KEEPING IT REAL *TEAM - IT WILL HAPPEN* Join me in the journey ladies! :)

DH and I are BDing but only once or twice a month. So that really do not count, we need to BD much much and way more than that in order to concieve.
On a happy note, DH sent me an ecard where he wrote that, "You're getting a beautiful baby for Christmas", apparently bought a huge smile to my face. I think he's getting there. Still one more year to go for him to REALLY want one and try.
DH and I are BDing but only once or twice a month. So that really do not count, we need to BD much much and way more than that in order to concieve.

Sorry to hear that, I hope things get better for you and DH
well I wish I could chat more but my lunch is over and I have to drive back to work. I'm glad I could talk to Ana
I just wanted to update! I had an u/s today.... I am 7 weeks, 3 days! We heard the heart beat!!!!!! 133bpm :) EDD is July 12th... we go back in 4 weeks for the NT scan!

note: the circle on the right is the yolk sac ;)

Bless ya, hun. So happy for you!
DH and I are BDing but only once or twice a month. So that really do not count, we need to BD much much and way more than that in order to concieve.

Sorry to hear that, I hope things get better for you and DH
well I wish I could chat more but my lunch is over and I have to drive back to work. I'm glad I could talk to Ana

Not to worry, hun. I'll catch ya laters! Cheers. :hugs:
Hi Team Coochie,

Ana - so good to see you around!! My wedding is 6th April 2013 - 1 year and 4 months to go.
AFM - had a really busy weekend. Started with my FS appointment on Friday afternoon. Looking good. She recons that OH's stats are pretty good. She said that they add the rapid and slow motility results together and like them to be above 40%. OH's add up to 60%
She also said that the sperm concentration should be above 15 - OH's is 78!!!!
So nothing wrong with his little swimmers!!
I have to go for CD3 bloods and will have scans in the next 6 weeks.
The FS thinks there is nothing wrong with me and I just need to relax and have more fun with TTCing. She also said that we arent BDing enough - every other day from now on! OH's isnt complaining! haha

Then spent the rest of the weekend in Dublin with my brother, SIL and nephew! Nephew is 3 tomorrow and absolutely gorgeous!!! He has the cutest sence of humour I have ever seen in a 3 year old!!
In a way I am glad the weekend is over with - time to chill for a few minutes!!

Oh my best friend had her baby this morning too. Baby Rylan Scott Adams was born this morning at 10:37am(GMT) by C-Section. 8lbs 1oz and a whopping 55.5cm - the apple doesnt fall far from the tree is what comes to mind!! His dad is 6ft5!!! No ways Rylan is going to be short!!
He is absolutely gorgeous! Lucky to have had a cuddle already!!
Good to know everything is alright. Sometimes there's really nothing wrong with the couples except for the time. God has his own diary, blessing people at different times. My name must be in the last on the list, but I'm definitely sure it's there.
Hello Ladies,
I have been so busy with school, DH and I have hardly BD because we have been so tired. I miss you ladies
Good to see updates from everyone. :) I hope to read about some Christmas or New Year's BFPs soon!
Haha, for sure Andrea. DH already sent me a Christmas Ecard, where he said I would be getting a beautiful baby for my christmas. I was excited I was 4 days late for my AF - though if it came true but oh shucks got my AF 4 days after it was due. lol
What we should eat more of when TTC...
And these are the ones to add in where ever you can. A lot are just common sense if following a healthy diet. Lots of unprocessed foods, fresh leafy greens etc etc.

The list is lengthy lol...but worth a read to see what you can add!

Pumpkin Seeds /Sunflower Seeds– naturally high in zinc and essential fatty acids (EFA‘s) which are vital to healthy functioning of the male reproductive system.

Eat 1/4 cup a day of raw pumpkin or sunflower seeds to help maintain a healthy reproductive system.

Garlic – Garlic contains many fertility boosting nutrients such as selenium, which improves male fertility and vitamin B6 which is a hormone regulator.

Honey – Rich in minerals and amino acids, honey has been known to enhance fertility throughout history. Many consider it to be a fertility ―super-food which nourishes the reproductive system for both men and women.

Cinnamon – Cinnamon is a sweet-tasting spice that has recently been shown to have a beneficial effect on stabilizing blood insulin levels. It has fertility enhancing properties, especially when combined with honey. Take 1/2 to 2 teaspoons of cinnamon
mixed with 2 tablespoons honey.

In China, Japan and Far-East countries, women who do not conceive and need to strengthen the uterus, have been taking cinnamon powder for centuries. Women who cannot conceive take a pinch of cinnamon powder in half teaspoon of honey and apply it on the gums frequently throughout the day, so that it slowly mixes with the saliva and enters the body.

Apple Cider Vinegar– Organic, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar can work to balance the pH and therefore improve fertility. You can take 2 teaspoons in a glass of water, sweetened with honey. Drink a glass twice a day. This should be used by both men and women.

Avocado - Avocado provides a great source of vitamin E which is a powerful antioxidant and an important fertility nutrient for both men and women. It improves sperm function and helps to regulate ovulation and improve cervical mucus.

Goji Berries – only recently introduced to the Western world, the goji berry is a sweet red fruit native to Asia. It has been used as a medicinal food for thousands of years, and has been studied extensively in modern times to substantiate its health
benefits. In Asia, it is widely believed to increase sexual fluids and enhance fertility.

They are the most nutrient dense food on earth, containing the highest levels of antioxidants of any known food, 500 times more vitamin C by weight than oranges, more beta carotene than carrots, more iron than spinach, 18 amino acids, Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and Vitamin E, 21 trace minerals, and many natural compounds that promote health. Be sure to eat the whole berry, as many products on the market contain just a small quantity of goji berry extract.

Whole Grains – Whole grains such as oats, brown rice, whole wheat and quinoa are complex carbohydrates which release sugar into your bloodstream slowly. They contain an abundance of vitamins B, zinc and selenium which are essential for cellular reproduction, hormonal balance and the production of healthy eggs and sperm.

Green Leafy Vegetables – high in magnesium (vital for female hormone balance), folic acid and vitamin B6.

Nuts – high in B vitamins. Almonds are high in zinc; walnuts are high in zinc and omega 3 fatty acids.

Lentils and other beans – high in folic acid

Oysters – packed with zinc, which plays a role in semen and testosterone production in men and in ovulation and fertility in women.

Brown Rice – high in fiber and B Vitamins. Fiber strips old hormones and waste products from the system. Without this removal, old hormones re-circulate and create imbalances.

However, be aware that eating too much meat will increase ammonia which can interfere with the implantation of the egg in the uterus. Too much rich protein may also increase the body's acidity and affect sperm activity. Sperm are at their most efficient in an
alkaline environment.

A high-carbohydrate diet promotes the energy levels it takes to pursue pregnancy and also helps to keep your hormones balanced. You can supplement your diet by taking vitamins if you‘re unsure or undecided about following a particular diet.

Basically, you want to add foods that are high in folic acid, zinc, vitamin C or any of the vitamins listed earlier that help in fertility. Always consult your doctor before
adhering to any specialized diet.

In general when trying for a baby it makes sense to choose good quality, unprocessed foods as they are more likely to be richer in vitamins, minerals and nutrients and also more free of pesticides and added estrogens that may disrupt the reproductive cycle. By supplementing a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle with the
foods listed above you will be doing a great deal to maximise your fertility potential.
Hello Ladies,
How are you all? I hope all is well. Well today my hubby got me a 2012 Chevy Malibu LT2. This is my Christmas gift. I am so happy=)
Lucky you Lacey!!! I am sooo jealous!!! I want my new car now!!
I am trying to hang on for the January sales here!!
Got my money saved up and drawing very little interest in my bank
Whoa, that's great Lacey. I didn't get my Christmas present yet. Grrrrrr.
hey ladies
Lacey enjoy the new car
hope everyone is good. I can't believe christmas is in less then a week and I'm not even close to ready still have a little baking to do and a few more gifts to get.
I had my staff christmas party this weekend and I had a great time got drunk with my boss and all the staff and danced my little heart out. i figured its been a crazy few weeks and af is still hanging around so lets get wasted and then go home to my love and let him take advantage of my drunken state. needless to say I had a great weekend it was nice to just dance the night away I haven't done that in a long time
Hi ladies,

Yes Sandy - Christmas is only 5 sleeps away!! (now looks whose counting. HEHE)
Christmas shopping all done and wrapped! I too have a bit of baking to do - but that can wait till tomorrow. Thinking of making some gingerbread men.

Where is everyone else?? I suppose everyone is really busy with Christmas prep.

AFM - been out today looking at dresses and colours for my wedding. I am now thinking of having a chocolate theme now. Seeing that the wedding is the week after Easter, I thinking a chocolate theme would be nice. So as for colours - brown and turquiose or brown and pink?
Will need to speak to OH and see what he thinks.
Glad every1 is getting into the xmas spirit :) im forgetting the old in the new year starting fresh as alot of people say and do haha gonna sort me out get healthy look after number 1 as im the 1 who looks after every1 else all the time.......and i gotta look after me to look after kids lol..... feeling my age pmsl

cant wait to read more happy stories on here, getting xmas presents early..... i dunno :p hehe

just glad every1 is making most of what they have..... wishing u all a happy xmas if i dont speak to you all before xoxoxox
Glad every1 is getting into the xmas spirit :) im forgetting the old in the new year starting fresh as alot of people say and do haha gonna sort me out get healthy look after number 1 as im the 1 who looks after every1 else all the time.......and i gotta look after me to look after kids lol..... feeling my age pmsl

cant wait to read more happy stories on here, getting xmas presents early..... i dunno :p hehe

just glad every1 is making most of what they have..... wishing u all a happy xmas if i dont speak to you all before xoxoxox

there is nothing better than fresh starts!:thumbup: After some very dark times before DH i figured out the only way to make it is to look after/be happy with yourself first! Wishing you all the best in this New Year and beyond Zara! DH and i have agreed not to exchange presents this year as to save $ but he said he MIGHT want to open the envelope with bubs gender in it! FX he doesn't change his mind as that would be better than anything he could buy!
Getting crazy busy preparing for this weekends festivities & company so i just wanted to wish everyone on this thread (past & present) a wonderful holiday and the best of new years! I miss you all and can't wait to see a new year of bfp's and happy news!:hugs::hugs:

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