Hi ladies mind if I join? My EDD is July 15th.
I found out I was pregnant a week ago, around DPO 15 is when I got my first BFP, and yesterday just had it medically confirmed at the clinic. I called an ob/gyn to schedule the first check up and even when I explained I've had two mcs in a row, they still wouldn't book me until 8 weeks
So, big waiting game, again.
My story:
My husband and I waited over 2 years to TTC again, because my first mc was so unexpected (that could happen to ME?!) but since it happened so early (5 weeks) it wasn't quite as traumatizing as the second one. After the 1st we waited a cycle, then immediately got pregnant again the first cycle we TTC, and when I made it past the date of my first mc I was so hopeful... but then the spotting began around 8 weeks, scan showed the embryo stopped growing at 6 weeks and at 10 weeks I mc naturally.
And it was extremely painful, and made me realize several things: our bodies REALLY want to hold on to pregnancies as hard as they can, and 2, a uterus is an extremely strong muscle, it was like working out for 6 hours.. I'm guessing it was a taste of what labor is like.
I would say the worst is coming down off the pregnancy hormones... I was an emotional wreck for months.
NOW, 2 and half years later, I feel so much better, more even keeled, more accepting of mother nature and the possibility this pregnancy may or may not make it.
The only symptoms I've had this time that i didn't have at all for the first 2 is nausea. I'm very happy to be feeling sick, and I'm really really hoping it gets bad enough I vomit lol... no one but ladies in our boat would understand that.
sedgeez, my breast soreness seems to ebb and flow as well, hoping its just part of my biorhythm of hormones... I've been making a point to take a long walk everyday so hopefully the exercise is keeping this moving.
Loup- I've been having lots of twinges also, with an occasional sharper twinge.. not cramps but you mentioned it could be the cyst that produces progesterone... thats encouraging.
Celine and dairymom, I'm with you both on wanting to fast forward to 2nd tri... I feel all I've ever known is 1st trimester, and I'd love to just zip right up to week 15... but I guess theres no shortcuts in life, we have to take the path one step at a time.
At any rate, thanks for the opportunity to share my story, not many people in my life other than my husband and grandmother know I've had miscarriages.
I take it as a good sign this time around that I've already shared my pregnancy with my step-sister, who is 9 weeks pregnant with her 3rd kid with one prior mc (hope!) and my two best girlfriends. I'm waiting til XMAS to share my news with the family.
Good luck all!!