor asked how I would feel if we didn't do the procedure and the transfer failed - would I be questioning whether transfer was the problem? I know I would so I think the procedure is the right move at this point.

Basically, my doctor said I shouldn't feel anything during the transfer and while he can get the catheter in there, he said it's not smooth and easy, peasy and he doesn't like that. With the hysteroscopy, he'll get in there and shave off the bump that is in the way.

In other news, I got the gender results from our PGS results. I had my nurse put them in a sealed envelope and then DH and I opened it last night. I just couldn't take not knowing. So out of the six embryos we had tested, 3 were boys and 3 were girls (just as one would expect). However, out of the 6 total, only 3 were chromosomally normal. Out of the 3 normal ones, we have 2 girls and one boy!!! I asked DH before I opened the envelope to guess what the genders of the normal ones were and he said all girls. I said 2 boys and one girl and then he said "It'll be the opposite of that" and it was. Hehe. It's all very exciting and I keep looking at the paper over and over. Our three abnormal ones were all missing chromosomes.

Anyway, sorry for the book. I'm okay with what's happening as I know it's what is best. It's only a couple of more months and the upside is that if we are successful in February, then the due date is much better for DHs work schedule (it would avoid our wildfire season). Oh and I get to ski more this winter so I'm kind of excited about that.
Good morning, ladies!

As usual, it's been busy around here.

Babywhisperer - Your date night sounds wonderful, even if it was only 90 min long. DH and I were in bed at 8 pm the other night. We just laughed as we crawled into bed about how old we already were. Glad you're warming up. I hate that feeling when you can't get warm. Looks like winter is settling in everywhere now. It's 4 degrees out here right now and DH went to sit in his tree stand! He is crazy.

terri - I agree with babywhisperer - what a nice thing you did with not taking the meds. I hope that good karma pays off come transfer time.:haha:

Beagle - Have fun on your outing with DH today! I hope that you don't get saddled with too much more work with one of the other assistants leaving. Sounds pretty similar to what happens at my office - one person leaves and they just dump all the work on everyone else. Sigh.

Moni - That sucks about the pasta/marinara thing. Maybe it will go away? Ugh. That sounds horrible. Pasta is one of my favorite things too and so easy to fix. I'm hoping it doesn't last the rest of the pregnancy for you.

Leens - Congrats on your retrieval!:happydance: I hope you're feeling better today. Try not to sweat the number of embryos things - as everyone said, it only takes one. Hang in there - we're here for you. Will you be doing a five day transfer?

Erin - Glad you're feeling better. I think trusting what your doctor says about the fibrous tissue issue is a good decision. I think she would tell you otherwise!

kfs - Hope you found something fun to do today!

Jen - Sorry that things aren't improving on the inlaw front. That sucks. Did your DH have any luck hunting??

LadySosa - Things have changed with my schedule now so I might not be that far behind you now for transfer!

knitgirl - Sorry about your friends. I agree with Terri - they probably just have no idea how to relate or how emotionally and physically demanding IVF can be. Or maybe they just aren't sure whether talking to you about is helpful or upsetting to you. I know that when I had friends in the past dealing with infertility I had NO IDEA what to say so I just didn't say anything at all. I doubt they are being hurtful on purpose.:hugs:

brighteyez - How are you doing??

Hello to jkb!

I wish I had better news to report. My mock transfer yesterday, while smoother than the first one, still wasn't as smooth as my doctor would like. I could feel what he was doing and despite having taken an injection to help prevent cramping, I still had some. So, my clinic is double-checking to make sure my insurance will cover a hysteroscopy and we tentatively scheduled it for Dec. 4th. Then I'll have to wait about 6 weeks, have another mock and then we can do a real transfer. So I'm thinking it's going to be February now. While it's a bummer, it is what it is. My nurse and doctor asked how I would feel if we didn't do the procedure and the transfer failed - would I be questioning whether transfer was the problem? I know I would so I think the procedure is the right move at this point.

Basically, my doctor said I shouldn't feel anything during the transfer and while he can get the catheter in there, he said it's not smooth and easy, peasy and he doesn't like that. With the hysteroscopy, he'll get in there and shave off the bump that is in the way.

In other news, I got the gender results from our PGS results. I had my nurse put them in a sealed envelope and then DH and I opened it last night. I just couldn't take not knowing. So out of the six embryos we had tested, 3 were boys and 3 were girls (just as one would expect). However, out of the 6 total, only 3 were chromosomally normal. Out of the 3 normal ones, we have 2 girls and one boy!!! I asked DH before I opened the envelope to guess what the genders of the normal ones were and he said all girls. I said 2 boys and one girl and then he said "It'll be the opposite of that" and it was. Hehe. It's all very exciting and I keep looking at the paper over and over. Our three abnormal ones were all missing chromosomes.

Anyway, sorry for the book. I'm okay with what's happening as I know it's what is best. It's only a couple of more months and the upside is that if we are successful in February, then the due date is much better for DHs work schedule (it would avoid our wildfire season). Oh and I get to ski more this winter so I'm kind of excited about that.

So sorry about the rough mock transfer. While the delay is frustrating I think it's smart what you're doing. Leaving anything to chance at this point will only make you doubt and worry more. If they can fix it and take that element out of the equation go for it. We will all be here cheering you on. I know how cold it is out west, friends in Boulder keep posting their weather apps showing 3 degrees. Skiing will be awesome this winter with this early start. Enjoy it! We squeezed in a trip to Vail right befor the IUI we conceived Jack. So glad we took that trip. Dh is a ski nut.

Post some pics of the scenery by you!! I think it's awesome you have 3 perfect embies and you know the gender. To know they are chromosomally normal must feel amazing.

Afm dh did his garbage duty and while leaving the door open one of those prehistoric looking cave crickets hopped in and I screamed like I was being murdered. Those things freak me out bf they hop so high! I wrapped paper towels around a spatula and killed it, but dropped the spatula and was too scared to grab it. Then I made a breakfast for everyone of eggs, left over filet mignon from dinner and sausage. Oh and while cooking I set off the fire alarm. First time doing that. Smoke from cooking the meat on the stove. I love Saturdays!!
booger76 I find it amazing they can do gender results.

babywhisperer Thanks for the pep talk! Do you find you are going to the toilet alot on progesterone as well?

jkb Glad I could crack you up!

terripeachy Sorry you're still having problems with your meds. Hubs ended up doing the sample at the room next to the lab because I was nervous and he wanted to be waiting there when I got back from theatre, if he went home he wouldn't have made it in time. He still won't tell me anything about the whole thing, I really want to know if it's like in the movies, he's such a party-pooper :(

AFM - Some good news, my RE called today, two of my embies have fertilised!!! Yippee, I had 6, 4 good but only two made it. I'm not upset, I wanted two anyway, only problem is we wont be able to do a FET if this one doesn't work but I'm trying to stay positive . This will work, this will work!!!

Transfer is on Monday at 11, I'm told that I mustn't wee from 9 so I must have a full bladder and I musn't take my Cyclogest (nasty vijayjay bullets), he will do it after (yay).

I'm still in pain so not in the best mood, haven't gone anywhere at all today, just been laying around annoying my hubs and furries, cats are starting to give me death stares and the pups and laying in a corner giving me dirty looks and hubs is just feeding me to keep me happy, more custard and jelly and chicken yum. So so bored, if I bribe the pups with treats they might keep me company!
Booger-you definitely made the right decision. February isn't that far away and if it works better for your DH's work schedule, that's ok too. Awesome about the two girls and a boy. How excited are you about them? Now, when you transfer are you going to pick one or are you goon to let the doctor decide so you can be surprised again?? I feel like I just opened the envelope! Hee hee.

Leens-great news about two fertilizing!! Yeah!! Also, for the transfer your bladder doesn't have to be that full. I was very full the second time and my doctor was showing me pee moving from my kidney to wherever on the ultrasound. No thanks. Hee hee. Plus, when it was done, I could hardly get to the bathroom fast enough. So, drink like an hour before and call it a day. So happy it's on Monday!! Your place doesn't mess around with timing!

BabyW-scary about the big bug.
Booger- sorry the mock wasn't a smooth and easy. I too really want my transfer to be December 18 and they're not doing it till January so I understand but when I stepped back and reassessed the January date was better for me and hubby's schedule too. I love your positive attitude and I say have a blast skiing because soon enough you won't be doing it for 9months�� huge congrats on 3 perfect embies and how perfect to have male and female!

Leens- yay!!! 2 fertilized!!! And transfer Monday!!! So soon and you will be pupo ��
Baby w - I would have been just like you, too scared to pick the spatula back up!
booger76 I find it amazing they can do gender results.

babywhisperer Thanks for the pep talk! Do you find you are going to the toilet alot on progesterone as well?

jkb Glad I could crack you up!

terripeachy Sorry you're still having problems with your meds. Hubs ended up doing the sample at the room next to the lab because I was nervous and he wanted to be waiting there when I got back from theatre, if he went home he wouldn't have made it in time. He still won't tell me anything about the whole thing, I really want to know if it's like in the movies, he's such a party-pooper :(

AFM - Some good news, my RE called today, two of my embies have fertilised!!! Yippee, I had 6, 4 good but only two made it. I'm not upset, I wanted two anyway, only problem is we wont be able to do a FET if this one doesn't work but I'm trying to stay positive . This will work, this will work!!!

Transfer is on Monday at 11, I'm told that I mustn't wee from 9 so I must have a full bladder and I musn't take my Cyclogest (nasty vijayjay bullets), he will do it after (yay).

I'm still in pain so not in the best mood, haven't gone anywhere at all today, just been laying around annoying my hubs and furries, cats are starting to give me death stares and the pups and laying in a corner giving me dirty looks and hubs is just feeding me to keep me happy, more custard and jelly and chicken yum. So so bored, if I bribe the pups with treats they might keep me company!

Yeah for 2 embies!! And yes the progesterone makes me pee very very often. I'm trying to keep my liquids to before 7pm to minimize how often I'm woken up. Rest up Monday will be here in a jiff!
Leens - Stay positive! Monday is just around the corner. I hope you start felling better soon! You made me laugh saying you were annoying the cats and the dogs. hehe. I'm sure that's not the case.

Thanks for the support ladies. I'm not going to say that I'm not a little disappointed with having to wait a little longer but I definitely think it's the best thing to do at this point. And yes, being able to ski a little bit more this winter is a big bonus for me.

Now, all along I have been saying that we weren't going to choose the gender and that I was going to let the clinic do that. Now I'm not sure what I want to do. I'm still leaning towards letting them decide but we'll see. I have a couple months to figure that out now!

I hope no more crickets make their way into your home, babywhisperer. Bugs don't really scare me but crickets are annoying so I don't blame you taking care of the situation.
Booger I told my husband about your gender reveal and he said no way! He doesn't want to know anything. We want a girl but I feel like we will end up with a boy. Of course either is fine but my sister has 2 boys. So I want to bring on some pink.
Leens - congratulations on your 2 embies. Hope you're having a relaxing weekend. :)

Booger - that bites the big one - seriously - but I absolutely think you're making the right decision. Like you said, think of all the skiing you'll get to do. Just keep yourself busy and hopefully the time will fly by.
We had a long though. I went to goodwill & actually shopped for clothes. I hate looking through the clothes because I don't have the patience. But I found 2 pairs of dress pants that actually fit & they were $3.50 each! And when I get pregnant, I can easily use the belly band or since they were so cheap just alter them for maternity. But I was so exhausted after, I couldn't shop at the other goodwill. Maybe I will go to one nearby tomorrow & look. We went to eat Mexican my favorite & then went to the Science museum to see the dinosaur museum. So we had a lot of fun...but now at 6:30 we are in bed! sorry I meant to also say sorry about the delay, but glad the timing will work our better for delivery. Maybe our thread's theme is DELAYS! We all seem to be getting delayed...but oh well.

Today is when my grant should be decided but I haven't heard anything...not sure how it will be announced.
DH got a huge deer! I'm sad about it because hunting is mean but he is super excited!

Haha BabyW, I found a scorpion in the hall bathroom this morning....I sprayed the crap out of it with Lysol, then I wrapped a paper towel over my swifter and stabbed it over and over. I yelled while I did it. Then, I was too scared to pick it up (like it will come back from the dead extra mad and sting me) so I threw the swifter on top of the dead body and closed the door. Hubby's job to pick it up when he gets home. Lol I have 6 other bathrooms so that closed door is ok until Monday. I HATE BUGS!
Oh...and here's my story of the day. I was so proud of myself for keeping calm during this whole issue. Because honestly right now, I don't have a lot of patience!

So my belly popped out this week. It's high and super hard so there's no hiding it at all. My dad had seen me for lunch on Wednesday and he noticed. Didn't say much just oh wow you're kind of showing! So then my parents came over for dinner Thursday night and I had just gotten a facial (my skin is crazy right now) so my face was shiny and really smooth but no make up on at all. I don't generally wear makeup really. Most days just some powder and bronzer. So anyway my parents walk in and my dad said look, she's showing a little bit so the baby must be growing! My mother looked at me, my face not my belly, and said ohhh wow look at how huge your face is. WHHHHAAAATTT??? Who says that? My parents live 15 mins from me. Not like she hadn't seen me. I see her once a week probably. And my face is not big. If anything, I've lost weight. What a rude thing to say right? So I saw her today and someone had asked about any baby names I had in mind so I said yeah I like Henry for a boy. My mom said ugh I just hate that name it's so awful. So I looked at her and said well, at the way things are going you might not really get to be around much so I wouldn't worry about it. Evvvvverybody has an opinion I know, it would just be nice if my own mother would shut her trap. I mean, who's worse right now? The in laws or my own mother? Man, I wanted to smack her right in her big face! Lol
Oh...and here's my story of the day. I was so proud of myself for keeping calm during this whole issue. Because honestly right now, I don't have a lot of patience!

So my belly popped out this week. It's high and super hard so there's no hiding it at all. My dad had seen me for lunch on Wednesday and he noticed. Didn't say much just oh wow you're kind of showing! So then my parents came over for dinner Thursday night and I had just gotten a facial (my skin is crazy right now) so my face was shiny and really smooth but no make up on at all. I don't generally wear makeup really. Most days just some powder and bronzer. So anyway my parents walk in and my dad said look, she's showing a little bit so the baby must be growing! My mother looked at me, my face not my belly, and said ohhh wow look at how huge your face is. WHHHHAAAATTT??? Who says that? My parents live 15 mins from me. Not like she hadn't seen me. I see her once a week probably. And my face is not big. If anything, I've lost weight. What a rude thing to say right? So I saw her today and someone had asked about any baby names I had in mind so I said yeah I like Henry for a boy. My mom said ugh I just hate that name it's so awful. So I looked at her and said well, at the way things are going you might not really get to be around much so I wouldn't worry about it. Evvvvverybody has an opinion I know, it would just be nice if my own mother would shut her trap. I mean, who's worse right now? The in laws or my own mother? Man, I wanted to smack her right in her big face! Lol

You Mom and mine suffer from lack of a sensitivity chip as far as what NOT to say in certain situations. Don't let it get to you. People will say the oddest things during your pregnancy. Just shut it out and enjoy it. As far as the name, just remind people be will have to love with it longer than them so they don't have to worry. Henry is a great name. This is why some people keep it a secret so people don't spoil it with their opinions.

As far as your scorpion run in, I'd just move. I can't stand bugs but scorpions are downright scary!!! How are you feeling. Is the nausea letting up at all yet?

Afm well I'm 4dp5dt and feel all PMS all day today. I woke up a little congested, boobs swollen and every so slightly tender on the outside near armpit. I've had some dull pre AF like cramping and on the edge of a headache. I hate the progesterone for this reason. I feel like AF is on the way. I have bloodwork tomorrow to test progesterone levels. Trying not to get discouraged just know it's the PIO wreaking havoc.
Oh, Jen. I'm sorry your mother said that to you. That's just rude! I love the name Henry and I'm sorry that she doesn't. Who cares at this point - it's not her baby! I'd tell her that the next time she says something too. Maybe then she'll stop going on and on about it. Ugh. Whatever happened to "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"

Babywhisperer - Yep, I'm sure it's the progesterone playing nasty with you. Hang in there!

Beagle - Glad you had a nice day yesterday. I can't believe that I came around as quickly as I did on finding out the gender. I'm glad that we looked though. It's still very exciting to think about.

How is everyone else doing out there??

I just got home from a baby shower for a coworker. It was very cute and a lot of fun. She's having a baby boy in February. She told us that they are planning on naming him Easton Michael. I think it's cute! Of course, I only got asked about 8 billion times if DH and I were going to be next. I just played if off but in my head I was thinking, "Yes, yes we might be next!" Hehe.

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