Please will someone wait with me??? AF or BFP due mid Sept!!

Hi ladies.. Thanks so much for the support.. I'm home now from surgery.. It went good and they were able to save my tube.. My oh has been great he took the week off work to be with me and spent the night in the hospital with me.. I'm really glad he's hear as it hurts to even try to get out of bed on my own..

It was really freaky going into surgery.. There was a girl that was booked right before me to have an ectopic pregnancy removed as well, and hers did not go so well ., her tube ruptured and things were rough .. It was so bad that my operation was pushed back a few hours.. It freaked me out.. As far as I know she ended being ok.
:hugs: so glad to hear your ok

Wow that is freaky! That's good that she's ok now.
I bet you were a little freaked out. Idk how I would handle something like that. Its tough to trust a Dr, esp one that's not yours
We all know how pur Drs can be sometimes lol

That's. So sweet of OH to stay the night with you.
Are you on bed rest for a while? Gotta get you one of them little bells lol

:hugs: so glad your ok Skeet
Lol I must addmit I have been stalking this thread to see when you'd return
Thanks icca.. A bell would be nice lol.. I've been lucky though oh is keeping very close to me.. Even when I nap he lays in bed beside me.. He left me once to go upstairs to watch tv but came down ever 10 min to see if I was ok.. The whole thing did freak me out, but to be honest I was more comfortable in the hands of my ob then my dr.. She is an amazing lady and so kind.. She was also the one that felt with my miscarriage and she completes the surgeries herself .. I swear that woman must work crazy hours. Even when she broke the news to me.. She gave me a huge hug and sat with me until I was calmer .. She always takes my concerns seriously and quickly.. With in one day she had me diagnosed .. I don't think I would have been able to keep my tube if it wasn't for her
She sounds awesome! , your lucky to have a comittedDr, she must ready love what she does.
Your prob right too about the tube, if you would have went longer it might have caused serious damage. You are truly blessed! :)

Lol my Drs quick but he don't listen
My actual dr doesn't listen unless I really put my foot down.. I'm glad he recommends be to the ob early .. I am considering myself very lucky considering the whole situation it could have been worse.. I figured Monday night something was seriously wrong because I had such bad cramps in my right side that shot down into my groin and kept me awake all night
Glad your ok

I was in complete shock when you posted the news. My DH even asked me what was wrong
Thanks icca :hugs: I was in shock too but I had a feeling during my ultra sound something was wrong .. As she kept focusing where my pain was and she asked if I had history of cysts or any other issues with my uterus, or Fallopian tubes.

She did warn me a head of time I couldn't ask questions because it was scheduled as an emergency ultra sound..

Overall I'm handling it really well compared to my mc.. My oh said he keeps waiting for me to have a break down and he's a little worried that I haven't really cried except when I found out.. I keep wondering if it's the pain and the drugs that are preventing me from grieving
Jen I'm so glad your ok, I was so worried and scared for you. I'm so glad you have a great doc Luke that. I wish my dc was so great. Mines an arse forreal lol

I'm glad that they got there in time to be able to save your tubes... Atleast you can still have kids and you are alive. What u went through is so shocking when I saw what you wrote I got goose bumps and feel so bad. I'm so glad your ok.

Love the fact your OH is there for you and has taken some time off to be there and take care of you... Just goes to show just how much you mean to him :)

What did the docs have to do? Did they say when you can bed or begin to try again?

I'm gutted for you but soo happy to know your ok xxxx
:wave:How's everyone doing today?

You feeling any better Skeet?

BabyD where you at in your cycle? I always forget :blush: (you don't have a ticker)
I'm trying to do something new with my ticker but B&B won't let me :sad:
Lol I'm only 50% sure what I'm doing, I'm not all that great with computers lol I still haven't quite figured out how to up load a pic yet.
Once I do I can share my POAS addiction with you all! :rofl:
Thank you do much for your concern .. The doc performed lacroscopy surgery ( think that is what it is called) they but an incision in my belly button so that they could insert a camera.. Then they put 2 incisions in my stomach so they could cut the Fallopian tube to remove the baby.. Then sewed me back up.. I have to go back in two weeks do she can check how I'm healing and we will discuss the steps for continued ttc.. However she did inform me that I am High risk of having it happen again and that I will be considered high risk pregnancy from now on ( no chance of midwife now) which I don't mind cause my ob has been amazing through ny mc now my ectopic.. I have to call the office today and ask a few questions as my ob left shortly after my surgery as she had a long day and apparently a horrible ectopic surgery before mine that did not go well.

I'm so happy oh was with me all night and is continuing to stay by my side it makes things do much easier just to have him hear.. Emotionally so far I'm handling this better then I did my mc, however I think it has to do with my life being at risk.. I'm sure it the emotional pain will sink in after the physical pain is gone and I'm out of pain meds :)

I'm just happy they saved my tube and I still have a chance of getting preg every month instead of every other ..
What you trying to do with your ticker?

To post a pic go to advanced reply and down at the bottom you can manage attachments .. From there you can upload any pic u want :)

I'm still feeling pretty rough it's hard to move around .. But thanks for asking :)
lol let me know if you need any help!! I'm kind of bed ridden anyways so I dont have much else to do :)
aghhhh!! I just talked to my dr..turns out no work for 2 soccer for 6 weeks...and the worst one yet..NO sex for 6 weeks!!!!! Ugh....I'm going to have to live through you ladies for awhile
It's good that you are holding up Skeet but don't ever think that you just HAVE to be strong> I really admire how you are seeing the positive side of the horrible thing that has happened to you. Its great that you know you will have expert help as soon as you get pregnant again (which I bet will be quick). Annoying you have to wait a few weeks but we want you all healed up properly!! I just wondered why there is more risk of it happening again tho? Is it scarring or something? I would have thought they would have made everything all smooth before they sewed you back up? Why do ectopics happen in the 1st place? Was your tube a bit blocked to start with? Sorry about all the questions xxx
I know that's horrible to have sex for 6 weeks but atleast you can get pregnant I'm so happy for that as well as your still here talking to us. Have grown closer to you girls would be devastated if anything would of happened to you ;)

Hopefully in a month or two you will be able to enjoy sex and possibility of getting your bfp again :)

Icca when you do find out how todo it you will realise just how easy it is lol

Have you got a photobucket account? Once you upload pics to there all you have to do is put that pic code ( which is under the photo) you just put in straight in here and then it automatically uploads it's self. Maybe that alot easier for you? It's free and it's very easy to use :)

As for me just waiting for this af to go so i can wait another bloody two week to ovulate. Feels like such a long long long wait this month. Just 6 months now is getting me dwn.. Mc last month so I pray to god this will be a good month.

Icca can't wait to see your Opk ;) xx
Skeet I'm so relieved that you are alright and so glad that OH is so great to you. I must admit the other day when you talked about spotting I wasn't so concerned but when you mentioned pain I was very worried and would check back often to see if there was an update. 6 weeks sounds like a long time but you really do need the time to heal properly.
To answer the question about repeat ectopic. It is a low number but once your fallopian tube is damaged it can restrict the normal movement of the fertilized egg due to a narrowed tube.

Skeet sounds like your ob is great and she probably told you this but when you do get pregnant in the future, make sure you make an early appt so that they monitor for this.

Take good care of yourself.

I'm bored of these twws there's nothing I can do but wait and it's killing me. Why can't you just take some kind of supplement when you want to get pregnant and be done with it????

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