Spring/Summer IUI support thread

Welcome bookgeek!

So I am 3dpo not sure when I will really test. It depends what happens on Friday if my progesterone is low they use another trigger shot to boost progesterone so testing would be useless. I don't know I'd hate to see a BFN too. I will see how next week goes.

I feel pretty cruddy. My boobs are sore, I have heartburn, Nausea and some cramps. It like early pregnancy symptoms. I know it's impossible at 3 DPO. I blame the trigger but I never felt this way after 2 triggers from IVF. I just want to sleep.
danser55- I was just about to call you and Kate26 out to see how you ladies were doing. I've read that some woman did get symptoms that early if not earlier. I've also read that some woman just knew they were pregnant. Get some rest and try not to worry to much. Your got this darling
An opk is only positive if the test line is as dark or darker than the control line. So a light line would mean not positive. There are some women that see progression but none of the tests matter until it is as dark as control.

thank you. they last opk i took the line was just as dark as the control. so that is goodright? im hopeful.
Danser: I knew 3 dpo but mine wasn't a trigger. The hcg shot can definitely give you symptoms so it is hard to say.

Bteague: that sounds perfect. Fx for you!
Being pregnant and knowing at 3 DPO is impossible really because- science. At 3 dpo if anything has fertilized it is still at the 16 cell stage, it is not until the blastocyst stage 5-6 DPO where anything can hatch to attach to the uterus lining. The symptoms are from the trigger, even if something were to implant early it still would take a few days for me to have legit pregnancy systems.

This is all just me being miserable from the trigger. :-(
realfemme I hope things continue to look good for the iui this weekend!
and my own experience tells me otherwise. I'm not saying I felt anything because of hcg but my body did react to the fertilization. at 3 dpo I was suddenly feeling flushed and feverish. I was tingly all over. I had a dizzy spell and my boobs started to tingle. And it just continued on from there each day until I finally got a positive test at 13dpo.
realfemme - thanks for thinking of me :) I'm doing great, after getting great results from the second blood test I feel like I can breathe easily now. My mom knows about everything we've been doing and she was saying how important it is to just enjoy the experience of being pregnant, especially the first time, so that's what I'm trying to do. Very excited to see the ultrasound in a couple of weeks!

danser - if you read back to just after I had the IUI's done, I 100% felt like I "knew" it worked, I know scientifically there is no way I could have known, but I was so sure that it worked, can't really explain it, but deep down I was positive
This cycle was my first time getting the hcG trigger shot. It's been 5 days now. My boobs are still extremely sore. It's so deceiving how the shot causes pregnancy symptoms. I feel like I can't even enjoy "symptom spotting" bc I know anything I'm experiencing is caused by injecting pregnancy hormone into my system.

For those that have done the trigger shot -- how long is it going to play mind games with me?

I am 5 days out from my trigge-r my boobs are still sore, I am bloated, have some nausea, heartburn- basically it feels like being pregnant. It's a mind fuck really.
The thing is when I did my IVF cycles I did 2 trigger shots and I didn't feel this way from them. I'm only 3 dpo so it's not any real pregnancy symptoms. It's probably psychological.

The 2WW is hard enough -- but now I have this F'n trigger shot play games with me! :dohh:
Kate- I wish I knew if it worked or not. I really want it to, but I don't know what to think really. We have had so many disappointments with fertility treatments, it's hard to get my hopes up anymore. It's more painful to get my hopes and be disappointed.
temp is on it's way down and I feel AF brewing. The timing was just all off this cycle. I want to get in for another consultation before everything starts up again. I want to increase my femara dosage, schedule the first ultrasound for sooner than it was, and ask questions about the saline ultrasound that I'll be scheduling too. everything feels so rushed now but hopefully it will keep me occupied and busy.
danser55- Thank you

Kate26- You're so welcome. And your mom is right honey.....Enjoy these days and that beautiful glow that's coming.

AFM- I'm still not there yet but I'll be going back again Friday for blood work and ultrasound. It went from 11.4 to 15.5 so I'm making progress.
Beemeck I'm sorry you feel out for this cycle.

realfemme I hope they continue to grow even more! FX for you.
danser - completely understandable, I'm sure a lot of my thinking it worked was just because I wanted it to so badly the first time, it would be hard to not be more realistic if I had struggles before this. I really do think that positive thinking goes a long way though :)

beemeck - I'm sorry you feel like you are out. Sounds like you have a good plan to get things timed better next time around. I did have AF type cramps and that one spotting incident even after my BFP so you aren't out yet!!

realfemme - progress is good! hopefully by Friday everything is ready to go!
Beemeck you aren't out until she shows or you get a blood test. Your last 3 temps have open circles so they could be off. Are you going to test or just wait until she is late?

If you aren't having a solid plan for next time is great. especially knowing you can ovulate the same day as a positive opk. what dose of femara are you on now?

Danser: Try to stay positive. The trigger definitely plays with the body and gives you all the symptoms. Someone women know at fertilization, some women go 9 months without ever knowing. The body is a mysterious thing.

AFM: still waiting to hear from the doc. It's been just over a week so hopefully soon. I'm on day 7 of provera again and it's starting to turn bad. I'm so over emotional right now. My best friend might be pregnant. Which is great but at the same time I'm irritated because they haven't really been trying and just doing it whenever they feel like it. She hasn't been talking to me about this stuff much and she mentioned it in passing that she might be. All of a sudden she is pinning baby stuff on pinterest and I had to flat out ask her if she was. I really wanted to be pregnant before her or at the same time. I'm 10 years older than her and I feel so behind schedule.
I'm sorry Aayla it sucks when others become pregnant before you or become pregnant so easily.
She is coming over to test on my lunch break ( I work at my parent's house). I am super excited and I will be nothing but supportive. She is my best friend and I know part of the reason she doesn't talk about it much is to spare any heartache on my end. And most days I am good. And I can't wait to start cross stitching something for her. These damn pills make me bipolar. Oh I wish the doc would call.
She is coming over to test on my lunch break ( I work at my parent's house). I am super excited and I will be nothing but supportive. She is my best friend and I know part of the reason she doesn't talk about it much is to spare any heartache on my end. And most days I am good. And I can't wait to start cross stitching something for her. These damn pills make me bipolar. Oh I wish the doc would call.

My BFF is pregnant with #2 and due in about 2 weeks. I've tried to be an excited friend sometimes it's hard and sometimes I am really excited for her. She is pretty sensitive to me and my situation as well.
Congrats kate26.

That's tough aayla, I'd be upset too which is why I don't share our journey with people I know irl. Only online.

Just checking in with you ladies. I'm reading along. Afm i'm Cd26 on a resting cycle and getting weekly bloodwork in an attempt to try to catch my estrogen very low. I had bloods today and my estrodiol was still 188. I think I ov'd on cd 16 so if that's the case I should be excepting af by monday. I wish I would have done opks and tempted this cycle so I could he more prepared. I'm calling my nurse tomorrow because I have a feeling were going to mess this up for next cycle too and there is literally nothing I can do about it. I'd feel much better if I did the bloods next Monday instead of wednesday. Just in case.
Oh everyone knows my story. I have been very open about my infertility with my family and friends on my social media.

Right now it is hard because the provera is making me crazy. She came over and tested. It was negative. Part of me was relieved and also sad. But it has lit a fire for them to actually try seriously. And I really am excited for them. I know how exciting it is to try.

If only my doc could call so I can stop the provera. Lol

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