*** June Testing Thread - luck and baby dust ***

Thank you everyone for your kind words. My brother was a good man and awesome big brother. I'm going to miss him and miss hearing his voice and seeing his face but the thing that gives me comfort is knowing he's with our Dad (he passed away less than a year ago from Leukemia) in heaven.

I'm 6dpo and was itching to test so I did
Idk why that send? Anyway it was obviously negative but hopefully that'll hold me over til at least Sunday when I'll have a least a slim chance of seeing a line lol
Can't get rid of this foul taste in my mouth still..been sucking mints all day and it just won't budge. Been a bit crampy tonight though so it seems most likely AF will arrive before next Friday. Was very tired this afternoon and nodded off on the sofa whilst my girls were playing a game but not so bad again tonight. Will see what tomorrow brings.
Yes I see it!! What dpo are you? So exciting!

I took a test today and I can see the line without tweaking the photo...I'm so excited! These tests are 10miu though

View attachment 1083109

Me please, officially testing for the 25th June (but seeing as I’ve already caved I will probably do another one before then )

Butters. Alex, sun - so happy to see you bfps. Your lines all look fab and I'm over the moon for you all :bfp:
Sorry, I've been so busy, but I'm just about caught up. I've updated the 1st page with our bfps and for those the witch got.

Who still needs added to the first page with their testing date?

Hope everyone is well!
I’m so excited for you, can’t wait for you to test! x

Can't get rid of this foul taste in my mouth still..been sucking mints all day and it just won't budge. Been a bit crampy tonight though so it seems most likely AF will arrive before next Friday. Was very tired this afternoon and nodded off on the sofa whilst my girls were playing a game but not so bad again tonight. Will see what tomorrow brings.
Yaaaaay!! Love seeing the digi!! Congrats!!

Great lines, I do think it looks a bit darker!

Oooh I see it! How many dpo are you?? FX!

Oh fab! where do you get them from?

I think I'm around 11/12dpo according to my apps though there are apps that say I'm only 4 dpo though my period is meant to be on the 22nd x
58FDF449-A4CD-4292-9CCD-447B7B80D49A.png :confused: Me again... I’m still stressing that my peak wasn’t the 17th because the OPK on the 19th was so dark. I’m no good with all this stuff
View attachment 1083133 :confused: Me again... I’m still stressing that my peak wasn’t the 17th because the OPK on the 19th was so dark. I’m no good with all this stuff

The only way to know would be if you had a temperature chart to go with it. My guess is that you probably ovulated between the 20th and 22nd. Opks give you 24-48 hour window IF you ovulate. You can peak and then not ovulate at all...but again, a bbt chart would be the only way to know. I'd suggest you count from the 20th and use your usual luteal phase length so you know when to expect AF/when to test.
View attachment 1083133 :confused: Me again... I’m still stressing that my peak wasn’t the 17th because the OPK on the 19th was so dark. I’m no good with all this stuff
The last tests do look the darkest, these OPK’s can be a bit of a headache. Keep up the BD just in case.

My ‘symptoms’ don’t seem so obvious this morning. Still got a funny taste and boobs bit sore but nothing that I don’t usually get before AF. Back feels a bit achey and crampy too. 1 day until testing but not feeling confident now.

Hope everyone has a great weekend
The last tests do look the darkest, these OPK’s can be a bit of a headache. Keep up the BD just in case.

My ‘symptoms’ don’t seem so obvious this morning. Still got a funny taste and boobs bit sore but nothing that I don’t usually get before AF. Back feels a bit achey and crampy too. 1 day until testing but not feeling confident now.

Hope everyone has a great weekend
I really don’t want to get your hopes up but I have a good feeling about this month for you Dee
I really don’t want to get your hopes up but I have a good feeling about this month for you Dee

I’m thinking about Peeing on a stick for my SMU but can’t decide..hate seeing BFN’s. I am only 8 DPO today (possibly 9) so not sure it would show much even if I was.
I’m thinking about Peeing on a stick for my SMU but can’t decide..hate seeing BFN’s. I am only 8 DPO today (possibly 9) so not sure it would show much even if I was.
I couldn’t really see much at all on my 8dpo tests I think anything I did see was in my head, obvious faint line at 9dpo late afternoon though
Another progression pic, top one about 4pm yesterday bottom one 9am today, I still have a cb digi I’ll hold off until next weekend to use and hopefully see 2-3

View attachment 1083146
They are looking good and progressing nicely :)

I had a 2-3 at 13 DPO with my twins..it was crazy
I'm sorry I haven't been posting lately. I'll go back and read and catch up. My brother passed away suddenly. He was only 42. I don't know how this happened. I'm devastated.

I'm 5dpo. Been having cramps a lot which isn't normal after ovulation for me. My boobs are noticeably bigger which also isn't a normal after o symptom for me. And I have been having heart palpitations which could be from losing my brother 4 days ago. The funeral was yesterday.

I hope to see some bfps to help get my mind off my broken heart.

So so so sorry for your loss hun!
8 DPO - So I caved and tested with One Step and a cheap Cassanovum test. Stark white BFN on both. Feeling very out and disappointed but know it could be too early.

Congrats on the BFPs Butters, Alex and SunRain! So exciting for you all!

Dee, Hope to see your BFP in the next couple of days [-o<

Sugar, so glad you ovulated at your normal time this cycle!

AFM, AF finally hit properly yesterday morning and wow I thought they were heavy normally, this is ridiculous! TMI but some of these clots are as big as my palm! :shock: Getting more and more nervous about my possibility of endo the worse these cycles are getting. :(

@MrsKatie about your LP issues, I too suffer a short LP, I was breastfeeding when I first found out how short it was about 7 months ago. DS self-weaned 3 months ago, which has made no difference to my LP length, the shortest was 8 days I started taking a vit b complex and vit c along with my prenatals and have managed to get it to 10 days, but it won't seem to go any longer with just those, I had heard mixed reviews on vitex so bought it but haven't tried it yet, I have just started taking Maca 3x a day which is supposed to help regulate hormones, and a friend just recommended me a natural supplement combo which is supposed to help regulate hormones including progesterone too so I'm going to try that next.

There's also a possibility my DH is the issue as he's gained an autoimmune disorder a few months ago as well as has hemachromatosis (too much iron) which has been going on over a year and Drs haven't sorted his treatment yet, but I figure if I get me right then at least I can know I've tried all I can! Have also started DH on Maca as it's supposed to raise sperm count even in healthy men so I figure it's worth a try!

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