LTTTC while feeling left behind Room - Welcome

Goodness, thats a quick return. How long do you have to wait to BD? Yea I was over ovulating with clomid always two or more eggs...ugh...I just want one healthy baby at a time!

Yea it seems fast I'm just pushing recovery as quick as I can and have to wear track pants to work lol bruising and swelling is still an issue but with rest I'm hoping it goes down. FS gave as a week then we can start BD but really I'm ready now but DH is scared to hurt me. Soooo I think I have to turn it up a knotch tonight lol! ;) I agree at this point I'm not picking on the sex or the number of babies I get I will take whatever the good Lord grants me with! :hugs:
oh seen the Ricki show is on at 3pm EST thank goodness I'm home to watch it :D
Hi everyone! Welcome and welcome back to lekker! I don't have time to respond but giving you all big :hugs:
Did anyone see the show? Was it good? I was at work so I did't get to see it.
I haven't. It comes on at 4:00 here CST and I don't get home til 4:30. I'm hoping they will show a rerun later tonight or can catch it online. I guess I could try Youtube as well.
I missed the show due to work as well....thanks for the info. Lekker and I really hope that in November things get all sorted out for you!!!! Excited to hopefully look up the show and see you on it!
HearMyPrayers- although I am late, welcome to our thread :-) so sorry you are going through tough times right now, understand about the money and getting healed up as I had a lap years back and was in the same boat!
Hiya Krys and Gdane and everyone else!!

I had hubs go in for his 2nd testosterone blood draw this morning since they wanted an early draw since his numbers were low last week...we still havent gotten the 2nd sa results back yet but the good thing is that Tuesday we are sitting down with the dr. to go over all the results and find out what happens next with him...also Thursday I have an appt. scheduled with my OB to go over the consideration of the lap again because of my endo and if he thinks it should be done or not considering it was mild last time they checked it...anxious to see what happens and really hoping we get REAL answers this time.. I hate the waiting game!! As we all do!

On a good note, I have been trying all week to win Maroon 5 tickets on the radio and adore the group and Adam Levine as I told you before...well, today I won which is amazing!!!! Just had to share
I missed the show due to work as well....thanks for the info. Lekker and I really hope that in November things get all sorted out for you!!!! Excited to hopefully look up the show and see you on it!
HearMyPrayers- although I am late, welcome to our thread :-) so sorry you are going through tough times right now, understand about the money and getting healed up as I had a lap years back and was in the same boat!
Hiya Krys and Gdane and everyone else!!

I had hubs go in for his 2nd testosterone blood draw this morning since they wanted an early draw since his numbers were low last week...we still havent gotten the 2nd sa results back yet but the good thing is that Tuesday we are sitting down with the dr. to go over all the results and find out what happens next with him...also Thursday I have an appt. scheduled with my OB to go over the consideration of the lap again because of my endo and if he thinks it should be done or not considering it was mild last time they checked it...anxious to see what happens and really hoping we get REAL answers this time.. I hate the waiting game!! As we all do!

On a good note, I have been trying all week to win Maroon 5 tickets on the radio and adore the group and Adam Levine as I told you before...well, today I won which is amazing!!!! Just had to share

Thats awesome!!
Pooka..Congrats. Man..I need to start trying to win something. I never win anything. Oh...well last year a won a set of the electronic toothbrushes from my Dentist office. I think they rigged it since I was going so much :rofl:

Still waiting on Ovulation. I was expecting a + yesterday. I got fooled. I was having some pains but no positive test. My smiley said no and my IC showed almost. I did it again this morning with Smiley and it was neg. so will see what this evening brings. Does a higher dose of clomid put Ovulation off. My 50mg last month I got positive on 13 -14 and Ovulated on the 14th.

I've also been down the past few days and I can't get out of this funk. Any ideas?? One good thing I keep telling myself no wine in the 2WW ( bout less wine :haha:) so no +opk means I can keep chugging...:dance:
Lekker: I saw you on your link on facebook! You were so awesome!!! Way to represent! I loved it.

Once again, welcome to the new girls! Sorry I haven't had much time. I usually respond a lot better...there's just a lot of people now!!

Pook: Good luck and let me know what you hear. I'm here for ya girl! And you lucky freakin duck! Tell everyone else everything you've won in the past year. You are seriously the luckiest person I know.

Here; I hope you O soon. Keep on chuggin!! :haha: do whatever you need to do to make you feel good. :hugs:

Mummywant2be, I see you stalking!! Come out and play ;)
Thanks Gdane..You know I love my wine. Remember that day we were on the phone and I bought all that wine. LOL.

Girl you be catching some people. You caught Teddy last week peeping :rofl:'ve been caught by the investigator - come on out! :haha:

Lekker...can you post it here - the link. We want to see.
:hi: all sorry I havent been on, been hectic and sooooo many threads & journals to keep track of... this thread moves very quickly its really good :)

I havent had a chance to read back through yet, but I will real soon, but I just wanted to say :hi: and I hope that all you lovely ladies are well and doing just fine :hugs:
:rofl: you're not allowed to silently lurk while Gdane is keeping watch!! lmao! I need to be careful!

I'm going to try and find that ricki show on youtube.

Sorry i can't respond to everyone. I've had a bad time with AF kind of showing up. She's not officially here, i don't think...but i have this issue every cycle, damn spotting! Anyways, it hit me very hard and i'm trying to bounce back from it. I'm doing alot better but i'm pretty bitter about it.

Anyways, i hope everyone is well. :hugs:
Alright ladies...I'm already catching crap on some of the pages and boards about my story on the show. I was not the main guest, and I didn't even really get to share my story. >.< But because I suffer from unexplained infertility it's not that big of a deal right? *facepalm* I uploaded the video to my facebook. Any of you can friend me Racheal Lindsay Hodges (moore) Since I was on TV I don't care who sends me friend requests. <3 As for the lap and dye question, no I have not had it done because I can't get the (pardon my french) Shit head of a dr to write me a referral. I'm HOPING that this appointment in Nov will allow me to get the signatures required to continue testing. I'm not letting the negative comments get me down. I'm actually firing back and stating the truth. Apparently one blogger assumed I was PISSED OFF because they gave Jenelle free IVF. I was not pissed I was trying not to cry. But I was jealous and I stated that honestly I was jealous because I would love to have a chance but how can I be pissed because another person who is going through the same thing I am is getting her chance? I can't! I'm very happy for her.

Another one that I found (I edited down the first part b/c it didn't pertain to me) There are many reasons for infertility and almost all of them are controllable factors. I wonder if the thin girl drinks too much coffee? Caffeine also causes cystic ovaries. Maybe you're with a husband who makes you miserable? A husband who is away at war is clearly a never-ending stressful situation. Not to mention, I know how "loving" those couples are when their hubbies come home with PTSD and an alcohol problem. It's a total joke the money that goes into fertility treatments BEFORE health factors, mental and physical, are addressed. Actually, it's disgusting...keep paying off your drug dealers Amurica!
People are ridiculous Lekk!Don't let them get to you! they have no clue what your going through and some people just don't care about us because its so easy for them!
Teddy I am so sorry about the spotting and af...i get the spotting every month too, i have for years and can't figure out why either...
lekker- i went to the ricki lake fb page and read some of those comments that people made :growlmad::dohh: i cannot believe some of that crap that people say! inconsiderate assholes!!! :gun: Dont pay attention to those idiots, but it is heartbreaking to think that people believe stuff like that. Like cutting out caffiene or losing some pounds will make it all better. Maybe it will...maybe it wont, but dont be inconsiderate to people going through it. Anyways, i had to stop reading it, it made me so mad. I can't seem to get the full episode so i'm not sure what happened, but is this the first time it has aired? i have seen that virgin sperm donor on another show i think.

pookabear-thanks for the support. Spotting is so frustrating and i can't help but feel that there is a link to that and not getting pregnant. I just can't seem to fix it. Have you tried anything that worked?
I'm not sure where you can find the whole thing. Add me on facebook and I'll send you the one that's on my wall.
Teddy, I always think it is linked to the no bfp for me too and all the drs I have seen over it throughtout the years say its nothing to worry about and I just don't buy it! Honestly I think it plays a big role in my issues but I could be wrong...the only thing that's ever stopped it for me, was some of the months I was on clomid, but it wasn't every month and I can't explain why....I hate it because it usually last at least. 4 Or 5. Days for me before af and it seems never ending..sorry for tmi but it usually starts out pinkish brown for me and then gets darker by the day until af shows..I often wonder if it has anything to do with the endo I have but who knows drs. Just say not to worry about it
Hereweare, I am a firm believer in both sexual and alcohol healing...LOL The only thing I don't drink during the TWW is coffee. I actually am trying to limit myself to 3 cups a week...for other parts of my cycle...

Love the approach!
I limit myself to 1 cup of coffee a day - surely that can't do any harm??

Anyhoo, here's me:

ABOSOLUTELY NO REASON FOR ME NOT BEING PG OR HAVING A BABY! (medically referred to as 'unexplained infertility'!
I'm 34, hubby is 41. We've been ttc no.1 for just over 2.5 years now: no BFPs - not even an evaporation line! Neither of us have any children from other relationships.

I've had all the relevant blood tests - some more than once (through own doctor and FS), internal exam + swabs, transvaginal scan, ultrasound abdomenal scan and most recently, a hsg last month. OH has had 2 SAs: both fine, but standard procedure to have 2 completed before assisted conception.
We're due to have an ivf referral in December if not pg before. But I have made contact with my FS through the nurse yesterday as I'm getting so hacked off with the spotting I get through my cycle (Teddy - I feel your pain!) I'd mentioned it to all the medics that I'd meet re fertility and none of them seemed at all concerned, but actually, it's driving me mad and I just can't see how it can't be potentially part of the problem. As I said to the nurse yesterday, on a bad month, I can be spotting/bleeding for 16/17 days out of a 30 ish day cycle - that's just crazy! she said she'd speak to the consultant and get back to me, but she doesn't think it's endo (as my acupuncturist asked about this week) as I don't have enough symptoms.

So I'm kind of in limbo-land, waiting for news from the consultant, waiting for ivf and currently, perhaps more importantly, waiting to ovulate! (i have no problems ovulating!)

Defo feel 'left behind'. In the time we've been ttc, 4 colleagues I work closely with fell pg and had babies, including 1 who is a close friend (just reminded me that I dreamt last night that she was pg again!) and another friend who has got engaged, got married and had her first baby in that time! Plus other less significant people.

Sorry it ended up being such a long one!

Hugs to all those in need!

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