November Sparklers 2012

Cridge I think as long as ninja is happy and not fussy I really wouldnt worry about the weight and height thing, only if losing weight. But doctors did go to more school than me :winkwink: Anthonys huge so if anything he needs a diet..KIDDING. Hes starting to even out.

What we do is we eat all meals at the table so during I just put Anthony in his high chair and spoon feed him some food as well as put some food on his tray for him to play with while Im eating. This morning he did great eating his bananas and cheerios. He got pretty impatient though..with the handful of food but by the time its in his mouth its just one piece :)

Charlie have you tried taking fenugreek or drinking mother milk tea? That might help till your medicine takes over and your body regulates again. Anthony didnt want the bottle at first but I guess since I wanted to stop I forced it :haha: I found though the latex nipples are better for breast fed babies they have to work for milk harder with them and they feel more like real nipple then the silicon ones so maybe try that?

With Dominic I pumped till I ran dry so I would just give 75% breast milk..25% formula in his bottles..then 50/50 then 25/75 till 100% formula. Worked great. Did the same to get him off formula! 75% formula 25% almond milk and so on... I tasted normal formula and it tasted like cows milk, soy like soy milk..then when we went to London the airport security made me drink some of Dominics bottle :( the real nasty smelling kind and it was actually pretty sweet! For a death smell lol.

Gaia- a Juicer!! I want one sooo bad! I heard jucing just one meal a day can help detox your body and help boost your weight loss.If you are looking into that :)
Cridge-U do have a lot going on! Honestly I agree with above if he isn't losing, is healthy otherwise, I'm sure he's fine! Some babies r just smaller then others! So r some ppl! He's still on the chart! I he was completely off and sickly then I may worry.

We try to feed lil man as much solids as possible as it is helping with the reflux he seemed to have developed from having RSV. But honestly there aren't any "meal times" in this house for him. I have a lot going on as well so usually first thing in am is just a bottle, after everyone else is settled couple hours later I give him some solids usually an hour later he wants a bit of his bottle then I just continue like that for the day. Feed him solids when I can, sometimes its at the time he'd normally get a bottle sometimes it's not. I find he's very good at regulating when he's hungry but loves food so if I feed him solids he won't drink much formula at that time or even later and it all evens out to him getting less formula on the days I'm conistent with 3ish meals of solids. On days he only has a bit of solids he drinks more formula......sorry for the ramble hope made sense lol.
Neither of mine drank less formula lol Anthony will get some solids but still drink just as much milk! Piggy :) breakfast I just give him stuff to play with or practice picking up like mashed bananas or the baby Cheerios or baby crackers/cookies that dissolve easily, then at dinner he'll get some sort of mashed food. Thought I'd give solids at night to help him sleep longer so far its not working :haha:
had a better night today :D. atm I still keep nursing, but I let lo mash her hand in avocado. She also had a little piece of bread.
Well we saw the pediatrician today. Doesn't look like lil man is getting off the nebulizer any time soon :(

He going to be on more solids and less formula tho! Hell enjoy that! More work for me lol
It's interesting because developmentally he is eating the way an 8month old would ability wise says the doc but his muscle tone is that of a 4.5-5mnth old due to being a premie......silly lil man likes to be early for some things and chills for the rest! Lol

She says it's possible that if he drinks less liquid(formula) it may help with his breathing a we're going to try it. She was telling me all he "needs" right now would be 20oz of formula a day if he's eating solids.
Sounds like he's doing well lilbean! Good luck with more solids ;)

Daddies I have a question...does Anthony go to bed before you? If so do you leave him in your bed? I'm sick of our evening battles over the crib so I've started just nursing F to sleep in my bed in the evening. But when he's crawling I don't think I'll be comfortable with leaving him!?!? Hopefully he will allow me to put him in the crib again soon (naps are still fine in there buy not evening for some reason). But in the meantime not sure what to do.
Gaia- Good question! :thumbup: Not sure what we will do when he gets to crawling. Maybe just put a baby monitor on his crib so we can hear if he gets to moving then just go in there and get him? Dominic started crawling about this point but I think he was still sleeping sometimes in his own bed. So when he woke screaming we'd just bring him into our bed. Even when he went to sleeping full time with us he never fell off the bed. He did sleep crawl in the night though and always hit his head on the head board :dohh::haha: Not sure if we will try putting Anthony in his crib with both sides and see how it goes..I guess we will only do that if hes a crazy sleeper.

Right now Anthony falls asleep on his own or gets cranky about 8pm so Ill go lay him in his bed. We go to bed about 9-10 on the weekdays and later on weekends. I uploaded pics of what our set up looks like since I took these pictures for my sister to get an idea what to do with her son. So he has a ways to roll before he'll fall off our bed. I usually just put a pillow where my body would be in case he did get to rolling but he never has got that far.

So I guess we will just keep the set up how it is and use a baby monitor to see if hes moving around or not. If he is or hes sprawling all around then Ill put the other side of his crib on and try and get him to sleep in his bed like that. Hope it doesnt come to that though! My husband may be deploying this year so Id rather have both the kids in the room with me then in other rooms or not near. Just because when Im alone im more freaked out in the middle of night ect :haha:


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Thanks for all your comments girls! The solid feeding is going a lot better than I anticipated because he's actually interested all of a sudden. So it's not such an ordeal to feed him. He does tend to drink less when he has solids, and that worries me a little. It wouldn't if he were a bigger kid, but with being so small, I feel like he needs the formula calories over the solid calories at this point. Ugh. What a pain.

I'm pretty much done breastfeeding. My milk is drying up really fast. I was really hoping to go another few weeks and then just do night and morning feeds, but my body isn't allowing that. :cry: I have moments where I'm just really sad that it's coming to an end, and then I have moments where I'm really happy that I made it to my goal and can move on! But then I realized just how much we'll be spending on formula and :sick:

So with the issues we've been having with trying to regulate solid and formula feeding the last few days, I've decided that I need to put him on a stricter schedule. I've still been feeding on demand, but it's just not working out well for me lately, so I'm going to try to stick to a 6oz. every 4 hours with the 2 solid meals schedule and see how well he does with that. I don't know why this kid and his eating are stressing me out so bad. I never felt this way with #1. :dohh:
Thanks Daddies! Still can't believe there are babies who just fall asleep if you lay them in their beds. Seems like a magical unicorn fantasy, lol. I guess we will continue with what we are doing and maybe set up a camera if he gets mobile before I can get him back in his crib reliably.

Cridge good luck with the schedule! My guy can't go more than 2-3 hours but he's a snacker! Maybe when he's eating solids he will space his feeds out more :)

First food today! Roasted sticks of sweet potato :) Wish us luck!
Well I wont say he falls asleep on his own :haha: He'll fall asleep in the room with us then I go put him in his bed already asleep. Then if hes awake when we all go to bed hes usually good with you rubbing his head or holding his hand. I doubt he'd go to sleep on his own if we just put him there and walked off.

Anthony hasnt found a food he hasnt liked yet! He hasnt had many fruits just bananas but he likes his veggies!
Emilie and I go to bed at the same time- Me being asleep(or feigning it) puts her to sleep the dismay of oh :haha:
Happy Mothers Day to you ladies! Even if you don't celebrate it today :flower:
Oh ladies my husband has been on my case soo much about having #3!! I dont know what to do. We are very open in talking so he knows I dont think its a great idea lol. Of course Id love more kids but I feel right now would just be too soon. He even hid my birth control! No worries though Ill get him to tell me before bed time tonight :haha: What would you do? I asked most my friends and they said now but they only have 1. Maybe I can stop taking birth control and do "natural family planning" where you abstain from sex during the times around ovulation. I mean it worked so well the first time we tried after Dominic :winkwink:
Wow Daddies! I'm surprised dh is pushing #3 so much! That sounds like something a woman would do. :rofl:

I read an article recently about a study done that shows mothers of 3 are the most stressed out. But then when they have 4, they just give in to their lot and are less stressed than with three. So maybe you should just go ahead and have twins. :haha:

Honestly, I think having another now would totally stress you to the max, but I don't really know you all that well, so if you and dh think you can handle it, then I say go for it!!! I'd love to join you, but I'm just not willing to "try" again.
On another foum(german) I am on one woman got knocked up by a quickie in the shower :haha: 15m diff.
Hello ladies, well have had a pretty crap week as ended up in hospital with crazy symptoms! Just need lots of rest until the drugs kick in after 6 weeks, until then trying to rest. OH has been off work with emergency leave for 2 weeks now. It's a real eye opener been this unwell with a baby, it's one thing when it's just you on your own but when you are responsible for a 6 month old, well some of the symptoms I've had are just nit safe with a LO, like hallucinations, almost passes out etc but that was all after I thought I was feeling a little better. Lesson learnt, get to the doc sooner so i don't get this bad again!! I'm a typical nurse, need to be almost dead to go to the doctor! Anyway OH is back to work tomorrow and I have some good friends lined up to come over this week, so this week should be good. OH is now at Gymboree with S, he's never done this with her before so can't wait to hear how she got on there with her daddy!

My milk supply is OK. Morning milk is fine, by the afternoon though the milk is there but my let down is SLOW! Having never had this problem before S goes nuts, there are real tears and she becomes very distraught, poor bubs. Them she stopped having her feed properly at 6-7 before bed and doesn't have a feed until 8 am! We were having barely wet nappies, which I was really concerned about. As in 12 hours and one small patch of wee! Not great especially as she has a cold that she just wasn't kicking. So I have now taken to feeding her at 10 pm before I go to bed and thank god this morning her nappy was wetter :). OH is sleeping with her as it's just not safe at the moment for me to, she normally wakes up for a feed with me at 6.30 but with OH she just babbles then goes back to sleep and doesn't feed until 8.30 am! Crazy but at least with the 10 pm feed she is getting fed and hydrated, and to not feed until 8,30 is fine as we are all getting more sleep that way!

Daddies, I cannot believe that your OH wants TTC again now! Hmmm my honest opinion is that as much as this is a joint decision in the long run as to how many children etc, you are the one that is going to be at home doing pretty much all of the parenting esp as he's going to be deployed soon, as well as you are the one that will have 2 very little LO's to look after while being pregnant. So personally I think it's more up to you than him. But that's me, if I have to deal with it then it's my call, if we have to deal with it then it's ours!

Cridge how are you feeling about mo longer breast feeding? Hope that's all going well with Ninja.

Gaia, thanks for sympathies and advise with breast feeding, not many people really understand how significant it would be if it all went wrong when you have a proper little booby monster! Not to mention I love breast feeding, so want to carry on as long as we can. How's the juicer going? And the BLW? We are BLW but only at breakie, mainly fruits, s S is loving her fruit, cream cheese and hummus! She had porridge fingers yesterday which went down well. When I ams feeling better i hope to be a little more adventurous with her foods but in the meantime this is what we can manage, and she's loving it!

Oh and happy Mother's Day to all of you, hope you were all pampered a bit or a lot yesterday. our Mother's Day was in march, it seems we have to be different to everywhere else!
Daddies - If it were me NO WAY but I'm also spacing my first two by three years, lol, so I'm not as adventurous as you! I think listen to your gut but don't let it be fooled by missing the newborn phase! You can have that again AND be able to enjoy it more with more independent older kids ;)

Charlie - What a tough time! It sounds like you guys have a handle on it now. Amazing about the lack of feeds I don't think F will go that long until he's weaned!

Juicing is awesome, except that the baby is afraid of the juicer so I can't do it unless he's in another room! Tastes delicious though :) Ohhhh but FYI juicers are a pain to clean!

BLW just started 4/5 days ago. So far he has had roasted yam, Avacado, cuke, thin sliced raw pepper. The mushy ones he has a hard time handling so cuke and pepper seemed better.

Charlie what's your recipe for the porridge fingers?
Holy sheesh Charlie! I hope you get to feeling better soon. I cant imagine how hard it must be to take care of the baby when you feel so unlike yourself. Hope you feel better soon!

Im not sure what my husbands motive is. Ive asked and he just says he wants another baby. I keep telling him to me the time is just not right. He was suppose to Deploy in the next few months but looks like thats not happening now. We live in Arizona now and will be moving to Georgia, my husbands home state next June for 6 months while he is in school there. So I thought it would just be better to start after he got out of school there and since its an 1.5 from his family Id rather not deal with baby and pregnancy there since Im not a huge fan of this having to move so close to them anyways. Since this would more than likely be last baby I want to really make it count and have the best experience.

Think maybe hes just having baby fever :haha: Hes been asking but it really started when he asked what we would name a new baby so I think he felt that old excitement of finding out sex and picking out names ect. I admit that being pregnant and all the attention you get is fun. Birth and seeing baby for the first time is an amazing experience that I do miss but I guess Im just scared of dealing with three little ones, what my body will look like and taking care of three financially is just harder than two. Eh its still up for discussion. Im at my prepregnancy weight now but non of my pre pregnancy clothes fit so I mustve shifted all my weight to my stomach this time around so Id like to lost at LEAST ten more pounds but goal would be 15 more pounds. That way im not stretching my body out more. Id like to have some time wearing cute clothes not cute maternity clothes lol. I hate to say it but maybe I can just stop taking birth control for him but still postpone getting pregnant a little longer. Not like secretly but just plan a little longer.

Ill say that being a military wife is hard but I wouldnt change it for the world and I do love it more then I hate it. But it is hard to make any plans for your life since its not like he will never deploy again its just been postponed, we are averaging every two years we move some new state or country so sometimes you have to take advantage of the time you do have. So I guess we'll just keep it on the table and go from there. Though i still say we should try Jan.2015 :haha:
Wow Charlie!! You poor thing! Do they still not really know what's going on? I don't know how you're doing it with a 6 month old! :hugs:

I'm feeling pretty good about no longer breast feeding. Thanks for asking! I'm still trying to feed in the night, but last night he went 12 hours, so I had to pump this morning. I don't know how long I'll keep my supply up enough for just one feed, but I'm hoping as long as he continues getting up at night (which is becoming fewer and fewer nights - yay!!!). I do really miss is sometimes, but I can't allow myself to dwell on that. I have to just move on. The cost of formula is killing me though! :dohh:

Daddies - I can't wait to see what happens and if you end up with 3 little kiddos! :haha: In one way, it would be really nice to just get it all out of the way, don't you think? It would suck when they're younger, but be so much fun as they grow. And then like *that* they'll all be out of the house! :thumbup: So there are some bonuses for sure!
Bonuses for sure I agree with that! So we've decided to not try but not prevent for now. I want to lose 14 more pounds and get into a good routine with the kids. I'm suppose to be starting the in home day care next month so get that going. And maybe if I don't fall pregnant in the next year-year and a half then we'll start the charting and testing ect.

I don't think I fall pregnant easily so I don't see it happening right away. Especially since I've been taking birth control four months. Dominic took 2 years and clomid, Anthony took 2 months but my husband had just got home from deployment so we were excited to see each other :winkwink:

I guess I keep thinking of a baby RIGHT NOW and I'm thinking no way! But if I got pregnant today (birth control isn't even out of my system but let's pretend :) ) Anthony would be 16 months old Dominic would be 2.5 years old. Anthony would be a month older than Dominic was and D was never an issue. And he's a very good, kind hearted, responsible.. Yes responsible toddler. He has his moments but he's a great boy. Anthony's FINALLY stopped the scream crying and crying a lot less and more active with brother. Now if only he'd sttn!!

So stay tuned :shrug:

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