November Sparklers 2012

morri - it does sound like the nutritionist had a different agenda! I hope you can get the eczema figured out! :( I agree - I think that if she's growing lengthwise, and not losing weight, she's fine. They sure know how to stress us out though.

daddies - dang, one thing after another, eh?

We had an 8 hour stretch last night! With these longer stretches though, :ninja: doesn't like going back to sleep, so he'll talk to himself for up to 2 hours. :dohh: I just need him to go 2 more hours and then he can wake up for the day, so bring on those longer stretches!
Morri that nutritionist sounds incredibly uninformed. Where do you live? I'm doing all slightly mashed or soft finger foods and no spoon feeding (well, very minimal) so I guess I'm in trouble lol.
Speaking of finger foods, Ninja decided to actually put one in his mouth yesterday for the first time! He puts everything else in his mouth, but never food... until yesterday. Yay!
Guess I'm just getting old :haha:

Dominic sat a pancake on Anthony's tray at breakfast yesterday I looked over to Anthony stuffing it in his mouth! Had to take it away and gave him Cheerios to practice picking up but he got those too so I had to take them away lol.
I am in Hamburg Germany,the doc sounded more open but also concerned in case i would go without milk for calcium. The last time at the her doctor was 7390g and a week after she had a tummy bug and lost some but at the third day she was 7015 g (checked by another doctor as mine was on leave)as far as I remember. since then she wasnt weighted anymore. I hope it is not the itchiness distracting her from proper drinkng. I'll leave cow out and take some calcsupplements or i also have a sample can of neocate hydrolisate. and see what her doc thinks about it.
Not sure what you mean about milk, as in replacing bm or formula? Generally the advice here is not to give cows milk to drink until after 12 months...
no going without milk drinking myself . lo is obviously not getting any she is ebf so far, but her eczema is probably from the cows milk I consume that goes into the breast milk.
I hope you can get it figured out. Poor thing! Keep in mind the flax seed oil though for when she starts solids! It really helped my oldest with his eczema!
Hope it's figured out soon Morri! Anthony is on Neocate. He's been doing great with it. If you do give her some till you're body is milk free beware neocate makes poo very dark. I drink almond milk which is suppose to have more calcium than dairy. We gave almond milk to Dominic after 11 months bc his dairy issue and he did really great with it.

With the problems we had early on with Anthony I'm grateful all the foods we've tried with him he's had no reactions.
So far I haven't been successful in giving a bottle to lo. Similar to a couple of weeks back I just tried a water bottle and she didnt take any of it either. Oh isnt here until friday. So far though her skin already looks better but maybe thats just the 'change' thing, that is apparently common with eczema. flaxseed is the same as linseed isnt it?
flaxseed is the same as linseed isnt it?

I don't know. :shrug: I don't know that I've ever seen linseed, so it's possible it's the same..??

So last night... 11 hour stretch! 11 hour stretch!!! :dance:

I'm not sure what to do about breastfeeding at this point. I think Ninja is getting tired of it. My letdown has been slow the last month and he gets really impatient. I think my supply is also starting to dwindle, which makes him even more mad. Yesterday he fed on both sides and then sucked down 4 ounces from a bottle cause he was obviously still hungry. And then I went almost 15 hours of not breastfeeding (cause of the 11 hour stretch and I bottle feed the last meal of the day), and you'd think I would be super engorged this morning, but I wasn't. :shrug: Dh told me this morning to be done with it, but it's just so hard to let go. *I'm* finally to the point where it only hurts every once in awhile, so I feel like I could go a few more months; but it seems that my little baby has a different idea. :cry: Well, at least I made it to 6 months (oh yes, if I have to pump for the next 4 days to reach that 6 month point, I'm gonna! :haha:)
Hello ladies, Morri I think flaxseed and linseed are the same, but not totally sure. Hope LO's skin gets better, ezcema must be horrible for LO's. love your bike of taking LO out on the bike, very nice idea, nit sure I'm brave enough to do that in London though!

How's the foot Daddies?

Cridge, only a few more days till 6 months, his fussiness may be the 6 month growth spurt and he's emptying the tank until your supply catches up. So hang in there if you want to, he's so unlikely to self wean at 6 months so see how you go.

I've been really poorly, kind of had so many symptoms that have gradually got worse and now hit rock bottom over the last week. Like fatigue like crazy and totally disproportionate to new mum tiredness, pretty low moods, really dry skin, and hair which is also brittle. I had dramatically lost loads f weight when S was 3 months and now I weigh more than I did when full term with her :( I was actually in my maternity clothes yesterday, a dress from when I was 32 weeks pregnant! Now my hands, feet and face are all puffed up and I have a huge swelling in my neck with a rash all over it. I can't really move my neck much and oh boy I feel like pants! Think it is post partum thyrioditis and I'm now in the under active stage, had urgent bloods done yesterday which should be back by tomorrow. Well I hope they are as I need the drugs! So feeling sorry for myself here as it is so tough with a baby too, life cannot stop just because mum is poorly, but luckily OH has taken some time off and a good friend is coming over tomorrow to help as I really cannot manage a whole day alone at the mo.

Anyway enough moaning from me, sorry ladies, but it's so frustrating!
I hope you get the thyrod... drugs soon that sounds quite bad.
Oh Charlie! :hugs: That sounds terrible! I hope your blood work comes back showing something they can fix! It's so true that moms can't be sick - it just doesn't work. I'm glad you're getting some help, but I hope you get it figured out very soon!!

My first self weaned at 6 months, and I didn't think Ninja would follow suite until the last couple of weeks. He starts crying as soon as I lay him on my lap - last week he would stop when I put him to breast, but this week he continues to cry. Yesterday he started screaming while I was trying to bf him, so I mostly bottle fed him yesterday. :cry:

My goal was always to get to 6 months, so I'm just very fickle as to what I want to do at this point. If he's fighting it, I'm not sure I'm up for the fight. I've already gone through so much with bf'ing that it might be time to hang out the boobs to dry. :haha:
Morri- have you tried latex nipples instead of silicon? I heard bf babies prefer latex nipples.

Cridge- I guess some babies just like to eat! Bottles get it to him faster so maybe he just prefers the fast food delivery :haha: I always struggle with will I bf next baby or no? Of course I love bottle feeding and really don't feel guilt till someone says something about it but there's a part of me that feels like I failed at it. I had the milk, the baby was at least trying so I just couldn't take it. Maybe next baby I can get a lactation consultant to live with us first few weeks :haha: I never got past the "horrible" stuff so I'm not sure if I'd enjoy it or not? My letdown was always itchy and extreme. I remember with
My oldest IN PUBLIC he started to choke pulled off and it sprayed all over him! I was drastically embarrassed lol

Charlie- I never heard of Postpartum Thyroiditis till you posted. Had to google it but that sure sounds like what's going on with you! I sure hope its figured out soon :nope:

My foot is better. I'm getting around with the boot fairly well! I do miss my old foot :cry: it doesn't even match my other anymore! Doctor said its the swelling and stiffness and will get better. Boo hoo. I take my pain medicine at end of day when pain is increased and I can practice stretching and moving everything with no pain. Last night I thought I'd try walking without the boot. I only walked from bathroom to bed, not even putting all weight on it and I did fairly well! Only problem in middle of night when I'm assuming medication wore off I was really hurting :( guess I won't be trying that again for awhike
Oh yes, daddies - that's one reason why I don't bf in public. Too much crazy stuff going on. :haha: I had overactive letdown with my first, so he got hosed down on a daily basis. As did my shower. :haha: I thought that was normal until I had W2. So thankfully, that's probably been the only bonus of bf'ing this time around - other than that, it's been such a trial. I'll be glad to be done with it, but sad at the same time. Lame.
I forgot to mention I miss pacifiers! I thought he was doing good without them but at night he's waking so frequently to eat but only eating a few gulps before falling asleep again! So I'm thinking he's missing the suckle? So last night I broke down and gave him the pacifier but he'd suck a few times and spit it out and cry! Then I'd put bottle in his mouth and he'd suck down an ounce and back asleep! Arg frustrating! During day he drinks 6 Ozs at a time so this waking every hour or two for one ounce at a time is tiring!!
If u don't mind my asking, and maybe I missed it but y r u taking away the pacifier now?
Well he wouldn't take it for a few days/nights so I figured if he doesn't want it might as well not force it on him! Then just have problems taking him off it when he's older. I'd love if he would take it. I also thought it would hinder him sleeping alone as I kept having to put the pacifier back in so if we ever did move him by himself I'd just have to keep getting up. I did give him his wubanub today and he sucked the pacifier here or there a few short seconds but mostly just played with the animal! I'll try giving him it tonight to see if maybe that's the waking up every few hours thing? I tried last night and he'd suck a few secs, spit it out and cry.

So I guess I'm on the fence. I do want him to have it cause it helped him sleep longer when he would take it, and its kind of cute. But then again I don't really want it to be a battle to get him off it when he's older. Eh who knows!

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