HUGS Sugger. I know my body was back to normal in 4 weeks but I do not recall having any fertile cm. Was so long ago. But I have read that you may not have any fertile cm on the outside but there is some on the inside giving those of us who don't have tons of it a chance to conceive. Then there is Preseed. I used that this cycle because I didn't see any ewcm till 1dpo. So you are not out but I understand you worries.
Hay hon. It's been such a strange cycle. I was bone dry on day 6 of my cycle which is normol after AF then when I woke on day 7 I felt (tmi) a small gush. I thought it was blood so I checked and it was a load of very watery cm but not stretchy.
I did 2 opks and was so surprised they were both very strong positives.
Then 2 days later my temp shot up to confirm ovulation on day 8.
I'm definitely out sweety I wish I wasnt and that I cud really be in the 2ww but my follicular phase and ovulation was way to short.
Follicular phase needs to be no less than 11 days, and mine was 7 days.
Was hoping that I had a random surge and then wud go on to have another surge at my normol time of CD 11 or 12 but the temp spike confirmed it was day 8 and all OPKs since have been negative.
So my body released a premature egg that is very hard to be firtilised and if by chance it does get fertilised it wont implant properly resulting in another chemical pregnancy or a later Misscarige. Silly me went searching on Google and all these fatilty websites.
I've never ovulated any earlier than day 12 b4 so I'm hoping it's the chemical I had last cycle that's messed my cycle up and next cycle things will go back to normal.
I'm 40 so I'm concerned this early ovulation is now going to be a regular thing
I was 6dpo yesterday and only on CD 14. I wud normoly be 1dpo by now.
All afternoon and evening I kept getting this sharp pinching feeling in my right overy.
And now worrying it was implantation pain.
I new it wasnt ovulation pain because no cm and negative OPKs.
Praying it was implantation because it will not stick and then my next cycle will be out the window to
I'm so disappointed my body released an egg b4 it was ready.
Have no idea why it did that.
Its prob the chemical but I am worried about next cycle. I'm gonna so anxious.
Sorry about the long reply hon. Probably repeated myself over and over.