KEEPING IT REAL *TEAM - IT WILL HAPPEN* Join me in the journey ladies! :)

aw Jen i am so sorry you are going through this :(
i agree with Greer you will come out a strong person. Right now its easy to blame yourself, but i strongly believe everything happens for a reason. Maybe he isn't the one who would bring out the best in you. You deserve the best of the best. Very selfish of him to just up and leave like that with no explanation and then reassure you he was coming back. Try not to blame yourself... not right now but soon you will realize that nothing was your fault.
I have been through the pain you are feeling and believe me i said the same exact things you are. I cried and stayed in bed for about a week... then one day i couldlnt take it anymore and i decided to get out of bed and actually do something for me for once. I cut off all communication and I actually figured out who i was for the first time in my life. It was something that i def. needed. It made me appreciate my friends and family more as well. You will know you are ok when you are able to laugh again.
This happened about 3 years ago... my DH now is actually the one who broke my heart. We both learned a lot from it and now i wouldn't change a thing. It was def. much needed.

I dont want to give you false hope, but take all the time you need. Cry, Scream, or even punch something. Get it all out and then start doing things that make you happy. Everything will be ok. plus im always here for a chat. :hugs:

Thank you Janene, all of your support is helping more than you know. I can only hope that he'll realize what he's done and the hurt that he is causing before it's too late.

I feel completely numb right now. Like a total zombie.

I think I may take a day to myself tomorrow, stay home from work and just hibernate. I just want to sleep forever :cry:

The hardest part about all of this is that I'm closer with his family than I am with my own, and his father completely let me down tonight. I always felt that I could talk to him about anything, and he always gives me amazing advice. Tonight I just got the cold shoulder. Obviously I would expect him to support his son, but I haven't done anything wrong. I just don't deserve any of this.

I would have done anything for him. I would have waited forever.... ughhhh
home sick again this time I called in sick. yesturday I went to work, worked a couple of hours then went home so hopefully I didn't give out too many of my germs. I can't stop caughing and sneezing and I sneeze alot on a normal day (bad allergies) throw a cold in the mix and I just want to cut my head off. so last nights sleep was not a good one. I feel bad calling in sick I never call in sick and I work alone in my department so that makes me 2 days behind in my work with a holiday coming up not good, I hope I can work tomorrow or I'm never going to catch up at work.
on the plus side I feel no signs of af which is nice no cramps but I still have sore bbs just not as bad as last week this week they just look bigger hoping that the reason I'm sick is because my body is working overtime making a baby and this is the only way my body can tell me to rest. I tend to not like taking naps and I have been so tired this last week I take a little nap but I always find something to do instead of sleep. I just have a hard time sleeping the day away. one can only hope that this is what is really going on with my body but then again it could be a cold and nothing more. but staying positive
fx ladies
home sick again this time I called in sick. yesturday I went to work, worked a couple of hours then went home so hopefully I didn't give out too many of my germs. I can't stop caughing and sneezing and I sneeze alot on a normal day (bad allergies) throw a cold in the mix and I just want to cut my head off. so last nights sleep was not a good one. I feel bad calling in sick I never call in sick and I work alone in my department so that makes me 2 days behind in my work with a holiday coming up not good, I hope I can work tomorrow or I'm never going to catch up at work.
on the plus side I feel no signs of af which is nice no cramps but I still have sore bbs just not as bad as last week this week they just look bigger hoping that the reason I'm sick is because my body is working overtime making a baby and this is the only way my body can tell me to rest. I tend to not like taking naps and I have been so tired this last week I take a little nap but I always find something to do instead of sleep. I just have a hard time sleeping the day away. one can only hope that this is what is really going on with my body but then again it could be a cold and nothing more. but staying positive
fx ladies

oh I hope you feel better!

When will you test???
aw Jen i am so sorry you are going through this :(
i agree with Greer you will come out a strong person. Right now its easy to blame yourself, but i strongly believe everything happens for a reason. Maybe he isn't the one who would bring out the best in you. You deserve the best of the best. Very selfish of him to just up and leave like that with no explanation and then reassure you he was coming back. Try not to blame yourself... not right now but soon you will realize that nothing was your fault.
I have been through the pain you are feeling and believe me i said the same exact things you are. I cried and stayed in bed for about a week... then one day i couldlnt take it anymore and i decided to get out of bed and actually do something for me for once. I cut off all communication and I actually figured out who i was for the first time in my life. It was something that i def. needed. It made me appreciate my friends and family more as well. You will know you are ok when you are able to laugh again.
This happened about 3 years ago... my DH now is actually the one who broke my heart. We both learned a lot from it and now i wouldn't change a thing. It was def. much needed.

I dont want to give you false hope, but take all the time you need. Cry, Scream, or even punch something. Get it all out and then start doing things that make you happy. Everything will be ok. plus im always here for a chat. :hugs:

Thank you Janene, all of your support is helping more than you know. I can only hope that he'll realize what he's done and the hurt that he is causing before it's too late.

I feel completely numb right now. Like a total zombie.

I think I may take a day to myself tomorrow, stay home from work and just hibernate. I just want to sleep forever :cry:

The hardest part about all of this is that I'm closer with his family than I am with my own, and his father completely let me down tonight. I always felt that I could talk to him about anything, and he always gives me amazing advice. Tonight I just got the cold shoulder. Obviously I would expect him to support his son, but I haven't done anything wrong. I just don't deserve any of this.

I would have done anything for him. I would have waited forever.... ughhhh


And you deserve someone who would do anything for you and wait forever for you. That person is out there. Thought of you bunches last night. Sending you hugs and love ... you may feel alone but we are all here!
I'm not sure af I think starts oct 9th but I might wait to see if she is late before I test she sometime likes to show up late. this month feels diff to me last week I was so crampy it hurt so maybe I o'd early we bd'd alot this month from right when af finished till this last weekend about every other day maybe every 2 days I can't remember
Jen--- I am soooo sorry honey!!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: Men can be total a$$holes! You don't deserve all this and like the other ladies said it may hurt like hell right now, but you'll make it through this a stronger woman! Cry scream yell all you need to honey! Maybe there is someone who will truly appreciate you waiting around the corner, when you feel better!
I'm not sure af I think starts oct 9th but I might wait to see if she is late before I test she sometime likes to show up late. this month feels diff to me last week I was so crampy it hurt so maybe I o'd early we bd'd alot this month from right when af finished till this last weekend about every other day maybe every 2 days I can't remember

Sounds VERY promising to mee!!!!!:dust::dust::dust:
Well I hauled my butt out of bed this morning and I'm at the office -- SO glad I came into work today. The distraction is so nice!

I'm actually doing better than I thought I would be, because I'm starting to get more angry than sad.

Everyone's disbelief is helping -- my colleagues are just as shocked as I am and I'm finding it more comforting than embarrassing (which is what I was afraid of).

I keep getting commended for how well I'm taking things, so I'm pretty proud of myself! I'm so so so thankful for all of your support, and I love having this outlet to vent and get comfort.

I hope you're all doing well :)
Well I hauled my butt out of bed this morning and I'm at the office -- SO glad I came into work today. The distraction is so nice!

I'm actually doing better than I thought I would be, because I'm starting to get more angry than sad.

Everyone's disbelief is helping -- my colleagues are just as shocked as I am and I'm finding it more comforting than embarrassing (which is what I was afraid of).

I keep getting commended for how well I'm taking things, so I'm pretty proud of myself! I'm so so so thankful for all of your support, and I love having this outlet to vent and get comfort.

I hope you're all doing well :)

This is GREAT to hear!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Distractions will be your best friend for awhile. Keep it up!!!!
Well girls, I know a lot of you are on my fb and might be wondering what is up with all of the cryptic posts.

Friday evening DB said "I love you, I'll see you tomorrow", and I haven't heard from him since.

This evening he blocked me from his facebook. I contacted his father, who said "Let him go, he is only focusing on training right now".

So it's over. Just like that. No explanation, no goodbye. I guess he's planning on leaving everything that's here here, and only cares about the possessions he has where he's been living during the week.

There's nothing more to say, really. I'm a disastrous wreck


aww hun I am so sorry. I hope you are doing ok. i am here for you
I'm sorry I haven't been on at all. School is kicking my butt and I just want to do my best in school and my husband is getting ready to go train. he is waiting to get a physical
Well girls, I know a lot of you are on my fb and might be wondering what is up with all of the cryptic posts.

Friday evening DB said "I love you, I'll see you tomorrow", and I haven't heard from him since.

This evening he blocked me from his facebook. I contacted his father, who said "Let him go, he is only focusing on training right now".

So it's over. Just like that. No explanation, no goodbye. I guess he's planning on leaving everything that's here here, and only cares about the possessions he has where he's been living during the week.

There's nothing more to say, really. I'm a disastrous wreck


Omg Jen!! :hugs: I'm so sorry. That's just really cowardly the way he handled things. You deserve a good guy sweetie. Hang in there!
Thanks again for all of your support, ladies!! I'm doing okay, but more because I'm still in total disbelief. I keep expecting him to come home and say "I'm so sorry, I made a mistake".

I think Saturday everything will become much more real, because he'll be gone then until February. I'm expecting it to be another tough weekend.

For the time being, I'm holding up okay. How is everyone? Anyone in the TWW or testing soon? I think in the state I'm in a BFP or two would be great to hear about!!

Have a great Wednesday, everyone!! :)
Hey Team Coochie!!

Jen - :hugs: :hug: I am so sorry, hun!! I agree, he is such a coward to leave you this way!! I know how you feel, My ex did something similar to me - spent 2 weeks with me, then left without so much as good bye!! I was devasted!!!

Hope everyone is well.
I have an appointment to see my doc next monday afternoon. Hoping to get more forms for bloods again. I have ordered more OPK's for this month and have started temping again - but only to pinpoint OV to get the right date for bloods.
Hoping something comes of this now.
:dust: and :hugs: to all
well ladies 3 more days till testing but I'm tempted to test early I'm not cramping at all this week and my bbs aren't sore anymore just big. I don't feel like af is coming so I haven't poas early or poas in months but this month I feel diff so maybe I will test tonight I just don't want to waste any money if I'm just going to get a bfn. i will think about it at work if I still feel positive about it then I will test tonight fx for me ladies.
who else is testing this weekend?
well ladies 3 more days till testing but I'm tempted to test early I'm not cramping at all this week and my bbs aren't sore anymore just big. I don't feel like af is coming so I haven't poas early or poas in months but this month I feel diff so maybe I will test tonight I just don't want to waste any money if I'm just going to get a bfn. i will think about it at work if I still feel positive about it then I will test tonight fx for me ladies.
who else is testing this weekend?

well tested at lunch and bfn I used a $ store test but I know its still to early so feeling hopefull that it might still happen. now I will just wait and see if af shows up this sunday then if she doesn't I'll test again with a better pg test
ooohh... excited to hear what the weekend test may bring!
hopefully a + test but funny thing after I took the test I started to feel af like cramps so who knows

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