KEEPING IT REAL *TEAM - IT WILL HAPPEN* Join me in the journey ladies! :)

aw jen i am sooo sorry :( wish i could be there to give you a big hug. I hope that time apart heals your relationship. What is your facebook? ill add you. I wont be able to talk about baby stuff on my fb since no one know but ill def message you to stay in touch.
Jen, I'm so sorry you're going through all these. You're already on my FB. :hugs:
I'm reaching out to all of you since i know you and you know me. I know this isn't really where to post but i trust all of you & my heart is hurtin today.
Here's the deal we are trying to tell my immediate family that we're expecting (which i think should be such a happy time) but my dad seems fit to bring his girlfriend to every dinner/event. I kind of just want it to be my dad & sister since this is kind of personal and i don't know her well at all. So my question is am I just letting the pregnancy hormones get to me or should i be able to have dinner with just my dad, sis & DH?:shrug: I asked him not to bring her this weekend and he told me that would be awkwark for him :dohh: I should probably add that i'm also dealing with trying to tell my mom whom i am not close with anymore so i know my emotions are already all over. I'm also balancing the childish "who knew first me or your father" that i know is to come. (cant wait till i have to tell her DH family knew first:nope:)

First of all ... :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Second, this is YOUR news, YOUR time. You do this how YOU want and only YOU. You get this ONE time to tell them of the first grandchild from you and you need to do it YOUR way, no matter if your hormones are affecting the way (or if you think they are). This is your news on your terms. ONLY. And if you do not want your father's GF there, then she should NOT be there. No question. Be strong and do this YOUR way. Please.

With our DD we did it our way. Did we offend people by telling some first? Of course. But that was our decision as it was our news. And if they are more concerned about who was told first then they are not really listening to the incredibly joyful news you are giving them.

Additionally, OF COURSE ASK US!!!!! This is what we are here for! Through thick and thin and through it all!!!
Hi girls, sorry I've been so absent lately.

It's looking like I'm totally done TTC indefinitely. DB and I are completely falling apart at the seams. He leaves in a week for 4 months of training and we're just completely unraveling, so I'm giving up on this site as it is too hard for me.

Anyone who is already on my fb or would like to add me, let me know. I'd love to keep in touch with you girls.

Thanks for all of your support, and best of luck to you all!

Oh no. I am so so sorry to hear this. PLease add me to facebook. I can't talk about TTCing on there but we can private message? My name is Greer Delaney Fitzgerald.

I hope this time apart only strengthens your bond with DB and you two are able to work through this together. I will be thinking of you and missing you. :cry::hugs:
Hi girls, sorry I've been so absent lately.

It's looking like I'm totally done TTC indefinitely. DB and I are completely falling apart at the seams. He leaves in a week for 4 months of training and we're just completely unraveling, so I'm giving up on this site as it is too hard for me.

Anyone who is already on my fb or would like to add me, let me know. I'd love to keep in touch with you girls.

Thanks for all of your support, and best of luck to you all!

I'm so completely sorry!! Definitely we will keep in touch on FB.


I'm reaching out to all of you since i know you and you know me. I know this isn't really where to post but i trust all of you & my heart is hurtin today.
Here's the deal we are trying to tell my immediate family that we're expecting (which i think should be such a happy time) but my dad seems fit to bring his girlfriend to every dinner/event. I kind of just want it to be my dad & sister since this is kind of personal and i don't know her well at all. So my question is am I just letting the pregnancy hormones get to me or should i be able to have dinner with just my dad, sis & DH?:shrug: I asked him not to bring her this weekend and he told me that would be awkwark for him :dohh: I should probably add that i'm also dealing with trying to tell my mom whom i am not close with anymore so i know my emotions are already all over. I'm also balancing the childish "who knew first me or your father" that i know is to come. (cant wait till i have to tell her DH family knew first:nope:)

I'm sorry to post this here and if you don't want to hear it i understand. :flower:'s pretty big news and I think you should share it with people you feel comfortable with. And you get to choose the order! If you tell dad first, mom has to deal with that, and vice versa. I've gotten the guilt trips from my mom too regarding my biological father :wacko:

aw jen i am sooo sorry :( wish i could be there to give you a big hug. I hope that time apart heals your relationship. What is your facebook? ill add you. I wont be able to talk about baby stuff on my fb since no one know but ill def message you to stay in touch.

just friended you
aw jen i am sooo sorry :( wish i could be there to give you a big hug. I hope that time apart heals your relationship. What is your facebook? ill add you. I wont be able to talk about baby stuff on my fb since no one know but ill def message you to stay in touch.

Janene, curios how you are feeling about clomid? I am trying to get some help for my next cycle, not this one.
aw jen i am sooo sorry :( wish i could be there to give you a big hug. I hope that time apart heals your relationship. What is your facebook? ill add you. I wont be able to talk about baby stuff on my fb since no one know but ill def message you to stay in touch.

Janene, curios how you are feeling about clomid? I am trying to get some help for my next cycle, not this one.

So far so good! i on felt nausea on the first day in the evening. That is the one and only side effect i experienced :) I am taking 50mg cd5-9. i am on my third day of this round.
i joined the clomid thread. you can find it on my page, but you should join. it is very helpful. The women on there are very helpful. We will find out soon how this goes. I really hope it makes my cycles more regular if anything because then at least i know its working.... good luck let me know what you decide on doing :)
aw jen i am sooo sorry :( wish i could be there to give you a big hug. I hope that time apart heals your relationship. What is your facebook? ill add you. I wont be able to talk about baby stuff on my fb since no one know but ill def message you to stay in touch.

jen I requested you
JBear-- :hugs2::hugs2: So so sorry for all you're going thru. I sent you a friend request on fb too. We are here for you even if you just need to vent. This is the best group of ladies. I'm wishing some peace on your heart in the mean time that this all works out best for you :flower:

Fitz & Hakunamatata-- Thank you. I am feeling alittle better about it today. DH said the same thing to me last night that this is our news and our decision and if anyone is still unhappy about how we did it in the end then we need to re-think who's in our lives alittle bit. I know your all right but i'm always the peacemaker in my family so that mixed with RAGING hormones yesterday i was a blubbering idiot cuz i knew i hurt my dad. (DH knows i never cry, always the strong independent one, so hormones were DEF running my life yesterday!:dohh:) Anyway thank you! Sometimes i need more than DH to give me a reality check. Last nite my sis got my dad on board for lunch saturday without his GF. She most likely knows what this is about cuz she is the ONLY one in my family that knows we've been trying. And I bit the bullet and will have dinner monday nite with my mom. I havent laid eyes on her in 3mths since we had a HUGE blowout so we'll see how that goes :wacko: Why's family always so hard to deal with?!?!?!?!
Families can be quite difficult.

It's so nice to see a familiar face over in 1st tri Purplelilly!!
hi ladies
I just wated to say I love all the ladies on this site everyone has been so helpful in so many ways and even though I have not met any of you I feel that we are connected in this journey some of us have a sort journey and some of us have been on a long journey and I know we are all there for each other and I could not ask for a better group of ladies. I have felt that I can talk to you about anything just wanted to say thank you so much. I think I would have lost my mind if it weren't for all of you thanks again your support has been so wonderful.
Hey Ladies,
How are you all doing? I was frustrated the other day because I thought i blew my test. I got my test back today and I got an 86! and for this class you have to at least get a 77. I am so happy.
Hey Ladies,
How are you all doing? I was frustrated the other day because I thought i blew my test. I got my test back today and I got an 86! and for this class you have to at least get a 77. I am so happy.

:thumbup:awesome! just in time for the weekend:thumbup:
aw jen i am sooo sorry :( wish i could be there to give you a big hug. I hope that time apart heals your relationship. What is your facebook? ill add you. I wont be able to talk about baby stuff on my fb since no one know but ill def message you to stay in touch.

Janene, curios how you are feeling about clomid? I am trying to get some help for my next cycle, not this one.

So far so good! i on felt nausea on the first day in the evening. That is the one and only side effect i experienced :) I am taking 50mg cd5-9. i am on my third day of this round.
i joined the clomid thread. you can find it on my page, but you should join. it is very helpful. The women on there are very helpful. We will find out soon how this goes. I really hope it makes my cycles more regular if anything because then at least i know its working.... good luck let me know what you decide on doing :)

Thanks! Still waiting to hear back from my doctor. Called AGAIN today and getting frustrated!

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