January Jellybeans 2013!...

If she is your true friend she would say congrats and be happy for you regardless of her situation!!
I think your friend can be sad for herself if that is what she is feeling, but that is not your issue. She should be happy for you as that really has nothing to do with her. Hopefully she will come around!

Yes. I second that. I think perhaps it might take her a little bit (even though it shouldn't) Sometimes things can be very painful and despite the fact that we shouldn't hold our lives upsets against those who have happiness, it does happen. My hopes are that she will come around after dealing with her feelings and if she doesn't, then she honestly wasn't a good enough friend. :hugs:
It has taken me a whole day to catch up! Congrats to all the great scans and anyone new.

AFM, the bright red spotting still continues, over the weekend it was a little less but today I had it 3 times already. I am not really sure what to think. Since I had it the first time and had a scan, it has not changed and the doctor said as long as it does not get worst, not to worry at this time. I have my 7w scan tomorrow, one I can't believe I will be 7 weeks tomorrow and two I am soooo nervous and scared. I think someone said it well, worst then my wedding day. I bought a set of onesies and I hang them up in my bedroom. It make me feel a little better that I have something for the baby. I just hope all is ok and that I get more answers about the spotting tomorrow. Praying for a strong heartbeat. I think several other people have scans tomorrow, good luck!

I am also in real need of some maternity pants as nothing is comfortable on the belly. I think I may run out tonight to see if I can find something. Good night all!

i hope everything turns out well tomarrow!
Today has been rough. I've been fighting throwing up all day. I thought the MS was starting to ease up or at least be somewhat manageable. Yesterday was a bad day but today I just know I'm going to be sick at any moment. :cry: I know it's a good thing but a month straight of every single day all day nausea has gotten to me. I can't even ride in the car. I've been stuck in my house for a month. I can't cook, clean, do anything. When I went to the doctor she told me don't worry it won't last forever. I'm trying to hang in there but I think everyone reaches that point. Not to mention that I have a 3 year old to take care of. :nope: I need some relief.

Try diff mere with your doctor, I got some new ones that kind of work. Lol

I was messaging a friend of mine yesterday that I haven't spoken to in a while. I knew a long time ago she wanted children when she was getting married in her late 30's but the marriage ended before they started trying (she discovered he cheated throughout the engagement). She is probably early 40's now and I don't know her situation at the moment, last I heard she is still single. She asked how I am and I told her very tired and that I'm pregnant. She read the message and never responded. I feel awful now, we used to be closer but we live far apart now and have grown apart and maybe she's been upset she has never had a baby and I've put my foot in it. :cry:

There's no doubt that I'm sure shes happy for you and I think she will come around eventually and say congrats. But she's obviously feeling a little sorry for herself at the moment and that's ok because she isn't in a position where she can have a baby when she so obviously wants one. So hearing other pregnancy announcements is hard. I have friends on BnB who I've been friends with for years and some still haven't congratulated me, even tho it's obvious via my siggy. Trust me I know it feels crap when they wont. But we must be sympathetic to the pain others having babies put some people in and just wait and the congratulations will come.

Sassy mom wrote it better a couple posts back^^^^
Thanks everyone for your advice. She's always on Facebook holding other friends babies so I figured she was more resilient but you're all right, she will come around if she's a true friend. I just felt bad ya know? Although I also figure if she really wanted to settle down with a man and start a family she'd quit partying like she does lol
Thanks everyone for your advice. She's always on Facebook holding other friends babies so I figured she was more resilient but you're all right, she will come around if she's a true friend. I just felt bad ya know? Although I also figure if she really wanted to settle down with a man and start a family she'd quit partying like she does lol

You'll find that most people who get really upset when they see other people pregnant honestly only have that pang of jealousy with pregnancy. Whenever i saw a pregnant woman i was just so sad for myself, when i heard a friend was pregnant i would wallow in sadness for days, it was always a 1000 times easier when they had actually given birth. I never had a problem with newborns or kids, they didn't make me sad at all, only pregnant women. You'll find most women are like this (tho not all).

i do get slightly annoyed with people who are like "i want a baby" and get depressed that they don't have one but then don't even try to get one. They just sit at home feeling sorry for themselves. It's like women and dieting, they hate their bodies, hate their diets and hate themselves yet choose to just complain about it and do absolutely nothing about it. lol
I've been feeling little flutters or even what feels like a roll.. I thought I was crazy, but if you guys think you're feeling it too..... We can't all be crazy!! :rofl:
I told my parents about the pregnancy so now all parents, bffs and siblings know so everybody else can just figure it out on their own. Already my Mom is freaking out, I told her we did some painting and tidying up to day and she said "you need to be careful! Stop doing so many things and relax!" But I can't just sit and do nothing, I'm very careful to not over-exert myself.
Thanks everyone for your advice. She's always on Facebook holding other friends babies so I figured she was more resilient but you're all right, she will come around if she's a true friend. I just felt bad ya know? Although I also figure if she really wanted to settle down with a man and start a family she'd quit partying like she does lol

You'll find that most people who get really upset when they see other people pregnant honestly only have that pang of jealousy with pregnancy. Whenever i saw a pregnant woman i was just so sad for myself, when i heard a friend was pregnant i would wallow in sadness for days, it was always a 1000 times easier when they had actually given birth. I never had a problem with newborns or kids, they didn't make me sad at all, only pregnant women. You'll find most women are like this (tho not all).

i do get slightly annoyed with people who are like "i want a baby" and get depressed that they don't have one but then don't even try to get one. They just sit at home feeling sorry for themselves. It's like women and dieting, they hate their bodies, hate their diets and hate themselves yet choose to just complain about it and do absolutely nothing about it. lol

That makes sense. I guess because I had my first children so young I never really experienced that myself.

I have another gf in her early 40's who spends so much time trying to be friends with guys (fishing and rugby etc) yet she wants a bf and a baby desperately but can't understand why she can't get a guy. It's like.. well.. they see you as one of the boys lol. They don't develop romantic feelings for a chick who tries too hard to be one of the blokes.
I've been feeling little flutters or even what feels like a roll.. I thought I was crazy, but if you guys think you're feeling it too..... We can't all be crazy!! :rofl:

I honestly think a lot of women feel it this early but they're too scared to admit it to other women who all attack and say it's too soon.

If you google women reporting early movement on forums like this (I'm not saying this one in particular, I think people are much nicer here) but some sites the women get real nasty and say no way it's gas you need to fart etc.
I swear I've felt flutterings already as well. It's felt comparable to a little tickle or someone giving me butterfly kisses on my skin.
I have been a little out of the loop this week. With dh gone its been a rough week...I worry that my sadness will impact my little bean. I am busy with work and whatnot but randomly think on my husband and tear up or when people ask how I'm doing, how our twin girls are doing, or where he is at in the country I start to melt. I don't want a sad bean! I'm blessed that he's only deployed for 4 1/2 months but his job will put him in harms way...he flys rescue missions and supports soldiers in combat situations. I'm terrified but try to remain positive. Before this pregnancy, after losing the last two, a close family friend (whose dh deployed with mine) mentioned another gal was talking about possibly trying to get pregnant before her husband was deployed. Our friend's feelings were (luckily she only told me this and not the other gal) that she should wait till he returned...because its "always the expectant woman's husband that gets injured/killed in action".

Ok...enough of that.

All you ladies talking of food makes me gag haha. Melted cheese...steak...beer...blech. Sweets no thanks.
I've been trying soups, basic food, and yogurt. Had to resort to getting a prescription for zofran so I could function. Even on that there are times I'm ready for another dose after only a few hours. It helps though!
Good luck to all having scans today!

Has anybody brought anything baby-related yet?
Good Luck ladies with the scans today (only 7 more sleeps until I hopefully see my baby) :happydance:

Sorry I was MIA yesterday but I have just caught up with all your posts but now can't remember who my replies apply to :dohh:

I did the cabbage predictor and mine was a gorgeous purple colour, also to make sure I got one of my boys to do it and his was red - my hubby thought I had finally lost my marbles:haha:

Jrow - So pleased that everything is okay, I can't believe how quick you got scanned that's amazing:flower:

Darkstar - I'm sure your friend will come round :hugs:

Mammas - Do you mean cheese and chocolate together? - we have a spread that is cheese and chocolate I have tried it - it is so weird but kids love it:winkwink:

Sassy - I hope you feel better soon, that m/s has really gotten a hold of you :hugs:

Ducky Twins - What a novel way to announce, I haven't made my announcement on fb yet (I only got to say the sad news last time) I think we are waiting until 12 weeks to announce on fb :happydance:

Alann - I know what you mean I'm not actually craving anything (sometimes I have difficulty even making the tea as there's nothing I fancy):dohh: If I see something tho (like pickles:haha:) I have to have it NOW!!!!

Jch - Congrats on your scan pic :flower:

Sonia - I have :blush: I have bought a mothercare spin pram (it was such a bargain they cost over £650 new) so we got one that had been used twice for £120 of e-bay :happydance::happydance:

Well ladies I think I have caught up now, I am still very worried I am hoping today to book in with my MW and hoping she can alleviate some of my fears.:wacko: (it doesn't help though that some of the professionals are cocking up left right and centre :growlmad:)

Looking forward to hearing about more scans.


Ducky that pic is adorable! Gorgeous way to tell family etc <3

Is anyone else having a problem with foods leaving horrible tastes in your mouth? I am having this problem and it only increases the urge to :sick:. If I brush my teeth, it makes me gag which nearly makes me lose everything in my stomach. Oh come on 2nd trimester!!!!!!

Last week I had an awful metallic taste in my mouth I couldn't rid of for days. I couldn't drink water because it tasted like metal so I was drinking different juices instead. I did find it hard to enjoy food.
Brushing my teeth does that to me as well, I hate doing it now. I'm paranoid about keeping my teeth clean though, my mother lost all her teeth when she was pregnant with me and got dentures at age 23!

My dentist told me after Silas that pregnancy doesn't damage the teeth as such, its the gums that become vunerable. I got recession in two places during my last pregnancy and already getting bleeding gums when I brush. Last time I was sick nearly everytime for most of the first tri when I brushed my teeth, but have been lucky enough to escape it this time :)

Sea bands helped me as my bad MS last time tapered off. I kept being sick at work but no one clicked I was pregnant!

darkstar - craving red meat is a sign you may need a wee iron boost, I felt like it yesterday and cooked a little roast. I felt I had low iron fairly on and now I'm taking 10mm of floradix everyday and it is AMAZING. I think it's giving me the only energy I have. Sounds really rough about your friend :(, I've met a lot of LTTTC ladies on here and many of them can find pregnancy of their friends/family extremely difficult. It's not your fault...you should be able to talk about current issues with your friends. :hugs:

babydust04 - LOVE your pregnancy annoucement status :haha:, and snowangel yours is brilliant too...I was just going to put a scan pic up at some point with no explanation (I did with DS and had a friend ask if it was real or I'd done it in photoshop hahahaha)

JCh - congrats on your scan pic! Great to see another healthy beanie.

I didn't think you could feel the baby really before the 2nd tri, but yeah, definately depends on the woman and how in tune with your body you are. I definately started feeling movement at around 14 weeks last time and thought that was very early for a first. Excited for that feeling again! I still can't believe I'm pregnant, really am!!!

Welcome ShelbyLC!

Anyone else sling their LO? I just cannot WAIT to sling a newborn <3, this is DS on my back over the gorgeous hot weather. I'm wondering how long into the pregnancy I will be able to carry him.

I bought some maternity clothes in a sale and got some spiderman newborn socks when we were TTC as OH couldn't leave them on the shelf :haha:, we are great big nerds. I have a few girly bits from last time as we were team yellow and I picked little pieces of both gender up. :)


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Hi shelby that's really close to my due date :)

I haven't bought anything yet but I've been window shopping!
I've been window shopping like crazy! I have been given some vouchers for a baby shop that need using by June 15, which is a week and a bit before by 12 week scan. Not sure whether to use them as don't want to jinx it. I tend to get really anxious before my scans x
I love this thread! So much love going on! So excited to see the new scans. :) I have found a little relief. I tried to eat dinner and got down most of it but couldn't stand the nausea anymore so I told DH I was going to take a shower. Took a shower, grabbed my laptop, and laid down on my back slightly propped up wrapped in a big fluffy towel in bed. The nausea has subsided enough to give me some relief. DH also made me a warm cup of peppermint tea ... hee hee ... He put it in my "New Mommy" mug that I had when I was pregnant with DD. :haha:

I was wondering if any of you ladies who are 9+ weeks or even those of you who are perhaps on baby 3+ ... how early could you feel the baby move? Right before I go to sleep (some nights) I swear it feels like the baby moving. VERY TINY feeling but I remember what that felt like from DD. I know at my u/s the tech said she saw the baby moving and was trying to capture it again for me. I don't feel it every night but it has been a couple times very recently. I know it isn't gas. What do you ladies think? Is it possible??:shrug:

I have felt something similar on 2 of the past 3 nights. Just once each time, like bubbles popping, not gas either, just like with DS, but didn't feel that until 11 weeks with him. Keep thinking it must be my imagination!

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