November Sparklers 2012

Ah gotcha.

Personally I'm not into older kids walking around with them hanging out of their mouths. (just my opinion :) )
And I was on the fence for my little guy using one at all but he only uses it to go to sleep and doesn't care when he looses it in his sleep so I've been ok with it. But well definitely get rid of it before walking!lol
hm lo has both a rubber and a silicon dummy and she isn't phased by either- she only chews on them :haha: I try whether she would take anything out of a shot glass. I also got a book for recipes without egg, milk, etc and guess who is co author- the nutritionist from the hospital. Nice recipes past the puree stage though so I can also use it for when my mil comes in june who found out after 79 years that she has a wheat allergy o.o.
daddies - my "deal" with Ninja is that if he wants the pacifier, he has to put it in himself. :haha: So he's gotten very good at it and unless it falls on the floor out of the crib (which happens a LOT), then he'll find it and put it back in. :thumbup:

I agree lilbean - I don't like it when babies try to talk through their pacifier. Ninja usually only gets his when he's going to sleep, but every once in awhile he just needs to suck during the day. I'll let him have it until 18 months at the very, very latest, but it might be closer to a year. :shrug: For now I'm loving it cause it's so cute. I didn't allow #1 to have a pacifier, so I'm making up for lost time. :haha:
My lil man likes to play with it in his car seat, that's the only time during the day he has it usually cause I keep it attached for when he wants to sleep, but he's figured out how to put it in/take it out of his mouth so hell do it over and over again lol it's cute I like to watch him do it.
That's exactly how my lil guy gets his during the day! I have one attached to the car seat as well so I can stick it in when he's tired without having to dig around for it. But since I've made that deal with him, he knows how to find it himself and stick it in whenever he wants. :haha:
I'm still with the paci with S, but not after 1 and only for sleep, when she's awake no paci allowed!

Still no blood results, well no thyroid yet, all others are normal, now it's a bank hol her I have to wait until Tuesday! But at least OH is at home. The less I do the more normal I feel. I had a friend over today who was helping out, I do have some great friend :) she couldn't believe how puffy I am! I do look a bit scary and I often wonder if S has picked up on me being not well or just that I look a bit weird!!
Oh Charlie - I guess that's good they didn't find anything with the first round of bloods, but it's always nice to *know* what's going on! Take it easy and hopefully you'll get better quickly!
Well he didn't really take it last night either a few sucks then it was out. Last night he didn't wake so often to eat his one ounce instead he'd suck, swallow, spit nipple out so on and so forth! Sheesh this kid!

I don't really like saying what I would or wouldn't do at a certain age since you never know the situation but I do agree I don't like kids who you can't understand them talk because they have a pacifier in. Or that I swear 5 year old I saw with it in at the store the other day. I wanted to go pull it out and slap the parents with it! I mean this kid was huge no way under 3.

Dominic never took a pacifier but would not stop the bottle till 15 months. We tried hiding them a few days and it was awful to the point he wouldn't even eat food till he had his milk. We always offered sippy from 6 months plus but he'd just chew on it or play with it. Everyone stressed me about it which I didn't feel fair he was still a baby! And it never had anything but milk in it. Then one day right after Anthony was born he started drinking the sippy and never looked back! He never tried Anthony's bottles either. So sometimes kids just aren't ready. I have a cousin in law who has a 3.5 year old who walks around with a bottle of everything milk, water, JUICE that pisses me off lol. Only because I see they aren't trying.

Gotta go my kids are being a terror today :nope:
Oh yeah- I have a friend that her 4 year old would walk around with his bottle. :saywhat:
I miss sleep :cry: why has my 5 month old only slept over night once in his life!ASheesh and lately it's just getting worse. Last night it was every hour or two up for a few drinks then back asleep. I try tickling him, undressing him, talking to him and he's back snoring! Then an hour later up again for a few sips. Last night I just handed him his bottle instead of holding him after the 3rd time of him waking up. And naps are 20 minute power naps so when Dominic goes down for his 2-3 hour nap I can't nap cause Anthony will wake soon after.

Boo hoo I need sleep!!
Dang daddies - what's going on with Anthony?! Once we start getting a little more sleep it's just killer to go backwards! I know it sounds like more work than maybe it's worth, but if it were me going through what you are, I would not be even trying to feed him when he gets up. Make him go at least 5-7 hours or something like that. He might be crabtacular for a few nights, but I think he'll eventually get the picture. :hugs:
Awwww Daddies I know how hard it is, our sleep has always been rocky. The past few weeks have been worse though, and I know around 6 months is a notoriously tough time for sleep. There is the 24-26 week wonder week and a big growth spurt so hang in there! If he slept well in the past (and a few feedings a night IS well for their age) he will probably sleep well again once this passes :)
Thanks ladies!

Cridge- I tried not feeding him but he just goes from hungry huffs to screaming, then Dominic wakes up crying then my husbands pissed :haha: in the past the pacifier would hold him over till time to really eat but now he spits that out and cries! All day too he won't drink a whole bottle he just nibbles, chews, sip a little. Use to take 20 mins now its an hour and holding him is out he's too busy goofing off and looking around to eat! What a turd :winkwink:

We've been putting him down more all day to get him ready to crawl. He needs to be mobile he is mr.antsy pants and wants to be moved constantly.
Yes! F has been getting so frustrated easily lately and I think it's his lack of mobility. He will be a happy little man when he figures out crawling!
12 hours!!!! I'm so happy this morning I could spit. :haha: I considered waking him up for a dream feed around 10/11:00 but decided to see how far he'd go and he went 12 hours!!! And that was sleeping time - it was closer to 12.5 feeding stretch! :wohoo:

Daddies - the last week we've had so many half full bottles sitting around it's gross. Dh sticks them back in the fridge cause it seems like such a waste, but I won't reuse them, so they just keep adding up. :haha: I never know when he's going to take the full 6 ounces or just nibble. Luckily, he only gets 1-3 bottles a day, so I'm not wasting 6 bottles of formula, but it still seems like a lot. I don't know what's up with that, but I feel ya. I definitely see a pattern though that the less he eats during the day, the more he's up at night. So when that happens for 2 nights in a row, I start making him stretch it out without feeding him at night. It's rough, but it works. But I see how that wouldn't work so well for you with everyone in the same room. My dh gets annoyed and he doesn't even have to deal with any of it. :dohh: So, :hugs:

I'm so not ready for crawling yet. Ninja is just sitting up on his own and this is the perfect stage! He can pretty much get anywhere he wants to though with his worm crawl and rolling, so I think he's content for the time being. He does get up on his knees every once in awhile, which makes me sad. :haha:
Well last night was a tad better. He was still waking but I could hold his hand and shhhh and he'd go back to sleep. Around 6 months Dominic went through a clingy stage where he wouldn't sleep in his crib anymore without screaming every 20 mins so I wonder if that's what wrong with Anthony. He's still sleeping in his "cosleeper" so maybe he just wants reassurance I'm still there. Who knows!!

I'm excited about the mobile days! They can entertain themselves a lot better :) Dominic was sitting and crawling before 6 months so maybe Anthony will. I was thinking last night the age Anthony is now Is the age Dominic was when I got pregnant with A! Freaky!

I've been thinking about another baby lately and I get the "fever" but then logic kicks in and I slap myself :haha: so we've said come Jan. 2015 if we want we'll start ttc the final baby then. Not a moment sooner for sure!! These need to be in school I would go INSANE with three littles in the house.

T minus 17 days till we leave for Disneyland!! I'd love if Anthony could sit up in a resturant high chair by then but we'll see.
Lo was fine sleeping soundly by my side when oh came back (0.30 am)and wanted her to sleep by hs side.( He was meeting a safrican buddy and having 4 beers) cue her waking up and being upset so he walked her around a bit and then she got nursed, oh was not patient enough and went to sleep which left me with a wide awake and itchy baby. Yes thank you.
Finally got to bed at 3 am. This morning was also a disastrous nappy change. I need 4 hands; two for holding her hands and two to apply creme /change nappy. I normally bear proxy scratching(what I call it when she is scratching whatever is in the way, in this case my arm but she really has such a strong grip and sharp nails(that can't go no shorter) that it made me screech. Most of her limbs look better but there are still a couple of bad patches on her belly.
Those gloves I have ordered haven't arrived yet and I blame the parcel service DPD. I had problems with them before(got an away note which says they try again next day, but they didn't come. Last time they apparently delivered it to some person called bucholz none of the peeps in this house are called that and i didnt get a notification for that anyway. So they are going to see an email from me.
Glad you had a better night daddies, but sorry your night was horrible morri!!

Ninja had his 6 month check-up today. He's 15# 8.5oz. (15th %tile), 26.5" long (55th %tile). His doctor wants him on 2 solid meals a day. :dohh: I know it's so bad, but I honestly am not ready for that yet. I don't know when I'll find the time to squeeze it in! Bad, I know. It's just so hard in the morning if I have anywhere I need to go to get kid #1 off to school, get myself fed and ready (I guess I could get up earlier to get that done but :wacko:), get baby milk fed, changed, etc. And then to solid feed him before his nap is just so hard. That's why it only happens like once a week. Ds #1 will be done with school at the end of this month, and I feel it'll be better then, but she wants him on 2 meals now. And then evening is a completely different animal where I'm running ds1 here and there and we usually get home just in time to bf and get Ninja to bed. He's usually down by the time the rest of us eat dinner. I know that feeding my kid should be priority #1 but I'm just feeling a bit stressed about this right now, and figured I'd have closer to a year until I *really* had to worry about him eating solids regularly since he'll start milk weaning at that time. I was hoping BLW would be sufficient for awhile, but since he's such a little guy I guess it's not. Ugh.
Good for better night daddies, sorry for pants one Morri and Cridge, not sure what to say about food with your LO. I am doing BLW and it does take up a lot of time, not preparing food but letting them have it at their own pace, I think this would be hard with an older child who you are having to get around. Can you start by doing a good lunch with LO? TBH I'm going my way with food what is recommended over here as long as she is gaining and is healthy I'm happy. Not sure if you're putting him onto formula now? If so milk should still be his main source of food as still provides the most nourishment, he should put on weight with formula as more calories than Breast milk if that helps ease your mind?

I have my results and my thyroid was off the scale, the docs had never seen such deranged results, so started meds today. My main issue now other that all the crappy symptoms and humongous neck from this goitre, seriously it's awful and I'm so self conscious about it! But on a less vain note is my milk supply has been badly effected, at times gone totally! I'm ok when well rested but even if I take it easy but not with OH around and you ladies appreciate that with a 6 month old that is not really resting! My milk is done! :( I do want to carry on breast feeding for as long as I can and once the levels are improving it'll be fine I'm sure but the problem is S now will not take the bottle at all, with formula or my defrosted breast milk in it! She won't take it from OH, even with me leaving the house, point blankly refuses. I tries the formula in her beloved sippy cup this evening as I had nothing left in the tank and she got a taste of it screamed and threw it on the floor!! Hmmm I ended up giving her toast with cream cheese and hummus on it as I thought she needs something! She ate it all really well, well mostly the cheese and hummus which is the main thing! I really hope this milk issue resolves soon as don't want her loosing weight and not sure what else to do!
Cridge yes it sounds like you've got a lot going on around meal times, but ninja should be getting most calories from milk anyways right? Is he taking enough bottle feeds during the day? Still bm or beginning to transition to formula? I would up the milk intake for weight not add more solids, there are way more calories in bm and formula than solid foods...

Charlie so glad the diagnosis is through and you're on your way. That's super stressful about the milk. Have you tried having her just sip our of a normal cup? My lo won't take a bottle and that seemed to work a BIT better but in reality he's just a boob man and I don't know what i would do if something happened to my milk! Lots of water, steel cut oats and rest for you!!!!! Also getting baby latched on a lot like in newborn days!

I ordered a juicer on amazon and it just arrived. As soon as I get F off my boob and in the crib for nap in going to figure it out! Can't wait!

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