Dee: Sorry BIG hugs, I hate getting a bfn at 9 or 10 dpo when I see so many others get that faint line. Brings me to tears just thinking about it. You hormones very well could be out of whack. Vitex has really helped my temps. Not a clue if progesterone is up but temps are. Please don't stop testing though because 10dpo is early no matter how many ppl get bfps on it. I know when I did it was so faint I could only see it when I held it up to the sunlight. I would keep peeing on them stick for sure HUGS
Heva: When you say sore boobs is it the whole boob? I only ever had intense bbs the first time I was pregnant and I didn't get it. I thought it was the normal cyclic bbs pain. Fast foward to being pregnant with daughter I think I had sore nips once confirmed pregnant but no pain so to speak.
Butters: Sorry if I am late and you already did a digital. But do you plan to do one? I use to have a weeks estimator because I thought it would be so cool to use. I got mad one year and peed on it in spite of knowing I was not pregnant. I managed to order it on amazon from the uk too. Can't find one state side.
Luv: Yes, that line is fading but still there and so light that it should not keep you from ovulating. Mine were scant lines and I still ovuated. I noticed I was ovulating earlier in my cycle than normal. It went back to being cd 16 to 18 after a few months. (3)
Mabrey: Our charts are doing the same thing. I am not a nail biter but if I was I would be down to two nails. Every time I start to feel a chill I stuff my thermometer in my mouth to see if my temp fell. It will fall during the day and not recover
. I am still running a low grade fever.....well for me 98.75 to 98.91 is high. I am a 97.9 high at best with no help and I don't stay there for long. I feel so silly for hoping....oh great now I am crying.....must be pms ....ugh
Ah, well, nothing to do cept keep hoping.