January Jellybeans 2013!...

Re. the placenta discussion I saw a programme ages ago about a women who takes women's placentas and turns them into health capsules for them to take. There was also someone (might have been the same woman, but I can't remember) who made the umbilical cords into heartshaped ornaments you could hang in your house. Urgh!
*TMI ALERT* What ever happened to getting constipated? My digestive system has me going to the bathroom at least 3 times a day. :/

:haha: I know how you feel. I think for the most part as long as long as your getting enough fluids you won't be constipated. I was hardly constipated with my daughter and haven't been so far *knock on wood* with jb.
Ok this is a vent and a real whine so please feel free to skip if you like, I just have to get it off my chest. I love my OH but he's driving me nuts.
Its winter here and its cold outside. On top of nasal congestion I suffer from hayfever and if I spend time outdoors I end up with flu symptoms from the pollen in the air. Our weather reports do not cover pollen counts like some countries do so I have no idea when is high pollen or low pollen count days to avoid the worst of it, and being pregnant I can't take the usual pills I take at this time of year to reduce it. I generally break out in rashes all over my face too which takes ages to clear, and the itching I get with it is awful, it makes me look diseased so I avoid spending time outdoors gardening when I feel my hayfever niggling so this rash doesn't flair up. Last time it flared up I ended up at a dermotologist in tears because I was tired of people asking me what was wrong with my face. I work part-time from home as well as doing all the house work and we're on a limited budget since my income is minimal, plus I still have days when I feel tired and really not up to going out for the sake of going out and OH tells me he is worried I spend too much time at home! Grrrr. He keeps going on about how I need to leave the house more. To do what? We live in a new area, its 20 minutes drive away to the nearest decent shops, the nearest baby store is hours away so its not like I can fill in time doing that and I don't know anyone in this area to visit (we've been here three weeks).
He comes home from work and asks if I "went out today". Does he want me to go and have an affair or something just so I'll get out and about? Sheesh. Some guys would be thankful their wife isn't out compulsive shopping or wasting money on lattes. He knows I'm not the social type and I enjoy my own company, I'm not someone that needs to be with others constantly and he admits that he is the same way so I thought he understood that its not unhealthy for me if I don't leave the house.
I might sign up to to some pregnancy pilates classes to shut him up, I've been wanting to do it anyway so I'll spend some money on that lol. And here I was thinking I was being nice and helpful saving money for the land we're purchasing and making sure his dinner was on the table when he gets home
Ok this is a vent and a real whine so please feel free to skip if you like, I just have to get it off my chest. I love my OH but he's driving me nuts.
Its winter here and its cold outside. On top of nasal congestion I suffer from hayfever and if I spend time outdoors I end up with flu symptoms from the pollen in the air. Our weather reports do not cover pollen counts like some countries do so I have no idea when is high pollen or low pollen count days to avoid the worst of it, and being pregnant I can't take the usual pills I take at this time of year to reduce it. I generally break out in rashes all over my face too which takes ages to clear, and the itching I get with it is awful, it makes me look diseased so I avoid spending time outdoors gardening when I feel my hayfever niggling so this rash doesn't flair up. Last time it flared up I ended up at a dermotologist in tears because I was tired of people asking me what was wrong with my face. I work part-time from home as well as doing all the house work and we're on a limited budget since my income is minimal, plus I still have days when I feel tired and really not up to going out for the sake of going out and OH tells me he is worried I spend too much time at home! Grrrr. He keeps going on about how I need to leave the house more. To do what? We live in a new area, its 20 minutes drive away to the nearest decent shops, the nearest baby store is hours away so its not like I can fill in time doing that and I don't know anyone in this area to visit (we've been here three weeks).
He comes home from work and asks if I "went out today". Does he want me to go and have an affair or something just so I'll get out and about? Sheesh. Some guys would be thankful their wife isn't out compulsive shopping or wasting money on lattes. He knows I'm not the social type and I enjoy my own company, I'm not someone that needs to be with others constantly and he admits that he is the same way so I thought he understood that its not unhealthy for me if I don't leave the house.
I might sign up to to some pregnancy pilates classes to shut him up, I've been wanting to do it anyway so I'll spend some money on that lol. And here I was thinking I was being nice and helpful saving money for the land we're purchasing and making sure his dinner was on the table when he gets home

I'm exactly like you, I'm a home bug! I'm sorry he doesn't understand that you just prefer it this way. He is worried for you though, so that is nice. Try to be positive and go out but with the proper precautions. :hugs: I have the same problem but not with hubby, his family is always asking What I could possibly be doing at the apartment all day and losing my time... BLAH! I can't really care for them right now. Once you have the baby nobody will ask you to go out because you will have to take care of baby. It will be better then. :hugs:
I ordered some really cute bump stickers from etsy and they arrived today! The first one is 16 weeks...can't wait to take a picture next week!!!
Ok this is a vent and a real whine so please feel free to skip if you like, I just have to get it off my chest. I love my OH but he's driving me nuts.
Its winter here and its cold outside. On top of nasal congestion I suffer from hayfever and if I spend time outdoors I end up with flu symptoms from the pollen in the air. Our weather reports do not cover pollen counts like some countries do so I have no idea when is high pollen or low pollen count days to avoid the worst of it, and being pregnant I can't take the usual pills I take at this time of year to reduce it. I generally break out in rashes all over my face too which takes ages to clear, and the itching I get with it is awful, it makes me look diseased so I avoid spending time outdoors gardening when I feel my hayfever niggling so this rash doesn't flair up. Last time it flared up I ended up at a dermotologist in tears because I was tired of people asking me what was wrong with my face. I work part-time from home as well as doing all the house work and we're on a limited budget since my income is minimal, plus I still have days when I feel tired and really not up to going out for the sake of going out and OH tells me he is worried I spend too much time at home! Grrrr. He keeps going on about how I need to leave the house more. To do what? We live in a new area, its 20 minutes drive away to the nearest decent shops, the nearest baby store is hours away so its not like I can fill in time doing that and I don't know anyone in this area to visit (we've been here three weeks).
He comes home from work and asks if I "went out today". Does he want me to go and have an affair or something just so I'll get out and about? Sheesh. Some guys would be thankful their wife isn't out compulsive shopping or wasting money on lattes. He knows I'm not the social type and I enjoy my own company, I'm not someone that needs to be with others constantly and he admits that he is the same way so I thought he understood that its not unhealthy for me if I don't leave the house.
I might sign up to to some pregnancy pilates classes to shut him up, I've been wanting to do it anyway so I'll spend some money on that lol. And here I was thinking I was being nice and helpful saving money for the land we're purchasing and making sure his dinner was on the table when he gets home

I'm exactly like you, I'm a home bug! I'm sorry he doesn't understand that you just prefer it this way. He is worried for you though, so that is nice. Try to be positive and go out but with the proper precautions. :hugs: I have the same problem but not with hubby, his family is always asking What I could possibly be doing at the apartment all day and losing my time... BLAH! I can't really care for them right now. Once you have the baby nobody will ask you to go out because you will have to take care of baby. It will be better then. :hugs:

Thank you for understanding :) He is a therapist so he's used to dealing with people with depression etc so I think he over-analyses sometimes but I know its only because he cares. When I was working full time and stressed with stupid coworkers and bosses he worried then too, can't win :wacko:
I had my 15 week midwife appointment today. It was all a bit boring and felt a bit rushed. Didn't get to hear the heartbeat. Wasn't really expect too, but secretly hoped I would. I got all my 9 week blood test results back and one of them has been bothering me slightly. It was my glucose one which came back at 6.8. She said that 7 is normally the cut of point, but it has me worried as both my parents are Type 2 diabetic. She said they could do another random blood test, but didn't say when or if I actually should. I had been eating a lot of polo mints at the time to help with the morning sickeness so maybe it was in response to that, but I can't help worrying. I think worrying has become my new pastime, which is strange because I was very chilled out the first 12 weeks. I am going to blame it on feeling so rubbish for so long.

Usually 28 weeks is the norm for glucose testing. I guess that's when everything is at its peak in pregnancy. But I def think u should try to semi control your diet and be sure u ask for the second test. Diabetes in pregnancy is def not fun to deal with. :hugs:
I just dug out my daughter and sons ultrasound results. With both of them I didn't have scans until 17/18 weeks and that was the only scan the whole pregnancy so I can't directly compare sizes of the babies, I was thinking that could have been interesting.

I read up on the skull theory and thought I could compare skull shots of all the babies to figure out what sex this one might be and can you believe it, not a single side profile shot of my other kids at all. What the heck?

My sons heartbeat was 130bpm, my daughters was 147bpm and this baby is 146bpm. I know the heartbeats are supposed to be an old wives tale but maybe it means something for each mothers pregnancy? My babies skull looks female shaped don't you think? :thumbup:

Chinese calendar and the baking soda test say boy though.

Waiting to know the sex is killing me :dohh:


  • 12 weeks 2.jpg
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Darkstar - I'm sorry you are dealing with that. I agree that I think he is worried for you. If there was a way you could make him understand that his constant nagging is driving you crazy maybe he would lay off.

DH will ask if I took DD anywhere ... or if we went here or there. I just stare at him like he is stupid now. I can't leave the house because my ms has been so bad. I can do a little on the weekend and that is about all I can do. Even then it is so limited because everything sets me off. When I do go out he says I'm glad to see you out. I try and understand that he just hates that we have to sit in the nice air conditioned house without puking everywhere instead of being in the hot sun melting away being sick .... :haha: ... I do understand how frustrating it can be. Hopefully he will get the picture and zip it and let you relax.
I just dug out my daughter and sons ultrasound results. With both of them I didn't have scans until 17/18 weeks and that was the only scan the whole pregnancy so I can't directly compare sizes of the babies, I was thinking that could have been interesting.

I read up on the skull theory and thought I could compare skull shots of all the babies to figure out what sex this one might be and can you believe it, not a single side profile shot of my other kids at all. What the heck?

My sons heartbeat was 130bpm, my daughters was 147bpm and this baby is 146bpm. I know the heartbeats are supposed to be an old wives tale but maybe it means something for each mothers pregnancy? My babies skull looks female shaped don't you think? :thumbup:

Chinese calendar and the baking soda test say boy though.

Waiting to know the sex is killing me :dohh:

I can't tell enough between a boy and girl to make a guess based on the skull theory. I can't use that theory because the picture I have the baby is rolling or doing something crazy and you can't really see any definite shot of the head.
Darkstar - I'm sorry you are dealing with that. I agree that I think he is worried for you. If there was a way you could make him understand that his constant nagging is driving you crazy maybe he would lay off.

DH will ask if I took DD anywhere ... or if we went here or there. I just stare at him like he is stupid now. I can't leave the house because my ms has been so bad. I can do a little on the weekend and that is about all I can do. Even then it is so limited because everything sets me off. When I do go out he says I'm glad to see you out. I try and understand that he just hates that we have to sit in the nice air conditioned house without puking everywhere instead of being in the hot sun melting away being sick .... :haha: ... I do understand how frustrating it can be. Hopefully he will get the picture and zip it and let you relax.

I hope so too! We usually grocery shop together on weekends but he insisted i go alone today while he's at work so I "get out and about, it will be good for you!" I almost kicked him in the nuts, usually he likes shopping together so he gets his junk food.
I thought he'd be more understanding because he knows I hate cold weather. Men are just frustrating.
I just dug out my daughter and sons ultrasound results. With both of them I didn't have scans until 17/18 weeks and that was the only scan the whole pregnancy so I can't directly compare sizes of the babies, I was thinking that could have been interesting.

I read up on the skull theory and thought I could compare skull shots of all the babies to figure out what sex this one might be and can you believe it, not a single side profile shot of my other kids at all. What the heck?

My sons heartbeat was 130bpm, my daughters was 147bpm and this baby is 146bpm. I know the heartbeats are supposed to be an old wives tale but maybe it means something for each mothers pregnancy? My babies skull looks female shaped don't you think? :thumbup:

Chinese calendar and the baking soda test say boy though.

Waiting to know the sex is killing me :dohh:

I can't tell enough between a boy and girl to make a guess based on the skull theory. I can't use that theory because the picture I have the baby is rolling or doing something crazy and you can't really see any definite shot of the head.

With boys the forehead is supposed to slop backwards. I got myself all excited to dig up the other kids ones but I guess the technology wasn't so good back then and the pictures are terrible. And I never had NT ones back then as it didn't exist so there are no good side profile shots of the head. God I feel old lol.
Bump stickers are round stickers that list a number for how many week you are... Like the monthly stickers they make for babies. I got a set that are black grey and purple si I can wear them on my purple maternity tee each time I take a pic :) here's the link to what I got...https://www.etsy.com/listing/95679847/12-weekly-pregnancy-mama-to-be-maternity?ref=cat_gallery_39
Darkstar - I'm sorry you are dealing with that. I agree that I think he is worried for you. If there was a way you could make him understand that his constant nagging is driving you crazy maybe he would lay off.

DH will ask if I took DD anywhere ... or if we went here or there. I just stare at him like he is stupid now. I can't leave the house because my ms has been so bad. I can do a little on the weekend and that is about all I can do. Even then it is so limited because everything sets me off. When I do go out he says I'm glad to see you out. I try and understand that he just hates that we have to sit in the nice air conditioned house without puking everywhere instead of being in the hot sun melting away being sick .... :haha: ... I do understand how frustrating it can be. Hopefully he will get the picture and zip it and let you relax.

I hope so too! We usually grocery shop together on weekends but he insisted i go alone today while he's at work so I "get out and about, it will be good for you!" I almost kicked him in the nuts, usually he likes shopping together so he gets his junk food.
I thought he'd be more understanding because he knows I hate cold weather. Men are just frustrating.

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh man!!!! I laughed so hard when you said you almost kicked him in the nuts. :haha::haha: But really you would think he would think about you not wanting to be out in the cold. Men are very frustrating!!! :hugs::hugs:
Bump stickers are round stickers that list a number for how many week you are... Like the monthly stickers they make for babies. I got a set that are black grey and purple si I can wear them on my purple maternity tee each time I take a pic :) here's the link to what I got...https://www.etsy.com/listing/95679847/12-weekly-pregnancy-mama-to-be-maternity?ref=cat_gallery_39

those are really cute!!
Thank you! I was like a little kid at Christmas waiting for the envelope to come in the mail!
Jcpennies had sale on maternity jeans...i got a really cute pair for 8 bucks! They actually make my chunk legs look skinny lol. I kinda wanna wear them all the time now, so comfortable!
Hi girls.

Once again i'm sorry for being so absent lately.

When i went on holidays we had alot of dramas with the pregnancy with bleeding and what not and i didn't really want to come on here and post all about it because i didn't want to freak anyone on here out and i also just didn't want to talk about it and relive it all. So i've really hidden myself away in my journal mostly and don't venture out often. But i know the team blues and team pinks are going to be popping up very soon so i'll try check daily again.

So since my hiatus i had a list of updates for post one and also a few people PMd me. So whatever has happened between then and now i've completely missed so please update me with further changes that haven't been done.

These are the ones i have done
DATE CHANGES - please note date changes are a pain if i change it only to have to change it back because your doc wants to keep the original date, so pretty please be sure it's a permanent change when you ask me to change it.
Lauren021406 5th-2nd
Claireb86 6th-5th January
Nikkilewis14 23rd-19th
CT1 2nd-1stJan
gingermango jan 4th-7th
MissMummy2Be 16th Jan
Lillian33 Jan 8th

DittyByrd jan 16th
LeeLouClare jan 12th
Loub127 Jan 3rd
zoeelouisee Jan 8th
TMT2012plus1 jan 22nd

AllieIA yellow
duckytwins yellow
katieb yellow

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