*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Wow congrats lolly!! She is stunning!!! So jealous here with 4 weeks still to go lol!!

Good luck ab and bb!! Yay for more baby photos to come! Have t even made it to January yet lol!! This thread is so exciting these days!!!

As for me I am hot and sore, everything a he's now - have midwife appt this evening so will see what she says!
Lolly- you have her home already?!? Awwww :D look at her <3

Bb and ab- gooo go!! Rooting for y'all over here :3 so happy for you both ^_^

Ladies it looks like I am now transitioning in to labour any day. Got back from my ob appointment and my thoughts were correct. I am 3cm and 50% effaced. She is moving down and almost fully engaged. I am having probably one contraction an hour. Very little ones! My bowels are clearing today (I have gone 4 times already.. Geeze @_@) I am full of energy and having the urge to nest quite badly. Her bag is packed- I just gotta run out for nipple cream later <3

Will be checking in for updates on you lovely ladies
Lolly- she is beautiful:). Can't believe you are both home already! A warm congrats to you on your daughter

Ab & BB- good luck, can't wait to hear an update!
PM- hope things move quick and that it doesn't drag! Good luck to you too hun!
Congrats lolly! Beautiful girl with a beautiful name :) you have also given me hope that maybe my third will be quick!! (Fingers crossed)
Congrats to all the other new mums too and good luck to those in labour!!! Xx
Anyone's tummy really itching?? Gosh! I've been scratching my belly so much that I've scratched it open! Its crazy!

I go for a check up tomorrow with the doc who's standing in for my doc, so I'll have to explain everything all again, blah blah!

I've got 2weeks until c-section(that's according to my doc and if he let's me go until 38weeks). I really wish it was my turn, kinda jealous of all you ladies,lol.
Feeling so disappointed. The dr called from the hospital and baby girl had another heart rate drop. She recovered on her own, but we won't be able to bring her home tomorrow. :( they want to do an ecg and an echo, we won't get results til tomorrow evening at least, maybe wed. They mentioned possibly sending her home on a monitor. I know she's in the best place for now, but I just want her home!!
Kiwi- I don't know how u managed for months, it's only been a week and I'm a mess!
Lolly- you have her home already?!? Awwww :D look at her <3

Bb and ab- gooo go!! Rooting for y'all over here :3 so happy for you both ^_^

Ladies it looks like I am now transitioning in to labour any day. Got back from my ob appointment and my thoughts were correct. I am 3cm and 50% effaced. She is moving down and almost fully engaged. I am having probably one contraction an hour. Very little ones! My bowels are clearing today (I have gone 4 times already.. Geeze @_@) I am full of energy and having the urge to nest quite badly. Her bag is packed- I just gotta run out for nipple cream later <3

Will be checking in for updates on you lovely ladies

Exciting!! Good luck honey :happydance:

Feeling so disappointed. The dr called from the hospital and baby girl had another heart rate drop. She recovered on her own, but we won't be able to bring her home tomorrow. :( they want to do an ecg and an echo, we won't get results til tomorrow evening at least, maybe wed. They mentioned possibly sending her home on a monitor. I know she's in the best place for now, but I just want her home!!
Kiwi- I don't know how u managed for months, it's only been a week and I'm a mess!

Sending loads of :hugs: I really hope you get to bring her home soon x
Luvs- I'm so sorry to hear about babys heart rate :( hopefully that doesn't happen again :'(
Just got home from the doctors appt. He said everything was fine, but I have 2+ ketones, 1+protein in my urine so I have strict orders to drink lots of water. I'm also only measuring at 36 weeks instead of 37 which isn't a big deal. Baby has moved down and is starting to engage. I'm at 2cm and 40% effaced. Doc thinks I have 2 weeks at the most. I'm so crampy. My blood pressure was slightly elevated but not bad. I'll go back next Wednesday the 7th if I haven't gone in labor. He will schedule my induction then for 39 weeks if I haven't had her. I was planning on working until I went into labor but I'm thinking if he gives me a date next week, I may go out next Friday ( it's only a couple days)
Hi ladies, so after my update this afternoon, I was waiting for my report to be written up by the dr. at the ultrasound clinic, when she was done she came out and told me that baby is measuring big and that I have too much amniotic fluid, she thinks possible GD. She suggested doing a few non-stress tests before baby arrives.

Anyways, later in the afternoon I had an apt with my OB/gyn and she said not to be too worried. Baby is in the 79th percentile and she's delivered babies well into the 95th percentile. She also doesn't think I have GD. As for the amniotic fluid she said it doesn't hurt to do some follow up non-stress tests until baby comes and we're going to have one tomorrow at 8:55am.
Wifey- dont worry! My baby is in the 85% now... They thought I had GD with my son cuz he was so huge for my size. But I had tests done and I guess I just make big babies :p all will be fine!! Don't you stress :)

Buddy- thanks! I'm excited! He says it could be any day now and cancelled my scheduled c section so I couldn't be more happy! I was hoping the kiddos would have at least a tiny gap in their birthdays. Since my son was born feb 10th of this year @_@ as long as she is fully developed and healthy I will be happy! She is already measuring a week + ahead and I also got those steroid shots in the hospital while I was in pre-term for her lungs. So I know they will be developed.

I can't contain it!! So excited!! 8D I wanna jump for joy!! But I think I'll clean the house instead :3
Luvs, so sorry you might not get to take your baby home when you thought :hugs: keep your chin up lovely, she'll be back with you soon and she's definitely in the best place <3

It's so exciting in here! I wonder how BB & Ab are getting on? Keep coming on to look for an update!

It was so odd coming home from the hospital after only arriving 3hrs before :lol: the midwives looked at my suitcase (a small weekend one with a pully handle BUT packed to the brim!) and laughed :rofl: I had used one pair of pyjamas, a towel, a maternity pad and a vest and sleepsuit for Willow. That was it! So I didn't get my homebirth but I feel like I practically did at the same time lol! It's 4am here and Willow had a breastfeed at 11.45 and she's still asleep. I, of course, can not switch off and am wide awake and keep checking her to make sure she's ok :wacko: going to regret this no sleeping tomorrow when I'm like a zombie!
Nothing happening for me. All pains stopped!!
Back from my midwife appointment and glucose levels are really high. She took bloods after the urine dip. My gtt came back fine, but that was a long time ago. Now I have to wait til Friday for the results. Feeling a little worried...
Ab- did the pains start happening I the afternoon in to the night and stop when you woke up? If so you were probably in practice labour! It means you're probably very close! I had the same thing happen last night and I was freaking out thinking it could be the night. Woke up this am and I was fine. A little bummed out- but I know she has to cook more. Any extra day in there is a good day!

My grandfather that passed when I was little (I was apparently his favorite thing in the whole world before he left) would have had his birthday tomorrow. My mother is convinced he is trying to make her come then :p I am not sure. I told her either tomorrow or the 6th (my husbands birthday) if she must come in the next week haha!

Izzie- it must be tough waiting for those results :( I am sorry they were high and I hope all comes out ok. Keep us updated <3

How is everyone else feeling? Bb- I hope that baby is out!!!
It's very surreal seeing people having their babies when i still have 3 n half weeks left, n I'm pretty sure il go up to due date, not dropped at all, baby still seems to be free, have no idea about the plug and don't feel any signs that anything might happen soon.
I have a scan on Monday (my birthday), iv grown so much in the last week, I'm huge!! I'm convinced baby is already weighing in around 7lb n will probably be a 9lb odd baby, shud really finish packing my hospital bag!!
INMT- don't be discouraged!! It could happen literally any time! And if not you will have a nice big, healthy baby!! My son was 9.1ibs and 2 days over due <3 some women never get any pre labour signs- I was one of them last time!! This time I have tons!
Just updating- had my appointment about 2 hours ago. My bp is a little high(according to dr) & there's protein in my urine. Dr also says that my swelling is not normal, so they want monitor me. I've been admitted to hospital, so now I wait!
So I had my non-stress test today and everything looks good. I have another one booked for next week if LO doesn't come before then. Now it's just a waiting game.
Well it is New Years eve here now, tomorrow is officially January and it is definitely less than a month till I get my baby girl!

Can't believe how many December babies we ended up with in here, it has been so super exciting! Checking in soany times a day now lol!

Do you think you will all stay around on here till the end? I hope so!

I have zero labour signs so far, but am still a lot earlier than a lot of you so am not surprised. I would love to be early but am happy for her to bake for another week or so yet. Have finally gotten around to washing all the baby clothes so at least feel a little more organised now.

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