*** June Testing Thread - luck and baby dust ***

My chart is giving me heart palpitations. Every time I see ift im like ohhhh whats going to happen! Is it really going to go triphasic?!

Think ill test tomorrow. Ive gotten. Positives in the pm of 8dpo before. :shrug:
My peak OPK was 11am on the morning of CD17....if i ovulated the full 36 hours later then I wouldn't technically be 10 DPO until 11pm tonight. Clutching at straws here but trying to stay positive too.
Today's frer is bfn :( not sure if yesterdays was a dodgy test or this is going to be a chemical. Either way I'm gutted :sad2:

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Uhg thats the pits salamander. Those frers are just not reliable anymore like they were in the old days (been around here since 2008 and they were the only dependable store test then!). I hate this for you. Big hugs.
Dee: Sorry BIG hugs, I hate getting a bfn at 9 or 10 dpo when I see so many others get that faint line. Brings me to tears just thinking about it. You hormones very well could be out of whack. Vitex has really helped my temps. Not a clue if progesterone is up but temps are. Please don't stop testing though because 10dpo is early no matter how many ppl get bfps on it. I know when I did it was so faint I could only see it when I held it up to the sunlight. I would keep peeing on them stick for sure HUGS

Heva: When you say sore boobs is it the whole boob? I only ever had intense bbs the first time I was pregnant and I didn't get it. I thought it was the normal cyclic bbs pain. Fast foward to being pregnant with daughter I think I had sore nips once confirmed pregnant but no pain so to speak.

Butters: Sorry if I am late and you already did a digital. But do you plan to do one? I use to have a weeks estimator because I thought it would be so cool to use. I got mad one year and peed on it in spite of knowing I was not pregnant. I managed to order it on amazon from the uk too. Can't find one state side.

Luv: Yes, that line is fading but still there and so light that it should not keep you from ovulating. Mine were scant lines and I still ovuated. I noticed I was ovulating earlier in my cycle than normal. It went back to being cd 16 to 18 after a few months. (3)

Mabrey: Our charts are doing the same thing. I am not a nail biter but if I was I would be down to two nails. Every time I start to feel a chill I stuff my thermometer in my mouth to see if my temp fell. It will fall during the day and not recover :( . I am still running a low grade fever.....well for me 98.75 to 98.91 is high. I am a 97.9 high at best with no help and I don't stay there for long. I feel so silly for hoping....oh great now I am crying.....must be pms ....ugh

Ah, well, nothing to do cept keep hoping.

@FTale whole boob. This has been happening the past 3 cycles but it’s worse this one. I’m only 2-4 dpo, my app says 4 but I had a strong positive opk 2 days ago
Dee: Sorry BIG hugs, I hate getting a bfn at 9 or 10 dpo when I see so many others get that faint line. Brings me to tears just thinking about it. You hormones very well could be out of whack. Vitex has really helped my temps. Not a clue if progesterone is up but temps are. Please don't stop testing though because 10dpo is early no matter how many ppl get bfps on it. I know when I did it was so faint I could only see it when I held it up to the sunlight. I would keep peeing on them stick for sure HUGS

Heva: When you say sore boobs is it the whole boob? I only ever had intense bbs the first time I was pregnant and I didn't get it. I thought it was the normal cyclic bbs pain. Fast foward to being pregnant with daughter I think I had sore nips once confirmed pregnant but no pain so to speak.

Butters: Sorry if I am late and you already did a digital. But do you plan to do one? I use to have a weeks estimator because I thought it would be so cool to use. I got mad one year and peed on it in spite of knowing I was not pregnant. I managed to order it on amazon from the uk too. Can't find one state side.

Luv: Yes, that line is fading but still there and so light that it should not keep you from ovulating. Mine were scant lines and I still ovuated. I noticed I was ovulating earlier in my cycle than normal. It went back to being cd 16 to 18 after a few months. (3)

Mabrey: Our charts are doing the same thing. I am not a nail biter but if I was I would be down to two nails. Every time I start to feel a chill I stuff my thermometer in my mouth to see if my temp fell. It will fall during the day and not recover :( . I am still running a low grade fever.....well for me 98.75 to 98.91 is high. I am a 97.9 high at best with no help and I don't stay there for long. I feel so silly for hoping....oh great now I am crying.....must be pms ....ugh

Ah, well, nothing to do cept keep hoping.


My chart is core temps not oral, and its an average of a 6+ hour period, so my temps are pretty accurate. I've never tracked daytime temps... mine aren't particularly high, but I usually habe more ups and downs by now. I just want to pee on things. Lol I'm so tired of trying. We hit two full years of trying this month for #3. I always go into a new baby hoping it will be easy and it never is. After next month we have lots of discussion to do. We can either do more letrozole, do more clomid (both make me ovulate) or move on and adopt. Im hoping I don't have to think about it.
I’m so sorry salamander. It’s so hard when you get your hopes up and then crushed.

Hang onto some hope Dee!

FTale, happens to me when I am pregnant. My temps are up during the day a little. Got everything crossed for you!

Good luck testing Mrs M

Heva, hopefully something a little different is a good sign!
Well I got my first crap batch of Wondfos! I’ve used these for years TTC #1 and 9 months of TTC#2 and have never had any this bad. I’ve had faint lines on them since 10 dpo (I am 15 dpo today) but negative on all other tests. I finally just dipped it in water and guess what- faint line! So I expect AF today as I have a 14 day LP.. but for those that use wondfo, just know there is a dodgey batch out there! Super bummed
@tbfromlv, I had one bad batch of wondfos like that and switched to pregmates. it's too heartbreaking. I am so sorry.

@Deethehippy, really really hope this is your month. BFNs are the worst.

@salamander91, that's horrible! Ugh I have had the same issues with FRERs, they aren't what they used to be for sure. Take care girl.

CD 5 today, so literally nothing to report other than bleeding is officially over. Oh, and I put on a pair of shorts I haven't worn in a year and found $265 in the pocket. I'm gonna take it as a good omen haha
@salamander91 - sending you positive thoughts your way..I hope that it's just a dud FRER. Take care of yourself.

@Deethehippy - sorry about the BFN. :( I hope that it could be a case where BFP would show up later. I know how frustrating it can be to see a BFN.

I took another OPK test yesterday afternoon and it the line was even darker than before. We DTD last night and I am hoping that did the trick...I took another OPK this morning and the line was lighter and results have gone back to low levels. I am wondering if it'd be worth it to DTD again today...I suppose it wouldn't hurt haha! But I imagine if a lighter line is coming up now, it means ovulation is pretty much over?

It took us over a year to conceive our DD (though I did not use OPK's). I am actually really glad I decided to start using OPK's because we're on month 5 TTC now and it really does help my understand my cycle better.

I don't plan to test unless AF is late though....too much stress on me when I test early and get a BFN....
@tropicsgirl, with my first baby I was a week late and tested ONCE. Those were the days! I had no idea I even COULD test before my period was due, and I kept telling myself my period was coming (cause it totally feels like that in early pregnancy!).

I guess the one upside of having such a short LP is I only have to wait until 8dpo before I'm "late"... which will make holding out to test easier... in theory!

Our dear friends are moving to a town a few hours away, and asked if we want their gigantic trampoline. It basically takes up our entire back yard but my god it's amazing. Total game changer. My son has been out there since 6am! No begging for screens or fighting... I mean, it's still so new that the novelty hasn't worn off. DH and I lay out there on the trampoline for HOURS last night watching the stars. It was wonderful, like a real quarantine date night! Then we woke the older 2 around midnight to see Jupiter and Saturn through the telescope. It was breathtaking.
Still waiting to test. Period should start in 6 days. Congrats to those that got their BFP. It's hard to see a lot of post on my phone. I wish they would make an app for this website
Did one of these cheap poop Cassanovum tests from Amazon just now and could see a grey evap looking line...not had an evap on these so far so got kinda excited but it is grey and you probably can’t even see it. Did appear within the first few minutes though. Running out of tests but will keep on testing my heart out. Got some weird tweaks in my lower tummy tonight where my csection scar is.

Mrskatie that sounds dreamy!! I don't like trampolines but now I want one just to look up at the stars

Tropics: FX....I hope you do not have to wait a year to conceive. HUGS

TB: Sorry for the wondfo batch. I stopped using those over a year or so ago. They just stop being really good. Between them and FRER...geesh. Sending you tons of babydust for next cycle if AF shows.

Luv : Thank you!! I am sitting around should be working at my desk but I keep wondering 'is this really it? will I get to see that second line?'....at the same time the house is falling into shambles. Dishes to do, baby kitten needs her bum washed (luvs baths but needs special wash, she is a adopted stray almost 2 months old) so has only had warm water rinse, my daughter has only eaten crackers because she is too lazy to make some thing eat (giant 9 year old....taller than me but has clearly been pampered) at her age I was cooking ramen, hot dogs, making turkey sandwhiches.....lol....Luv, I need to get it together. Pregnant or now life goes on and the floor needs me to put a broom to it.

Heva: Aside from my first pregnancy, when I quit Depo it took my period almost a year to return. When it did OMG my bbs hurt so bad. I just knew I was pregnant. I think it was just a huge influx of estrogen with my body trying hard to ovulate because my 7dpo progesterone would be like 4 or 4.5. Well, regardless, I hope the aching this month is the real deal for you!! Hugs

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