I’m 12 dpo (Sunday) and AF is due Monday. I’ve not had my usual AF symptoms this cycle. No headaches, no painful breasts, no bloating, no zit on my chin, no severe lower back pain. I have back pain anyway but just before AF the pain triples. That hasn’t happened. I guess that’s why I’ve been hopeful.
Also, I had the most excruciating lower abdominal pain on 9dpo. It lasted through the night and kept me awake. It was horrid, and I remembered that same pain from one pregnancy back in the day.
Now this night, I wiped (TMI) and saw some bright red blood. AF usually starts with brown blood for me. And almost immediately I my boobs started hurting just a teeny weeny bit. And I became bloated. It was like magic.
I want to tell myself it’s implantation, but I did have have two temp dips on 10dpo and 11dpo, before it came back up on 12dpo, so maybe this blood is pre-AF spotting? Why it’s bright red is what I’m curious about. That hasn’t happened in at least six years.
I’ve tested since 7dpo (I know I know!) and I’ve had BFN after BFN. Tested three times today and it’s the same thing - BFN.
Anyway I’m off to bed now, we’ll see what the morning brings. We plan to go the assisted route soon. Was already supposed to test for hormone levels if AF showed up anyway. Tests scheduled for day 1-5 and day 21 of the new cycle so if when I wake up AF is here I’ll go get the first tests done.
Fingers crossed it’s not a new cycle and it’s just implantation. *Cautiously hoping against hope*
Much love to everyone. Baby dust all round.