Please will someone wait with me??? AF or BFP due mid Sept!!

Sorry to hear bout AF Cherry, like you said ON TO NEXT MONTH!!!!

I got everything crossed for you BMIbaby xxxx
Hi ladies, do you mind if i join you?

I'm 35, have children already but am ttc using a sperm donor (AI). I definitely ov'd on tue 6th September and am currently 16dpo and plan to test tomorrow.

Hope you are all well x
Hi ladies, do you mind if i join you?

I'm 35, have children already but am ttc using a sperm donor (AI). I definitely ov'd on tue 6th September and am currently 16dpo and plan to test tomorrow.

Hope you are all well x

Hi blondie, welcome to the thread. 16DPO and no AF? That's a good sign surely?! How long is your LP normally? Where do you get the strength to hold off from testing for so long?!

Are you using a sperm donor because of issues with OH's? Or is there some other reason? (don't answer if you don't want- I'm just nosey!)

Fingers crossed hun xx

Good morning ladies!! Still no af.. Cramps still and I was super bloated last night .. Ughh with all the cramps and bloating it's going to be like have a 2 week af when she does show
howdy people :)

guesss what.....still bloody BFN!!

do you mind if i scream so loud in here? arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol i feel like seriously headbutting a wall...atleast i'll get some reason in to why i'm getting pains with no af and no bfp lol

For the second time running I have dreamt that I peed on a stick and got a positive, yesterday the dream was positive but was faint, then last nights dream was so real and the lines were so red, I woke up and tested to bfn!!

Maybe I'm wanting it so much my mind keeps dreaming of my desires? Couple of weeks ago I dreamt I gave birth to a chicken which apparently in the Chinese world means birth! But who knows to me I just feel like screaming... To make it worse I have stronge pains on the left which feels like a growing ball, and I've had a headache for two days now! Maybe af maybe not eh?

could it be a cyst?
OWWW BabyD my ears!!!! Have you considered the possibility of an ectopic because you're not getting AF but you're getting BFN and apparently the HCG levels are lower in ectopics, plus the fact you are feeling pain on one side. I doubt it is and I sure hope it's not but just something to think of. Are you seeing a doc soon if AF or BFP doesn't show up?

How late are you now skeet?
OWWW BabyD my ears!!!! Have you considered the possibility of an ectopic because you're not getting AF but you're getting BFN and apparently the HCG levels are lower in ectopics, plus the fact you are feeling pain on one side. I doubt it is and I sure hope it's not but just something to think of. Are you seeing a doc soon if AF or BFP doesn't show up?

How late are you now skeet?


yes i have thought about it hun, but its not something i want to say out loud if you know what i mean..bit scared of that word :nope:

if no joy by monday then i will phone doctor up and see what he thinks, :wacko:
Hi, i don't know if i belong on this thread, but here i go anyway...
me and my dh have been ttc for 10 months, my dr says i should be fine because my periods are so regular and i am not consistent enough for temping and charting everyday (and my dr said that would lead to more stress for me) so i used clearblue easy opk kit this cycle (on his recommendation) and i tested + on Friday, 9.16.11. we bd'ed 9.14.11, 9.16.11 and 9.19.11 (we were too tired on 9.17 and 9.18 and i know that probably ruined our chances)
anyway, i still want to be positive and feel good about this cycle so here i go again with symptom researching, spotting, etc., becoming obsessed like i usually do during my 2wws.
has anyone o'ed near or around the same?

sorry, guess i'm in the wrong thread...
OMG! That took bloomin ages to catch up on everything on here.

First of all I'd like to send big hugs to POAS - so sorry about your loss:hugs:

Stay positive everyone, hope there are some more:bfp: to come.

I'm 6 weeks now and my boobs have grown to epic proportions already! :wacko: Other than that I am sooooooo tired, I want to sleep all the time but I start a new job in a few weeks and I have an exam to revise for (plus the kids and my other job to keep me busy in between).

I will continue to stalk away at this thread, so here's lots of dust for you all


hey Butterfly! Great to hear everything is going good. Thanks for the dust :kiss:

Skeet, are you gonna go docs soon to see if they can shed some light on the matter?

Hi wishhopelove! So you are testing around the 30th?

Any more news from any more ladies??


Wishhopelove of course u are welcome here!! We were initially all around the same testing time but now due to wacky cycles we are all over the place!!

Lynsey- I'm concerned about the cramping too.. I'm testing Saturday .. If nothing by Monday I'm going to book an apt wit my dr.. I'll never get him on the phone lol.

Opinion question for you ladies.. I have a keg party fundraiser that I am helping organize on this Saturday... If I get a bfn om Saturday you think I'd be ok to have a drink or two??
I would have one or two but no more than that. 2ww are hard as it is and yours is going on forever!!! You have to try and lead as normal a life as possible to avoid going totally insane. If you do turn out to be pregnant then a couple of drinks won't hurt- don't be hitting up the voddy of course!!!! Maybe just a couple of halves of larger? If you're not pregnant then of course you should enjoy yourself but still only have a couple because you don't want it to have an effect on your fertility for next month. I used to drink quite a bit but am virtually tee total since starting TTC even when waiting to O. I have had a couple of drinks in the last 3 months (mostly when AF shows her ugly face) but figure they won't harm as I am actually probably more healthy than ppl not TTC because I take vitamins and supplements every day, exercise as much as poss and abstain most of the time in an effort to get my body healthy for a baby!

And yes I want BOTH of you to go doctors and see what the heck is going on!!!! xxx
Thanks!! I figure I might have a couple but not over indulge .. I am helping organize so I can't really get wasted anyways
humm..if your really asking me hun. no i wouldnt drink but thats just me :) i wouldnt risk the chance!!

if these pains dont go i might actually go hospital tomorrow. i'm getting abdominal pains like a stitch almost now too. dont no if thats means anything, might be nothing but the on off pains on the left side of my pelvic is alot more than yesterday. but then i had these pains when i found out about my son. but then i would have showed on my hpt if i was right??

just worring my self i know :wacko:

dont want to be a time waster, theres people that need help in there, then theres me worring over what might be nothing!!
I don't think that u would be taking services away from people that need it.. I say do whatever u feel u need
Well ladies I'm still getting cramps, and now my back hurts too!! I'll be testing in the morning for sure
Hi ladies, how r we all doing? After 2 days of light spotting all has stopped, then another BFN!
After more despair I think I might've just found the answer to my problem on this thread on trying to conceive

'Pregnacare conception tablets and missed period'

Have a read! I started taking these supplements this past month, so maybe that's why things have changed (clutching at straws!)
So I'm stopping, seriously charting - I'm going to but CBFM, BBT thermometer (bargain) and we're going to do this! Good luck & hope to hear good news from u all soon Xx
That could be what's going on with you.. I haven't done anything differently this cycle so I have no clue with me :shrug: I'll update everyone tomorrow morning after I test.
Hi blondie, welcome to the thread. 16DPO and no AF? That's a good sign surely?! How long is your LP normally? Where do you get the strength to hold off from testing for so long?!

Are you using a sperm donor because of issues with OH's? Or is there some other reason? (don't answer if you don't want- I'm just nosey!)

Fingers crossed hun xx

Hi Scorpio, tbh i don't normally hold off testing for this long but i had no tests other than a clear blue (i usually have the cheapy one's as i use so many and to me they all test for the same thing so don't waste my money on expensive tests - i only had a clear blue because it came free in my last lot of expensive opk's) and having no tests in the house is rare for me lol! I also always face my test's the wrong way round (opk or hpt) so i can't see the result coming up, i hate the disappointment when you can see straight away that its negative.

My partner had the snip after our last baby (he's 2 next month) as we didn't want anymore but i changed my mind and want one last baby before i'm too old! (i said i wouldn't have a baby after 36 pushing 37).

Tbf me and my partner have been going through a rough patch and i can't see us being together much longer (we've been together 7years) but this is something i decided i wanted to do with or without him nearly 12 months ago - this is my 3rd cycle of trying.

I have pcos, i used to only have 2-3 periods but they have become more regular since my last baby, i have over the last 3 cycles worked out that i now have a 43 day cycle which is great for me. I usually find it quite easy to conceive the normal way... when i get af i just BD more in the couple of weeks after and hey presto, but doing it this way i have found out about my cycle length, when i ovulate about EWCM etc... its been quite enlightening.

My first two cycles i really don't thing i inseminated at the right time, i was just learning then but i think from the tests that i have done i may have my BFP. I am 18DPO tomorrow, well technically today as it's 2.30am and will do another test in the morning... the weird thing is i don't have any symptoms, sickness tender/swollen boobs etc but saying that the earliest i have ever found out i was pregnant was 6 weeks and thats because i started feeling sick etc.. i don't normally test until i start having symptoms as i can't go by the missed period!

I wish i could up load pics of my tests but i don't know how? I also don't know how you quote what someone's said so it goes purple?

I really hope i haven't bored you all to tears and you kick me off here! lol! Sorry if i've gone on and on, it's nice to be able to let it all out tbh.

Hope you are all well and lots and lots of baby dust to all you lovely ladies xx

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