November Sparklers 2012

Oh and them moving out at same time, noooo! Don't judge but I'm a clingy mom :) I'm scared of them moving out and starting lives without me. I know that's the point but I don't want it! I told my oh we could just build onto our future house and have them and their wives move in with us :rofl: okay that's taking it too far but if I have them all now they'll all move out at same time and ill be all alone! "Ugh you'll still have me" my husband says. :haha:

Cridge not sure what formula you use but I signed up online for coupons at the gerber and similac sites and they mail coupons every month. Usually over $5 ones. I don't use them since our insurance pays for the neocate so I just put them in the grocery store on the cans :)
Found this online- a collection of recipes for baby crackers, cookies, biscuits.
Oh and I forgot Cridge.. My friend buys her formula in bulk online I think amazon and saves lots of money that way!
Well, I don't think F is really ready for solids yet. He has been gagging on basically everything we have given him. Even grated apple, seriously. I think his tongue thrust reflex isn't gone yet, so I will be really holding off.

Disappointing a little bit because I was so excited, but also I'm already sick of the cleanup so I'm not that upset. Lol.

I think we will try something every few days and see, but he really just isn't swallowing well. He gags violently and I just don't think it's a positive experience for him at this point!
oh no Gaia! Maybe too thick? I made anthony mashed green beans and he gagged bad! But he eats everything else no problem thought maybe they were too grainy. He LOVES graham crackers! They dissolve quickly and he has the time of his life chewing on them. We do a mixture of feeding him and letting him feed himself. So I put things on his tray he can pick up and eat like crackers or bread and I feed him puree or oatmeal. Worked great with DOminic and working great so far with Anthony. Anthony will eat anything, Dominic would only eat meat or vegetables, Anthony eats everything with not even a flinch lol guess hes just a hungry boy!

Anthonys sleep last night was HORRIBLE!! An hour before bed he screamed the whole time, I figured it was from being woke up by brother and he was just cranky so put him in bed and he fusses a little then goes to sleep..then wakes every hour after ward!!! He would just seem uncomfortable and fuss a little so I tried burping, laying him on his tummy, holding his hand, feeding him and he just kept waking up. Finally I wake up this morning and hes farting up a storm! Then falls asleep and I wake two hours later to him playing with his wubbanub happy as can be. Guess he had gas! Sheesh. Gas drops slipped my mind till this morning and I gave him some he fell asleep then woke up farting tons. Then my husband said he had a blow out diaper this morning so I guess he was just backed up.

I get so irritated shushing Anthony to sleep while Dominic and Daddy are next to me snoring and not even flinching! Then this morning my husband says " I had the best sleep of my life last night!" I wanted to throw the coffee pot at him :haha:
Omg that's the worst, seriously. F has been restless at night too, could be teeth could be gas.

I haven't been doing spoon feeding, and don't really plan to. So what he's been getting is definitely chunky! Lol. Grated apple was so far the easiest. And thinly slivered peppers. But regardless when there's a chunk in his mouth he is very uncomfortable and gags more than swallows. I really just don't think he's quite ready!
Came on here to give you the porridge fingers reciepe Gaia, but sounds like you are right and need to hold off for a while. Doesn't matter, it's much more enjoyable when they're ready not to mention less stressful! But for when he is ready, it's only to soak porridge oats in milk or water then put it all into a flat based dish then chuck in oven at 190 for 15 minutes then cut into fingers or wedges. You can also put squashed bits of raisins in too to make it a bit more flavoursome. Sophia seems to like them but not as much as fruit, particularly mango, and cream cheese!
Thanks Charlie! I will try that later this month :)

Do you fine that Sophia digests the fruit and veg she eats? The yam and carrot he has managed to swallow has all come out the same, lol.
Well not sure really, most probably not as I can mostly see what she's eaten in her poo, but it's harder with orange and mango etc to see and she sucks the flesh off the skin, so unlikely to be recognisable. But that's normal as they're digestive systems are still maturing so I think it'll be a few months before it's properly absorbed and well digested. Have seen a huge increase in the amount of poo though! We have had one gagging experience and a chunk of mango came flying out! So I think it's normal to expect some gagging but maybe nit as much as you are at the moment.. Not for the faint hearted tho this BLW! A tad scary and I'm an ED sister with a lot if emergency airway management experience! But then not with my own baby!
I definitely expected some but not this much! So yah...hence the baby led part ;) He's not there yet!
I'd think if they don't have teeth to chew it up then it would come out as it went in. I know the doctor said corn and carrots don't digest so poop will be orange or have corn/carrot chunks in it.

I won't give anything that needs chewing up only things that dissolve and can be mashed down with jaw. Even with Dominic till a few month ago when he got his back teeth in I wouldn't give him anything tough.

A doctor told me once to put something on my tongue and try to mash it up on roof of my mouth, if it was too tough it was a choking hazard for a baby. Including Cheerios but Anthony gets Cheerios all the time as I've watched him chew on them and not just swallow. So we're sticking with Cheerios lol plus its cute watching him try and pick them all up
So far the stuff we tried she got without gagging. also she likes to puther hand/ chewing ty so deep in her mouth she can't have the reflex anymore :haha:
My little guy isn't quite ready for chewing foods either. I offer him some finger foods every time I give him purees, and they all end up on the floor. :haha: He tries, but if they get very far into his mouth, it's gag central.

Sorry about the horrible nights girls! I hope they get back to sleeping soon!!

I've been on :cloud9: the last week. I feel like life is so great right now. Little ninja is sleeping 11-12 hours at night, has predictable naps and is eating wonderfully during the day. Putting him on a 4 hour feeding schedule has been the best thing and has made life so stress free and wonderful! It's still a somewhat flexible schedule, but it's helped me to know what to expect during the day and he seems to just be flourishing with it. Plus, he's sitting up on his own, which makes life so grand, right?! I think he'll be crawling in the next month though - he's been getting up on all fours and trying to propel himself forward. :cry: I'm NOT ready for that!!
Today I took the chance and gave Anthony some regular formula instead of his special kind. So far so good! Its been about two hours and he hasnt puked, pooped his pants, no rash or crying! I only have him 2 ozs and he usually drinks 5 ozs so maybe every day Ill give him a little bit more and more. Dominic took till 15 months to get over his problems so this will be wonderful if Anthony is already starting to get better!! Plus our military health insurance just changed over to a new kind due to budget cuts in the government so we have to put the paperwork through all over again to get approved to have his formula covered anyway so maybe if they deny it he can just have what we tried! $15 can instead of a $50 can Ill take it!!
Great news about sleep Cridge :) it's so lovely having sleep isn't it?! The simple pleasures.

Hope Anthony does ok on the reg formula, can't get over how much it costs!

I'm still a little all over the place, felt almost normal for most of the day and OH was off today, so I was getting on with my day, doing more than I have been, then at 3pm crash! I came over all dizzy, drained and just had to sleep, it's so sudden and this happens after I have felt back to normal and try to do a little more, so frustrating! Ah well I'v being on the meds 10 days now, so only another 4 and a half weeks until the levels should be more consistent in my system and hopefully back to old self!
Great news about sleep Cridge :) it's so lovely having sleep isn't it?! The simple pleasures.

Hope Anthony does ok on the reg formula, can't get over how much it costs!

I'm still a little all over the place, felt almost normal for most of the day and OH was off today, so I was getting on with my day, doing more than I have been, then at 3pm crash! I came over all dizzy, drained and just had to sleep, it's so sudden and this happens after I have felt back to normal and try to do a little more, so frustrating! Ah well I'v being on the meds 10 days now, so only another 4 and a half weeks until the levels should be more consistent in my system and hopefully back to old self!
4 and a half weeks! You'd think it would be faster on medication. Hope it gets better ASAP!

Yesterday while picking up medication for me the pharmacist asked if I was on birth control I said I stopped taking it a few days ago and she said "oh ok well I was just going to tell you your medication counteracts the birth control so use backup" WHAT!! I've taken this for years, except pregnancy and this Is first I've heard..

Googled it and it says they counteract each other making both less potent. Its what I take for depression. Last thing depressed people need is to get pregnant unexpectedly :) kidding but it blew Mind!

Anthony still doing well on the regular formula. I've been doing one bottle regular formula, one bottle normal special formula. Just waiting for him to poop so I can analyze it :rofl:
Good news about the formula! Hopefully it continues!

We've been doing really good with eating solids over here. Purrees. Because we need him to actually be eating a lot so we can decrease the formula blw won't really work for us. But I still give him lots of things to chomp on either before his meal or after. He especially likes chicken and cucumber!

And we haven't had to use the nebulizer two nights in a row now!!! Makes me so happy! I hope it continues :)

He's moving around a ton now, loves to roll under the couch and play lol he's really really trying to propel himself forward. If he's left alone for awhile and doesn't know ure watching he does wiggle forward, but if he knows ure there he fusses till u help him lol
I love watching the new developments every day!
Great news lilbean! Hopefully things keep looking up.

Bought Anthony his first sippy cup today! He's figured it out but I don't think he likes it lol. Still doing great on the regular formula! So we bought a bunch and weaning him off the neocate. YIPPY! Dominic couldn't have dairy till 15 months old so this is good news.

Last nights sleep sucked! He woke his usual two times to eat then I wake in a dark room to him cooing and blowing raspberries it was 4am!! He's never woke just to be up. He laid there till 5am then fell asleep. Then woke for good at 5:40 getting Dominic up too. I had a horrible sinus headache so for two hours I was awake trying to find a comfortable way to lay my head. Overall 4.5 hours of sleep. This feels like a never ending day!!
While I'm bitching :haha: both kids were monsters yesterday especially last night. Anthony was crying and not napping, having to be held, while Dominic was crying over everything and throwing tantrums! Then my husband was in a foul mood causing him to be overly sensitive so we got into an agruement over the TTC thing. BLAH I was thinking of changing my name and running away :haha: poor me

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