***January 2020 Testing Thread***

Well, I’m out! Af decided to show up on time :(

Good luck this month ladies!!
So sorry Azure. :( Fingers crossed for next cycle.

CD5 here, AF has left the building and I have been as healthy as possible since CD1. Not that I didn't have a healthy lifestyle before, but now I'm taking it a step further and will not be consuming ANY alcohol or sugar this cycle, and go as low carb as possible

Also, I will only be having one small cup of coffee per day (as opposed to the 1 small + 1 big one I always had before). Went to the gym today and I just feel awesome.

I am SOOO determined to conceive this month. Been drinking a maca + flax seed + pumpkin seed shake every day and will continue to do so up until ovulation.

Forgot to add: I decided to go full crazy this month and also ordered the following: Rhodiola Rosea in capsule form (a herb that's supposed to be really good for your progesterone levels during the TWW), and three different organic "pregnancy/TTC teas" that contain a bunch of different good herbs that are supposed to be good for your cycle :-=

Send help.... :rofl:
So sorry Stacey, Azure and jelly bean! Fx for next cycle for you all!

@Pineberry hey can't hurt to try all the different things! I Hope it all works for you and you get that sticky bean!

@co_fostermom yay for the positive OPK!

AFM temp rise today so hopefully ovulated yesterday, just hoping my Luteal phase only being 9-10 days won't be an issue!
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Sorry Azure!

Pineberry I take like 20 different supplements a day (okay not really that many) so you are totally not to "full on crazy" yet :headspin::rofl: and now I have one more to add to the list lol. Never heard of that herb; will have to do some research!
Sorry Azure!

Pineberry I take like 20 different supplements a day (okay not really that many) so you are totally not to "full on crazy" yet :headspin::rofl: and now I have one more to add to the list lol. Never heard of that herb; will have to do some research!

Almost exactly what I was going to say to @Pineberry! I can’t even remember why I take half the supplements that I do at this point!
Ahh supplements... tell me about it girls. I just LOVE them somehow, makes me feel so good and "pro active" to be taking them \\:D/

My daily intake of vitamins include Magnesium, a B-vitamin complex (containing all B vitmains including folic acid), fish oil and cod liver oil (never both in the same day though), and every couple days I will add a collagen capsule that includes Qo10

And a few months ago I made my guy start taking a men´s vitamin complex + magnesium :mrgreen: He has been really good with taking them!

Unfortunately I just found out that the way we have been taking them was wrong (after dinner) and we may not have been absorbing the vitamins very well. Didnt know that B vitamins were water-soluble so now we are both taking them on an empty stomach in the morning
Just catching up. So sorry af got you @AzureOrchid. Best of luck for your next cycle. Also sorry to hear it didn't work out @jellybeanxx and @stacey1986. Hope your out of limbo soon. There's nothing worse when your body plays tricks on you. People say there's no such thing as false positives but with the amount I've had in the past that weren't even sqinters and came up in the time limit on pink, not blue dye tests I beg to differ. I hope everything works itself out for you both :hugs:

AFM, I think I'm 5dpo today, very possibly 6 but sticking with 5 by my chart. I'm not feeling too optimistic so far. Temps are not very high again and I would have ovulated a day later than normal by my opks. I'm almost convinced now that I have low progesterone and that's why I keep having chemicals, but no doctor I've spoke to will test me for it. The gynecologist I saw wants me to get bloods done Cd21 onwards so might hold off on that until 8dpo. That way if I manage to fall again and its another chemical I would hopefully have proof as she's put hcg down as one of the things shes testing for. Didn't feel like she was convinced about my chemicals as she had no proof and wants to check I'm ovulating. Felt like she didn't believe me and when I tried showing her my chart and pics of my tests it was like she weren't getting what I was explaining so I got really flustered in the end. :shrug: Anyway, will she how things go and I'm gonna start testing at 8dpo. I know it's early but have a stash of ic's just waiting to be used and I tend to get my first positive by 9dpo. Not sure I've really had any symptoms and guess it's too early anyway as my body wouldn't even officially be pregnant yet. Only things I've had so far is like a really mild period type ache low down pretty much from ovulation and I've felt really wet the last 2 days :shy: (sorry, tmi)
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@Laurabub84 it’s so frustrating when a doctor just doesn’t seem to take concerns seriously. I hope you can get answers soon. Best of luck for this cycle!

CD84 and I don’t even bother testing. No sign of AF today either.
Morning All, I hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Sorry to those that AF has shown and good luck to those waiting for BFPs.

I'm 3DPO - I finally ovulated a little later this month at CD13, which is so much better than the CD9-10 from the last couple month.

Other than taking my BBT and prenatal vitamin I'm not doing anything else this month. I've got a new craft project to focus on and so pregnancy hasn't been on my mind as much. We DTD every other day around fertile week but that is all. So i'm hoping that not by focusing on every last detail I can reduce stress and just let things happen.

Fingers crossed for everyone!!
I’m in the TWW of January, AF starts Friday, symptoms are sore nipples, twingies, this morning felt pulling in my uterus? Felt super uncomfortable it’s hard to explain, and sore breasts. Hoping to get a BFP but not gonna be surprised when it’s negative and AF starts lmao
@Laurabub84 it’s so frustrating when a doctor just doesn’t seem to take concerns seriously. I hope you can get answers soon. Best of luck for this cycle!

CD84 and I don’t even bother testing. No sign of AF today either.

Oh hun, I really feel for you. I've been so fortunate since July. That I've been reasonably regular and ovulated every cycle since. It's soul destroying waiting so long for nothing to be happening. Every cycle I get scared it will be a long one. Just because I didn't ovulate by cd18 on this one i already convinced myself of it even though I know I can ovulate anywhere from day 18-25. I still hate to look back at my charts when I was trying for my little girl. There so long. Have you been to the doctor? Is it a common thing for you to keep having such long cycles? The best mine could suggest for me was to go on the pill for 6 months to see if it would help regulate me. I couldn't bring myself to do it though. It's so unfair that something that should be so natural can be so hard. I've lost all excitement in trying now. Just constant dread that I won't ovulate and like you go months with nothing happening, that I won't fall if I do ovulate or that I will and will just lose it again. Part of me wishes I could just make my peace with it and give up but I want it too much. I hope so much for you that af will show her face for you so you can be out of such a long cycle and try again. Biggest of:hug:to you
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I’m in the TWW of January, AF starts Friday, symptoms are sore nipples, twingies, this morning felt pulling in my uterus? Felt super uncomfortable it’s hard to explain, and sore breasts. Hoping to get a BFP but not gonna be surprised when it’s negative and AF starts lmao

Good luck hon those symptoms sound hopful. I had those weird pulling sensations at around 5DPO and it is a hard feeling to explain. I also had the sore boobs. Good luck hon I hope this month is your month
@jellybeanxx oh hon I got so excited when I see that blue dye test. U cud see that line so clear. Why oh why wud they sell tests that give false lines it's so cruel. They shud be pulled from the shelf. I'm so sorry hon. Rooting for you to and wanna see I get that BFP so bad

@laurarebecca1 hi hon I'm really rooting for you to. [-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<
@Laurabub84 Sorry that the doctors are not listening to you. That ANNOYS me so much when a doctor thinks they know your body more than you do. Where I am at you can order your own progesterone test for like 49.00 dollars and get the results right to you. I did my own HCG tests with my last pregnancy as well for like $35 bucks to confirm it was rising appropriately before going to docs. I hope they are able to figure out what is happening with the 21 day bloods.

Good luck ladies who are testing soon. Hope to see some BFPS!
Oh hun, I really feel for you. I've been so fortunate since July. That I've been reasonably regular and ovulated every cycle since. It's soul destroying waiting so long for nothing to be happening. Every cycle I get scared it will be a long one. Just because I didn't ovulate by cd18 on this one i already convinced myself of it even though I know I can ovulate anywhere from day 18-25. I still hate to look back at my charts when I was trying for my little girl. There so long. Have you been to the doctor? Is it a common thing for you to keep having such long cycles? The best mine could suggest for me was to go on the pill for 6 months to see if it would help regulate me. I couldn't bring myself to do it though. It's so unfair that something that should be so natural can be so hard. I've lost all excitement in trying now. Just constant dread that I won't ovulate and like you go months with nothing happening, that I won't fall if I do ovulate or that I will and will just lose it again. Part of me wishes I could just make my peace with it and give up but I want it too much. I hope so much for you that af will show her face for you so you can be out of such a long cycle and try again. Biggest of:hug:to you

I know exactly what you mean about wishing you could just give up but wanting it too much. Hopefully we’ll both get there soon!
I’ve always had problems conceiving, mostly because of not ovulating. However with my first two, as soon as I started ovulating, I got pregnant with them.
This time, I’ve had a few ovulatory cycles and 3 chemicals. After one long cycle at the start of last year, they’d been mostly ovulatory and regular until this one!
I’m on metformin again for the PCOS but the doctors won’t do much else as I’ve got two children. I’d have to go private and that would cost a fortune. We’re considering it though. I’m waiting for this cycle to end so I can try soy isoflavones and then we’ll see what happens!
Well, no confirmed ovulation after a short surge so...onto to AF and the next cycle.
I know exactly what you mean about wishing you could just give up but wanting it too much. Hopefully we’ll both get there soon!
I’ve always had problems conceiving, mostly because of not ovulating. However with my first two, as soon as I started ovulating, I got pregnant with them.
This time, I’ve had a few ovulatory cycles and 3 chemicals. After one long cycle at the start of last year, they’d been mostly ovulatory and regular until this one!
I’m on metformin again for the PCOS but the doctors won’t do much else as I’ve got two children. I’d have to go private and that would cost a fortune. We’re considering it though. I’m waiting for this cycle to end so I can try soy isoflavones and then we’ll see what happens!

I would have to go private too and due to finances it's not really an option unfortunately. I struggled to conceive with my last 2 due to the same. More so my last baby. If I hadn't have charted I wouldn't have seen. We tried 16 months with her and I didn't ovulate once in all that time. My cycles were pretty much every three months and not once did my charts show ovulation. I never thought it would happen until I tried agnus castus as I'd read so many story's about women falling pregnant. I couldn't believe it worked for me. I tried it a while back when I wasnt ovulating again but the brand I used is no longer avaliable and the one I tried did nothing. We've been trying a year now for this one but this is actually only my 6th attempt due to a really long cycle after my first chemical, and with that I didn't ovulate until cd55 or something like that so I wasn't really surprised it wasn't a viable pregnancy. But it's happened another 3 times. Ironically out of the 6 trys so far I've been pregnant 4. So we clearly have no problem falling pregnant, but somethings clearly not right that I can't stay pregnant. It's so frustrating and really is taking its toll now emotionally. But nothing to do but just keep trying and holding on to the hope that it will. I had the theory that maybe I can't carry boys and these last pregnancy's have all been boys. I hate the not knowing. Especially if its something that could be easily fixed. I just can't ever imagine my tests getting darker anymore. I need to learn to hold off testing until af but I don't have the willpower :dohh:

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