*** June Testing Thread - luck and baby dust ***

It's mentally exhausting. I keep blaming myself because DH and his ex wife got pregnant the first month. Then, there's always at least 1 test that makes you think that maybe this month is finally the month... but nope.

Dont blame urself sweety. It was prob just luck. U will get ure rainbow hon I just know it. Sending u lots of hugs:hugs:

Hi Ladies, sorry I've been missing again, trying not to think about the TTC too much as it gets me down seeing negatives every month.
My body is messing with my head this month. First my Ovulation BBT was weird, rose then dropped again the following day, FF still put me as O on the first dip though thanks to the positive OPK the day before it. I've been feeling positive this month and no idea why and it led me to taking a test at 8dpo lol earliest ever and completely stupid, it was negative of course, and so were the 9 and 10dpo tests.
From 9dpo my temp started dropping, and I thought here we go, AF is coming. Yesterday it dropped a lot more and I knew AF was on her way. Brown spotting started yesterday arvo, but then this morning temp rose again. Now I'm confused. AF seems to be on pause, just the slightest bit of brown so far. But test is negative. 13dpo if you go by the first drop or 11dpo 2nd drop. Thinking 2nd dip was actually O and AF is starting today because a 10day LP is my normal. But of course the risen temp has given me false hope and I wish I never even temped this morning now ](*,)

Hope everyone else is going well!

Ooooow hon. You know what I'm thinking dont ya. Implantation bleeding. I've never had it but its just as u describe because I've seen other posts where others have had it.
Esp with the temp rise. The tests wud not be postive just yet either. It take a few days after implantation for HCG to be in ure pee.
I really hope it is IB and in few days u get ure very deserved BFP.

I'm unable to sleep because of pain.
I suffer with IBS so thought it was that. But I've been to the bathroom and managed to go the last few days. This pain in Low down in my belly and located low on the left side. I also have lower backache so I'm thinking its O pain which I do get for about 3 days.
I'm officially CD12 now last OPK I did was around 9pm on day 11 and was negative.
Prob will do another later today.
Havent pinned hubby down because he is snoring his socks off and I feel in quite alot of discomfort. We have bedded every day the last few days including on day 11. So I'm hoping we have covered it but will try and get some more in today and tommorow and the next day.
He will prob wake up soon and if I'm still awake I'll seduce him then lol. He will say u shud of woke me but hes out for the count Haha.
Had to take some painkillers for the pain which has helped.
Thank you everyone for your kind words. If I got pregnant now the due date would be March and I turn 47 in February...sometimes I just get scared it’s too late and I am just torturing myself. Woke up this morning feeling a bit better though and determined not to take it out on those I love anymore.
I think I am 5/6DPO today and I’ve got sore boobs and pulling niggles in my low tummy, low back ache and very slight nausea ....just like last month at this point but also all common for me in the TWW so just holding out to test on Father’s Day :) Depending on what day I ovulated we only BD 1 day before and 4 days before or day of O and 3 days before which worries me. Unless I ovulated early which is more unlikely as OPK wasn’t as dark as later on but then it would be 2 days before and 3 days before. I guess I have a chance at least.

I hope your pains subsided Sugger. I suffer IBS too and sometimes it’s hard to distinguish the pains of that from gynaecological type pains. Sounds like yours is Ovulation related though because it’s occurring at the time you might ovulate. Hopefully you will get your positive OPK soon. It’s so hard to get all the timings right sometimes and I hate being pushy to my OH but he is usually more than happy to ‘donate’. lol :laugh2:
9dpo today negative FRER, used fmu which never gives me the best results so might try again tonight, I have no cheapies left though so I’m reluctant to pee on 2 FRERs in 1 day, my cheapies aren’t due to arrive until Friday #-o
Dont blame urself sweety. It was prob just luck. U will get ure rainbow hon I just know it. Sending u lots of hugs:hugs:

Ooooow hon. You know what I'm thinking dont ya. Implantation bleeding. I've never had it but its just as u describe because I've seen other posts where others have had it.
Esp with the temp rise. The tests wud not be postive just yet either. It take a few days after implantation for HCG to be in ure pee.
I really hope it is IB and in few days u get ure very deserved BFP.

I'm unable to sleep because of pain.
I suffer with IBS so thought it was that. But I've been to the bathroom and managed to go the last few days. This pain in Low down in my belly and located low on the left side. I also have lower backache so I'm thinking its O pain which I do get for about 3 days.
I'm officially CD12 now last OPK I did was around 9pm on day 11 and was negative.
Prob will do another later today.
Havent pinned hubby down because he is snoring his socks off and I feel in quite alot of discomfort. We have bedded every day the last few days including on day 11. So I'm hoping we have covered it but will try and get some more in today and tommorow and the next day.
He will prob wake up soon and if I'm still awake I'll seduce him then lol. He will say u shud of woke me but hes out for the count Haha.
Had to take some painkillers for the pain which has helped.

Thanks @Suggerhoney I had implantation bleeding with my first pregnancy but it was a couple days before AF was due, I don't know, the timing of this just seems more AF, so I'm thinking it's probably just a slow start to AF and my temp is just being mean ](*,) Plus TMI but I have the loose bowels I always get with AF thanks to my IBS.
A part of me is still hoping it is IB but I know I am more likely out for the month :-(

Good luck catching that eggy! Fx for you!

@Deethehippy fx that this is your cycle! I think you and I have been trying for about the same number of cycles, surely it has to be our turn coming soon haha!
Just took another FRER because well I had 4 FRERs in the house :lol: vv faint line, too faint for my camera to pick up but definitely there, compared it with am test (which had a monster indent btw) and you can clearly see there’s one there and isn’t one on the am one (no indent on this afternoons test) if only I had some self control with the 10 cheapies I’ve used over the last 3 days :dohh: I’d like to say I’ll wait at least 24hrs before doing another FRER but I think we all know it’ll be in the morning at the very latest haha, hopefully when it dries I can get a pic.
Thanks, Sugger.

Well, I took FMU and SMU with the ICs this morning. 2 faint lines. Yesterday with IC and SMU, there was absolutely nothing. FMU, I wasn't 100% sure. I don't have an FRER to compare today. I couldn't really get the lines to show up on the pictures, the camera kept bleaching it out, but I'll post anyway. With ICs, I guess I wouldn't expect them to show up. For both the chemicals, I had a good enough positive by 8 or 9 dpo... maybe they implanted too early and that's why I lost them? I'm not sure if that's a thing or not... anyone have any information on that?

Thanks, Sugger.

Well, I took FMU and SMU with the ICs this morning. 2 faint lines. Yesterday with IC and SMU, there was absolutely nothing. FMU, I wasn't 100% sure. I don't have an FRER to compare today. I couldn't really get the lines to show up on the pictures, the camera kept bleaching it out, but I'll post anyway. With ICs, I guess I wouldn't expect them to show up. For both the chemicals, I had a good enough positive by 8 or 9 dpo... maybe they implanted too early and that's why I lost them? I'm not sure if that's a thing or not... anyone have any information on that?

View attachment 1082988
Something catching my eye on that bottom one!
Not sure if you’ll be able to see anything, too one am bottom this afternoon

D4FD076F-E9CE-4548-9728-ED7DDC54D471.jpeg AB86B163-02DE-4906-95AE-1246E927392E.jpeg
I definitely see something on the bottom one. I can't tell if it has any color or not, which is how my FRER looked yesterday. Are you going to test in the AM? I'm assuming you're UK since it's afternoon there lol. It's 8am where I am.
It looks pink in person just super super faint, I had a chemical last month and at 9dpo (which I am today) my positive was darker than this one and I think it was down to early implantation, I did read online that with early implantation your hormones aren’t right And your uterus isn’t quite ready for it but couldn’t find anything about how early was too early, yeah I’m in the uk, I think I’ll wait until the morning though I’m probs my best waiting until the afternoon I seem to get much better lines later on in the day. I’ve got my fingers crossed for your lines progressing!
It looks pink in person just super super faint, I had a chemical last month and at 9dpo (which I am today) my positive was darker than this one and I think it was down to early implantation, I did read online that with early implantation your hormones aren’t right And your uterus isn’t quite ready for it but couldn’t find anything about how early was too early, yeah I’m in the uk, I think I’ll wait until the morning though I’m probs my best waiting until the afternoon I seem to get much better lines later on in the day. I’ve got my fingers crossed for your lines progressing!

Thank you! At this point, I'm just hoping they aren't evaps. But I will say, with the pregmate tests, I don't think I've ever seen an evap. I've had a test that I messed up and a test that was faulty, but not an evap. I hope that you get a more pink line tomorrow. Keep us posted!!! Lots of baby dust!!!!!
Hello ladies,

Do you mind if I join your thread? I’ve read through all your posts and you all sound super lovely!

So nice to see some lines appearing for some, and FX to everyone else testing!

I am currently CD22, around 5dpo - but O day was just a guess based on previous cycle, I’m very irregular so who knows.... I need to start using OPK’s really, which I will do next time if we haven’t got it this month.

Currently in cycle 4, but this is month 5 (ish). Took an IC this morning (because I’ve lost my mind) and it was obviously blank.

Anyway, hope you don’t mind me joining - be great to have people to speak to who are going through the madness of ttc at the same time x
Congrats to those who have tested and got their BFP.
I'm annoyed with Femometer because I keeps changing when I ovulate when I used OPKs, so we will see what happens. Sending baby dust your way
Hello ladies,

Do you mind if I join your thread? I’ve read through all your posts and you all sound super lovely!

So nice to see some lines appearing for some, and FX to everyone else testing!

I am currently CD22, around 5dpo - but O day was just a guess based on previous cycle, I’m very irregular so who knows.... I need to start using OPK’s really, which I will do next time if we haven’t got it this month.

Currently in cycle 4, but this is month 5 (ish). Took an IC this morning (because I’ve lost my mind) and it was obviously blank.

Anyway, hope you don’t mind me joining - be great to have people to speak to who are going through the madness of ttc at the same time x

hi! This is a lovely thread and full of support. The tww feels like a year so it’s nice to have people who understand to chat to isn’t it, I’ve got my fingers crossed that this is your cycle
Congrats to those who have tested and got their BFP.
I'm annoyed with Femometer because I keeps changing when I ovulate when I used OPKs, so we will see what happens. Sending baby dust your way
Before I started using opks femometer would change my dates just based on ewcm which is annoying because I always tend to get it a few days after o too, my app has just updated and I preferred the old version better
My laptop is rubbish for showing up lines...I'll have to check on my phone later. But wishing you both so much luck that your lines get darker Butters and Alex.

Hi StarryEyes..This is a lovely group and so supportive. I'm also 5DPO so perhaps we can be testing buddies. I am determined to wait until 9dpo this month which is fathers day in the UK (are you in the UK?) so seems like an ideal place to start.

Lightning - sorry that you are waiting for AF..theres nothing worse than getting BFN but still no AF. You are right though..we are due our BFP's soon so hang in there.

Today I have lots of low backache and dull crampyness, I could possibly be 6DPO at a stretch but not feeling good at all about this cycle because any cramps during the TWW usually signifies AF for me. Last month when I had the positive tests/chemical I had zero cramps. Only time will tell I suppose but I already feel like I want to start next cycle fresh.
My laptop is rubbish for showing up lines...I'll have to check on my phone later. But wishing you both so much luck that your lines get darker Butters and Alex.

Hi StarryEyes..This is a lovely group and so supportive. I'm also 5DPO so perhaps we can be testing buddies. I am determined to wait until 9dpo this month which is fathers day in the UK (are you in the UK?) so seems like an ideal place to start.

Lightning - sorry that you are waiting for AF..theres nothing worse than getting BFN but still no AF. You are right though..we are due our BFP's soon so hang in there.

Today I have lots of low backache and dull crampyness, I could possibly be 6DPO at a stretch but not feeling good at all about this cycle because any cramps during the TWW usually signifies AF for me. Last month when I had the positive tests/chemical I had zero cramps. Only time will tell I suppose but I already feel like I want to start next cycle fresh.

I had pinching at 6dpo and cramps with lower back pain through yesterday. They seem to be gone now. Keep us updated on that. I only had pinching when I had the 2 chemicals. Maybe it has something to do with it not being a viable pregnancy?

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