hopie -- hope the doctor had some ideas now that the zofran isn't working for you. You can't rely on IV meds for long! Feel better soon.
Uni -- so glad you're feeling more positive, though there's nothing wrong with a meltdown either. It means those negative feelings are out there instead of festering inside of you
Wishing_well -- congrats and welcome! I really hope that this is the one for you.
Me, I'm deep in paranoia. I don't have any proper nausea yet and I'm struggling against the feeling that the baby has died again. No way to know until my 7-week scan, though if only I'd start to feel sick then I'd be able to hold on a bit better.
Wishing_well, hang in there! I had something similar -- mild nausea to about 4w5d then nothing. It started again yesterday, though, and this time it's much stronger. Hope yours will do the same.
Have you been given any reasons for your repeated losses?
Hopie, I'm so glad your little one is doing so well. The SCH isn't good news, but if it isn't too big then I've heard of a lot of pregnancies where they resolve on their own. Hang in there and take it easy!!
Me, I had my digi 3+ this morning which is a huge reassurance. Last pregnancy I could never get past 2-3. Nausea is starting to kick in too, which is another reassurance. My viability scan is at 7+2, which is just under 2 weeks away. By then I'll have a pretty good idea myself of whether this is a keeping baby or not.
Hope everybody else is planning a good weekend.
uni, I hear you. I am bloated too. My tummy feels and look likes second trimester too.
Ladies, how many of you are having symptoms? I am 5+3 But, hardly any symptoms so, I am kinda worried. it kind of feels like last mc.