Hi. ntnp for #2

I wouldnt mind if there was a bfp at the end of it. But im quite sure there wont be. A few months before I got pregnant with lo a guy at work started telling everyone I was, people kept asking, and a few months later I was. This last few weeks eveytime I tell people I have something to tell them the first thing they ssk is if im pregnant. Its getting abit insulting now. Im not pregnant, im just addicted to food. Especailly prawn crackers and syrup. Or I get..." whens the next one? Isnt it about time u gave lo a brother or sister" Think it bugs me more because im not pregnant and would like to be.
oh yes, I get this too! blooming rude if you ask me! i got it before i had my first too, ooh you've been married a while now..etc! FIL even started saying 'tick-tock', I was 26 when I fell pregnant with LO...hardly old :dohh: and little did he know I'd just got AF and we'd been trying for a few months already so it really hurt!!

People can be so insensitive! I've had a few 'so when are you going to have another one' type comments from family since we moved back here. I'm kind of keeping it to myself that we are about to start trying so I just say 'oh not yet' kind of thing and then try to change the subject.

As for me I've decided to go more towards the 'not trying' this month - I've only just come off the pill and want to get my first AF really. DH is still looking for work so I think pregnancy news would be better received when he's settled into a job.
hello ntnp with are fisrt happened on our honeymoon we are palnning oct to do it again hope it happens that fast again lol
My LO is 3 tomorrow and everyone around me who has a child of similar age have all had their 2nd! I didn't want a small age gap, 3.5-4 yrs is good for us! But even if I tell people this they still ask! :dohh:
Well I caved today and tested!!!......... BFN, with a cheapy home bargain 3x strips for a £1. I'm disappointed but kinda expected it as my symptoms have disappeared over the last couple of days (besides the sore nipples!).... Also, I only came off pill 4 weeks ago so all the symptoms are prob down to that and not O, which I originally thought!

I'm app 14dpo today and haven't had AF yet, so I might test again on Fri x
Happybirthday to your lo for tomorrow toms mum. Im sorry about bfn, still a chance though.
Hello bellablue. Good luck.
So we are off to see itng live next week, on the day that af is due, so plaan to busy myself with packing and tidying. And hopefully af wont show up and I can test. My lower back is completly killing me. And tummy hurts when I press it.
I was told today that I have 6 months to " get up the duff" wtf stupid lady.
err why on earth have you only 6mths DCS??!

:hi:bellablue! you were very lucky with No.1!! fx;ed its as quick this time!

toms, hope you just tested a bit too early :D xx
Thanks ladies ya i hope so to i dont chart or anything either so gonna give it my all that month lol and keep my legs in the air lol like i did with firt one AFTER doing it sorry tmi haha!

Fairy dust ladies!!!
Oh well toms mum, good luck for re-test on Friday! And happy birthday to Tom for tomorrow!

DCS that's crazy who says stuff like that?? Bellablue welcome and babydust to you!

We after saying we weren't trying this month we dtd last night anyway... if my cycle is regular straight after coming off the pill then I may have been in my fertile window. But I don't know, I'm not charting or anything so there's not way to know.
Its because she got pg when her lo was 2. Tbf I think she wss joking. P!ssed me right off tho.

Goodluck green lady.
Hows was los birthday toms mum?
IM not surprised it pissed u off!

Yeh good bday thanks, went swimming :)
Did another cheapy test this morn fmu.... Bfn. I'm 17dpo today so think I'm out, just waiting for af now in 5 days time! Bit confused though as Im getting very tingly nipples which is unusual for me, but This is my 1st cycle off the pill so prob just down to that!

How are you? X
17dpo!? and not due for another 5 days? are you sure your right about that? just normally people only have LP's of 14days max (ie. AF would turn up at 14dpo), sometimes a couple days longer/shorter but not that much, 22days sounds like a lot!

Therefore if you're wrong you might still be in with a chance!!

yuck...a pooey nappy calls me :wacko: xx
Caro.... It does sound confusing but when I came off the pill I had a 5 day withdrawl bleed, then a few days later I had what felt like ovulation symptoms.... Ive read that it's quite common for your body to spontaniously O with the drop in hormones from coming off the pill. If I did O then it would have been approx cd 8 which would give me a cycle day of 25, so it shoul have shown up as Bfp by now really as effectively I've missed my period from this O date.

If I didn't O then, and I O'd around the normal time then I just need to wait this next 5
days to see if A period shows up! IYKWIM! From this cycle I should be app 10dpo.

I'm not temping or opks yet as this is 1at cycle off pill so bound to be irregular, I will in a few months.

Sorry. If you're confused by all this :haha:
ooh no that makes sense! kinda what i was saying too. As you might only be more like 10dpo which would make more sense why AF hasn't shown up yet. I wonder if your body tried to O when you got symptoms on CD8 and actually didn't then.

Anyways lets hope either you get a bfp soon or at least your body gets back into a more regular cycle :) xx
Hopefully your still in with a chance then. Tomsmummy.
Well im magically feeling bettrr apart from my back ache. Trying to keep myself busy by finishing my xmas shopping so I dont over think things. Resisted the temptation to buy cheapies so far.
If I worked it out right ov was the 5th.... How soon can I test?
Hold on....finishing xmas present shopping :shock: omg i've not started yet!! :rofl:

I'd say earliest you can test is the 15th, but you'd prob be better off waiting until at least the 17th ;)
Thanks caro :)

Xmas shopping?!....omg! :haha:... I've not even thought that far yet!

Do you know how un/sensitive the cheapies are? X

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