KEEPING IT REAL *TEAM - IT WILL HAPPEN* Join me in the journey ladies! :)

Aww good luck to you girls in the 2ww! I hope we see some awesome BFP's very soon! I'll be watching!!
Hi ladies,
I saw my FS for a follow up appointment this afternoon.
She says that my blood works came back within the normal range. (didnt get numbers though). She confirmed that the HSG showed that my tubes are clear.
SO there is no reason I should not beable to get preggers naturally.
She then went on to say that she will book me in for a follow up appointment in 7 months time. If I have not fallen pregnant by this time then she will book me in for IXY(?), IUI or IVF.
When I do fall pregnant, she has told me I can call her and book in for a 6 week scan!! WOOHOO yes please!!

I also got my 3rd reading today, from Gail this time.

Linking in around you I pick up a lovely relationship firstly, and spirit seem to want to show you this is lasting and no problems show around this, I also feel a strong focus around the home and family over the next 18 months, and see that pregnancy is very much on your mind

I pick up a little frustration and also dissapointment around this however for some reason, but you dont have any problems with conception or anything preventing pregnancy, it maybe that you want this slightly more at this time than your partner

I see a March to April conception, and a 2012 birth, this is showing as a healthy baby girl and that all is well around pregnancy itself, labour and birth

Spirit then show some changes around property, and a content lifestyle around you, and that you will feel your family is complete

A further July 2014 conception shows here, and a healthy baby boy born who will complete your family, you have a lovely lady linking in around you from the spirit world who is ever so proud of you at this time, she shows me an M initial

All three readings are different. Too long to post here - 1st one says 2 girls, first conceive, find out or give birth in Feb.
I'm getting a timeframe of May/June for conception or when you find out. A BOY appears for this pregnancy. I'm also being shown either lab work or some other minor procedure or testing coming up...are you (and/or your husband) working closely with a physician?

Now to see which one comes true.
I sure hope its my first or 3rd reading.

Where is everyone else??
I hope this third reading is true too Carla. i guess we will have to see fx for a march bfp
Thanks so much Sandy - 2 of the readings refer to March BFP so hopefully that is true!

There is soooo much around the 2nd and 3rd readings thats true! Its kind of scary!!
With the 3rd reading -pink reading - the 1sst paragraph is sooo true - TTC is very on my mind (sometimes I think maybe too much). With the whole wedding the family is very close too.

2nd paragraph is dead on!!! Esp this past week I have been very frustrated that this process has taken 11 months already. It is definitely me that wants this baby more than DF at the mo. Even though DF is great with his nephew.

Spirit then show some changes around property, and a content lifestyle around you, and that you will feel your family is complete
We are planning on moving but have not found a place as yet. The area we want to move to is rather pricey. But that is defo on the cards.

I would love to know who the M initial is!! Could this be my older sister? Her name is Michelle. She is the only one I can think of at the mo.

I think I might email the reader and ask her a few more q's around who this person is or was to me.
How is everyone else?
Been really quiet on here recently
Hello ladies I'm new to this whole site...n I love it... I jus recently had my implant removed 4 weeks ago...on valentines day I took 4 hompe pregnancy tests and all came bacck POSITIVE!! :] I was sooo happy and then 2 days later I began spotting...which then got heavier as the day went on ...I got scared so went to the er and they did urine and blood tests that both came back negative!! :[ idk wat could have caused the false positives! :[ but I'm not giving up hope... jus wanted to share it with someone maybe someone else has experienced this or may have an answer as to what happened! Thanx :]
Hi Gavinsmom - what happened to you is actually very common. It's called a chemical pregnancy. It happens more these days as we have early pregnancy tests. So ladies have a chemical pregnancy but just dont know it.

Oh and welcome to BnB and our thread.
Hiya all, soz i aint been about i missed u all so much and see some new people are about in here :) loads to read so if any1 would like to sum it all up that would be great lol

me - nothing new same old :) apart from having my hair done lol and decorating xx

Hope u are all well xx
Hi gavinsmom welcome to bnb
I would talk to your dr but it could have been a chemical pg and if it was sorry to hear that.

af is done thankfully it only took forever cd 7 today. I'm feeling good about this cycle with it being me and df birthday next month it would be nice if we got our bfp for a birthday present.
last year for my birthday gift to myself I saw a psychic and she had made lots of predictions about my work and family life and everything work related has come true in the last year. She told me that having a family of my own was going to take a while, I forgot to ask her what a while was for her cuz a full year of really trying to have a baby seems like a life time to me. I think I might see her again for my birthday she was so dead on about so many things she kinda creeped me out a little that she knew so much. I've never done one online so i don't know how they work but if you want a reading I highly recommened seeing one in person i've only seen 2 gifted people in my life and both were right in their own way. the first person I saw i felt like I had to ask alot of ? and I didn't like that much but this last lady I saw I just walked in the door and boom she did the talking all i did was nod my head I was amazed at her gift on how she picked up on things.
Hi Sandy - Hope your journey is not much longer!!

I was really shocked at how spot on Gail was with my 3rd reading. The first 2 paragraphs are spot on. Now just waiting to see how much of the othe paragraphs comes true.
Hey Ladies,
How are you? Sorry i havent been on much, I have been so busy with school and whatnot and now I am on Clomiphene 50mg to help me ovulate, I get to start it my next cycle which will be next month. I am so excited.
Lucky you Lacey!!! My FS said there is no point in my going on clomiphene as I already OV on my own! :grr:
FXed this is the trick you need to get your BFP!!!
Hope you girls are doing well! :)

Tomorrow is the big day, week 20 u/s. We'll re confirm the gender and hopefully see my anterior placenta won't cause any problems!
how is everyone this week

I'm doing good just waiting to ov which should be the middle of next week
Hi ladies! :flower:

Went in for my 20 week scan this morning. My little girl is perfect, my placenta is not. :wacko: It is low lying and anterior. It is not covering my cervix though, it is about 2cm away from my cervix. I was shown exactly where it was on the u/s. So, I don't have to go on pelvic rest BUT I will have to have a rescan at week 28. My doctor said he is not concerned at all and he thinks it will move by then. If it doesn't.. worst case... I'll have a c-section which I have to have ANYWAY. :shrug: So, I guess today wasn't so bad!

I got the cutest photo of her in 3D, it's not great but you can see her lips and hand by her face! Oh, and it's still a girl! :cloud9:

One more...

omg Andrea I love the 3d pics she looks so cute. the detail on the 3d is amazing she looks like she is a little camera shy in the first one covering her face with her hand so cute
Aw thanks ladies! It was such an adorable and unexpected photo. We were not expecting to see her in 3D but our tech was so nice! :)
I'm sorry but i didn't know where else to ask.......

I had a 10000 HCG shot on Feb 12th and today is Feb 25th. I read that HCG levels halve every day till it reaches negligible levels on day 14 after shot.

Yesterday i.e 12 days post the HCG shot (my level should be about 2.5 mu/ml given that 12 days have passed) , i took a Wondfo high sensitive (10 mu/ml) HPT and i still see a faint positive. I was 10 dpo yesterday.....

What do u think? is it the HCG shot giving the double line or could this be my :bfp:??

Please if anyone could help me regarding this!

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