***November 2019 Babies!***

Is anyone else struggling with your postpartum body? I guess you bounce back faster after the first than you do the second? I want to start working out again but the ob won’t check and clear me until 6 weeks after. I’m just getting really down about not feeling great in any clothes with the holidays coming up. I’m walking a ton but I think it’s more loss of muscle and my uterus still shrinking than needing to burn calories. I know my body just did an amazing thing and I need to figure out how to love it as is but I always struggle with that bit. I keep reading this over and over today:


If you have any fav fourth tri clothing items I can buy online please send them my way :)
I'm surprised with my postpartum body! I've lost almost all my bump even though it's still a bit wobbly, I never lost it with my second but I did gain a lot more pregnancy weight with him, this time around I've lost weight everywhere and I can wear my pre pregnancy Jeans! And Enzo was my biggest baby! I guess its partly to do with looking after 3 kiddies now and barely finding time to eat hahaha
Hi everyone- I thought I would add my story incase it helps someone else. My due date wasn't until tomorrow but last week I went into labor all on my own! I lost my mucus plug during the day and didn't think too much of it bc Ive heard they can grow back and means nothing in terms of when baby comes...then later that day had some "bloody show" but it was just pink discharge. Well couple hours later contractions started...and never stopped. Got to hospital at 8pm was at 3cm then kept dilating an 1-1.5 cm every hour and got epidural 3 hours later. Couple hours later it was time to push. 3 pushes and she was out!! We didn't know gender so that was cool but I feel DH is having gender disappointment. We already have a 20 month old DD and I think he was really hoping for a boy :/ he won't admit it but I feel a little sad he didn't seem as happy. But anyways I'm sure he will come around.

As for recovery and length of labor. I definitely think it made a difference for me first labor 36 hours = 4 weeks of pain. This labor 5 hours = 2 days of pain. My body is definitely not where i want it either. Been breastfeeding so the weight is coming off but definitely think ill be left with a pouch.

Congrats everyone! Hope to see more birth stories on here.
Yup that’s exactly like me duration/recovery wise. Congrats on the early easy labor dogmommy! I’m feeling a bit better about my pooch today. I think I just made the mistake of trying in all my old clothes after a big lunch yesterday:haha:. My best friend even commented on how good I looked today. I think I’ll just have to deal with the food baby look until I can get back to rebuilding some abs. I actually find the weight stays on for me when breastfeeding bc I’m so hungry and worried about how cutting calories might affect my supply.
Lesondemavie, You have to give your body time to heal I'm sure it'll get back to here you'd like it after you heal up! Glad you're feeling better about it though.

Afm, I'm almost completely back down to my pre preggo weight, only thing is I still can't fit my shoes or wedding ring, I hope this isn't permanent, I'm 4 weeks pp and still can't squeeze either one on smh. I would've liked to keep some of my weight that I gained, as I've always been pretty small, I gained 40lbs while pregnant but most of it was fluid due to my pre e, so i pretty much pee'd that out in my catheter in the 24 hours following my delivery.

congrats Dog mommy, glad your birth was smooth, and I'm sure your husband will come around, I'm sure he loves her all the same.
Congrats everyone! How is everyone getting on? I’m finding it hard with 3, I won’t lie! Everyone said the third just slots in... they are liars!!! I think my baby is a bit more needy though than her brothers were. She cries much more and I have to carry her around to keep her happy so it’s hard to do stuff with my 2 older ones. Feeling frazzled!
Hi hun, so far I'm finding 3 a doddle, however Enzo is a terrible feeder, he has silent reflux and basically hates feeding time and it's a constant battle to get him to take anything! He fusses mid way through the bottle and refuses anymore until later, so I'm constantly making up bottles for him. Hes still doing good with his weight though, he got weighed last week a day before he turned 7 weeks and he was 12lb 3oz, so a big boy indeed! We've tried so much when he comes to feeding as the medication off the doctor wasnt working that good, so now hes using anti reflux milk which so far has been great for the silent reflux.

He has a cold at the moment and back to fussy feeding :( I look forward to weaning him tbh, the boy just isnt fusses on his milk anymore!
Hlx he’s doing amazing gaining so much weight. How much did he weigh at birth again ?
Have you got a perfect prep machine to make bottle making easier?
We have our own issues with feeding as she is clicking a lot on breast and when we’ve given bottles too so they are querying tongue tie. She’s so gassy and gets really uncomfortable, it’s awful on an evening.
You must be super mum as I’m really struggling with 3. I won’t lie, I’ve had moments when ive just cried and thought what he hell have I done. It’s sleep deprivation though
Man I can’t imagine 3. I’m struggling so much with just 2. My 2 yo is just a handful right now and if Cal is fussy on top of that it’s too much for me. Last night, I left her downstairs with DH while I got ready for bed with the baby. When I came back, she was alone in the living room stripped down to her underwater and lapping up water from the kitty water bowl. I just don’t even know :shrug:

Cal just had his 2-month appointment and first round of vaccinations. He’s growing so fast: 12.25lbs and almost 23”. He fussed a bit with the shots but not bad, and now he’s down for his long afternoon nap.

The holidays were crazy and after surviving 4 of them since he arrived we’re finally enjoying some down time. Since my PP appointment, I started fitting in 10-15 minute core and arm exercises with baby and/or toddler when I can and going to a baby and mom yoga class once a week. It feels so good to be doing more than just walking a ton.

I’m going back to work in a few weeks and oddly feeling anxious about it. DH will be home with Cal so that doesn’t worry me so much, but I wonder what messes I’m going to have to clean up when I get there and also I hate pumping.

Hope you all had great holidays whatever you celebrate and glad to hear your babes are doing well <3
Enzo was 8lb 12oz at birth so a pretty big lad! :haha: I use the prep machine and it's my life saver, but honestly feeding times are horrendous and a constant battle, and now colic is back full throttle along side the silent reflux, I dont know whether I'm coming or going at the moment, I just dont think enzo enjoys bottle feeding, hes in constant pain from something, he will benefit from early weaning like my second son did at 16 weeks.

Enzo also clicks a lot on the bottle but I've had no idea with tongue tie! Maybe that could be a apart of this difficult feeding... how do I know if he has it or not? I have no experience in this!

Overall Enzo is thriving and gaining weight like a trooper and sleeps through the night sometimes, if not he wakes just the once, I just wish I could help him through the pain.

This is my little man now, all 12lb 3oz of him, hes a little tank and is slowly receding on top of his head. We have been having real smiles from 5 weeks and is babbling so much! Oh how they grow:haha:

Man I can’t imagine 3. I’m struggling so much with just 2. My 2 yo is just a handful right now and if Cal is fussy on top of that it’s too much for me. Last night, I left her downstairs with DH while I got ready for bed with the baby. When I came back, she was alone in the living room stripped down to her underwater and lapping up water from the kitty water bowl. I just don’t even know :shrug:

Cal just had his 2-month appointment and first round of vaccinations. He’s growing so fast: 12.25lbs and almost 23”. He fussed a bit with the shots but not bad, and now he’s down for his long afternoon nap.

The holidays were crazy and after surviving 4 of them since he arrived we’re finally enjoying some down time. Since my PP appointment, I started fitting in 10-15 minute core and arm exercises with baby and/or toddler when I can and going to a baby and mom yoga class once a week. It feels so good to be doing more than just walking a ton.

I’m going back to work in a few weeks and oddly feeling anxious about it. DH will be home with Cal so that doesn’t worry me so much, but I wonder what messes I’m going to have to clean up when I get there and also I hate pumping.

Hope you all had great holidays whatever you celebrate and glad to hear your babes are doing well <3

Hahahaha drinking the cats water made me chuckle!! I'm struggling a bit this time around with a baby, but the toddler years I absolutely love!
reopening this thread as its so quiet! And the October 2019 thread is still going strong!

How is everyone and babies doing?
reopening this thread as its so quiet! And the October 2019 thread is still going strong!

How is everyone and babies doing?
Hey HLx, I actually came and checked in here recently, but there was no activity, so I left. Me and baby girl are doing great, she just turned 6 months, oh how the time flys. She's rolling over both ways, sitting up on her own, and getting in the crawl stance, but just rocking, not crawling. How are you?

oh and Happy Mother's Day!
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Hey HLx, I actually came and checked in here recently, but there was no activity, so I left. Me and baby girl are doing great, she just turned 6 months, oh how the time flys. She's rolling over both ways, sitting up on her own, and getting in the crawl stance, but just rocking, not crawling. How are you?

oh and Happy Mother's Day!

I know this thread is dead isn't it:haha:

I know its going so quick, Enzo will be 6 months old tomorrow, hes such a darling. He can't roll or anything yet, but he loves being up on his feet and standing! Hes also fully weaned too and loves his food! Hes also been diagnosed with plagiocephaly and brachycephaly so we are awaiting an appointment to get the little man a special helmet to correct his skull!

Haopy mothers day for yesterday I believe! Its not mothers day for us here in the UK though we had ours back in March, but thank you:haha:
Randomly logged in and checked here bc I can’t sleep. Glad you’re both doing well and hope the helmet process is smooth for you and baby hlx. Can’t believe it’s been 6 months!

My little boy started army crawling like a speed demon all over the house right at 6 months. It’s adorable but we’ve been trying to work full time from home with him and a 2 yo and no childcare so it’s a bit chaotic to say the least. My daughter didn’t crawl until 8.5 months so this is new for us! Maybe he’s just trying to keep up with her :haha:. We just started blw and he’s having fun trying new foods. Our daughter was so hard. She gagged and turned bright red and vomited for anything other than purée. This guy chows down like he’s been doing it forever, no issue. His 3-course meal the other night of broccoli, pasta, and mango was more than I’ve seen a baby eat ever! He’s been a bit fussier lately. He just wants to crawl allll of the time but then he gets exhausted and doesn’t know how to slow things down. Hopefully he’ll chill a bit before he tries walking!
It's nice to see everyone's doing well. @HLx Enzo is absolutely adorable and will be even cuter in his little helmet!
AJ is 6 months now. He rolls and is able to sit up but is not interested! He'd rather be shuffling along and seeing what he can grab and play with. Sitting still isn't for him! He's weaned too, he's having 3 meals a day and snacks, he has some appetite! And still manages about 30oz a day. He's so active, that's the only reason he's not chubby I think haha!
We're also both working full time and trying to balance childcare, it's a nightmare!
I really can't believe it's been 6 months already!
I hope to god the helmet doesn't bother him, I cant go back to sleepless nights now :haha: Alex is doing amazing with the weaning and still taking all his milk like a good boy! Enzo just doesnt like milk im trying everything at the moment! Even putting yoghurt in his bottle with the milk or a rusk just to sweeten it or change the taste and nope hates it :haha: I've accepted the fact hes never really enjoyed his milk and he probably never will!
It's nice to see everyone's doing well. @HLx Enzo is absolutely adorable and will be even cuter in his little helmet!
AJ is 6 months now. He rolls and is able to sit up but is not interested! He'd rather be shuffling along and seeing what he can grab and play with. Sitting still isn't for him! He's weaned too, he's having 3 meals a day and snacks, he has some appetite! And still manages about 30oz a day. He's so active, that's the only reason he's not chubby I think haha!
We're also both working full time and trying to balance childcare, it's a nightmare!
I really can't believe it's been 6 months already!

Haha yup! Cal too. Perfectly capable, but not interested in sitting still at all. Last night he pulled up to standing in his bassinet and knocked everything off of my nightstand! I’m not ready to pack it away but it might be time :cry:
Alex has been in his cot in his own room since about 4 months. I know the guidance is 6 months before anyone starts trying to shame me, but I spoke to my health visitor and did what we felt was right for us. He went through a sleep regression and I decided to move him and it's the best thing I've done. It was so strange not having him next to me, I was a bit sad. But he loves his room and sleeps so well. It is sad seeing them grow up, but I absolutely love seeing the little person he's becoming
enzo would be in his own room too if it wasn't for the fact we are putting layla in there and then the boys will share :haha: Hes slept so well from 2 months old I could have probably put him in his own room then! Never worry what other people think hun, your child your rules! I weaned Enzo just before he turned 3 months, so im sure people will have something to say about that too :haha:

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