@PinkCupcakes oh love you must be feeling so frustrated. I really hope tomorrow gives you your peak
@josephine3 i would find my cm would get like that once it started getting towards my fertile time. Would be confusing for a couple of days coz it was a bit of sticky and ewcm and then it would turn to ewcm. Do you temp at all to confirm ovulation?
@jellybeanxx yay!! Oh I’m so pleased for you that you finally got your static smiley. What a relief for you. Keeping everything crossed for you this cycle. I hope your mood improves. It’s awful feeling like that. Big hugs
@Suggerhoney your temps are rising beautifully. You chart looks fab. With two of my pregnancy’s I got cold type symptoms in the tww. Runny and blocked nose. Almost feeling like the beginnings of a cold. Could be a good sign. As always I’m hoping so hard for you that this cycle brings you your sticky, healthy bfp. Excited for your tests
@NDH i’m sorry you’re still waiting on ovulation hun. Hopefully it won’t keep you waiting too much longer. I have a feeling my cycles will be messed up from this too. Praying you get your rainbow soon.
rooting so much for you all