Moonstone anyone?

I think its leave it in light of the full moon or cleanse under running water..... shoving it under the tap was the easiest option for me!

Don't you think my chart looks like I O'd already?

i think it does! don't know how to explain the OPK thing :nope:

I think it's magic!!! :haha::dust:

JRScorpio - it looks to me like you may have ovulated yesterday, and they do say you can ovulate on the day you get your positive OPK! Did you POAS yesterday morning or just the night? When was the last time before last night that you POAS? x

That could be the explaination because I think my surge and Ov IS close together. It seemed that way last month anyway but I wasn't temping then so I couldn't be sure.

I only did the OPK in the evening. It was really late too, I only did it for the hell of it because I thought I had already O'd a couple days earlier! I had been doing them every late afternoon/evening before that and they were all negative. I just did another one now to see what would happen and it isn't positive but still quite a mediumish dark line. I just thought it was funny the day I receive the moonstone was the day I get mega dark OPK! If I get my BFP this month I will attribute it to the moonstone!
Wow Sept.. 12th!? I'll O before then I'm sure. I saw somewhere on one of the posted articles that we can also charge it with sunlight. Has anyone did that?

This site says you can but also says at the bottom not to do it too much as it can cause it to fade :/

*edit* I think this is a better site
very intersting thread! i have seen this pop up on the ttc thread for a long time and always wondered wth is that?! lol, so i clicked on it today and i cannot wait to go find me a bracelet! lol! good luck girls!
I think its leave it in light of the full moon or cleanse under running water..... shoving it under the tap was the easiest option for me!

Don't you think my chart looks like I O'd already?

i think it does! don't know how to explain the OPK thing :nope:

I think it's magic!!! :haha::dust:

JRScorpio - it looks to me like you may have ovulated yesterday, and they do say you can ovulate on the day you get your positive OPK! Did you POAS yesterday morning or just the night? When was the last time before last night that you POAS? x

That could be the explaination because I think my surge and Ov IS close together. It seemed that way last month anyway but I wasn't temping then so I couldn't be sure.

I only did the OPK in the evening. It was really late too, I only did it for the hell of it because I thought I had already O'd a couple days earlier! I had been doing them every late afternoon/evening before that and they were all negative. I just did another one now to see what would happen and it isn't positive but still quite a mediumish dark line. I just thought it was funny the day I receive the moonstone was the day I get mega dark OPK! If I get my BFP this month I will attribute it to the moonstone!

I think if you'd tested early yesterday you would've got a positive. I use ic's & also CB digis & last month if I hadn't of tested twice a day I would've missed my surge completely! Also, and I keep meaning to post a thread about this - the instructions always say its not a positive until the test line is equal to or darker than the control line. However by using both I've found that what I wouldn't class as a + on a ic is coming up + on a digi! Yet the digis are only 30/40miu (can't remember) & the ic's are 20 miu :shrug:. I've been testing twice a day for a while now, 'just in case' lol x
It's all bloody confusing isn't it!!! Going bed shortly, can't wait to wake up to take my temp!! Will update xx
I also read that you can charge moonstone with incense if the incense has the same use as the moonstone itself. Well, I have Full Moon incense, can I charge it with that? I really would like to have it charged before I O. What do you ladies think?
I won't get mine until tuesday minimum :( sad now :( hoping it'll work for implantation though :D
It depends what energy you want it charged with. The sun is masculine energy and the moon is more feminine. For our purposes we want feminine energy.
That makes sense. I guess I will use the Full Moon incense to charge them for now and soon as the full moon hits, I'll recharge them. Thanks for the info.
It's all bloody confusing isn't it!!! Going bed shortly, can't wait to wake up to take my temp!! Will update xx

Well after posting about you I think I might be in the same boat! EWCM dried up yesterday and had a big temp drop, today I've had a rise, so it looks like I may have ovulated yesterday. However, I've had 3 bad night's sleep in a row and with it being the weekend, I have taken my temps at different times to my usual mid week times, but I wouldn't have thought it would make that much difference to the temps. Also I still got a + IC & digi OPK this morning. I have NEVER ovulated the same day as my OPK (usually 2 days after) but I had a HSG this month so maybe it affects things? :shrug: I'll have to see what happens in the next few days... x

This site says you can but also says at the bottom not to do it too much as it can cause it to fade :/

*edit* I think this is a better site

Very good link, thanks! x
Good morning! I wouldn't know anythinng about HSG- is that where they put the dye through your tubes?

I had a massive temp drop this morning- do you think that means I am ovulating right now?! I have a bit of EWCM but I have to go looking for it! I suppose I won't really know unless my temps go right up tomorrow. I hate this waiting game!!
Morning! Yes it's an X ray where they put dye through your tubes, everything came back fine :) Wow, how strange after those higher temps! I know it's so confusing isn't it?! Just a waiting game now. As soon as I get my cross hairs though I'm stopping temping, it's too stressful watching it drop before AF or it staying high & you getting excited, only for :witch: to arrive! Good luck! x

p.s I can't wait for my moonstone to arrive! Getting very impatient!
Good Luck to you too! I have actually read threads about the HSG thing before- a lot of people who have had it done got pregnant straight after even if it didn't show up any blockages- maybe it clears out stuff that can't be seen on a scan or widens your tubes to make it easier for sperm/egg to get through??

This is my 1st month temping (I'm probably doing it all wrong lol and thats why my charts all over the place) so I will carry on right to the end of my cycle just to see how it goes x
Yeah I think the first few months of temping you need to do it all through so you understand your cycle. You get a bit bored of it after 7 months though lol. I didn't temp last cycle but hated not knowing how many dpo i was or how long my LP was so started up again. Yeah I've heard that too about HSG's, apparently something to do with the hairs in your fallopian tubes standing on end & helping the egg move along... So were you NTNP before as I see your ticker says you've been ttc a month & a bit? x
No this is only my 2nd month TTC. I took my last BCP 11th July and started straight away because I need to get pregnant in a 3 month window because of going to Uni. I O'd 18 days after last pill (so actually I guess it makes sense me O'ing on CD 18 this month) but obviously I wasn't successful. I really hope this is my month. I haven't got any problems that I know of and I had regular cycles (I was only on pill for 5 months and went on for my skin) but I just always had this bad feeling like I might find it difficult. Might be down to the fact I haven't always been that careful but have always been 'lucky' whereas all my friends got knocked up before we were 18 lol (I'm turning 26 in Oct). I'm trying to get the negative feelings away because I'm quite into all that hippy stuff and I don't want my own negative beliefs to get in the way of what I want!

(my ticker is counting from the day after my pill free week because I figured at the time I was still protected then so it didn't count)

Have you got any children? Have you got any known fertility problems?
Ah I see, so what happens if you don't get pg in the 3 month window??? Fingers crossed for you. Well I'm 30 and no children, it took us a long time to decide we were ready and also for me to persuade DH!! No fertility problems that I know about, HSG was clear, I have an appointment 21st Sept to discuss my blood test results & what will happen next. I think he'll either tell me to go away & keep trying for 6 months or he'll give me Clomid. I "seem" to ovulate fine but he did say last time the only thing that concerns him is that my cycles are a little on the long side at 34 days (though this still classed as normal) so I'm thinking Clomid to make me ov earlier. I have LP spotting for days before AF and if my progesterone levels come back fine then I'll need to ask what else he thinks it could be. DH has good sperm results so we know that's not a problem and I'm not overweight and don't smoke x
If I don't get preg in this 3 month window... then erm I don't know, I haven't really thought about it because I don't want to think about it loool!!! I'm tryna be optimistic! Thing is, now we have started TTC, I don't think I could stop. I think a baby is a blessing whether it is 'convenient' timing or not so I hope I do get preg quick because it will fit round stuff but if I don't I'll take a bfp anytime and just deal with it!

It must be horrible for it not to be happening for so long but with no explaination although obviously it's good that there is nothing wrong with you. Maybe the moonstone will be the last little thing you need to get your BFP. I got everything crossed for you! xxxx

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