*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

With my pelvis the way it is I don't think we cud dtd, I keep getting this pain that comes on I think it's to do with how she's laid, it makes it so I can't move my right leg, I went over to to the kitchen earlier and it came on, then it took me 15 minutes to walk bk across the lounge and up the stairs because I have to move my good leg and then sort of swizzle and drag my good leg but if I use any muscles or try to lift it I get this pain tear thru my abdomen and back I then have to sit down and wait for it to go. I think if I go for a wee it helps probably giving her a bit more room to move. I can't imagine what it's guna be like when she drops down and engages. Got the physio on Friday again but it's typical that every time I go I'm having a good day and they never really see what I'm like in every day, I'm at the stage where I have to help my right leg up onto the bed or sofa with my hand otherwise if I use the muscles to move it up I feel like something will tear (which I no it won't but that's how it feels).

I have been advised against things like epo and rlt because I have been told I'm at a slightly increased risk of waters breaking early and a quick labour. I guess il just have to try the general stuff like walking (if I can) and gym ball. I'm pretty convinced she's really comfy in there and is in for the long haul so me and her will be having words when I'm 38 weeks. Would my midwife agree to a sweep on my due date? I obviously don't have a medical reason for it other than the spd but I'm hoping she will oblige, maybe even a sweep at 39 and a few days because iv heard the first sweep rarely works. I'm so over being pregnant lol
Why do they think your waters may go early, or that you could have a quick labour? RLT helps speed up the second phase (the pushing part!) and that's not a bad thing to get some help with! I think you're automatically offered a sweep with baby no1 at 40w anyway, no harm in asking for it a little early, the worst they can say is no!
Congrats ladies on even more babies!

Are there many of us due at the end of Jan?
only 9 days left until I hit 37 weeks yay!
as much as id love for him to stay in as long as possible im so uncomfy now :( my pelvis feels like its burning away everytime I move and he's so low I feel like he's going to fall out at any time!
good news though- last scan hopefully on tues for his kidney and still hoping for another all clear! Fingers crossed :) x
They've said waters going early and quick labour is due to the joint hypermobility because it's all to do with the collagen. They have said as it's baby number 1 they don't know how quick it will go, could be super quick so me doing anything to speed it up could make it dangerous and not get into hospital or have her on the way there, they just don't no how quick it cud go, or it cud be a normal slow labour, too many unknowns.
Good to no they offer sweep at 40 weeks anyway so I might ask for them to do it a bit earlier, depending on the house move, we should have a date by then so I can maybe try n work it out around that
I went in today for reduced movement and got sent home to get my bags. I'm just on the ward now waiting to be induced.
Congrats ladies on even more babies!

Are there many of us due at the end of Jan?
only 9 days left until I hit 37 weeks yay!
as much as id love for him to stay in as long as possible im so uncomfy now :( my pelvis feels like its burning away everytime I move and he's so low I feel like he's going to fall out at any time!
good news though- last scan hopefully on tues for his kidney and still hoping for another all clear! Fingers crossed :) x

Sorry to hear your pelvis is giving you grief :hugs: not long to go now! Fx'd all goes well at your next scan x

They've said waters going early and quick labour is due to the joint hypermobility because it's all to do with the collagen. They have said as it's baby number 1 they don't know how quick it will go, could be super quick so me doing anything to speed it up could make it dangerous and not get into hospital or have her on the way there, they just don't no how quick it cud go, or it cud be a normal slow labour, too many unknowns.
Good to no they offer sweep at 40 weeks anyway so I might ask for them to do it a bit earlier, depending on the house move, we should have a date by then so I can maybe try n work it out around that

Ahh right ok. Maybe best to not do the CSO then! RLT should be started from around 32w anyway for it to be effective x

I went in today for reduced movement and got sent home to get my bags. I'm just on the ward now waiting to be induced.

OMG BB :shock: is everything ok with the baby, were they able to find him on the trace ok? I presume they've decided to induce as this isn't the first time you've had RFM is it? Hope everything's ok, let us know how you get on x
Yes his trace was fine. I think it's because his growth scan wasn't great last time and the fact that his movements have reduced. They are extra cautious with antiphospholipid syndrome.
All the best bb!!!!! Look forward to hearing of the safe arrival of your wee bundle! Will be thinking of you!!!
BB, hope all is going ok and please update when you can. Fx for the quick arrival of your LO.
Just been hooked up to the monitors for 20-30 minutes. Typically he's sleepy so got to try and wake him up. She's then going to check my cervix. If it's favourable I'll have my waters broken and if not I'll have the pessary and be checked every 6 hours.

I'll keep updating my journal when I can.
Good luck Bb. Part of me would love to go to my next appointment on the 5th and for them to say let's get going, I'm very impatient that way but I no we don't have the room for a baby in this house and it wud be a massive inconvenience, also obviously the longer she's in there The better. I'm just impatient and fed up of.being uncomfortable and in pain. I just keep telling myself that every day done is another day closer to it being over. I have a busy day tomorrow so I'm guessing il be in a bit of pain, then dentist for a chipped tooth Tuesday then physio Friday so I think this week will fly by. I have 2 days to myself where I'm determined to finish my blanket, iv done 49 squares in a few different colours then edged them in white and then I need to attach them all together to make a 7 by 7 square blanket and can add more squares at a later date to make it bigger but I got fed up of making the squares lol. I want to crochet a monkey and then another snuggle blanket next.
Good luck BB, I've subscribed to your journal for regular updates. I'm nosey like that :lol:

INMT, sounds like a busy week and it'll fly by :) you're right, that's how I've been looking at each day too. Just taking each day at a time :thumbup: I'm so fed up of being pregnant now too but i know I'll miss it (eventually!). Like labour, you forget all the downsides and pain/difficulties and when you think back you'll just remember all of the happy, lovely bits! Our minds are very clever in tricking us like that :lol:

I'll be 39 weeks in just 20 mins (23.40 here, obviously!). Arghh! I can't sleep... knowing that tomorrow I'll just have one more sleep before induction day!! :argh:
And I'm losing so much plug it's crazy. I'm surprised there's anything left up there :rofl: if they can't break my waters on Tuesday I'll be VERY surprised again!
Good luck BB. I'll be checking for updates on your bundle of joy. I go to the doctor tomorrow and I'm curious to see what he says an what the plan I from here. I'm 37 weeks today, and in a lot of pain with my pelvis and today with my back. I've been nesting like crazy today even with not feeling good. The car and house are cleaned. Christmas put away, car seat installed, bag completed... My husband apparently is now thinking like me- that we might not make it to our due date. She has dropped extremely low and I hurt constantly. I think most of the family is thinking that too (other than my mom who can't get off work this week)
Haven't been on for a few days, so much happening!!

Scgirl, been following on fb, and saw ur posts. Didn't realize how bad it was, wow! So glad u are both good.
Bb- good luck, hope it goes quickly and well for you!!

Eliana is doing well! She is completely off oxygen. They have to finish the IV antibiotics, but at this point, she should come home tues!! So excited!! Our hospital is on "lockdown" due to an influenza death in our county, so no visitors under 18, and only parents are allowed in NICU. My older kiddos are so excited to meet her!
I've been pumping since She wasn't able to take anything by mouth for a few days. She's been doing great with bottles, now if I and just get her to latch and nurse!

My BP is still pretty elevated, which makes me nervous. This is my first experience with pre-e, and I know it can take a while for things to settle down, but it's been reading like 160's / 90's still. I'm calling my mw in the am. Has anyone had any experience with this post partum?
Good luck Lolly!! You're going to meet your little girl so soon!!!
I thought pre e went away after the delivery.

Won't be long till were hitting ppls due dates, once that starts I no mine will roll round quick. I don't no if my bump is dropping or just getting bigger and heavier and therefore my body just can't hold it anymore lol. She still likes to spend her time with her bum in my ribs so either I have a very long baby or she isn't dropping or starting to engage yet
Wifey- I'm glad your baby finally moved for you!! That must have been scary :(

Lolly- yay!!!! I'm so jelly of how close you are! You will get to see your little bean soon :3

Quick announcement- we made the date for our c section! January 26th!! If I go in to labour before then, we will be trying for a vbac!! I'm a bit nervous but excited too!

I have had some pre labour signs lately I think. I want her out cuz I'm tired of being pregnant but I know she has to cook until at least 37w. I have had my mucus plug coming out bit by bit the last week almost. A few times a day I get a slight headache and hot flushes. I also got some sharp abdominal pain on Christmas... Didnt feel like gas but hopefully it was. I am as well having period like cramps in the evenings on and off the past few days. Baby dropped over a week ago already and I had an ultrasound. The tech said she was sitting very very low :| Anyone else experience this before labour last time? (If you have already had other babies). With my son I had back labour and it was totally different!

Another plug loser here....gross but kind of exciting! With my son I lost my plug about 5-7 days before I went into labour, but everything was so different with him that I'm not making comparisons this time lol!

My baby boy was born yesterday evening- entire process from beginning of induction was 22 hours. At 37w1d, he weighed 5lb15oz, but is totally healthy.

After what we originally thought was an easy delivery, we found out that I had literally been torn to shreds on the inside- through muscle, arteries, etc. I lost over 2L of blood, BP went down to 40s/20s, and I almost ended up in icu. Got lots of transfusions, and amazingly doing much better today... Aside from tons of pain. And to think- my worry with pre-e was high blood pressure!

Massive congratulations!! I'm so glad that he's healthy, but so sorry you ended up with so much damage. I had a 4th degree internal tear last time, so know recovery can be rough...just take it as easy as you can and stay on top of the pain meds. I wish you a very speedy and easy recovery xxx

My baby boy was born yesterday evening- entire process from beginning of induction was 22 hours. At 37w1d, he weighed 5lb15oz, but is totally healthy.

After what we originally thought was an easy delivery, we found out that I had literally been torn to shreds on the inside- through muscle, arteries, etc. I lost over 2L of blood, BP went down to 40s/20s, and I almost ended up in icu. Got lots of transfusions, and amazingly doing much better today... Aside from tons of pain. And to think- my worry with pre-e was high blood pressure!

Omg Hun I'm glad your both ok!! :hugs: what a scary experience.

Rohan and I got home yesterday (boxing day). He's doing great.. still jaundice and still dropping weight but they're not worried about it yet. He won't sleep in his cot :dohh: so right now he's in his car seat. I need to get a Moses basket or something for him. Healing this time round is a lot harder than last.. every cough is really painful on my wound. I'm trying to take it easy but we weren't ready for him comings there's loads to be done and Seth and Ethan aren't being the easiest which means poor Dh can't get anything done ( ethans ill.. he was really bad yesterday but thankfully today he's no fever.. and Seth's overestimulated with everything going on).

I managed to pump one ounce of bm today :wohoo:

:happydance: Yay for Rohan's homecoming! He's absolutely gorgeous! It must be so nice to have all your boys home and together x Well done on the pumping too! I really hope your wound is a bit better today, I know it's almost impossible, but hopefully you can rest as much as possible and not strain yourself too much :hugs:

Just 2 more days until my induction!! Think I'm going to do a food shop today and get all stocked up on ingredients for simple and easy meals and necessities and tomorrow I plan on doing something special with just me and the girls, what will be our last day as just the 3 of us. Feeling quite emotional about it actually, even though I know DD1 is so excited for her new baby sis, and DD2 doesn't have a clue what's going on but I think she'll be fine anyway! So thinking cinema, maybe a little game of bowling and a lunch date with my little ladies :)

Also madly rushed to finish baby's blanket last night! It's not taken long to make but I've been taking my time, doing half a row or a full row here and there. Wanted it ready in time for her first pics and to take her home in so was at it non stop yesterday (well when possible when you have crazy 4 & 2 yo's running around :lol:). Here's DD1 "modelling" it! I found her draped in it playing on the iPad this morning haha x

Wow...tomorrow is the big day! Good luck! The blanket is gorgeous (as is your daughter modelling it...so cute!)

I want some advice off second time or more mums. I want to start getting my baby ready for coming, I don't want her early but I couldn't imagine going up to 2 weeks over with her, I'm really suffering with the spd and my rhinitis of pregnancy is back so neither me or oh r sleeping well. I have just over 3 weeks left so what can I do to get my baby ready to come out the week she should?? I no the whole thing of the baby will come when she's ready but I don't want to do anything like castor oil that could harm the baby, just natural things that may help.

Ooo I got my pram yesterday, me and oh had a little test drive around the house lol, its much bigger than I remember it being in the shop lol, good job iv just upgraded my car from a hatchback to an estate....very practical but I love it lol.

Still haven't moved house yet but don't really expect any progress this week or next week with Xmas and new year, I think it will end up being the end of Jan....baby's due date lol. This is providing our buyer tried to remain patient lol, but I think her patience is running out, no room at the inn for a baby here though lol

Can't be too many people left who haven't had their babies lol, only us poor end of Jan folk lol

Our hypnobirthing teacher was going over some of the theories about getting labour started, and essentially concluded that the only thing there's any solid scientific evidence for is sex! The semen contains a chemical that softens the cervix (she mentioned it's most effective when taken orally, but made the men cover their ears for that bit :haha:). So, if you can manage it at all, get hubby upstairs! RLT is great for toning the cervix, so she recommended it for after delivery, to help get things back to normal.

Congrats ladies on even more babies!

Are there many of us due at the end of Jan?
only 9 days left until I hit 37 weeks yay!
as much as id love for him to stay in as long as possible im so uncomfy now :( my pelvis feels like its burning away everytime I move and he's so low I feel like he's going to fall out at any time!
good news though- last scan hopefully on tues for his kidney and still hoping for another all clear! Fingers crossed :) x

Good luck at your scan! I'm due on the 25th so still have a ways to go. We're in for the long haul!

I went in today for reduced movement and got sent home to get my bags. I'm just on the ward now waiting to be induced.

Good luck honey! I'll be thinking of you and your little baby boy xxx

Haven't been on for a few days, so much happening!!

Scgirl, been following on fb, and saw ur posts. Didn't realize how bad it was, wow! So glad u are both good.
Bb- good luck, hope it goes quickly and well for you!!

Eliana is doing well! She is completely off oxygen. They have to finish the IV antibiotics, but at this point, she should come home tues!! So excited!! Our hospital is on "lockdown" due to an influenza death in our county, so no visitors under 18, and only parents are allowed in NICU. My older kiddos are so excited to meet her!
I've been pumping since She wasn't able to take anything by mouth for a few days. She's been doing great with bottles, now if I and just get her to latch and nurse!

My BP is still pretty elevated, which makes me nervous. This is my first experience with pre-e, and I know it can take a while for things to settle down, but it's been reading like 160's / 90's still. I'm calling my mw in the am. Has anyone had any experience with this post partum?

Wonderful news! Roll on Tuesday :happydance: Really hope your BP settles down asap x

As for me, I feel like my body is starting to prepare for birth a little bit. I've started losing little bits of my plug, and have noticed an increase in the practice tightenings. My back has been getting a bit sore too, and I've had a few cramps. I am so excited! I'm sure it's not time yet, but I'd be pretty surprised if I went over 40 weeks. Full term on Sunday! :happydance:

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