*** June Testing Thread - luck and baby dust ***

Congrats on the BFPs!

AF is here for me :( Only 8 dpo. My LP has been alarmingly short, only 8 days or so. I am so worried. I hoped it would be longer since I ovulated earlier but no. I’ve never had a 25-day cycle before?!? They’ve been 41-42 days since I’m nursing, why suddenly 25? And why is my LP so so short? I’m taking vitex ... What else can I do?

i am so worried :(
Oh no :-( Are you really sure that it is AF? If it is then it could be a wonky hormonal blip - it doesn't necessarily mean each month from now will be the same but I can understand your concern. :hugs: Try not to worry too much.

I have read good things about vitamin C for lengthening the luteal phase, maybe you could look into that.
Thanks Dee. Yes definitely AF. Very heavy. I also know breastfeeding can shorten LP but it’s just SO so short. We had a horrible night in that department, I had awful insomnia and my toddler woke up over a dozen times and I had to nurse him back to sleep each time so I’m exhausted to the point of tears. So that makes it much harder to stay calm and think straight.

Ordering vitamin c now, thanks.
And every cycle I’ve actually tracked my period has arrived exactly 9 days after a positive opk :( I probably shouldn’t even be on testing threads right now, you can’t sustain a pregnancy with an LP that short!
And every cycle I’ve actually tracked my period has arrived exactly 9 days after a positive opk :( I probably shouldn’t even be on testing threads right now, you can’t sustain a pregnancy with an LP that short!
That sounds like an awful night sleep wise, you are bound to be extra tearful and emotional and everything will always seem 10 times worse when you are in that state. You absolutely should still be here...we are here to support each other through the highs and the lows of TTC.
I’m not telling you what to do of course but could you reduce your little ones breast feeds a bit? Maybe like you say that might lengthen the LP too. Maybe just something to think about and you could do it very gradually?? I have heard good things about the vitamin C though so it’s worth a shot.
Hopefully next month things will sort themselves out a bit.
I really hope that you get a better night tonight :hugs:
AF finally got me this morning at 6 days late.
The cramps are so bad i got sent home from work. (They arent even cramps its absolutely hell but ill say cramps because thats what we are told to say when we have a ‘really bad period urgggh’. :gun:)

anyway My GP was less than helpful explained about the last 3 chems and could she investigate?
I Was told no as they arent on my file i said thats because they all happened before i could get them ‘officially’ confirmed :( :( & was just basically shrugged off like ‘oh well then’ ..
Im not stupid I know nothing can be done for past losses, just was hoping to maybe be taken seriously and why my uterus literally feels like its being stabbed &pulled out of my body :( but NOOOOO! Offered some tablets that ‘might’ make the bleeding lighter but other than that
Im on my own :( ...

Sorry ladies been totally MIA recently.
Congrats to bfp ladies- so happy for guys!
Everyone else still waiting to O or BFPS got my fingers crossed for you all.

much love :flower:

Oh hon that's horrid. I also have very heavy painful periods. I was sent home from work a few times in the past with mine.
I had to have a scan because they thought I had endometriosis but was all clear.
So it can be normol to have very heavy painful periods hon.

What has made me angry is the fact ure doctors are refusing to help u. I think it's only a simple blood test and sometimes a scan so it wudnt hurt them at all. They just dont seem to care about very early losses.

There was an american lady on YouTube that had 2 chemicals in a row. Turned out she had LP defect where her LP was to short so the egg wudnt implant properly. She was put on some medication and got pregnant the very cycle. Her little baby girl is now about 5 months old and I think shes pregnant again. It took her 12 months to concieve her son and 9 concieve her daughter including the 2 chemicals. And now shes had a woopsie.
I think she must be around 12 weeks now but she hasnt updated in some time. She normoly waits untill after 12 weeks but I saw her postive test.

It's so shit being back at the beginning again I know how it feels but dont lose hope hon. Really hope this new cycle ure on now will be the one.
I cant test now until the 30th June and that's 4 to 5 days b4 AF so I'm gonna be in July testing thread to so I will see u over there hon.
Keeping it all crossed for you.

Thanks Dee. Yes definitely AF. Very heavy. I also know breastfeeding can shorten LP but it’s just SO so short. We had a horrible night in that department, I had awful insomnia and my toddler woke up over a dozen times and I had to nurse him back to sleep each time so I’m exhausted to the point of tears. So that makes it much harder to stay calm and think straight.

Ordering vitamin c now, thanks.

Oh no hon I'm so sorry. Its horrible when ure cycles go wierd. I'm so sorry its AF. Fixed for this cycle
Dee thanks, I do have to night wean him, he wakes up SO much at night and it’s not sustainable for any of us. But he screams so much and when I’m that exhausted I just give in- don’t want him to wake the other kids either. But at least this is more motivation for me to try.
Congrats to all the BFP'S!!

And good luck for the next cycle to all those whose AF's arrived.

I took another ovulation test yesterday afternoon and it was still negative and a very light line. I'm at CD 18, but I think I may have input incorrect dates into my app because I had an oddly long cycle last month (37 days!) I was hoping I wouldn't have another long cycle...but I might have another long one again since I haven't even ovulated yet. Trying to be patient is hard!
Ok so just done 2 more OPKs and its darker.
Think I will O later today or tommorow.
Is day 14 O good?
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This looks good! I’d love a solid day14 O!

Congrats to all the BFP'S!!

And good luck for the next cycle to all those whose AF's arrived.

I took another ovulation test yesterday afternoon and it was still negative and a very light line. I'm at CD 18, but I think I may have input incorrect dates into my app because I had an oddly long cycle last month (37 days!) I was hoping I wouldn't have another long cycle...but I might have another long one again since I haven't even ovulated yet. Trying to be patient is hard!

Oh I know this feeling, one of my cycles was 39 days recently - so long and frustrating! When I was ttc with my second I conceived him on a cycle where I Ov’ed at CD28

I think I Ov’ed at CD17 -18 this time, I have woken up with very sensitive nipples today which I usually get around this time after O - so FX.
Looking good sugger!

Thanks hon. How old is ure son? My son was also born in 2019 hes 9 months old. I wasnt able to BF because of my medication I'm on.

Congrats to all the BFP'S!!

And good luck for the next cycle to all those whose AF's arrived.

I took another ovulation test yesterday afternoon and it was still negative and a very light line. I'm at CD 18, but I think I may have input incorrect dates into my app because I had an oddly long cycle last month (37 days!) I was hoping I wouldn't have another long cycle...but I might have another long one again since I haven't even ovulated yet. Trying to be patient is hard!
Keeping it all crossed for you hon. My OPKs were supper light just 2 days ago and yesterday morning and then in the evening I got the almost postive and today the peak. So it really can go from being really light to postive just In a few hours.
Hope u get ure postive soon hon. [-o<

This looks good! I’d love a solid day14 O!

Oh I know this feeling, one of my cycles was 39 days recently - so long and frustrating! When I was ttc with my second I conceived him on a cycle where I Ov’ed at CD28

I think I Ov’ed at CD17 -18 this time, I have woken up with very sensitive nipples today which I usually get around this time after O - so FX.

Thank u hon. Yeah I normoly O on day 12 or 13 with the exception of last months wacky cycle ovulating on day 8. I'm quite surprised I've gotten this far to be honest.
Just hope the eggs a good one. LoL
It hurts so it better be nice and ripe lol
Hello gals sooooo yesterdays OPK was negative.
Still getting EWCM and have terrible backache and left overy pain.
Did another OPK and got my postive today on CD13. Going to do another one a bit later and will do a easy@home one as well. I only have 2 easy@home ones left.
Think O will be tommorow day 14. Then will be in the 2ww. This cycle will be 28 to 29 days because I always have a 15 to 16 day LP.
So happy I'm ovulating at the right time and not to early.
Really hope all the EWCM is a good sign. I've not had this much since we conceived our son so I really do hope it's a good sign.
AF wont be due now untill 4th 5th july so wont be testing untill June 30th now.
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so pleased for you this looks like a more regulat cycle. FX’s this is the month!!! Xx
AF finally got me this morning at 6 days late.
The cramps are so bad i got sent home from work. (They arent even cramps its absolutely hell but ill say cramps because thats what we are told to say when we have a ‘really bad period urgggh’. :gun:)

anyway My GP was less than helpful explained about the last 3 chems and could she investigate?
I Was told no as they arent on my file i said thats because they all happened before i could get them ‘officially’ confirmed :( :( & was just basically shrugged off like ‘oh well then’ ..
Im not stupid I know nothing can be done for past losses, just was hoping to maybe be taken seriously and why my uterus literally feels like its being stabbed &pulled out of my body :( but NOOOOO! Offered some tablets that ‘might’ make the bleeding lighter but other than that
Im on my own :( ...

Sorry ladies been totally MIA recently.
Congrats to bfp ladies- so happy for guys!
Everyone else still waiting to O or BFPS got my fingers crossed for you all.

much love :flower:

Sorry you have to deal with a dismissive doctor on top of a painful period. I had to bear down hard on my GP. Two miscarriages and several chemicals, plus hair loss and constant feeling of tiredness and also being treated for anxiety - I put it to her that there’s possibly something hormonal going on. Didn’t give her a chance to say no. So I got my first bloods today, for day 1-5.

Please be insistent with your GP. It’s your body, if you have concerns they should listen!

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